Main Notes

Seeds of all forestry species including Nux Vomica , Red Sanders , Rubber , Russa Grass and tufts, Sandalwood and seeds of tufts , Sandalwood and seeds of ornamental wild variety plants stand restricted for export and shall be allowed under licence and also shall be regulated according to the rules notified under Biological ( Diversity) Act, 2002.

1. Baddomes cycad (Cycas beddomei).

2.Blue vanda (Vanda coerulea).

3.Saussurea costus.

4. Ladies slipper orcid (Paphiopedilium species).

5. Pitcher plant (Nepenthes Khasiana).

6. Red vanda (Renanthera imschootiana).

7. Rauvolifia serpentina (Sarpagandha).

8. Ceropegia species.

9. Frerea indica (Shindal Mankundi).

10. Podophyllum hexandurm (emodi) (Indian Podophyllum.)

11. Cyatheaceae species (Tree Ferns).

12. Cycadacea species (Cycads).

13. Dioscorea deltoidea (Elephant’s foot).

14. Euphorbia species (Euphorbias).

15. Orchidaceae species (Orchids).

16. Pterocarpus santalinus (Redsanders).

17. Taxus Wallichiana (Common Yew or irmi Leaves).

18. Aquilaria malaccensis (Agarwood).

19. Aconitum species.

20. Coptis teeta.

21. Coscinium fenestrum (Calumba wood).

22. Dactylorhiza hatagirea.

23. Gentiana Kurroo (Kuru , Kutki).

24. Gnetum species.

25. Kampheria Galenga.

26. Nardostachys grandiflora.

27. Panax pseudoginseng.

28. Picrorhiza kurrooa.

29. Swertia chirata (Charayatah).

(i) However, in respect of CITES species, a CITES permit of export shall be required.

(ii) Exports allowed only through the Ports of Mumbai, Nhava Sheva, Kolkata, Cochin, Delhi, Chennai, Tuticorin, Amritsar, Calicut, Thiruvananthapuram, Kandla and Mundra.

3 (iii) Except for the documents prescribed above, no additional informations/ NOC/ documents shall be required to be furnished by the Exporter to any authority of State or Central Government.

* The term “formulation” used here may include products, which may contain portions / extracts of plants on the prohibited list. Further the term “formulation” shall also include value added formulations as well 4 as herbal ayurvedic, and exports subject to the provisions of CITES or Wild Life (protection) Act, 1972 in case where the formulation contains species listed therein.

Policy Conditions

1 (a) Export to all countries (except exports to Russian Federation) is permitted subject to registration with APEDA along with controlled Aflatoxin level Certificate issued by APEDA recognized laboratories (as updated from time to time) on their website at URL http://www.apeda.gov.in/apedawebsite/HACCP/recognized_laboratories.pdf.

(b) Exports to Russian Federation permitted subject to pre-shipment quality certification issued by:-

(1) Insecticide Residue Testing Laboratory

(2) Geo-Chem Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. (3) Reliable Analytical Laboratory

(4) Arbro Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

(5) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Delhi

(6) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Branch Office Bangalore

(7) Delhi Test House; and

(8) Vimta Labs.

or any other agency as may be notified from time to time.

Export of Plants and plant portions of wild origin, of species specified in any of the Schedules of Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 or Appendix I of CITES or Export Licensing Note 1 is Prohibited and not permitted to be exported.However, Special exemption can be granted for the purpose of research, education and life saving drugs on case by case basis by DGFT, on the recommendation of Ministry of Environment & Forests.

Chapter Number ITC-HS Codes Description Dashes Export Policy Policy Condition Notification No Notification Date
12 12 Oil Seeds And Oleaginous Fruits;

Miscellaneous Grains, Seeds And Fruit; Industrial Or Medicinal Plants; Straw And Fodder.

12 1201 Soya beans, whether or not broken.
12 12011000 Seed - Free
12 12019000 Other - Free
12 1202 Ground-nuts, not roasted or otherwise cooked, whether or not shelled or broken.
12 120230 Seed -
12 12023010 H. P. S --- Free Subject to Policy Condition 1 of the Chapter 28(RE-2012)/2009-2014 03.01.2013
12 12023090 Other --- Free Subject to Policy Condition 1 of the Chapter 28(RE-2012)/2009-2014 03.01.2013
12 120241 Other :

-- In shell

12 12024110 H.P.S --- Free Subject to Policy Condition 1 of the Chapter 28(RE-2012)/2009- 2014 03.01.2013
12 12024190 Other --- Free Subject to Policy Condition 1 of the Chapter 28(RE-2012)/2009-2014 03.01.2013
12 120242 Other :

-- Shelled, whether or not broken

12 12024210 Kernels, H.P.S --- Free Subject to Policy Condition 1 of the Chapter 28(RE-2012)/2009-2014 03.01.2013
12 12024220 Kernels, other --- Free Subject to Policy Condition 1 of the Chapter 28(RE-2012)/2009-2014 03.01.2013
12 12024290 Other --- Free Subject to Policy Condition 1 of the Chapter 28(RE-2012)/2009-2014 03.01.2013
12 12030000 Copra. Free
12 1204 Linseed, whether or not broken.
12 12040010 Of seed quality --- Free
12 12040090 Other --- Free
12 1205 Rape or colza seeds, whether or not broken.
12 12051000 Low erucic acid rape or colza seeds - Free
12 12059000 Other - Free
12 1206 Sunflower seeds, whether or not broken.
12 12060010 Of seed quality --- Free
12 12060090 Other --- Free
12 1207 Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, whether or not broken.
12 120710 Palm nuts and kernels -
12 12071010 Palm nuts --- Free
12 12071090 Palm kernels --- Free
12 12072100 Cotton seeds : -- Seed - Free
12 12072900 Cotton seeds : -- Other - Free
12 120730 Castor oil seeds -
12 12073010 Of seed quality --- Free
12 12073090 Other --- Free
12 120740 Sesamum seeds -
12 12074010 Of seed quality --- Free 1. Export of Seasame Seeds is free for Exports to Russian Federation permitted subject to pre-shipment quality certification issued by

(1) Insecticide Residue Testing Laboratory.

(2) Geo-Chem Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. (3) Reliable Analytical Laboratory

(4) Arbro Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

(5) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Delhi

(6) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Branch Office Bangalore

(7) Delhi Test House; and (8) Vimta Labs.

or any other agency as may be notified from time to time.

2. Export of Sesame seeds whether or not broken of seeds quality is free subject to export to European Union countries shall be permitted subject to following conditions: (i) Indian Oilseeds & Produce Export Promotion Council (IOPEPC) is designated as competent authority to issue export certification.

(ii) The IOPEPC shall issue export certification within two working days of receiving the request from exporter subject to a ‘Certificate of Analysis’ by a NABL accredited laboratory. (iii) The procedure for export of sesame seeds to the European Union countries has been outlined in the document ‘Procedure for Control of Contamination of Salmonella in Sesame Seeds for Export to EU’ which is available on the website of DGFT at http://dgft.gov.in/.





12 12074090 Other --- Free 1. Export of items to European Union countries shall be permitted subject to following conditions:-

(i) Indian Oilseeds & Produce Export Promotion Council (IOPEPC) is designated as competent authority to issue export certification.

(ii) The IOPEPC shall issue export certification within two working days of receiving the request from exporter subject to a ‘Certificate of Analysis’ by a NABL accredited laboratory. (iii) The procedure for export of sesame seeds to the European Union countries has been outlined in the document ‘Procedure for Control of Contamination of Salmonella in Sesame Seeds for Export to EU’ which is available on the website of DGFT at http://dgft.gov.in/.

2. Export of other Sesame seeds whether or not broken is free subject to export to European Union countries shall be permitted subject to following conditions:-

(i) Indian Oilseeds & Produce Export Promotion Council (IOPEPC) is designated as competent authority to issue export certification.

(ii) The IOPEPC shall issue export certification within two working days of receiving the request from exporter subject to a ‘Certificate of Analysis’ by a NABL accredited laboratory. (iii) The procedure for export of sesame seeds to the European Union countries has been outlined in the document ‘Procedure for Control of Contamination of Salmonella in Sesame Seeds for Export to EU’ which is available on the website of DGFT at http://dgft.gov.in/.





12 120750 Mustard seeds -
12 12075010 Of seed quality --- Free
12 12075090 Other --- Free
12 120760 Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) seeds -
12 12076010 Of seed quality --- Free
12 12076090 Other --- Free
12 120770 Melon seeds -
12 12077010 Of seed quality --- Free
12 12077090 Other --- Free
12 12077090 Other --- Free
12 12077090 Other --- Free
12 12079100 Other :

-- Poppy seeds

- Free
12 120799 Other :

-- Other

12 12079910 Ajams --- Free
12 12079920 Mango kernel --- Free
12 12079930 Niger seed --- Free
12 12079940 Kokam --- Free
12 12079990 Other --- Free
12 1208 Flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits, other than those of mustard.
12 12081000 Of soya beans - Free
12 12089000 Other - Free
12 1209 Seeds, fruit and spores, of a kind used for sowing.
12 12091000 Sugar beet seeds - Free
12 12092100 Seeds of forage plants :

-- Lucerne (alfalfa) seeds

- Free
12 12092200 Seeds of forage plants :

-- Clover (Trifolium spp.) seeds

- Free
12 12092300 Seeds of forage plants : -- Fescue seeds - Free
12 12092400 Seeds of forage plants : -- Kentucky blue grass (Poa pratensis L.) seeds - Free
12 12092500 Seeds of forage plants :

-- Rye grass (Lolium multiflorum

Lam., Lolium perenne L.) seeds

- Free
12 120929 Seeds of forage plants : -- Other -
12 12092910 Australian lupin seeds --- Free
12 12092990 Other --- Free However, Exports of Egyptian clover (Barseem) Trifolium alaxtum seeds and Saffron seeds or corms is Restricted subject to permitted under licence
12 12093000 Seeds of herbaceous plants cultivated principally for their flowers - Free
12 120991 Other :

-- Vegetable seeds

12 12099110 Of Cabbage --- Free
12 12099120 Of Cauliflower --- Free
12 12099130 Of Onion --- Restricted Exports permitted under licence
12 12099140 Of Pea --- Free
12 12099150 Of Radish --- Free
12 12099160 Of Tomato --- Free
12 12099190 Other --- Free
12 120999 Other :

-- Other

12 12099910 Fruit seeds for planting or sowings --- Free Exports permitted subject to a declaration in the form of an affidavit from the exporter that the seed being exported is not Breeder or Foundation or Wild variety seeds and indicating the source of procurement.
12 12099990 Other --- Free 1. Export of seeds of all trees(excluding seeds of all forestry species), hedges, ornamental plants and flowers and vegetable seeds other than onion seeds is free subject to a declaration in the form of an affidavit from the exporter that the seed being exported is not Breeder or Foundation or Wild variety seeds and indicating the source of procurement.

2. However, Export of seeds of all forestry species & Cashew seeds and plants is restricted subject to permitted under license.

12 1210 Hop cones, fresh or dried, whether or not ground, powdered or in the form of pellets; lupulin.
12 12101000 Hop cones, neither ground nor powdered nor in the form of pellets - Free
12 12102000 Hop cones, ground, powdered or in the form of pellets; lupulin - Free
12 1211 Plants and parts of plants (including seeds and fruits), of a kind used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered.
12 12112000 Ginseng roots - Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12113000 Coca leaf - Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12114000 Poppy straw - Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 121150 Ephedra -
12 12116000 Bark of African cherry (Prunus africana) - Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 121190 Other -
12 12119011 Seeds:

---- Ambrette seeds

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119012 Seeds:

---- Nuxvomica, dried ripe seeds

--- Restricted Exports permitted under licence
12 12119013 Seeds:

---- Psyllium seed (isobgul)

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119014 Seeds:

---- Neem seed

--- Restricted Exports permitted under licence
12 12119015 Seeds:

---- Jojoba seed

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119019 Seeds:

---- Other

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119021 Leaves, powder, flowers and pods: ---- Belladona leaves --- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119022 Leaves, powder, flowers and pods: ---- Senna leaves and pods --- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119023 Leaves, powder, flowers and pods: ---- Neem leaves, powder --- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119024 Leaves, powder, flowers and pods: ---- Gymnema powder --- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119025 Leaves, powder, flowers and pods: ---- Cubeb powder --- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119026 Leaves, powder, flowers and pods: ---- Pyrethrum --- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119029 Leaves, powder, flowers and pods: ---- Other --- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119031 Bark, husk, and rind:

---- Cascara sagrada bark

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119032 Bark, husk, and rind:

---- Psyllium husk (isobgul husk)

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119033 Bark, husk, and rind:

---- Gamboge fruit rind

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119039 Bark, husk, and rind: ---- Other --- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119041 Roots and Rhizomes: ---- Belladona roots --- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119042 Roots and Rhizomes:

---- Galangal rhizomes and roots

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119043 Roots and Rhizomes:

---- Ipecac dried rhizome and roots

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119044 Roots and Rhizomes:

---- Serpentina roots (rowwalfia serpentina and other species of rowwalfias)

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119045 Roots and Rhizomes: ---- Zedovary roots --- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119046 Roots and Rhizomes:

---- Kuth root

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119047 Roots and Rhizomes:

---- Sarasaparilla roots

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119048 Roots and Rhizomes:

---- Sweet flag rhizomes

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119049 Roots and Rhizomes:

---- Other

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119050 Roots and Rhizomes:

---- Sandalwood chips and dust

--- Prohibited 1. Export of Sandalwood in any form is prohibited and not permitted to be exported.

2. However, Export of Finished Handicraft products of Sandalwood and Other species and Machine finished sandalwood products is Free.

3. However, Export of Sandalwood oil, Sandalwood De-oiled spent dust & other below forms of sandal wood is restricted and export is permitted under licence subject to conditionalities as may be notified by the Director General of Foreign Trade from time to time:-

(a) dust/ flakes obtained as wood scrap / waste after the manufacturing process by manufacturer exporter of value added sandalwood handicraft products and machine finished sandalwood products;

(b) machine finished chips manufactured from cracked portions of sandalwood billets (each finished chips not exceeding 50 gms per piece);

(c) powder obtained from wood scrap / waste after the manufacturing of handicraft products and machine finished goods of sandalwood ;

(d) small pieces of sandalwood(each piece not exceeding 20 gms) obtained from wood scrap / waste after manufacturing of handicraft / machine finished sandalwood products; (e) sandalwood powder produced from sandalwood wood scrap/waste;

(f) any other item of sandalwood as may be specified by DGFT in consultation with MOEF&CC.





12 12119060 Roots and Rhizomes:

---- Vinca rosea herbs

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119070 Roots and Rhizomes:

---- Mint including leaves (all species)

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119080 Roots and Rhizomes: ---- Agarwood --- Restricted Export permitted under license.
12 12119091 Other:

---- Chirata

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119092 Other:

---- Tukmaria

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119093 Other:

---- Unab (Indian Jujuba or Chinese dates)

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119094 Other:

---- Basil, hyssop, rosemary, sage and savory

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119095 Other:

---- Lovage

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119096 Other:

---- Garcinia

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 12119099 Other:

---- Other

--- Free Subject to Policy Condition 2 of the Chapter
12 1212 Locust beans, seaweeds and other algae, sugar beet and sugar cane, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not ground; stones and kernels and other vegetable products (including unroasted chicory roots of the variety Cichorium intybus sativum) of a kind used primarily for human consumption, not elsewhere specified or included.
12 121221 Other : -- Fit for human consumption -
12 12122110 Seaweeds --- Free
12 12122190 Other algae --- Free
12 121229 - Other : --Other -
12 12122910 Seaweeds --- Restricted Exports permitted under licence.
12 12122990 Other algae --- Restricted 1. Exports of Sea weeds of all types, including G-edulis but excluding brown sea weeds and agarophytes of Tamil Nadu Coast origin in processed form is restricted subject to permitted under license.

2. However, Exports of Brown sea weeds and Agrophytes excluding G-edulis of Tamil Nadu coast origin in processed form is free. Exports allowed subject to quantitative ceilings as may be notified by DGFT from time to time.

12 12129100 Other :

-- Sugar beet

- Free
12 12129200 Other :

-- Locust beans (carob)

- Free
12 12129300 Other :

-- Sugar cane

- Free
12 12129400 Other :

-- Chicory roots

- Free
12 121299 Other :

-- Other

12 12129910 Kokam (cocum) flowers --- Free
12 12129920 Mohua flowers --- Free
12 12129990 Other --- Free
12 12130000 Cereal straw and husks, unprepared, whether or not chopped, ground, pressed or in the form of pellets. Restricted The export of Fodder, including wheat, rice straw will continue to be in Restricted category.

However, Agri residue based Biomass and Briquettes/Pellets under ITC-HS Heading 1213 will be under 'Free' category.

58/2015-20 14.02.2023
12 1214 Swedes, mangolds, fodder roots, hay, lucerne (alfalfa), clover, sainfoin, forage kale, lupines, vetches and similar forage products, whether or not in the form of pellets.
12 12141000 Lucerne (alfalfa) meal and pellets - Restricted The export of Fodder, including wheat, rice straw will continue to be in Restricted category.

However, Agri residue based Biomass and Briquettes/Pellets under ITC-HS Heading 1213 will be under 'Free' category.

58/2015-20 14.02.2023
12 12149000 Other - Restricted The export of Fodder, including wheat, rice straw will continue to be in Restricted category.

However, Agri residue based Biomass and Briquettes/Pellets under ITC-HS Heading 1213 will be under 'Free' category.

58/2015-20 14.02.2023


[helldodold[CHAPTER 12


Seeds of all forestry species including Nux Vomica , Red Sanders , Rubber , Russa Grass and tufts, Sandalwood and seeds of tufts , Sandalwood and seeds of ornamental wild variety plants stand restricted for export and shall be allowed under licence and also shall be regulated according to the rules notified under Biological ( Diversity) Act, 2002.

S.No. Tariff Item
HS Code
Unit Item Description Export
Policy Conditions
65  0601 00 00
0602 00 00
1211 00 00
Kg. Seeds and planting materials other than those in the restricted category Free Declaration in the form of an affidavit from the exporter that the seed being exported is not Breeder or Foundation or Wild variety seeds with indication the source of procurement
66 1202 30 107

1202 30 90



Groundnut HPS of Seed Quality

Other Groundnut of seed quality

Free (a) Export to all countries (except exports to Russian Federation) is permitted subject to registration with APEDA along with controlled Aflatoxin level Certificate issued by APEDA recognized laboratories (as updated from time to time) on their website at URL www.apeda.gov.in/apedawebsite/HACCP/recognized_laboratories.pdf;

7 APEDA had requested DGFT to modify the HS Code of Groundnut as per HS Code in Import Policy 2012. However, DG desired to synchronise codes while amending the ITC(HS) Export Policy. Accordingly HS Code and item description are proposed to be amended.

          (b) Exports to Russian Federation permitted subject to pre-shipment quality certification issued by
(1) Insecticide Residue Testing Laboratory.
(2) Geo-Chem Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.
(3) Reliable Analytical Laboratory
(4) Arbro Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
(5) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Delhi
(6) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Branch Office Bangalore
(7) Delhi Test House; and
(8) Vimta Labs.
or any other agency as may be notified from time to time.
[Notification No. 28(RE-2012)/2009-2014 dated 03.01.2013]
67 1202 41 10
1202 41 90
1202 42 10
1202 42 20
1202 42 90
Kg Groundnut HPS (In shell)
Groundnut Others (In shell)
Groundnut HPS Kernal Shelled, whether or not broken
Groundnut Kernal others Shelled, whether or not broken
Other Groundnut Shelled, whether or not broken
Free (a) Export to all countries (except exports to Russian Federation) is permitted subject to registration with APEDA along with controlled Aflatoxin level Certificate issued by APEDA recognized laboratories (as updated from time to time) on their website at URL www.apeda.gov.in/apedawebsite/HACCP/recognized_laboratories.pdf;
(b) Exports to Russian Federation permitted subject to pre-shipment quality certification issued by
(1) Insecticide Residue Testing Laboratory.
(2) Geo-Chem Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.
(3) Reliable Analytical Laboratory
(4) Arbro Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
(5) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Delhi
(6) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Branch Office Bangalore
(7) Delhi Test House; and
(8) Vimta Labs.
or any other agency as may be notified from time to time.
[Notification No. 28(RE-2012)/2009-2014 dated 03.01.2013]
[Notification No. 28(RE-2012)/2009-2014 dated 03.01.2013]
68 1207 40 10 Kg Seasame Seeds Free Exports to Russian Federation permitted subject to pre-shipment quality certification issued by
(1) Insecticide Residue Testing Laboratory.
(2) Geo-Chem Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.
(3) Reliable Analytical Laboratory
(4) Arbro Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
(5) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Delhi
(6) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Branch Office Bangalore
(7) Delhi Test House; and
(8) Vimta Labs.
or any other agency as may be notified from time to time.
68A 1207 40 10 Kg Sesame seeds whether or not broken of seeds quality Free Export of items both at Sl. No. 68A and 68B to European Union countries shall be permitted subject to following conditions:-
(i) Indian Oilseeds & Produce Export Promotion Council (IOPEPC) is designated as competent authority to issue export certification.
(ii) The IOPEPC shall issue export certification within two working days of receiving the request from exporter subject to a ‘Certificate of Analysis’ by a NABL accredited laboratory.
(iii) The procedure for export of sesame seeds to the European Union countries has been outlined in the document ‘Procedure for Control of Contamination of Salmonella in Sesame Seeds for Export to EU’ which is available on the website of DGFT at http://dgft.gov.in/.
[Notifcation No. 37/2015-20 dated 03.02.2016 read with Notification No. 39/2015-20 dated 11.02.2016]
68B 1207 40 90 Kg Other sesame seeds whether or not broken Free Export of items both at Sl. No. 68A and 68B to European Union countries shall be permitted subject to following conditions:-
(i) Indian Oilseeds & Produce Export Promotion Council (IOPEPC) is designated as competent authority to issue export certification.
(ii) The IOPEPC shall issue export certification within two working days of receiving the request from exporter subject to a ‘Certificate of Analysis’ by a NABL accredited laboratory.
(iii) The procedure for export of sesame seeds to the European Union countries has been outlined in the document ‘Procedure for Control of Contamination of Salmonella in Sesame Seeds for Export to EU’ which is available on the website of DGFT at http://dgft.gov.in/.
[Notifcation No. 37/2015-20 dated 03.02.2016 read with Notification No. 39/2015-20 dated 11.02.2016]
69 1000 91 00 Kg Wheat seeds (wild variety) Restricted Exports permitted under licence
70 1006 20 00 Kg Paddy seeds (wild variety) Restricted Exports permitted under licence
71 0602 20 10
1209 99 90
Kg Cashew seeds and plants Restricted Exports permitted under licence
72 1209 29 90 Kg Egyptian clover (Barseem) Trifolium alaxtum seeds Restricted Exports permitted under licence
73 1209 91 30 Kg Onion Seeds 3[Restricted]
Exports permitted under licence
74 1209 29 00 Kg Pepper cuttings or rooted cutings of pepper Restricted Exports permitted under licence
75 1209 99 90 Kg Seeds of all forestry species Restricted Exports permitted under licence
76 1209 29 90 Kg Saffron seeds or corms Restricted Exports permitted under licence
77 1211 90 14 Kg Neem seeds Restricted Exports permitted under licence
78 1211 90 00
1211 90 12
Kg Nux vomica / bark/leaves/roots powder thereof Restricted Exports permitted under licence
79 1209 99 10
1209 99 90
Kg Seeds of all trees (excluding seeds of all forestry species), hedges, ornamental plants and flowers and vegetable seeds other than onion seeds Free Exports permitted subject to a declaration in the form of an affidavit from the exporter that the seed being exported is not Breeder or Foundation or Wild variety seeds and indicating the source of procurement.
80 0601 00 00
0602 00 00
1211 00 00
0601 10 00
0601 20 10
0602 10 00
0602 90 20
0602 90 30
  Plants and plant portions of wild origin, of species specified in any of the Schedules of Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 or Appendix I of CITES or Export Licensing Note 1 Prohibited Not permitted to be exported.
Special exemption can be granted for the purpose of research, education and life saving drugs on case by case basis by DGFT, on the recommendation of Ministry of Environment & Forests.
81 0602 90 90   Plants and plants portions of cultivation origin of species specified in any of the Schedules of Wild Life (Portection) Act, 1972 or Appendix I of CITES or Export
Licensing Note1.
Free Subject to production of a Certificate of Legal Possession in favor of the exporter, issued by the DFO having jurisdiction where the exporter is situated. In case of species listed in Schedule VI of Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, subject to the exporter complying with the provision of S.17A of the Act. In case of species listed in Appendix I of CITES subject registration of the nursery and appropriate CITES documentation from the Asst. Management Authority.
82 0602 90 90   Plants, Plant portions of wild or cultivation origin, of species specified Appendix II or III of CITES. Free Subject to production of certificate of Legal Possession in favour of the exporter, issued by the DFO having jurisdiction where the exporter is situated. Export subject to CITES.
83 0602 90 90   Plants, plant portions of wild or cultivation origin, of species not specified in any of the Schedules of Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 or Appendix I, II, III of CITES or Export Licensing Note 1. Free Subject to obtaining a Certificate of cultivation from District Agriculture Officer or District Horticulture Officer or DFO.
84 3003 41 00
3003 42 00
3003 43 00
3003 49 00
3003 90 11
3003 90 12
3003 90 13
3003 90 14
3003 90 15
3004 90 11
3004 90 12
3004 90 13
3004 90 14
3004 90 15
kg Derivatives, extracts and formulations Free Subject to the provisions of Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 and CITES”
85 1212 29 10
1212 29 90
Kg Sea weeds of all types, including G-edulis but excluding brown sea weeds and agarophytes of Tamil Nadu Coast origin in processed form Restricted Exports permitted under licence.
86 1212 29 90 Kg Brown sea weeds and
Agrophytes excluding G-edulis of Tamil Nadu coast origin in processed form
Free Exports allowed subject to quantitative ceilings as may be notified by DGFT from time to time
86A 1211 90 80  


2[Restricted] old[Free]

The annual quota for export of Agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis) Chips and Powder obtained from artificially propagated source (cultivated origin outside forest areas) has been fixed as under:
Agarwood Chips and Powder — 25000 Kg per annum.

The export of Agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis) powder and Chips is permitted subject to following conditions:

I. Applications for an export license for the export of agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis) obtained from artificially propagated sources (cultivated origin outside forest areas) should be accompanied by attested copies of certificate of origin issued by an Officer of the Forest Department, authorized by concerned State Government from where stocks were procured/exported, giving details of the date of procurement from legal sources and quantities procured. The certificate of origin should mention that the plantation from which agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis) was obtained is registered with the State Government.

II. A certificate of the current position of stocks so procured and available with the applicant given after physical verification of the stocks, by the authority nominated for the purpose by the PCCF, should also accompany the application for an export license.

III. A copy of the export order received by the concerned firm.

IV. Coloured photograph of products duly certified by the concerned officer designated by the Forest Department.

V. An undertaking from the firm that items of agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis) proposed to be exported has been harvested from plantation following all conditions of CITES for harvesting of agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis).



1. Baddomes cycad (Cycas beddomei).
2.Blue vanda (Vanda coerulea).
3.Saussurea costus.
4.Ladies slipper orcid (Paphiopedilium species).
5. Pitcher plant (Nepenthes Khasiana).
6. Red vanda (Renanthera imschootiana).
7. Rauvolifia serpentina (Sarpagandha).
8. Ceropegia species.
9. Frerea indica (Shindal Mankundi).
10. Podophyllum hexandurm (emodi) (Indian Podophyllum.)
11. Cyatheaceae species (Tree Ferns).
12. Cycadacea species (Cycads).
13. Dioscorea deltoidea (Elephant’s foot).
14. Euphorbia species (Euphorbias).
15. Orchidaceae species (Orchids).
16. Pterocarpus santalinus (Redsanders).
17. Taxus Wallichiana (Common Yew or irmi Leaves).
18. Aquilaria malaccensis (Agarwood).
19. Aconitum species.
20. Coptis teeta.
21. Coscinium fenestrum (Calumba wood).
22. Dactylorhiza hatagirea.
23. Gentiana Kurroo (Kuru , Kutki).
24. Gnetum species.
25. Kampheria Galenga.
26. Nardostachys grandiflora.
27. Panax pseudoginseng.
28. Picrorhiza kurrooa.
29. Swertia chirata (Charayatah).


(i) However, in respect of CITES species, a CITES permit of export shall be required.
(ii) Exports allowed only through the Ports of Mumbai, Nhava Sheva, Kolkata, Cochin,
Delhi, Chennai, Tuticorin, Amritsar, Calicut, Thiruvananthapuram, Kandla and Mundra.


(iii) Except for the documents prescribed above, no additional informations/ NOC/ documents shall be required to be furnished by the Exporter to any authority of State or Central Government.
* The term “formulation” used here may include products, which may contain portions / extracts of plants on the prohibited list. Further the term “formulation” shall also include value added formulations as well as herbal ayurvedic, and exports subject to the provisions of CITES or Wild Life (protection) Act, 1972 in case where the formulation contains species listed therein.]helldod]

1.Sustituted Vide:-Notification No. 43/2020-FTP dt. 29/10/2020

2.Sustituted Vide:-Notification No. 45/2015-2020-FTP dt. 29/11/2021

3. Substituted  Vide Notification No. 05/2015-2020 dt. 13/05/2022

4. Substituted Vide Notification No. 60/2023 Dated 13/02/2024