Main Notes

1 Export of Potassium Permanganate is freely allowed subject to No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner, Gwalior.
Chapter Number ITC-HS Codes Description Dashes Export Policy Policy Condition Notification No Notification Date
28 28 Inorganic Chemicals; Organic Or Inorganic Compounds Of Precious Metals, Of Rare-Earth Metals, Of Radioactive Elements Or Of Isotopes.
28 2801 Fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine.
28 28011000 Chlorine - Free
28 28012000 Iodine - Free
28 280130 Fluorine; bromine -
28 28013010 Fluorine --- Free
28 28013020 Bromine --- Free
28 2802 Sulphur, sublimed or precipitated; colloidal sulphur.
28 280200 Sulphur, sublimed or precipitated; colloidal sulphur :
28 28020010 Sublimed sulphur --- Free
28 28020020 Precipitated sulphur --- Free
28 28020030 Colloidal sulphur --- Free
28 2803 Carbon (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon not elsewhere specified or included).
28 280300 Carbon (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon not elsewhere specified or included) :
28 28030010 Carbon blacks --- Free
28 28030020 Acetylene black --- Free
28 28030090 Other --- Free
28 2804 Hydrogen, rare gases and other non-metals.
28 28041000 Hydrogen - Free
28 28042100 Rare gases : -- Argon - Free
28 280429 Rare gases : -- Other -
28 28042910 Helium --- Free
28 28042990 Other --- Free
28 28043000 Nitrogen - Free
28 280440 Oxygen -
28 28044010 Medicinal grade --- Free
28 28044090 Other --- Free
28 280450 Boron; tellurium -
28 28045010 Boron --- Free
28 28045020 Tellurium --- Free
28 28046100 Silicon :

-- Containing by weight not less than 99.99 percent of silicon

- Free
28 28046900 Silicon : -- Other - Free
28 280470 Phosphorus -
28 28047010 Phosphorus, black --- Free
28 28047020 Phosphorus, red --- Free
28 28047030 Phosphorus, white or yellow --- Free
28 28048000 Arsenic - Free
28 28049000 Selenium - Free
28 28051100 Alkali or alkaline-earth metals : -- Sodium - Free
28 28051200 Alkali or alkaline-earth metals : -- Calcium - Free
28 28051900 Alkali or alkaline-earth metals : -- Other - Free
28 28053000 Rare-earth metals, scandium and yttrium, whether or not intermixed or interalloyed - Free
28 28054000 Mercury - Free
28 2806 Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid); chlorosulphuric acid.
28 28061000 Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid) - Free
28 28062000 Chlorosulphuric acid - Free
28 2807 Sulphuric acid; oleum.
28 280700 Sulphuric acid; oleum :
28 28070010 Sulphurc acid --- Free
28 28070020 Oleum --- Free
28 2808 Nitric acid; sulphonitric acids.
28 280800 Nitric acid; sulphonitric acids :
28 28080010 Nitric acid --- Free
28 28080020 Sulphonitric acids --- Free
28 2809 Diphosphorus pentaoxide; phosphoric acid; polyphosphoric acids, whether or not chemically defined.
28 28091000 Diphosphorus pentaoxide - Free
28 280920 Phosphoric acid and polyphosphoric acids -
28 28092010 Phosporic acid --- Free
28 28092020 Polyphosphoric acids --- Free
28 2810 Oxides of boron; boric acids.
28 28100010 Oxides of boron; boric acids: --- Oxides of boron - Free
28 28100020 Oxides of boron; boric acids: --- Boric acids - Free
28 2811 Other inorganic acids and other inorganic oxygen compounds of non-metals.
28 28111100 Other inorganic acids :

-- Hydrogen fluoride (hydrofluoric acid)

- Free
28 28111200 Other inorganic acids :

-- Hydrogen cyanide (hydrocyanic acid)

- Free
28 281119 Other inorganic acids : -- Other -
28 28111920 Hypophosphorus acid (phosphinic acid) --- Free
28 28111930 Acids of arsenic --- Free
28 28111940 Sulphonic acid --- Free
28 28111990 Other --- Free
28 281121 Other inorganic oxygen compounds of non-metals :

-- Carbon dioxide

28 28112110 Dry ice --- Free
28 28112190 Other --- Free
28 28112200 Other inorganic oxygen compounds of non-metals :

-- Silicon dioxide

- Free
28 281129 Other inorganic oxygen compounds of non-metals :

-- Other

28 28112910 Arsenic pentoxide --- Free
28 28112920 Arsenic trioxide --- Free
28 28112930 Nitrous oxide --- Free
28 28112940 Carbon monoxide --- Free
28 28112950 Sulphur trioxide (sulphuric anhydride) --- Free
28 28112990 Other --- Free
28 2812 Halides and halide oxides of nonmetals.
28 28121100 Chlorides and chloride oxides :

-- Carbonyl dichloride (phosgene)

- Free
28 28121200 Chlorides and chloride oxides : -- Phosphorus oxychloride - Free
28 28121300 Chlorides and chloride oxides : -- Phosphorus trichloride - Free
28 28121400 Chlorides and chloride oxides : -- Phosphorus pentachloride - Free
28 28121500 Chlorides and chloride oxides : -- Sulphur monochloride - Free
28 28121600 Chlorides and chloride oxides : -- Sulphur dichloride - Free
28 28121700 Chlorides and chloride oxides : -- Thionyl chloride - Free
28 281219 Chlorides and chloride oxides : --Other -
28 28121910 Sulphur oxychloride --- Free
28 28121920 Silicon tetrachloride --- Free
28 28121930 Arsenous trichloride --- Free
28 28121990 other --- Free
28 28129000 Other - Free
28 2813 Sulphides of non-metals; commercial phosphorus trisulphide.
28 28131000 Carbon disulphide - Free
28 281390 other -
28 28139010 Arsenic disulphide (artificial) --- Free
28 28139020 Commercial phosphorus trisulphide --- Free
28 28139090 Other --- Free
28 2814 Ammonia, anhydrous or in aqueous solution.
28 28141000 Anhydrous ammonia - Free
28 28142000 Ammonia in aqueous solution - Free
28 2815 Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda); potassium hydroxide (caustic potash); peroxides of sodium or potassium.
28 281511 Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) : -- Solid -
28 28151110 Flakes --- Free
28 28151190 Other --- Free
28 28151200 Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) : -- In aqueous solution (soda lye or liquid soda) - Free
28 28152000 Potassium hydroxide (caustic potash) - Free
28 28153000 Peroxides of sodium or potassium - Free
28 2816 Hydroxide and peroxide of magnesium; oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, of strontium or barium.
28 281610 Hydroxide and peroxide of magnesium - Free
28 28161010 Hydroxide of magnesium --- Free
28 28161020 Peroxide of magnesium --- Free
28 28164000 Oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, of strontium or barium - Free
28 2817 Zinc oxide; zinc peroxide.
28 281700 Zinc oxide; zinc peroxide :
28 28170010 Zinc oxide --- Free
28 28170020 Zinc peroxide --- Free
28 2818 Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined; aluminium oxide; aluminium hydroxide.
28 28181000 Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically defined - Free
28 281820 Aluminium oxide, other than artificial corundum -
28 28182011 Alumina, calcined: Metallurgical grade, conforming to IS 17441 --- Free
28 28182019 Alumina, calcined: ---- Non- metallurgical grade, conforming to IS 17441 --- Free
28 28182090 Other --- Free
28 28183000 Aluminium hydroxide - Free
28 2819 Chromium oxides and hydroxides.
28 28191000 Chromium trioxide - Free
28 28199000 Other - Free
28 2820 Manganese oxides.
28 28201000 Manganese dioxide - Free
28 28209000 Other - Free
28 2821 Iron oxides and hydroxides; earth colours containing 70 percent or more by weight of combined iron evaluated as Fe2O3.
28 282110 Iron oxides and hydroxides -
28 28211010 Iron oxides --- Free
28 28211020 Iron hydroxides --- Free
28 28212000 Earth colours - Free
28 2822 Cobalt oxides and hydroxides; commercial cobalt oxides.
28 282200 Cobalt oxides and hydroxides; commercial cobalt oxides :
28 28220010 Cobalt oxides --- Free
28 28220020 Cobalt hydroxides --- Free
28 28220030 Commercial cobalt oxides --- Free
28 2823 Titanium oxides.
28 282300 Titanium oxides :
28 28230010 Titanium dioxide --- Free
28 28230090 Other --- Free
28 2824 Lead oxides; red lead and orange lead.
28 282410 Lead monoxide (litharge, massicot) -
28 28241010 Litharge --- Free
28 28241020 Massicot --- Free
28 28249000 Other - Free
28 2825 Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and their inorganic salts; other inorganic bases; other metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides.
28 282510 Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and their inorganic salts -
28 28251010 Hydrazine anhydrous --- Free
28 28251020 Hydrazine hydrate --- Free
28 28251030 Hydrazine sulphate --- Free
28 28251040 Hydroxylamine sulphate --- Free
28 28251090 Other --- Free
28 28252000 Lithium oxide and hydroxide - Free
28 282530 Vanadium oxides and hydroxides -
28 28253010 Vanadium pentoxide flakes --- Free
28 28253090 Other --- Free
28 28254000 Nickel oxides and hydroxides - Free
28 28255000 Copper oxides and hydroxides - Free
28 282560 Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide -
28 28256010 Germanium oxides --- Free
28 28256020 Zirconium dioxide --- Free
28 282570 Molybdenum oxides and hydroxides -
28 28257010 Molybdenum trioxide --- Free
28 28257020 Molybdic acid --- Free
28 28257090 Other --- Free
28 28258000 Antimony oxides - Free
28 282590 Other -
28 28259010 Tin oxide --- Free
28 28259020 Cadmium oxide --- Free
28 28259040 Calcium hydroxide --- Free
28 28259050 Ammonium hydroxide --- Free
28 28259090 Other --- Free
28 2826 Fluorides; fluorosilicates, fluoroaluminates and other complex fluorine salts.
28 28261200 Fluorides :

-- Of aluminium

- Free
28 282619 Fluorides : -- Other -
28 28261910 Magnesium fluoride --- Free
28 28261990 Other --- Free
28 28263000 Sodium hexafluoroaluminate (synthetic cryolite) - Free
28 28269000 Other - Free
28 2827 Chlorides, chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides; bromides and bromide oxides; iodides and iodide oxides.
28 28271000 Ammonium chloride - Free
28 28272000 Calcium chloride - Free
28 28273100 Other chlorides :

-- Of magnesium

- Free
28 28273200 Other chlorides : -- Of aluminium - Free
28 28273500 Other chlorides : -- Of nickel - Free
28 282739 Other chlorides : -- Other -
28 28273920 Mercurous chloride --- Free
28 28273930 Strontium chloride --- Free
28 28273940 Cuprous chloride --- Free
28 28273990 Other --- Free
28 282741 Chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides : -- Of copper -
28 28274110 Copper oxychloride --- Free
28 28274190 Other --- Free
28 28274900 Chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides :

-- Other

- Free
28 282751 Bromides and bromide oxides : -- Bromides of sodium or of potassium -
28 28275110 Bromides of sodium --- Free
28 28275120 Bromides of potassium --- Free
28 282759 Bromides and bromide oxides : -- Other -
28 28275910 Magnesium bromide --- Free
28 28275990 Other --- Free
28 282760 Iodides and iodide oxides -
28 28276010 Potassium iodide --- Free
28 28276020 Sodium iodide --- Free
28 28276090 Other --- Free
28 2828 Hypochlorites; commercial calcium hypochlorite; chlorites; hypobromites.
28 282810 Commercial calcium hypochlorite and other calcium hypochlorites -
28 28281010 Commercial calcium hypochlorite (bleaching paste or powder) --- Free
28 28281090 Other --- Free
28 282890 Other -
28 28289011 Sodium hypochlorites:

---- Bleaching paste or powder

--- Free
28 28289019 Sodium hypochlorites:

---- Other

--- Free
28 28289020 Potassium hypochlorites --- Free
28 28289030 Sodium chlorite --- Free
28 28289040 Aluminium chlorite --- Free
28 28289050 Hypobromites --- Free
28 28289060 Bleaching paste or powder of other hypochlorites --- Free
28 28289090 Other --- Free
28 2829 Chlorates and perchlorates; bromates and perbromates; iodates and periodates.
28 28291100 Chlorates :

-- Of sodium

- Free
28 282919 Chlorates : -- Other -
28 28291910 Barium chlorate --- Free
28 28291920 Potassium chlorate --- Free
28 28291930 Magnesium chlorate --- Free
28 28291990 Other --- Free
28 282990 Other -
28 28299010 Perchlorates --- Free
28 28299020 Bromates and perbromates --- Free
28 28299030 Iodates and periodates --- Free
28 2830 Sulphides; polysulphides, whether or not chemically defined.
28 28301000 Sodium sulphides - Free
28 283090 Other -
28 28309010 Sulphides --- Free
28 28309020 Polysulphides --- Free
28 2831 Dithionites and sulphoxylates.
28 283110 Of sodium -
28 28311010 Sodium dithionites (sodium hydrosulfite) --- Free
28 28311020 Sodium sulphoxylates (including sodium formaldehyde sulphoxylate) --- Free
28 283190 Other -
28 28319010 Dithionites --- Free
28 28319020 Sulphoxylates --- Free
28 2832 Sulphites; thiosulphates.
28 283210 Sodium sulphites -
28 28321010 Sodium bisulphite --- Free
28 28321020 Sodium hydrosulphites --- Free
28 28321090 Other --- Free
28 283220 Other sulphites -
28 28322010 Potassium metabisulphite --- Free
28 28322020 Magnesium sulphite --- Free
28 28322090 Other --- Free
28 283230 Thiosulphates -
28 28323010 Sodium thiosulphate (hypo) --- Free
28 28323020 Magnesium thiosulphate --- Free
28 28323090 Other --- Free
28 2833 Sulphates; alums; peroxosulphates (persulphates).
28 28331100 Sodium sulphates :

-- Disodium sulphate

- Free
28 283319 Sodium sulphates : -- Other -
28 28331910 Sodium hydrogen sulphate (acid sulphate) --- Free
28 28331920 Sodium pyrosulphate --- Free
28 28331990 Other --- Free
28 28332100 Other sulphates : -- Of magnesium - Free
28 283322 Other sulphates : -- Of aluminium -
28 28332210 Aluminium sulphate (iron free) --- Free
28 28332290 Other --- Free
28 28332400 Other sulphates : -- Of nickel - Free
28 28332500 Other sulphates : -- Of copper - Free
28 28332700 Other sulphates : -- Of barium - Free
28 283329 Other sulphates : -- Other -
28 28332910 Ferrous sulphate --- Free
28 28332930 Quinidine sulphate --- Free
28 28332940 Manganese sulphate --- Free
28 28332950 Strontium sulphate --- Free
28 28332990 Other --- Free
28 283330 Alums -
28 28333010 Ammonium alum --- Free
28 28333020 Ferric ammonium alum --- Free
28 28333030 Potash alum --- Free
28 28333090 Other --- Free
28 28334000 Peroxosulphates (persulphates) - Free
28 2834 Nitrites; nitrates.
28 283410 Nitrites -
28 28341010 Sodium nitrite --- Free
28 28341090 Other --- Free
28 28342100 Nitrates :

-- Of potassium

- Free
28 283429 Nitrates : -- Other -
28 28342910 Strontium nitrate --- Free
28 28342920 Magnesium nitrate --- Free
28 28342930 Barium nitrate --- Free
28 28342990 Other --- Free
28 2835 Phosphinates (hypophosphites), phosphonates (phosphites) and phosphates; polyphosphates, whether or not chemically defined.
28 283510 Phosphinates (hypophosphites) and phosphonates (phosphites) -
28 28351010 Calcium hypophosphite --- Free
28 28351020 Magnesium hypophosphite --- Free
28 28351090 Other --- Free
28 28352200 Phosphates :

-- Of mono- or disodium

- Free
28 28352400 Phosphates :

-- Of potassium

- Free
28 28352500 Phosphates : -- Calcium hydrogenorthophosphate (ìdicalcium phosphateî) - Free
28 283526 Phosphates :

-- Other phosphates of calcium

28 28352610 Calcium monobasic phosphate --- Free
28 28352620 Calcium tribasic phosphate --- Free
28 28352690 Other --- Free
28 283529 Phosphates : -- Other -
28 28352910 Magnesium phosphate, monobasic --- Free
28 28352920 Magnesium phosphate, dibasic --- Free
28 28352930 Magnesium phosphate, tribasic --- Free
28 28352940 Sodium hexa meta phosphate --- Free
28 28352990 Other --- Free
28 28353100 Polyphosphates :

-- Sodium triphosphate (sodium tripolyphosphate)

- Free
28 28353900 Polyphosphates : -- Other - Free
28 2836 Carbonates; peroxocarbonates (percarbonates); commercial ammonium carbonate containing ammonium carbamate.
28 283620 Disodium carbonate -
28 28362010 Disodium carbonate, dense --- Free
28 28362020 Disodium carbonate, light --- Free
28 28362090 Other --- Free
28 28363000 Sodium hydrogencarbonate (sodium bicarbonate) - Free
28 28364000 Potassium carbonates - Free
28 28365000 Calcium carbonate - Free
28 28366000 Barium carbonate - Free
28 28369100 Other :

-- Lithium carbonates

- Free
28 28369200 Other :

-- Strontium carbonate

- Free
28 283699 Other :

-- Other

28 28369910 Percarbonates --- Free
28 28369920 Magnesium carbonate --- Free
28 28369930 Aluminium bicarbonate --- Free
28 28369990 Other --- Free
28 2837 Cyanides, cyanide oxides and complex cyanides.
28 28371100 Cyanides and cyanide oxides : -- Of sodium - Free
28 283719 Cyanides and cyanide oxides : -- Other -
28 28371910 Potassium cyanide --- Free
28 28371920 Double cyanide of potassium and sodium --- Free
28 28371990 Other --- Free
28 283720 Complex cyanides -
28 28372010 Ammonium sulphocyanide --- Free
28 28372020 Potassium ferricyanide --- Free
28 28372030 Potassium ferrocyanide --- Free
28 28372040 Sodium ferrocyanide --- Free
28 28372050 Sodium nitroprusside (sodium nitroferricyanide) --- Free
28 28372090 Other --- Free
28 2839 Silicates; commercial alkali metal silicates.
28 28391100 Of sodium :

-- Sodium metasilicates

- Free
28 28391900 Of sodium : -- Other - Free
28 283990 Other -
28 28399010 Magnesium trisilicate --- Free
28 28399090 Other --- Free
28 2840 Borates; peroxoborates (perborates).
28 28401100 Disodium tetraborate (refined borax) : -- Anhydrous - Free
28 28401900 Disodium tetraborate (refined borax) : -- Other - Free
28 284020 Other borates -
28 28402010 Magnesium borates --- Free
28 28402090 Other --- Free
28 28403000 Peroxoborates (perborates) - Free
28 2841 Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic acids.
28 28413000 Sodium dichromate - Free
28 284150 Other chromates and dichromates; peroxochromates -
28 28415010 Sodium chromate --- Free
28 28415090 Other --- Free
28 28416100 Manganites, manganates and permanganates :

-- Potassium permanganate

- Free Export of Potassium Permanganate is free subject to No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior
28 28416900 Manganites, manganates and permanganates :

-- Other

- Free
28 284170 Molybdates -
28 28417010 Aluminium molybdate --- Free
28 28417020 Sodium molybdate --- Free
28 28417090 Other --- Free
28 284180 Tungstates (wolframates) -
28 28418010 Sodium tungstate --- Free
28 28418020 Magnesium tungstate --- Free
28 28418090 Other --- Free
28 28419000 Other - Free
28 2842 Other salts of inorganic acids or peroxoacids (including aluminosilicates whether or not chemically defined), other than azides.
28 28421000 Double or complex silicates, including aluminosilicates whether or not chemically defined - Free
28 284290 Other -
28 28429010 Arsenites and arsenates --- Free
28 28429020 Bichromates and dichromates --- Free
28 28429090 Other --- Free
28 2843 Colloidal precious metals; inorganic or organic compounds of precious metals, whether or not chemically defined; amalgams of precious metals.
28 284310 Colloidal precious metals -
28 28431010 Of gold --- Free
28 28431020 Of silver --- Free
28 28431090 Other --- Free
28 28432100 Silver compounds :

-- Silver nitrate

- Free
28 28432900 Silver compounds : -- Other - Free
28 28433000 Gold compounds - Free
28 284390 Other compounds; amalgams -
28 28439011 Other compounds: ---- Sodium aurous thiosulphate --- Free
28 28439012 "Other compounds: ---- Noble metal solutions of platinum, kg. 10% rhodium and palladium" --- Free
28 28439019 Other compounds: ---- Other --- Free
28 28439020 Amalgams --- Free
28 2844 Radioactive chemical elements and radioactive isotopes (including the fissile or fertile chemical elements and isotopes) and their

compounds; mixtures and residues containing these products.

28 28441000 Natural uranium and its

compounds; alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing

natural uranium or natural uranium compounds

- Free
28 28442000 Uranium enriched in U 235 and its compounds; plutonium and its compounds; alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing uranium enriched in U 235, plutonium or compounds of these products - Free
28 284430 Uranium depleted in U 235 and its compounds; thorium and its compounds; alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing uranium depleted in U 235, thorium or compounds of these products -
28 28443010 Uranium depleted in U235 and or thorium and their alloys, unwrought or wrought and compounds thereof Compounds of thorium or of uranium depleted in U235: --- Free
28 28443021 Thorium oxide --- Free
28 28443022 Thorium hydroxide --- Free
28 28443023 Thorium nitrate --- Free
28 28443029 Other --- Free
28 28443030 Waste and scrap of uranium depleted in U235 or of thorium --- Free
28 28443090 Other --- Free
28 28444100 "Radioactive elements and isotopes and compounds other than those of subheadings2844 10, 2844 20 or 2844 30; alloys, dispersions (including cermets),  ceramic products and mixtures containing these elements, isotopes or compounds; radioactive residues: -- Tritium and its compounds; alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing tritium or its compounds" - Free
28 28444200 Actinium-225, actinium-227, californium-253, curium-240, curium-241, curium-242, curium-243, curium-244, einsteinium-253, einsteinium-254, gadolinium-148, polonium208, polonium-209, polonium-210, radium-223, uranium-230 or uranium-232, and their compounds; alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing these elements or compounds - - Free
28 28444300 "Radioactive elements and isotopes and compounds other than those of subheadings2844 10, 2844 20 or 2844 30; alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing these elements, isotopes or compounds; radioactive residues: -- Other radioactive elements and isotopes and compounds; other alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing these elements, isotopes" - Free
28 28444400 "Radioactive elements and isotopes and compounds other than those of subheadings2844 10, 2844 20 or 2844 30; alloys, dispersions  (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing these elements, isotopes or compounds; radioactive residues: -- Radioactive residues" - Free
28 28445000 Spent (irradiated) fuel elements (cartridges) of nuclear reactors - Free
28 2845 Isotopes other than those of heading 28.44; compounds, inorganic or organic, of such isotopes, whether or not chemically defined.
28 28451000 Heavy water (deuterium oxide) - Free
28 28452000 Boron enriched in boron-10 and its compounds - Free
28 28453000 Lithium enriched in lithium-6 and its compounds - Free
28 28454000 Helium-3 - Free
28 284590 Other -
28 28459010 Nuclear fuels not elsewhere included or specified --- Free
28 28459090 Other --- Free
28 2846 Compounds, inorganic or organic, of rare-earth metals, of yttrium or of scandium or of mixtures of these metals.
28 284610 Cerium compounds -
28 28461010 Cerium oxides --- Free
28 28461090 Other --- Free
28 284690 Other -
28 28469010 Rare earth oxides not elsewhere included or specified --- Free
28 28469020 Rare earth fluorides not elsewhere included or specified --- Free
28 28469030 Rare earth chlorides not elsewhere included or specified --- Free
28 28469090 Other --- Free
28 28470000 Hydrogen peroxide, whether or not solidified with urea Free
28 2849 Carbides, whether or not chemically defined.
28 28491000 Of calcium - Free
28 284920 Of silicon -
28 28492010 Carborandum --- Free
28 28492090 Other --- Free
28 284990 Other -
28 28499010 Boron carbide --- Free
28 28499020 Tungsten carbide --- Free
28 28499090 Other --- Free
28 2850 Hydrides, nitrides, azides, silicides and borides, whether or not chemically defined, other than compounds which are also carbides of heading 28.49.
28 285000 Hydrides, nitrides, azides, silicides and borides, whether or not chemically defined, other than compounds which are also carbides of heading 2849:
28 28500010 Hydrides --- Free
28 28500020 Nitrides --- Free
28 28500030 Azides --- Free
28 28500041 Silicides:

---- Of calcium

--- Free
28 28500049 Silicides:

---- Other

--- Free
28 28500050 Borides --- Free
28 2852 Inorganic or organic compounds of mercury, whether or not chemically defined, excluding amalgams.
28 28521000 Chemically defined - Free
28 28529000 Other - Free
28 2853 Phosphides, whether or not chemically defined, excluding ferrophosphorus; other inorganic compounds (including distilled or conductivity water and water of similar purity); liquid air (whether or not rare gases have been removed); compressed air; amalgams, other than amalgams of precious metals.
28 28531000 Cyanogen chloride (chlorcyan) - Free
28 285390 Other -
28 28539010 Distilled or conductivity water and water of similar purity --- Free
28 28539020 Liquid air, whether or not rare gases have been removed --- Free
28 28539030 Compressed air --- Free
28 28539040 Amalgams, other than of precious metals --- Free
28 28539090 Other --- Free  


[helldodoldCHAPTER 28


Export of Potassium Permanganate is freely allowed subject to No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner, Gwalior for details, see Chapter-29.]helldod]


1. Substituted Vide Notification No. 60/2023 dt. 13.02.2024