Foreign Trade Policy 2023


Duty Exemption / Remission Schemes

(Relevant Procedure Chapter 4)

4.00 Objective

Schemes under this Chapter enable duty free import  of inputs for export  production, including replenishment of inputs or duty remission.

4.01 Schemes

(a) Duty Exemption Schemes.

The Duty Exemption schemes consist of the following:

(b) Duty Remission Scheme.

Duty Drawback (DBK) Scheme, administered by Department of Revenue.

*(c) Scheme for Rebate on State and Central Taxes and Levies (RoSCTL), as notified by the Ministry of Textiles.

*(d) Schemes for Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP) notified by Department of Commerce and administered by Department of Revenue.

4.02 Applicability of Policy & Procedures

Authorisation   under this Chapter shall be issued in accordance with the Policy and Procedures in force on the date of issue of the Authorisation.

*4.03 Advance Authorisation

(a) Advance Authorisation is issued to allow duty free import of input, which is physically incorporated in export  product (making normal allowance for wastage). In addition, fuel, oil, catalyst which is consumed / utilized in the process of production of export product, may also be allowed.

(b) Advance Authorisation is issued for inputs in relation to resultant product, on the following basis:

(i) As per Standard Input Output Norms (SION) notified (available in Hand Book of Procedures);


(ii) On the basis of self declaration as per paragraph 4.07 of Handbook of Procedures.


(iii) Applicant-specific prior fixation of norm by the Norms Committee as per para 4.06 of Handbook of Procedures.


(iv) On the basis of Self Ratification Scheme in terms of Para 4.06 of Foreign Trade Policy.

4.04 Advance Authorisation for Spices

Duty free import of spices covered under Chapter-9 of ITC (HS) shall be permitted only for activities like crushing / grinding / sterilization / manufacture  of oils or oleoresins. Authorisation shall not be available for simply cleaning, grading, re-packing, etc.

*4.04 A Special Advance Authorisation Scheme for export of Articles of Apparel and Clothing accessories

Duty free import of fabric under ‘Special Advance Authorisation Scheme for export of Articles of Apparel and Clothing Accessories’ shall be allowed, as per Customs Notification issued for this scheme, for export of items covered under Chapter 61 and 62 of ITC(HS) Classification of Export  and Import  , subject to the following terms and conditions:

(i) The authorisation shall be issued based on Standard Input Output Norms (SION) or prior fixation of norms by Norms Committee.

(ii) The authorisation may also be issued on the basis of self-declaration as per para 4.07 of HBP. In such cases, adhoc-norms shall be fixed within stipulated time period of 90 days.

(iii) The authorisation shall be issued for the import of relevant fabrics including inter lining only as input. No other input, packing material, fuel, oil and catalyst shall be allowed for import under this authorisation.

(iv) Exporters  shall be eligible for All Industry Rate of Duty Drawback, for non fabric inputs, as determined by Central Government for this scheme. For the purpose of value addition norm of Para 4.08 of FTP, the value of any other input used on which benefit of Drawback is claimed or intended to be claimed shall be equal to 22% of the FOB value of export realised. Minimum value addition shall be as per Para 4.09 of FTP.

(v) Where the exporter desires to claim drawback determined and fixed by Jurisdictional Customs Authority (brand rate), he shall follow Para 4.15 of FTP regarding declarations to be made in application for the authorisation and make export under claim for brand rate. In such cases the value addition shall be as per Para 4.08 of FTP. Minimum value addition shall be as per Para 4.09 of FTP.

(vi) Authorisation  , and the fabric imported, shall be subject to actual user   condition. The same shall be non transferable even after completion of export obligation  . However fabric imported may be transferred for job work in terms of provisions of GST Acts under intimation to the Customs authority at the port of registration (excluding the units located in areas eligible for area based exemption from Central Excise Duty). Invalidation of the Authorisation shall not be permitted.

(vii) The fabric imported shall be subject to pre-import condition and it shall be physically incorporated in the export product (making normal allowance for wastage). Only Physical exports shall fulfill the export obligation.

(viii) Provisions of paragraphs 4.02, 4.05(a), 4.13(i), 4.13(ii), 4.14, 4.15, 4.17, 4.19, 4.21(i), 4.21(ii), 4.21(iii), 4.21(iv), 4.22, and 4.23 of Foreign Trade Policy shall be applicable in so far as they are not inconsistent with this scheme.

4.05 Eligible Applicant / Export /Supply

(a) Advance Authorisation can be issued either to a manufacturer exporter  or merchant exporter  tied to supporting manufacturer  .

(b) Advance Authorisation for pharmaceutical products manufactured through Non-Infringing (NI) process (as indicated in paragraph 4.18 of Handbook of Procedures) shall be issued to manufacturer exporter only.

(c) Advance Authorisation shall be issued for:

(i) Physical export (including export to SEZ)

(ii) Intermediate supply; and/or

*(iii) Supply of goods to the categories mentioned in paragraph 7.02 (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) and (g) of this FTP.

(iv) Supply of ‘stores  ’ on board of foreign going vessel / aircraft, subject to condition that there is specific Standard Input Output Norms in respect of item supplied.

*4.06 Self-Ratification Scheme

(i) Where there is no SION/valid Adhoc Norms for an export product or where SION has been notified but exporter  intends to use additional inputs in the manufacturing process, eligible exporter can apply for an Advance Authorisation under this scheme on self declaration and self ratification basis. The expression “additional inputs” refers not to additionality in terms of quantity/value of an input specified in a norm, but to another additional input. Say, if the inputs specified in the norm are X1 and X2 only, then input Y would represent an additional input. RA Regional Authority may issue Advance Authorisations and such cases need not be referred to Norms Committees for ratification of norms. Application under this scheme shall be made along with a Certificate from Chartered Engineer in the prescribed format.

(ii) A Certificate from a Chartered Engineer who has been not been penalised in the last five years under FT(D&R) Act 1992,Customs Act 1962, Central Excise Act 1944, GST Acts and allied acts and rules  made there under shall only be accepted for grant of Authorisation   under this scheme.

(iii) Detailed procedure for administering the scheme shall be prescribed in the Handbook of Procedures.

(iv) An exporter (manufacturer or merchant), who holds AEO Certificate under Common Accreditation Programme of CBEC Central Board of Excise and Customs is eligible to opt for this scheme.

(v) A status holder who is a manufacturer cum actual user   and holds valid 2-star or above status under para 1.25 of FTP and who has already submitted its application for grant of AEO on CBIC’s AEO portal is also eligible to apply for this scheme subject to following conditions:-

a) Status holder submits copy of numbered and dated acknowledgement of its application for grant of AEO.

b) Status holder undertakes to the DGFT that –

(i) Their application for grant of AEO certification has not yet been rejected;

(ii) There is no case of infringement of Customs and allied laws against the status holder in the current year and last three FYs.

(iii) Status holder has not been issued show cause notice by Customs or GST authorities in the current year and last three FYs.

(iv) Status holder has positive net current assets.

(v) There are no insolvency, bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings taken against the status holder in the current year and last three FYs.

c) If status holder is unable to obtain the AEO certification within 120 days from date of application under this scheme para, the exporter  agrees that the facility under this para shall stand withdrawn and he (status holder) will be bound to approach the concerned Norms Committee of DGFT for fixation of norms and to abide by the decision of the said Committee.

d) In case of situation as at (c) above, no further authorisation under this scheme para will be issued.

e) The DGFT may deny authorisation under this scheme para to two star and above status holder based on its risk management principles.

f) Status holder shall be audited by the DGFT as laid down in the Handbook of Procedures.

(vi) The scheme shall not be available for the following export products:

a) All items covered under Chapter-1 to 24 and Chapter-71of ITC(HS) Classification;

b) Biotechnology items and related products; and

c) SCOMET  items.

(vii) The scheme shall not be available for the following inputs:

A. All vegetable / edible oils classified under Chapter-15 and all types of oilseeds classified under Chapter-12 of ITC (HS)book;

B. All types of cereals classified under Chapter–10 of ITC (HS) book;

C. Horn, hoof and any other organ of animal;

D. Wild animal  products, organs and waste thereof;

E. Honey;

F. All items with basic customs duty of 30% or more;

G. All types of fruits/ nuts/ vegetables classified under Chapter-7 and Chapter-8 of ITC (HS) book;

H. Items covered under heading 2515, 2516, 3301, 3302, 3303, 6801 and 6802 of ITC(HS) Classification;

I. Items covered under Chapter 50 to 63 of ITC(HS) classification.

J. Acetic Anhydride, Ephedrine and Pseudoephedrine;

K. Vitamins;

L. Biotechnology items and related products;

M. Insecticides, Rodenticides, Fungicides, Herbicides, Anti sprouting products, and plant growth regulators, disinfectants and similar products of all forms, types and grades;

N. Waste/Scrap of all types; and

O. Second hand goods.

(viii) Inputs imported shall be subject to pre import condition and they shall be physically incorporated in the export product (making normal allowance for wastage). In case of local procurement under invalidation/ARO Advance Release Order, the inputs shall be procured prior to manufacture  of export  item and shall be physically incorporated in the export product.

(ix) Wherever value of by-products and recoverable wastage generated during manufacturing process is more than 5% of CIF value, corresponding quantity of main input shall be reduced from the entitlement to the extent that value of disallowed quantity is equal to the value of by-products and recoverable wastage generated during manufacturing process.

(x) Concerned Norms Committee may conduct audit of the manufacturer. The frequency and manner of audit shall be prescribed by DGFT in Handbook of Procedures. The manufacturer shall be required to provide the necessary facility to verify the books of account/other documents as required, give information and assistance for timely completion of the audit. Non-availability of production and consumption documents/data shall be treated as misdeclaration and indulgence in fraudulent activities and shall be penalised under FT(D&R) Act, as amended and rules  made there under.

(xi) Concerned Norms Committee may initiate special audit, considering the nature and complexity of the case and revenue of government, if he is of the opinion at any stage of scrutiny/enquiry/investigation that the norms have not been claimed correctly or the excess benefit has been availed. Special audit can be in manufacturing process or excess quantity of inputs than consumed, demand and recovery actions will be initiated in addition to initiation of action against the authorisation holder, manufacturer and Chartered Engineer in terms of Foreign Trade Development and Regulation Act 1992 and/or Customs Act 1962, as amended and rules made there under.

(xii) If the audit results in detection of mis-declaration and/ or instances of claiming of inputs which are not used in manufacturing process or excess quantity of inputs than consumed, demand and recovery actions will be initiated in addition to initiation of action against the authorisation holder, manufacturer and Chartered Engineer in terms of Foreign Trade Development and Regulation Act 1992 and/or Customs Act 1962, as amended and rules made there under.

(xiii) In cases where Chartered Engineer has not exercised due diligence or has willfully become party to mis- declaration action will be initiated under against such person  under FT(D&R) Act 1992, as amended and rules made there under. In addition, such cases shall also be referred to ‘The Institute of Engineers India’ for taking action as warranted under the bylaws of the institute.

(xiv) All the provisions applicable for Advance Authorisation Scheme shall be applicable to this scheme also in so far they are not inconsistent with this scheme.

*4.07 Advance Authorisation for Annual Requirement and Eligibility Condition

(i) Advance Authorisation for Annual Requirement shall only be issued for items notified in Standard Input Output Norms (SION). And it shall not be available in case of adhoc norms under paragraph 4.03 (b) (ii) of FTP.

(ii) Advance Authorisation for Annual Requirement shall also not be available in respect of SION where any item of input appears in Appendix 4-J.

(iii) Exporters  having past export  performance (in at least preceding two financial years) shall be entitled for Advance Authorisation for Annual requirement.

(iv) Entitlement in terms of CIF value of imports  shall be upto 300% of the FOB value of physical export and / or FOR Freight on Road and Rails value of deemed export in preceding financial year or Rs 1 Crore, whichever is higher.

4.08 Value Addition

Value Addition for the purpose of this Chapter (except for Gems and Jewellery sector for which value addition is prescribed in paragraph 4.37 of FTP) shall be:-

VA =A – B x100, where

A =FOB value of export realized/FOR value of supply received.

B =CIF value of inputs covered by Authorisation  , plus value of any other input used on which benefit of DBK is claimed or intended to be claimed.

*4.09 Minimum Value Addition

(i) Minimum value addition required to be achieved under Advance Authorisation is 15%.

(ii) Export Products where value addition could be less than 15% are given in Appendix 4D.

(iii) Minimum value addition for Gems & Jewellery Sector is given in paragraph 4.60 of Handbook of Procedures.

(iv) In case of Tea, minimum value addition shall be 50%.

*(v) In case of spices, minimum value addition shall be 25%.

4.10 Import  of Mandatory Spares 

Import of mandatory spares which are required to be exported / supplied with the resultant product shall be permitted duty free to the extent of 10% of CIF value of Authorisation.

*4.11 Ineligible categories of import on Self Declaration basis

(a) Import of following products shall not be permissible on self-declaration basis:

i. All vegetable / edible oils classified under Chapter- 15 and all types of oilseeds classified under Chapter- 12 of ITC (HS) book;

ii. All types of cereals classified under Chapter–10 of ITC (HS) book;

iii. All Spices other than light black pepper (light berries) having a basic customs duty of more than 30%, classified under Chapter-9 and 12 of ITC (HS)book;

iv. All types of fruits/ vegetables having a basic customs duty of more than 30%, classified under Chapter-7 and Chapter-8 of ITC(HS) book;

v. Horn, Hoof and any other organ of animal;

vi. Honey;

vii. Rough Marble Blocks/Slabs;

viii. Rough Granite;

ix. Vitamins except for use in pharmaceutical industry; and

x. All items with a basic custom duty of more than 30%.

(b) For export  of perfumes, perfumery compounds and various feed ingredients containing vitamins, no Authorisation   shall be issued by Regional Authority  under paragraph 4.07 of Handbook of Procedures and applicants shall be required to apply under paragraph 4.06 of Hand Book of Procedures to the Norms Committee.

(c) Where export and/or import of biotechnology items and related products are involved, Authorisation under paragraph 4.07 of Handbook of Procedures shall be issued by Regional Authority only on submission of a “No Objection Certificate” from Department of Biotechnology.

4.12 Accounting of Input

(i) Wherever SION permits use of either (a) a generic input or (b) alternative input, unless the name of the specific input together with quantity [which has been used in manufacturing the export product] gets indicated / endorsed in the relevant shipping bill and these inputs, so endorsed, within quantity specified and match the description in the relevant bill of entry, the concerned Authorisation will not be redeemed. In other words, the name/description of the input used (or to be used) in the Authorisation must match exactly with the name/description endorsed in the shipping bill.

(ii) In addition, if in any SION, a single quantity has been indicated against a number of inputs (more than one input), then quantities of such inputs to be permitted for import  shall be in proportion to the quantity of these inputs actually used/consumed in production, within overall quantity against such group of inputs. Proportion of these inputs actually used/consumed in production of export product shall be clearly indicated in shipping bills.

(iii) At the time of discharge of export obligation  (issue of EODC Export Obligation Discharge Certificate) or at the time of redemption, Regional Authority shall allow only those inputs which have been specifically indicated in the shipping bill together with quantity.

(iv) The above provisions will also be applicable for supplies to SEZs and supplies made under Deemed exports. Details as given above will have to be indicated in the relevant Bill of Export  , ARE-3 Application for Removal of Excisable Goods from a  factory or a warehouse to another  warehouse, Central Excise certified Invoice / import document / Tax Invoice for export prescribed under the GST rules.

4.13 Pre-import condition in certain cases

i. DGFT may, by Notification, impose pre-import condition for inputs under this Chapter.

ii. Import items subject to pre-import condition are listed in Appendix 4-J or will be as indicated in Standard Input Output Norms (SION).

4.14 Details of Duties exempted

Imports under Advance Authorisation are exempted from payment of Basic Customs Duty, Additional Customs Duty, Education Cess, Anti- dumping Duty, Countervailing Duty, Safeguard Duty, Transition Product Specific Safeguard Duty, wherever applicable. Import against supplies covered under paragraph 7.02 (c) & (f) of FTP will not be exempted from payment of applicable Anti-dumping Duty, Countervailing Duty, Safeguard Duty and Transition Product Specific Safeguard Duty, if any. However, imports under Advance Authorisation for physical as well as deemed exports are also exempt from whole of the Integrated Tax and Compensation Cess leviable under sub-section (7) and sub-section (9) respectively, of section 3 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975).

Refer:- Trade Notice No. 07/2023-2024 dt. 08.06.2023

4.15 Admissibility of Drawback

Drawback as per rate determined and fixed by Customs authority in terms of DoR Department of Revenue Rules shall be available for duty paid imported or indigenous inputs (not specified in the norms) used in the export product. For this purpose, applicant shall indicate clearly details of duty paid input in the application for Advance Authorisation. As per details mentioned in the application, Regional Authority  shall also clearly endorse details of such duty paid inputs in the condition sheet of the Advance Authorisation.

4.16 Actual User   Condition for Advance Authorisation

i. Advance Authorisation and / or material imported under Advance Authorisation shall be subject to ‘Actual User’ condition. The same shall not be transferable even after completion of export obligation  . However, Authorisation   holder will have option to dispose of product manufactured out of duty free input once export obligation is completed.

ii. In case where CENVAT/input tax credit facility on input has been availed for the exported goods, even after completion of export obligation, the goods imported against such Advance Authorisation shall be utilized only in the manufacture  of dutiable goods whether within the same factory or outside (by a supporting manufacturer  ). For this, the Authorisation holder shall produce a certificate from Chartered Accountant at the time of filing application for Export Obligation Discharge Certificate to Regional Authority concerned. An AEO having valid certificate has the option to produce self declaration to this effect.

iii. Waste / Scrap arising out of manufacturing process, as allowed, can be disposed off on payment of applicable duty even before fulfillment of export obligation.

4.17 Validity Period for Import  and its Extension

Validity period for import under Advance Authorisation shall be as prescribed in Handbook of Procedures.

4.18 Importability / Exportability of items that are Prohibited  / Restricted  / STE State Trading Enterprise

*i. No export  or import of an item shall be allowed under Advance Authorisation / DFIA Duty Free Import Authorisation if the item is prohibited for exports or imports respectively. Export of a prohibited item may be allowed under Advance Authorisation provided it is separately so notified, subject to the conditions given therein.

ii. Items reserved for imports by STEs cannot be imported against Advance Authorisation / DFIA. However, those items can be procured from STEs against ARO Advance Release Order or Invalidation letter. STEs are also allowed to sell goods on High Sea Sale basis to holders of Advance Authorisation / DFIA holder. STEs are also permitted to issue “No Objection Certificate (NOC)” for import by Advance Authorisation / DFIA holder and may charge a reasonable fee subject to a maximum of ₹5000 from the applicant.

iii. Items reserved for export by STE can be exported under Advance Authorisation / DFIA only after obtaining a ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the concerned STE.

iv. Import of restricted items shall be allowed under Advance Authorisation/DFIA unless specifically disallowed.

v. Export of restricted / SCOMET  items however, shall be subject to all conditionalities or requirements of export authorisation or permission, as may be required, under Schedule 2 of ITC (HS).

3[4.18A Importability of items under Advance Authorisation without mandatory Quality Control Orders (QCOs)

Import of Inputs under Advance Authorisation, without compliance to the mandatory QCOs, shall be subjected to the following conditions:

(i) Import of inputs under the Advance authorisation without compliance to the mandatory QCOs shall be with prc-import condition. Such inputs shall be utilised in the manufacturing of the export product (making normal allowance for wastage) and shall be exported under the same authorisation.

(ii) Exemption from mandatory QCOs shall be specifically endorsed in the Advance authorisation, upon the request of the authorisation holder. Imports under Authorisation without specific endorsement of exemption shall be made in accordance with mandatory QCOs.

(iii) Any unutilised imports or the products manufactured with inputs imported without compliance to the mandatory QCOs, shall not be transferred to DTA, even after regularisation of default in fulfilment of export obligation. For the purpose of this para, unutilised imports means imported inputs (without compliance of mandatory QCOs) which have not been accounted for, as per SION/Ad-hoc Norms, in the product exported under the same authorisation.

(iv) The unutilised imports shall be regularised as follows:

(a) The unutilised material shall be destroyed in the presence of jurisdictional GST/Customs authorities who shall certify the destruction of the goods or same may be re-exported; and in addition

(b) The AA holder shall pay duties/taxes/cesses exempted along with interest on the unutilsed exempted material to Customs Authorities plus composition fee of an amount equivalent to 10% of the CIF value of unutilized imported inputs to DGFT. Proof thereof shall be submitted to the RA concerned before grant of EODC.

(v) The exemption from QCO will be available for physical exports only and such exemption will not be allowed for deemed exports for Advance Authorisation Holders.

(vi) The facility of clubbing under para 4.36 of Handbook of Procedures (HBP), 2023 shall not be available.

(vii) The EO period for such authorizations shall be as per para 4.40 of Handbook of Procedures.

(viii) This exemption is further subjected to para 2.03 (c) of FTP.]

4.19 Free of Cost Supply by Foreign Buyer

Advance Authorisation shall also be available where some or all inputs are supplied free of cost to exporter  by foreign buyer. In such cases, notional value of free of cost input shall be added in the CIF value of import  and FOB value of export for the purpose of computation of value addition. However, realization of export proceeds will be equivalent to an amount excluding notional value of such input.

4.20 Domestic Sourcing of Inputs

i. Holder of an Advance Authorisation / Duty Free Import Authorisation can procure inputs from indigenous supplier/ State Trading Enterprise  /EOU/EHTP Electronic Hardware Technology Park/BTP Biotechnology Park/ STP in lieu of direct import. Such procurement can be against Advance Release Order (ARO), or Invalidation Letter.

ii. When domestic supplier intends to obtain duty free material for inputs through Advance Authorisation for supplying resultant product to another Advance Authorisation / DFIA Duty Free Import Authorisation /EPCG Authorisation, Regional Authority  shall issue Invalidation Letter.

iii. Regional Authority shall issue Advance Release Order if the domesticsupplier intends to seek refund of duties exempted through Deemed Exports mechanism as per provisions under Chapter-7 of FTP.

iv. Regional Authority may issue Advance Release Order or Invalidation Letter at the time of issue of Authorisation   simultaneously or subsequently.

v. Advance Authorisation holder under DTA can procure inputs from / SEZ units against Certificate of supply till EDI Electronic Data Interchange message system between SEZ and Customs is enabled.

vi. Validity of Advance Release Order / Invalidation Letter shall be co- terminous with validity of Authorisation.

4.21 Currency for Realisation of Export  Proceeds.

i. Export proceeds shall be realized in freely convertible currency or in Indian Rupees as per para 2.53 of FTP, except otherwise specified. Provisions regarding realisation and non-realisation of export proceeds are given in paragraph 2.52, 2.53 and 2.54 of FTP.

ii. Export to SEZ Units shall be taken into account for discharge of export obligation provided payment is under Schedule 2 of ITC (HS). realised from Foreign Currency Account of the SEZ unit.

iii. Export to SEZ Developers / Co-developers can also be taken into account for discharge of export obligation even if payment is realised in Indian Rupees.

*iv. Authorisation holder needs to file Bill of Export for export to SEZ unit/ developer  / co-developer in accordance with the procedures given in SEZ Rules, 2006.

4.22 Export Obligation  Period and its Extension

Period for fulfillment of export obligation and its extension under Advance Authorisation shall be as prescribed in Handbook of Procedures.

4.23 Re-import of exported goods under Duty Exemption/ Remission Scheme

Goods exported under Advance Authorisation/ Duty Free Import Authorisation may be re-imported in same or substantially same form subject to such conditions as may be specified by Department of Revenue. Authorisation holder shall also inform about such re- importation to the Regional Authority which had issued the Authorisation within one month from date of re-import.


*4.24 DFIA Scheme

(a) Duty Free Import Authorisation is issued to allow duty free import of inputs. In addition, import of oil and catalyst which is consumed/ utilised in the process of production of export product, may also be allowed.

*(b) Provisions of paragraphs 4.12, 4.18, 4.20, 4.21 and 4.23 of FTP shall be applicable to DFIA also.

(c) Import of Tyre under DFIA scheme is not allowed.

3[(d) Import of Inputs without compliance to the mandatory QCOs under DFIA scheme is not allowed.]

4.25 Duties Exempted

i. Duty Free Import Authorisation shall be exempted only from payment of Basic Customs Duty (BCD).

ii. Drawback as per rate determined and fixed by Customs authority shall be available for duty paid inputs, whether imported or indigenous, used in the export  product. However, in case such drawback is claimed for inputs not specified in SION, the applicant should have indicated clearly details of such duty paid inputs also in the application for Duty Free Import Authorisation, and as per the details mentioned in the application, the Regional Authority  should also have clearly endorsed details of such duty paid inputs in the condition sheet of the Duty Free Import Authorisation.

*4.26 Eligibility

i. Duty Free Import Authorisation shall be issued on post export basis for products for which Standard Input Output Norms have been notified.

ii. Merchant Exporter  shall be required to mention name and address of supporting manufacturer  of the export product on the export document viz. Shipping Bill/ Bill of Export / Tax Invoice for export prescribed under the GST rules.

iii. Application is to be filed with concerned Regional Authority before effecting export under Duty Free Import Authorisation.

iv. No Duty Free Import Authorisation shall be issued for an input which is subjected to pre-import condition or where SION prescribes ‘Actual User  ’ condition or Appendix-4J prescribes pre import condition for such an input.

4.27 Minimum Value Addition

Minimum value addition of 20% shall be required to be achieved.

4.28 Validity &Transferability of DFIA Duty Free Import Authorisation

(i) Applicant shall file online application to Regional Authority concerned before starting export  under DFIA.

(ii) Export shall be completed within 12 months from the date of online filing of application and generation of file number.

(iii) While doing export/supply, applicant shall indicate file number on the export /supply documents viz. Shipping Bill / Bill of Export / Tax invoice for supply prescribed under GST rules.

(iv) In terms of Para 4.12 of FTP, Wherever SION permits use of either (a) a generic input or (b) alternative input, the specific input together with quantity [which has been used in manufacturing the export product] should be indicated / endorsed in the relevant Shipping Bill/ Bill of Export / Tax invoice for supply prescribed under GST rules. Only such inputs may be permitted for import  in the authorisation   in proportion to the quantity of these inputs actually used/consumed in production, within overall quantity against such generic input/alternative input.

(v) In addition, if in any SION, a single quantity has been indicated against a number of inputs (more than one input), then quantities of such inputs to be permitted for import shall be in proportion to the quantity of these inputs actually used/consumed in production and declared in Shipping Bill / Bill of Export  / Tax invoice for supply prescribed under GST rules within overall quantity against such group of inputs. Proportion of these inputs actually used/consumed in production of export product shall be clearly indicated in Shipping Bill / Bill of Export / Tax invoice for supply prescribed under GST rules.

(vi) Separate DFIA shall be issued for each SION.

(vii) Exports under DFIA shall be made from any port listed in Para 4.35 of Handbook of Procedures. However, separate application shall be made for EDI Electronic Data Interchange and non- EDI ports. In case export is made from a non-EDI port, separate application shall be made for each non-EDI port.

(viii) Regional Authority  shall issue transferable DFIA with a validity of 12 months from the date of issue. No further revalidation shall be granted by Regional Authority.

4.29 Sensitive Items under Duty Free Import Authorisation

(a) In respect of following inputs, exporter  shall be required to provide declaration with regard to technical characteristics, quality and specification in Shipping Bill:

“Alloy steel including Stainless Steel, Copper Alloy, Synthetic Rubber, Bearings, Solvent, Perfumes / Essential Oil/ Aromatic Chemicals, Surfactants, Relevant Fabrics, Marble, Articles made of Polypropylene, Articles made of Paper and Paper Board, Insecticides, Lead Ingots, Zinc Ingots, Citric Acid, Relevant Glass fibre reinforcement (Glass fibre, Chopped / Stranded Mat, Roving Woven Surfacing Mat), Relevant Synthetic Resin (unsaturated Polyester Resin, Epoxy Resin, Vinyl Ester Resin, Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose), Lining Material”.

(b) While issuing Duty Free Import Authorisation, Regional Authority shall mention technical characteristics, quality and specification in respect of above inputs in the Authorisation.


4.30 Import  of Input

Exporters of Gems and Jewellery can import / procure duty free (excluding Integrated Tax and Compensation Cess leviable under Section 3(7) and 3(9) of Customs Tariff Act) input for manufacture  of export product.

4.31 Items of Export 

(i) “Gold jewellery, including partly processed jewellery, and articles including medallions and coins (excluding legal tender coins), whether plain or studded, containing gold of 8 carats and above up to a maximum limit of 22 carats.

Gold religious idols (only gods and goddess) of 8 carats and above (up to 24 carats) subject to the following conditions:

i) Exports would be subject to 100% examination by the Approved Government Valuer.

ii) Foreign remittance has to be realized within a period of 3 months from the date of export.

iii) Exporter  must submit confirmed export order  before effecting export.

iv) Distinction must be made between a religious idol and simply moulded gold article/idol.

v) Exports may be allowed only be actual manufactures of such idols.

The findings like posts, push backs, locks which help in collating the jewellery pieces together, containing gold of 3 carats and above up to a maximum limit of 22 carats.

(ii) Silver jewellery including partly processed jewellery, silverware, silver strips and articles including medallions and coins (excluding legal tender coins and any engineering goods) containing more than 50% silver by weight;

(iii) Platinum jewellery including partly processed jewellery and articles including medallions and coins (excluding legal tender coins and any engineering goods) containing more than 50% platinum by weight.

4.32 Schemes

The schemes are as follows:

(i) Advance Procurement/ Replenishment of Precious Metals from Nominated Agencies;

(ii) Replenishment Authorisation   for Gems;

(iii) Replenishment Authorisation for Consumables  ;

(iv) Advance Authorisation for Precious Metals.

4.33 Advance Procurement/ Replenishment of Precious Metals from Nominated Agencies

(i) Exporter  of gold / silver / platinum jewellery and articles thereof including mountings and findings may obtain gold/ silver / platinum as an input for export  product from Nominated Agency, in advance or as replenishment after export in accordance with the procedure specified in this behalf.

Replenishment of gold/silver/platinum will be subject to Customs notification No. 57/2000-Customs dated 08.05.2000, as amended.

(ii) The export would be subject to wastage norms and minimum value addition as prescribed in paragraph 4.59 and 4.60 respectively in the Handbook of Procedures.

4.34 Replenishment Authorisation for Gems

(i) Exporter may obtain Replenishment Authorisation for Gems from Regional Authority  in accordance with procedure specified in Handbook of Procedures as per the replenishment rate prescribed in Appendix 4F. Replenishment Authorisation for Gems shall be freely transferable.

(ii) Replenishment Authorisation for Gems may be issued against export including that made against supply by Nominated Agency (paragraph 4.40 of FTP) and against supply by foreign buyer (paragraph 4.44 of FTP).

(iii) In the case of studded gold/silver/platinum jewellery and articles thereof, the value of Gem Replenishment Authorisation shall be on the remaining FOB value of exports after deducting the value of gold/ silver/ platinum including admissible wastage. The scale of replenishment and the item of import  will be as prescribed in Appendix 4G.

4.35 Replenishment Authorisation for Consumables

(i) Replenishment Authorisation for duty free (excluding Integrated Tax and Compensation Cess leviable under Section 3(7) and 3(9) of Customs Tariff Act) import of Consumables  , Tools and other items namely, Tags and labels, Security censor on card, Staple wire, Poly bag (as notified by Customs) for Jewellery made out of precious metals (other than Gold & Platinum) equal to 2% and for Cut and Polished Diamonds and Jewellery made out of Gold and Platinum equal to 1% of FOB value of exports of the preceding year, may be issued on production of Chartered Accountant Certificate indicating the export  performance. However, in case of Rhodium finished Silver jewellery, entitlement will be 3% of FOB value of exports of such jewellery. This Authorisation shall be non- transferable and subject to actual user condition.

(ii) Application for import  of consumables as given above shall be filed online to the concerned Regional Authority in ANF 4H.

(d) Advance Authorisation Scheme is not available where the item of export is ‘Gold Medallions and Coins’ or ‘Gold jewellery/articles manufactured by fully mechanized process’.

4.36 Advance Authorisation for Precious Metals

(a) Advance Authorisation shall be granted on pre- import basis with ‘Actual User  ’ condition for duty free (excluding Integrated Tax and Compensation Cess leviable under Section 3(7) and 3(9) of Customs Tariff Act) import of:

(i) Gold of fineness not less than 0.995 and mountings, sockets, frames and findings of 8 carats and above;

(ii) Silver of fineness not less than 0.995 and mountings, sockets, frames and findings containing more than 50% silver by weight;

(iii) Platinum of fineness not less than 0.900 and mountings, sockets, frames and findings containing more than 50% platinum by weight.

(b) Advance Authorisation shall carry an export obligation  which shall be fulfilled as per procedure indicated in Chapter 4 of Handbook of Procedures.

(c) Value Addition shall be as per paragraph 4.37 of FTP and 4.60 of Handbook of Procedures.

4.37 Value Addition

Minimum Value Addition norms for gems and jewellery sector are given in paragraph 4.60 of Handbook of Procedures. It would be calculated as under:

VA =A – B x100, where

A = FOB value of the export realised/ FOR Freight on Road and Rails value of supply received.

B= Value of inputs (including domestically procured) such as gold/silver/platinum content in export  product plus admissible wastage along with value of other items such as gemstone etc. Wherever gold has been obtained on loan basis, value shall also include interest paid in free  foreign exchange to foreign supplier.

4.38 Wastage Norms

Wastage or manufacturing loss for gold/silver/platinum jewellery shall be admissible as per paragraph 4.59 of Handbook of Procedures.

4.39 DFIA Duty Free Import Authorisation not available

Duty Free Import Authorisation scheme shall not be available for Gems and Jewellery sector.

4.40 Nominated Agencies

(i) Exporters  may obtain gold / silver / platinum from Nominated Agency. Exporter in EOU and units in SEZ would be governed by the respective provisions of Chapter-6 of FTP / SEZ Rules, respectively.

(ii) Nominated Agencies are The Handicraft and Handlooms Exports Corporation of India Ltd, MSTC Metal Scrap Trade Corporation Ltd., and Diamond India Limited.

(iii) Reserve Bank of India can authorize any bank as Nominated Agency.

(iv) Procedure for import  of precious metal by Nominated Agencies shall be as per the provisions laid down in HBP. The procedure for import of precious metals by the Gems & Jewellery units operating under EOU & SEZ schemes will be as per the applicable schemes.

The monitoring mechanism for the Nominated Agencies (other than banks authorised by RBI) shall be as per para 4.93 of HBP.

(v) A bank authorised by Reserve Bank of India is allowed export  of gold scrap for refining and import standard gold bars as per Reserve Bank of India guidelines.

4.41 Import of Diamonds for Certification / Grading & Re-export

Following agencies are permitted to import diamonds to their laboratories without any import duty, for the purpose of certification / grading reports, with a condition that the same should be re-exported with the certification/grading reports, as per the procedure laid down in Hand Book of Procedures:

(1) Gemological Institute of America (GIA), Mumbai, Maharashtra.

(2) Indian Diamond Institute, Surat, Gujarat, India.

(3) De Beers India Private Ltd., Surat, Gujarat, India.

(4) HRD Diamond Institute Private Limited, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

(5) International Gemological Institute (India) Pvt. Ltd., Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai,

(6) Gemological Science International (GSI) Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

4.42 Export of Cut & Polished Diamonds for Certification/ Grading & Re-import

List of authorized laboratories for certification / grading of diamonds of 0.25 carat and above are given in paragraph 4.73 of Handbook of Procedures.

4.43 Export of Cut & Polished Diamonds with Re-import Facility at Zero Duty

An exporter  (with annual export turnover of Rs 5 crores for each of the last three years) or the authorized offices/ agencies in India of laboratories mentioned under paragraph 4.73 of Hand Book of Procedures may export cut & polished diamonds (each of 0.25 carat or above) to any of the agencies/laboratories mentioned under paragraph 4.73 of Handbook of Procedures with re-import facility at zero duty within 3 months from the date of export. Such facility of re- import at zero duty will be subject to guidelines issued by Central Board of Customs & Excise, Department of Revenue.

4.44 Export  against Supply by Foreign Buyer

(i) Where export orders  are placed on nominated agencies / status holder / exporters of three years standing having an annual average turnover of Rupees five crores during preceding three financial years, foreign buyer may supply in advance and free of charge, gold/silver/ platinum, alloys, findings and mountings of gold / silver / platinum for manufacture  and export.

(ii) Such supplies can also be in advance and may involve semi- finished jewellery including findings / mountings / components for repairs / re-make and export subject to minimum value addition as prescribed under paragraph 4.60 of Handbook of Procedures. In such cases of export, wastage norms as per paragraph 4.59 of Handbook of Procedures shall apply.

(iii) Exports may be made by nominated agencies directly or through their associates or by status holder / exporter. Import  and Export of findings shall be on net to net basis.

4.45 Export Promotion Tours/ Export of Branded Jewellery

(i) Nominated Agencies and their associates, with approval of Department of Commerce and with approval of Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), may export gold / silver / platinum jewellery and articles thereof for exhibitions abroad.

(ii) Personal carriage of gold / silver / platinum jewellery, precious, semi-precious stones, beads and articles and export of branded jewellery is also permitted, subject to conditions as in Handbook of Procedures.

4.46 Personal Carriage of Export /Import Parcels

Personal carriage of gems and jewellery export parcels by foreign bound passengers and import parcels by an Indian importer  /foreign national may be permitted as per the Handbook of Procedures.

4.47 Export by Post

Export of jewellery through Foreign Post Office including via Speed Post is allowed. The jewellery parcel shall not exceed 20 kgs by weight.

4.48 Private / Public Bonded Warehouse

Private / Public Bonded Warehouses may be set up in SEZ/ DTA for import and re-export of cut and polished diamonds, cut and polished coloured gemstones, uncut & unset precious & semi- precious stones, subject to achievement of minimum value addition of 5% by DTA units.

4.49 Special Notified Zone (SNZ)

Import, auction/sale and re-export of rough diamonds by entities, as notified vide RBI Notification 116 of 1st April, 2014, as amended from time to time, on consignment or outright basis, will be permitted in Special Notified Zone (SNZ) administered by the operator of SNZ, under supervision of Customs. The procedure of import, auction/ sale and re- export of rough diamonds (unsold) would be as specified by CBIC.

4.50 Diamond & Jewellery Dollar Accounts

(a) Firms and companies dealing in purchase / sale of rough or cut and polished diamonds / precious metal jewellery plain, minakari and / or studded with / without diamond and / or other stones with a track record of at least three years in import  or export  of diamonds / coloured gemstones / diamond and coloured gemstones studded jewellery / plain gold jewellery and having an average annual turnover of Rs. 3 crore or above during preceding three licensing years may also carry out their business through designated Diamond Dollar Accounts(DDA).

(b) Dollars in such accounts available from bank finance and / or export proceeds shall be used only for:

(i) Import / purchase of rough diamonds from overseas/ local sources;

(ii) Purchase of cut and polished diamonds, coloured gemstones and plain gold jewellery from local sources;

(iii) Import / purchase of gold from overseas / nominated agencies and repayment of dollar loans from the bank; and

(iv) Transfer to Rupee Account of exporter  . Details of this DDA Diamond Dollar Accounts Scheme are given in Handbook of Procedures.

(c) A non DDA holder is also permitted to supply cut and polished diamonds to DDA holder, receive payment in dollars and convert the same into Rupees within 7 days. Cut and polished diamonds and coloured gemstones so supplied by non-DDA holder will also be counted towards discharge of his export obligation  and/ or entitle him to replenishment Authorisation  .

4.51 Export of cut & polished precious and semi-precious stones for treatment and re- import

Gems and Jewellery exporters  shall be allowed to export cut and polished precious and semi-precious stones for the treatment and re- import as per customs rules and regulations. In case of re-export, the exporter shall be entitled for duty drawback as per rules  .

4.52 Re-import of rejected Jewellery

Gems & Jewellery exporters shall be allowed to re-import rejected precious metal jewellery as per paragraph 4.90 of Handbook of Procedures.

4.53 Export and import  on consignment basis

Gems & Jewellery exporters shall be allowed to export and import diamond, gemstones & jewellery on consignment basis as per Handbook of Procedures and Customs Rules and Regulations.


*4.54 Scheme Objective and Operating Principles

i. The Scheme’s objective is to refund, currently un- refunded:

a. Duties/ taxes / levies, at the Central, State and local level, borne on the exported product, including prior stage cumulative indirect taxes on goods and services  used in the production of the exported product and

b. Such indirect Duties/ taxes / levies in respect of distribution of exported product.

ii. The rebate under the Scheme shall not be available in respect of duties and taxes already exempted or remitted or credited.

iii. The determination of ceiling rates under the Scheme will be done by a Committee in the Department of Revenue/Drawback Division with suitable representation of the DoC Department of Commerce/DGFT, line ministries and experts, on the sectors prioritized by Department of Commerce and Department of Revenue.

iv. The overall budget/outlay for the RoDTEP Scheme would be finalized by the Ministry of Finance in consultation with Department of Commerce (DoC), taking into account all relevant factors.

v. The Scheme will operate in a Budgetary framework for each financial year and necessary calibrations and revisions shall be made to the Scheme benefits, as and when required, so that the projected remissions for each financial year are managed within the approved Budget of the Scheme. No provision for remission of arrears or contingent liabilities is permissible under the Scheme to be carried over to the next financial year.

vi. The sequence of introduction of the Scheme across sectors, prioritization of the sectors to be covered, degree of benefit to be given on various items within the rates recommended by the Committee and within a ceiling as may be prescribed, on the per item/total overall benefit amount permissible, within the overall budget/ outlay finalized, will be decided and notified by the Department of Commerce (DoC) in consultation with Department of Revenue.

2[vii. Under the Scheme, a rebate would be granted to eligible exporters at a notified rate as a percentage of FOB value with a value cap per unit of the exported product, wherever required, on export of items which are categorized under the notified 8 digit HS Code. However, for certain export items, a fixed quantum of rebate amount per unit may also be notified. Rates of rebate / value cap per unit under RoDTEP will be notified in Appendix 4R and Appendix 4RE [for exports of products manufactured by Advance Authorisation holders (except Deemed Exports), EOU and SEZ units]. In addition to necessary changes which may be brought in view of budget control measures as mentioned above, efforts would be made to review the RoDTEP rates on an annual basis and to notify them well in advance before the beginning of a financial year.']

[helldodold[ vii. Under the Scheme, a rebate would be granted to eligible exporters  at a notified rate as a percentage of FOB value with a value cap per unit of the exported product, wherever required, on export  of items which are categorized under the notified 8 digit HS Code. However, for certain export items, a fixed quantum of rebate amount per unit may also be notified. Rates of rebate / value cap per unit under RoDTEP will be notified in Appendix 4R. In addition to necessary changes which may be brought in view of budget control measures as mentioned above, efforts would be made to review the RoDTEP rates on an annual basis and to notify them well in advance before the beginning of a financial year.]helldod]

viii. The rebate allowed is subject to the receipt of sale proceeds within time allowed under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 failing which such rebate shall be deemed never to have been allowed. The rebate would not be dependent on the realization of export proceeds at the time of issue of rebate. However, adequate safeguards to avoid any misuse on account of non-realization and other systemic improvements as in operation under Drawback Scheme, IGST and other GST refunds relating to exports would also be applicable for claims made under the RoDTEP Scheme.

ix. Mechanism of Issuance of Rebate: Scheme would be implemented through end to end digitization of issuance of rebate amount in the form of a transferable duty credit/electronic scrip (e-scrip), which will be maintained in an electronic ledger by the Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs (CBIC). Necessary rules  and procedure regarding grant of RoDTEP claim under the Scheme and implementation issues including manner of application, time period for application and other matters including export realization, export documentation, sampling procedures, record keeping etc. would be notified by the CBIC, Department of Revenue on an IT enabled platform with a view to end to end digitization. Necessary provisions for recovery of rebate amount where foreign exchange is not realized, suspension/withholding of RoDTEP in case of frauds and misuse, as well as imposition of penalty will also be built suitably by CBIC.

x. The Scheme will take effect for exports from 1st January 2021. However for exports made by categories under Para 4.55 (x), (xi) and (xii), the implementation date will be decided later as per provisions of Para 4.55B.

4.55 Ineligible Supplies/ Items/Categories under the Scheme

The following categories of exports/ exporters shall not be eligible for rebate under RoDTEP Scheme:

i. Export  of imported goods covered under paragraph 2.46 of FTP.

ii. Exports through trans-shipment, meaning thereby exports that are originating in third country but trans- shipped through India.

iii. Export products which are subject to Minimum export price or export duty.

iv. Products which are restricted  for export under Schedule-2 of Export Policy in ITC (HS).

v. Products which are Prohibited  for export under Schedule-2 of Export Policy in ITC (HS).

vi. Deemed Exports.

vii. Supplies of products manufactured by DTA units to SEZ/FTWZ Free Trade and Warehousing Zone units.

[helldodold4delete[viii. Products manufactured in EHTP Electronic Hardware Technology Park and BTP Biotechnology Park.]helldod]

ix. Products manufactured partly or wholly in a warehouse under section 65 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962).

[helldodold4delete[x. Products manufactured or exported in discharge of export obligation  against an Advance Authorisation or Duty Free Import Authorization or Special Advance Authorisation issued under a duty exemption scheme of relevant Foreign Trade Policy.

xi. Products manufactured or exported by a unit licensed as hundred per cent Export Oriented Unit (EOU) in terms of the provisions of the Foreign Trade Policy.

xii. Products manufactured or exported by any of the units situated in Free  Trade Zones or Export Processing Zones or Special Economic Zones.]helldod]

xiii. Products manufactured or exported availing the benefit of the Notification No. 32/1997-Customs dated 1st April, 1997.

xiv. Exports for which electronic documentation in ICEGATE EDI Electronic Data Interchange has not been generated/ Exports from non-EDI ports.

xv. Goods which have been taken into use after manufacture  .

4.55 A Government, however, reserves the right to modify any of the categories as mentioned above for inclusion or exclusion under the scope of RoDTEP, at a later date.

4.55 B Inclusion of exports made by categories mentioned in para 4.55 (x), (xi) and (xii) above and RoDTEP rates for export  items under such categories would be decided based on the recommendations of the RoDTEP Committee.

4.56 Nature of Rebate

The e-scrips would be used only for payment of duty of Customs leviable under the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 viz. Basic Customs Duty.

4.57 Monitoring, Audit and Risk Management System:54


For the purposes of audit and verification, the exporter  would be required to keep records substantiating claims made under the Scheme. A monitoring and audit mechanism with an IT based Risk Management System (RMS) would be put in place by the CBIC, Department of Revenue to physically verify the records of the exporters on sample basis. Sample cases for physical verification will be drawn objectively by the RMS, based on risk and other relevant parameters.

4.57 A For a broad level monitoring, an Output Outcome framework will be maintained and monitored at regular intervals.

4.58 Residual Issues

Residual issues related to the Scheme arising subsequently shall be considered by an Inter-Ministerial Committee, named as “RODTEP Policy Committee (RPC)” chaired by DGFT (comprising members of Department of Commerce and Department of Revenue), whose decisions would be binding.

4.59 The Appendix 4R containing the eligible RoDTEP export items, rates and per unit value caps, wherever applicable is available at the DGFT portal under the link ‘Regulatory Updates >RoDTEP’.

1[4.59A'For exports of products manufactured by AA holders (except Deemed Exports), EOU and SEZ units, the eligible RoDTEP export items, rates and per unit value caps, wherever applicable, are contained in Appendix 4RE and is available at the DGFT portal ( under the link >Regulations>RoDTEP'.

1. Inserted Vide:- Notification No. 70/2023 dt. 08.03.2024

2. Substitute Vide:- Notification No. 70/2023 dt. 08.03.2024

3. Inserted Vide:- Notification No. 69/2023 dt. 08.03.2024

4. Deleted Vide Notification No. 70/2023 dt. 08.03.2024