

Appendix 4R - RoDTEP Schedule for DTA Exports w.e.f. 10.10.2024 Notified vide Notification No. 32 Dated 30.09.2024

Tariff Item Description of Goods (As per CTH ) UQC Rate as %
age of
FOB (#)
Cap (Rs. Per
`(1) `(2) `(3) `(4) `(5) `(6)
1 03011100 Freshwater Kg 0.5%  
2 03011900 Other Kg 0.5%  
3 03019100 Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchusclarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) Kg 0.5%  
4 03019200 Eels (Anguilla spp.) Kg 0.5%  
5 03019300 Carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodonidellus,Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp.,Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp.,Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobramaspp. Kg 0.5%  
6 03019400 Atlantic and Pacfic Bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus,Thunnus Orientalis) Kg 0.5%  
7 03019500 Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii) Kg 0.5%  
8 03019900 Other Kg 0.5%  
9 03021100 Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchusclarkii, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae,Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) Kg 0.5%  
10 03021300 Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchusgorbuscha,Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha,Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou andOncorhynchus rhodurus) Kg 0.5%  
11 03021400 Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) Kg 0.5%  
12 03021900 Other Kg 0.5%  
13 03022100 Halibut (Rheinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossushippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis) Kg 3% 24
14 03022200 Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) Kg 3% 24
15 03022300 Sole (Solea spp.) Kg 3% 24
16 03022400 Turbots (Psetta maxima) Kg 3% 24
17 03022900 Other Kg 0.5%  
18 03023100 Albacore or longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga) Kg 3% 24
19 03023200 Yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) Kg 3% 24
20 03023300 Skipjack tuna (stripe-bellied bonito) (Katsuwonuspelamis) Kg 3% 24
21 03023400 Bigeye tunas (Thunnus obesus) Kg 3% 24
22 03023500 Atlantic and Pacific Bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis) Kg 3% 24
23 03023600 Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii) Kg 3% 24
24 03023900 Other Kg 3% 24
25 03024100 Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) Kg 3% 24
26 03024200 Anchovies (Engraulis spp.) Kg 3% 24
27 03024300 Sardines, (Sardina pilchardus, sardinops spp.) sardinella (Sardinella spp.) , brisling or sprats (Sprattus sprattus) Kg 3% 24
28 03024400 Mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus) Kg 3% 24
29 03024500 Jack and horse mackerel (Trachurus spp.) Kg 3% 24
30 03024600 Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) Kg 3% 24
31 03024700 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) Kg 3% 24
32 03024900 Other Kg 3% 24
33 03025100 Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) Kg 3% 24
34 03025200 Haddock (Melanogrammus aegllefinus) Kg 3% 24
35 03025300 Coalfish (Pollachius virens) Kg 3% 24
36 03025400 Hake (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) Kg 3% 24
37 03025500 Alaska Pollock (Theragrachalcogramma) Kg 3% 24
38 03025600 Bluewhittings (Micromesistius poutassou, Micromesistius australis) Kg 3% 24
39 03025900 Other Kg 3% 24
40 03027100 Tilapias (Oreochromis spp.) Kg 0.5%  
41 03027200 Catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurusspp) Kg 0.5%  
42 03027300 Carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Cteno-pharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobar-bus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.): Kg 0.5%  
43 03027400 Eels (Anguilla spp.) Kg 0.5%  
44 03027900 Other Kg 0.5%  
45 03028100 Dogfish and other sharks Kg 3% 24
46 03028200 Rays and skates (Rajidae) Kg 3% 24
47 03028300 Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) Kg 3% 24
48 03028400 Seabass (Dicentrarchus spp.) Kg 3% 24
49 03028500 Seabream (Sparidae) Kg 3% 24
50 03028910 Hilsa ( Tenualosa ilisha) Kg 0.5%  
51 03028920 Dara Kg 0.5%  
52 03028930 Pomfret Kg 3% 24
53 03028990 Other Kg 0.5%  
54 03029100 Livers, roes and milt Kg 3% 24
55 03029200 Shark fins Kg 3% 24
56 03029910 Fish fins other than shark fins; heads, tails and maws Kg 3% 24
57 03029990 Other edible fish offal Kg 3% 24
58 03031100 Sockeye salmon (red-salmon) (oncorhynchus nerka) Kg 0.5%  
59 03031200 Other Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus) Kg 0.5%  
60 03031300 Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) Kg 0.5%  
61 03031400 Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) Kg 0.5%  
62 03031900 Other Kg 0.5%  
63 03032300 Tilapias (Oreochromis spp.) Kg 3% 24
64 03032400 Catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurusspp.) Kg 3% 24
65 03032500 Carp (Cyprinus spp, Carassius spp, Ctenopharyngodonidellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobramaspp.) Kg 3% 24
66 03032600 Eels (Anguilla spp.) Kg 3% 24
67 03032900 Other Kg 3% 24
68 03033100 Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis) Kg 3% 24
69 03033200 Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) Kg 3% 24
70 03033300 Sole (Solea spp.) Kg 3% 24
71 03033400 Turbots (Psetta maxima) Kg 3% 24
72 03033900 Other Kg 3% 24
73 03034100 Albacore or longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga) Kg 3% 24
74 03034200 Yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) Kg 3% 24
75 03034300 Skipjack tuna (stripe-bellied bonito) (Katsuwonuspelamis ) Kg 3%  
76 03034400 Bigeye tunas (thunnus obesus) Kg 3% 24
77 03034500 Atlantic and Pacific bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis) Kg 3% 24
78 03034600 Southern bluefin tunas (thunnus maccoyii) Kg 3% 24
79 03034900 Other Kg 3% 24
80 03035100 Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), Kg 3% 24
81 03035300 Sardines (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.) sardinella (sardinella spp.) brisling or sprats (Sprattus sprattus) Kg 3% 24
82 03035400 Mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus) Kg 3% 24
83 03035500 jack and horse mackerel (Trachurus spp.) Kg 3% 24
84 03035600 Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) Kg 3% 24
85 03035700 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) Kg 3% 24
86 03035910 Indian mackerels (Rastreliger spp.) Kg 3% 24
87 03035990 other Kg 3% 24
88 03036300 Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus Kg 3% 24
89 03036400 Haddock (Melangrammus aeglefinus) Kg 3% 24
90 03036500 Coalfish (Pollachius virens) Kg 3% 24
91 03036600 Hake (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) Kg 3% 24
92 03036700 Alaska Pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) Kg 3% 24
93 03036800 Blue whitings (Micromesistius poutassou, Micromesistius australis) Kg 3% 24
94 03036900 Other Kg 3% 24
95 03038110 Dogfish Kg 3% 24
96 03038190 Other Sharks Kg 3% 24
97 03038200 Rays and skates (Rajidae) Kg 3% 24
98 03038300 Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) Kg 3% 24
99 03038400 Seabass (Dicentrarchus spp.) Kg 3% 24
100 03038910 Hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha) Kg 0.5%  
101 03038920 Dara Kg 0.5%  
102 03038930 Ribbon fish Kg 3% 24
103 03038940 Seer Kg 3% 24
104 03038950 Pomfret (White or silver or black) Kg 3% 24
105 03038960 Ghol Kg 3% 24
106 03038970 Threadfin Kg 3% 24
107 03038980 Croakers, groupers, flounders Kg 3% 24
108 03038990 Other Kg 3% 24
109 03039110 Egg or Egg yolk of fish Kg 3% 24
110 03039190 Other Kg 0.5%  
111 03039200 Shark fins Kg 3% 24
112 03039910 Fish fins other than shark fins; heads, tails and maws Kg 3% 24
113 03039990 Other edible fish offal Kg 0.5%  
114 03043100 Tilapias (Oreochromis spp.) Kg 2.5% 24
115 03043200 Catfish (Pangasois s[[., Silurus spp., Clarias spp.,Ictalurusspp.) Kg 2.5% 24
116 03043300 Nile perch (Lates niloticus) Kg 2.5% 24
117 03043900 Other Kg 0.5%  
118 03044100 Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchustschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus massou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) Kg 2.5% 24
119 03044200 Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Onchorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) Kg 2.5% 24
120 03044300 Flat fish (Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae and Citharidae) Kg 2.5% 24
121 03044400 Fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae, and Muraenolepididae Kg 2.5% 24
122 03044500 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) Kg 2.5% 24
123 03044600 Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) Kg 2.5% 24
124 03044700 Dogfish and other sharks Kg 2.5% 24
125 03044800 Rays and skates (Rajidae) Kg 2.5% 24
126 03044910 Hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha) Kg 0.5%  
127 03044930 Seer Kg 2.5% 24
128 03044940 Tuna Kg 2.5% 24
129 03044990 Other Kg 0.5%  
130 03045100 Tilapias (Oreochromis spp.) catfish (Pangasius spp.,Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.), carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.), eels (Anguilla spp.), Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and snakeheads (Channa
Kg 2.5% 24
131 03045200 Salmonidae Kg 2.5% 24
132 03045300 Fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae Kg 2.5% 24
133 03045400 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) Kg 2.5% 24
134 03045500 Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) Kg 2.5% 24
135 03045600 Dogfish and other sharks Kg 2.5% 24
136 03045700 Rays and skates (Rajidae) Kg 2.5% 24
137 03045910 Hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha) Kg 0.5%  
138 03045930 Seer Kg 2.5% 24
139 03045940 Tuna Kg 2.5% 24
140 03045990 Other Kg 2.5% 24
141 03046100 Tilapias (Oreochromis spp.) Kg 2.5% 24
142 03046200 Catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.) Kg 2.5% 24
143 03046300 Nile Perch (Lates niloticus) Kg 2.5% 24
144 03046900 Other Kg 2.5% 24
145 03047100 Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) Kg 2.5% 24
146 03047200 Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) Kg 2.5% 24
147 03047300 Coalfish (Pollachius virens) Kg 2.5% 24
148 03047400 Hake (Merluccius spp.,Urophycis spp.) Kg 2.5% 24
149 03047500 Alaska Pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) Kg 2.5% 24
150 03047900 Other Kg 2.5% 24
151 03048100 Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhunchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) Kg 2.5% 24
152 03048200 Trout (salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) Kg 2.5% 24
153 03048300 Flat fish (Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soledae, Scophthalmidae and Citharidae) Kg 2.5% 24
154 03048400 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) Kg 2.5% 24
155 03048500 Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) Kg 2.5% 24
156 03048600 Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) Kg 2.5% 24
157 03048700 Tunas (of the genus Thunnus), skipjack tuna (stripe-bellied bonito) (Katsuwonus pelamis) Kg 2.5% 24
158 03048810 Dogfish Kg 2.5% 24
159 03048820 Other Sharks Kg 2.5% 24
160 03048830 Rays and skates (Rajidae) Kg 2.5% 24
161 03048910 Hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha) Kg 0.5%  
162 03048930 Seer Kg 2.5% 24
163 03048940 Tuna Kg 2.5% 24
164 03048990 Other Kg 2.5% 24
165 03049100 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) Kg 2.5% 24
166 03049200 Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) Kg 2.5% 24
167 03049300 Tilapias (Orechromis spp.), catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurusspp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.), carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodonpiceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.), eels (Anguillaspp.), Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and snakeheads (Channaspp.) Kg 2.5% 24
168 03049400 Alaska Pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) Kg 2.5% 24
169 03049500 Fish of the families (Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae,) other than Alaska Pollock (Theragrachalcogramma) Kg 2.5% 24
170 03049600 Dogfish and other sharks Kg 2.5% 24
171 03049700 Rays and skates (Rajidae) Kg 2.5% 24
172 03049900 Other Kg 2.5% 24
173 03052000 Livers, roes and milt of fish, dried, smoked, salted or in brine Kg 2.5% 24
174 03053100 Tilapias (Oreochromis spp.), catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.), carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodonpiceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.), eels (Anguillaspp.), Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and snakeheads (Channaspp.) Kg 2.5% 24
175 03053200 fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, eulichthyidae, gadidae, macrouridae, melononidae, merlucciidae, moridae and muranelepididae Kg 2.5% 24
176 03053900 Other Kg 2.5% 24
177 03054100 Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo Salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) Kg 2.5% 24
178 03054200 Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii ) Kg 2.5% 24
179 03054300 Trout (Salmo trutta, Onchohynchus mykiss, oncorhynchus clarki oncorhynchus aquabonita, oncorhunchus gilae, oncorhunchus apache and oncorhynchus chrysogaster Kg 2.5% 24
180 03054400 Tilapias (Oreochromis spp.), catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurusspp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.), carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.), eels (Anguilla spp.), Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and snakeheads (Channa spp.) Kg 2.5% 24
181 03054900 Other Kg 2.5% 24
182 03055100 Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) Kg 2.5% 24
183 03055200 Tilapias (Oreochromis spp.), catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.), carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.), eels (Anguillaspp.), Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and snakeheads (Channaspp.) Kg 2.5% 24
184 03055300 Fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae, other than cod ( Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) Kg 2.5% 24
185 03055400 Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), anchovies (Engraulis spp.), sardines (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinopsspp.), sardinella (Sardinella spp.), brisling or sprats (Sprattussprattus), mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus), Indian mackerels (Rastrelliger spp.), seerfishes (Scomberomorus spp.), jack and horse mackerel (Trachurus spp.), jacks, crevalles (Caranx spp.), cobia (Rachycentron canadum), silver pomfrets (Pampus spp.), Pacific saury (Cololabis saira), scads (Decapterus spp.), capelin (Mallotus villosus), Sword fish (Xiphias gladius), Kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis), bonitos (Sarda spp.), marlins, sailfishes, spearfish (Istiophoridae) Kg 2.5% 24
186 03055910 Mumbai Duck Kg 2.5% 24
187 03055920 Seer without head Kg 2.5% 24
188 03055930 Sprats Kg 2.5% 24
189 03055990 Other Kg 2.5% 24
190 03056100 Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii ) Kg 2.5% 24
191 03056200 Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) Kg 2.5% 24
192 03056300 Anchovies (Engraulis spp. ) Kg 2.5% 24
193 03056400 Tilapias (Oreochromis spp.), catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurusspp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.), carp (Cyprinus spp.,Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.), eels (Anguilla spp.), Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and snakeheads (Channa spp.) Kg 2.5% 24
194 03056910 Mumbai duck Kg 2.5% 24
195 03056920 Seer without head Kg 2.5% 24
196 03056930 Sprats Kg 2.5% 24
197 03056990 Other Kg 2.5% 24
198 03057100 Shark fins Kg 2.5% 24
199 03057200 fish heads tails and maws Kg 2.5% 24
200 03057900 other Kg 2.5% 24
201 03061100 Rock lobster and other sea craw fish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.) Kg 2.5% 42
202 03061210 Whole, cooked Kg 2.5% 42
203 03061290 Other Kg 2.5% 42
204 03061400 Crabs Kg 2.5% 42
205 03061500 Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus) Kg 2.5% 42
206 03061610 Accelerated Freeze Dried Kg 2.2% 69
207 03061690 Other Kg 2% 62
208 03061711 Accelerated Freese Dried (AFD) Kg 2.2% 69
209 03061719 other Kg 2% 62
210 03061720 Vannamei Shrimp (LITOPENAEUS VANNAMEI) Kg 3% 42
211 03061730 Indian White Shrimp (FENNEROPENAEUS INDICUS) Kg 3% 42
212 03061740 Black tiger shrimp (Penaeusmonodon) Kg 3% 42
213 03061750 Flower Shrimp (Penaeus semisulcalus) Kg 3% 42
214 03061790 other Kg 3% 42
215 03061900 Other Kg 3% 42
216 03063100 Rock lobster and other sea craw fish (Palinurus spp., Jasus spp.) Kg 2.4% 62
217 03063200 Lobsters (Homarus spp.) Kg 2.4% 62
218 03063300 Crabs Kg 2.4% 62
219 03063400 Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus) Kg 2.4% 62
220 03063500 Cold-water shrimps and prawns (Pandalus spp., Crangon crangon) Kg 2.4% 62
221 03063610 Scampi (Macrobachium spp.) Kg 3% 62
222 03063620 Vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Kg 3% 62
223 03063630 Indian white shrimp (Fenneropenaeus indicus) Kg 3% 62
224 03063640 Black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) Kg 3% 62
225 03063650 Flower Shrimp(Penaeus semisulcatus) Kg 3% 62
226 03063660 Artemia Kg 3% 62
227 03063690 Other Kg 3% 62
228 03063900 Other Kg 3% 62
229 03069100 Rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Jasus spp.) Kg 2.4% 62
230 03069200 Lobsters ( Homarus spp.) Kg 2.4% 62
231 03069300 Crabs Kg 2.4% 62
232 03069400 Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus) Kg 2.4% 62
233 03069500 Shrimps and prawns Kg 3% 62
234 03069900 Other Kg 2.4% 62
235 03071100 Live, fresh or chilled Kg 3% 24
236 03071200 Frozen Kg 3% 24
237 03071900 Other Kg 3% 24
238 03072100 Live, fresh or chilled Kg 3% 24
239 03072200 Frozen Kg 3% 24
240 03072900 Other Kg 3% 24
241 03073100 Live, fresh or chilled Kg 3% 24
242 03073200 Frozen Kg 3% 24
243 03073910 Clams, clam meat (bivalves-Victorita, spp., Mertrix spp. and Katalysia spp.) Kg 3% 24
244 03073990 Other Kg 3% 24
245 03074210 Cuttle fish Kg 3% 24
246 03074220 Squid Kg 3% 24
247 03074310 Cuttle fish Kg 3% 24
248 03074320 Whole squids Kg 3% 24
249 03074330 Squid tubes Kg 3% 24
250 03074390 Other Kg 3% 24
251 03074910 Cuttle fish Kg 3% 24
252 03074920 Whole squids Kg 3% 24
253 03074930 Squid tubes Kg 3% 24
254 03074940 Dried squids Kg 3% 24
255 03074990 other Kg 3% 24
256 03075100 Live, fresh or chilled Kg 3% 24
257 03075200 Frozen Kg 3% 24
258 03075900 Other Kg 3% 24
259 03076000 Snails, other than sea snails Kg 3% 24
260 03077100 Live, fresh or chilled Kg 3% 24
261 03077200 Frozen Kg 3% 24
262 03077900 Other Kg 3% 24
263 03078100 Live, fresh or chilled abalone (Haliotis spp.) Kg 3% 24
264 03078200 Live, fresh or chilled stromboid conchs (Strombus spp.) Kg 3% 24
265 03078300 Frozen abalone (Haliotis spp.) Kg 3% 24
266 03078400 Frozen stromboid conchs (Strombus spp.) Kg 3% 24
267 03078700 Other abalone (Haliotis spp.) Kg 3% 24
268 03078800 Other stromboid conchs (Strombus spp.) Kg 3% 24
269 03079100 Live, fresh or chilled Kg 3% 24
270 03079200 Frozen Kg 3% 24
271 03079900 Other Kg 3% 24
272 03081100 Live, fresh or chilled Kg 3% 24
273 03081200 frozen Kg 3% 24
274 03081900 Other Kg 3% 24
275 03082100 Live, fresh or chilled Kg 3% 24
276 03082200 frozen Kg 3% 24
277 03082900 Other Kg 3% 24
278 03083010 Live, fresh or chilled Kg 3% 24
279 03083020 dried salted or frozen Kg 3% 24
280 03083090 Other Kg 3% 24
281 03089000 Other Kg 3% 24
282 03091010 Fresh or chilled Kg 2.5% 24
283 03091020 Frozen Kg 2.5% 24
284 03091030 Salted, in brine, dried or smoked Kg 2.5% 24
285 03091090 Other Kg 2.5% 24
286 03099011 Vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Kg 2.5% 62
287 03099012 Indian white shrimp (Fenneropenaeus indicus) Kg 2.5% 62
288 03099013 Black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) Kg 2.5% 62
289 03099014 Flower shrimp (Penaeus semisulcatus) Kg 2.5% 62
290 03099019 Other Kg 2.5% 62
291 03099021 Vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Kg 2.5% 62
292 03099022 Indian white shrimp (Fenneropenaeus indicus) Kg 2.5% 62
293 03099023 Black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) Kg 2.5% 62
294 03099024 Flower shrimp (Penaeus semisulcatus) Kg 2.5% 62
295 03099029 Other Kg 2.5% 62
296 03099031 Vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Kg 2.5% 62
297 03099032 Indian white shrimp (Fenneropenaeus indicus) Kg 2.5% 62
298 03099033 Black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) Kg 2.5% 62
299 03099034 Flower shrimp (Penaeus semisulcatus) Kg 2.5% 62
300 03099039 Other Kg 2.5% 62
301 03099040 Of crustaceans, other Kg 2.5% 62
302 03099050 Of molluscs, fresh or chilled Kg 2.5% 24
303 03099060 Of molluscs, frozen Kg 2.5% 24
304 03099070 Of molluscs, salted, in brine, dried or smoked Kg 2.5% 24
305 03099080 Of molluscs, other Kg 2.5% 24
306 03099090 Other Kg 2.4% 24
307 04011000 Of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1% Kg 0.5%  
308 04012000 Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1% but not exceeding 6% Kg 0.5%  
309 04014000 Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6% but not exceeding 10% Kg 0.5%  
310 04015000 Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 10% Kg 0.5%  
311 04021010 Skimmed Milk Kg 0.5%  
312 04021020 Milk food for babies Kg 0.5%  
313 04021090 Other Kg 0.5%  
314 04022100 Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter Kg 0.5%  
315 04022910 Whole milk Kg 0.5%  
316 04022920 Milk for babies Kg 0.5%  
317 04022990 Other Kg 0.5%  
318 04029110 Condensed milk Kg 0.5%  
319 04029190 Other Kg 0.5%  
320 04029910 Whole milk Kg 0.5%  
321 04029920 Condensed milk Kg 0.5%  
322 04029990 Other Kg 0.5%  
323 04032000 Yogurt Kg 0.5%  
324 04039010 Butter milk Kg 0.5%  
325 04039090 Other Kg 0.5%  
326 04041010 Whey, concentrated, evaporated or condensed, liquid or semi-solid Kg 0.5%  
327 04041020 Whey, dry, blocks and powdered Kg 0.5%  
328 04041090 Other Kg 0.5%  
329 04049000 Other Kg 0.5%  
330 04051000 Butter Kg 0.5%  
331 04052000 Dairy spreads Kg 0.5%  
332 04059010 Butter oil Kg 0.5%  
333 04059020 Ghee Kg 0.5%  
334 04059090 Other Kg 0.5%  
335 04061010 Mozzarella cheese Kg 0.5%  
336 04061090 Other Kg 0.5%  
337 04062000 Grated or powdered cheese, of all kinds Kg 0.5%  
338 04063000 Processed cheese not grated or powdered Kg 0.5%  
339 04064000 Blue-veined cheese and other cheese containing veins produced by Penicillium roqueforti Kg 0.5%  
340 04069000 Other cheese Kg 0.5%  
341 04071100 Of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus u 0.5%  
342 04071910 Of ducks u 0.5%  
343 04071990 Other u 0.5%  
344 04072100 Of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus u 2% 0.15
345 04072900 Other u 2% 0.15
346 04079000 Other u 0.5%  
347 04081100 Dried Kg 3% 20
348 04081900 Other Kg 3% 7.6
349 04089100 Dried Kg 3% 20
350 04089900 Other Kg 3% 5.4
351 04090000 NATURAL HONEY Kg 0.5%  
352 04101010 Fresh, chilled or frozen Kg 0.5%  
353 04101020 Salted, in brine, dried or smoked Kg 0.5%  
354 04101090 Other Kg 0.5%  
355 04109010 Of wild animals Kg 0.5%  
356 04109020 Turtle eggs and Salanganes’ nests (“birds’ nests”) Kg 0.5%  
357 04109090 Other Kg 0.5%  
358 05010010 Human hair, unworked, whether or not washed or scoured Kg 0.5%  
359 05010020 Waste of human hair Kg 0.5%  
360 05021010 Pigs', hogs' or boars' bristles and hair Kg 0.5%  
361 05021020 Waste of pigs', hogs' or boars' bristles and hair Kg 0.5%  
362 05029010 Badger hair and other brush making hair Kg 0.5%  
363 05029020 Yak tail hair Kg 0.5%  
364 05029090 Other Kg 0.5%  
365 05040010 Guts of cattle for natural food casings Kg 0.5%  
366 05040020 Guts of sheep and goats for natural food casings Guts of other animals for natural food casings Kg 0.5%  
367 05040031 Of wild animals Kg 0.5%  
368 05040039 Other Kg 0.5%  
369 05040041 Of wild animals Kg 0.5%  
370 05040049 Other Kg 0.5%  
371 05040051 Of wild animals Kg 0.5%  
372 05040059 Other Kg 0.5%  
373 05051010 Of wild birds Kg 0.5%  
374 05051090 Other Kg 0.5%  
375 05059010 Peacock tail and wing feather (trimmed or not) Kg 0.5%  
376 05059021 Of wild birds Kg 0.5%  
377 05059029 Other Kg 0.5%  
378 05059031 Of wild birds Kg 0.5%  
379 05059039 Other Kg 0.5%  
380 05059091 Of wild birds Kg 0.5%  
381 05059099 Other Kg 0.5%  
382 05061011 Of wild animals Kg 1.3%  
383 05061019 Other Kg 1.3%  
384 05061021 Of wild animals Kg 1.3%  
385 05061029 Other Kg 1.3%  
386 05061031 Of wild animals Kg 1.3%  
387 05061039 Other Kg 1.3%  
388 05061041 Of wild animals Kg 1.3%  
389 05061049 Other Kg 1.3%  
390 05069011 Of wild animals Kg 1.3%  
391 05069019 Other Kg 1.3%  
392 05069091 Of wild animals Kg 1.3%  
393 05069099 Other Kg 1.3%  
394 05071010 Ivory Kg 0.5%  
395 05071020 Ivory powder and waste Kg 0.5%  
396 05079010 Hoof meal Kg 0.5%  
397 05079020 Horn meal Kg 0.5%  
398 05079030 Hooves, claws, nails and beaks Kg 0.5%  
399 05079040 Antlers Kg 0.5%  
400 05079050 Buffalo horns Kg 0.5%  
401 05079060 Tortoise-shell Kg 0.5%  
402 05079070 Claws and waste of tortoise shell Kg 0.5%  
403 05079090 Other Kg 0.5%  
404 05080010 Coral Kg 0.5%  
405 05080020 Chanks Kg 0.5%  
406 05080030 Cowries Kg 0.5%  
407 05080040 Cuttlefish bones Kg 0.5%  
408 05080050 Shells Kg 0.5%  
409 05080090 Other Kg 0.5%  
410 05100010 Bezoar, cow (goolochan) Kg 0.5%  
411 05100020 Ox Gallstone Kg 0.5%  
412 05100030 Placenta, frozen Kg 0.5%  
413 05100091 Of wild animals Kg 0.5%  
414 05100099 Other Kg 0.5%  
415 05111000 Bovine semen Kg 0.5%  
416 05119110 Fish nails Kg 0.5%  
417 05119120 Fish tails Kg 0.5%  
418 05119130 Other fish waste Kg 0.5%  
419 05119140 Artemia cyst Kg 0.5%  
420 05119190 Other Kg 0.5%  
421 05119910 Silkwormpupae Kg 0.5%  
422 05119921 Of wild life Kg 0.5%  
423 05119929 Other Kg 0.5%  
424 05119991 Frozen semen, other than bovine; bovine embryo Kg 0.5%  
425 05119992 Of wild life Kg 0.5%  
426 05119999 Other Kg 0.5%  
427 06011000 Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns and rhizomes, dormant Kg 0.9%  
428 06012010 Bulbs, horticultural Kg 0.9%  
429 06012021 Plants Kg 0.9%  
430 06012022 Roots Kg 0.9%  
431 06012090 Other Kg 0.9%  
432 06021000 Unrooted cuttings and slips Kg 0.9%  
433 06022010 Edible fruit or nut trees, grafted or not Kg 0.9%  
434 06022020 Cactus Kg 0.9%  
435 06022090 Other Kg 0.9%  
436 06023000 Rhododendrons and azaleas, grafted or not Kg 0.9%  
437 06024000 Roses, grafted or not Kg 0.9%  
438 06029010 Mushroom spawn Kg 0.9%  
439 06029020 Flowering plants (excluding roses and rhododendrons) Kg 0.9%  
440 06029030 Tissue culture plant Kg 0.9%  
441 06029090 Other Kg 0.9%  
442 06031100 Roses Kg 0.9%  
443 06031200 Carnations Kg 0.9%  
444 06031300 Orchids Kg 0.9%  
445 06031400 Chrysanthemums Kg 0.9%  
446 06031500 Lilies (Lilium spp.) Kg 0.9%  
447 06031900 Other Kg 0.9%  
448 06039000 Other Kg 0.9%  
449 06042000 Fresh Kg 0.9%  
450 06049000 Other Kg 0.9%  
451 07011000 Seed Kg 3.9% 1
452 07019000 Other Kg 3.9% 1
453 07020000 TOMATOES, FRESH OR CHILLED Kg 3.9% 1.1
454 07031011 Rose onion Kg 1.9% 1.2
455 07031019 Other Kg 1.9% 1.2
456 07031020 Shallots Kg 1.9% 1.2
457 07032000 Garlic Kg 1.9% 1.2
458 07039000 Leeks and other alliaceous vegetables Kg 1.9% 1.2
459 07041000 Cauliflowers and broccoli Kg 2.4% 1.2
460 07042000 Brussels sprouts Kg 2.4% 1.2
461 07049000 Other Kg 2.4% 1.2
462 07051100 Cabbage lettuce (head lettuce) Kg 2.9% 1.3
463 07051900 Other Kg 2.9% 1.3
464 07052100 Witloof chicory (Cichorium intybus var. foliosum) Kg 2.9% 1.3
465 07052900 Other Kg 2.9% 1.3
466 07061000 Carrots and turnips Kg 2.4% 1.2
467 07069010 Horse radish Kg 2.4% 1.2
468 07069020 Other Radish Kg 2.4% 1.2
469 07069030 Salad beetroot Kg 2.4% 1.2
470 07069090 Other Kg 2.4% 1.2
472 07081000 Peas (Pisum sativum) Kg 2.4% 1.2
473 07082000 Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.) Kg 2.4% 1.2
474 07089000 Other leguminous vegetables Kg 2.4% 1.2
475 07092000 Asparagus Kg 1.9% 1.3
476 07093000 Aubergines (egg-plants) Kg 1.9% 1.3
477 07094000 Celery other than celeraic Kg 1.9% 1.3
478 07095100 Mushrooms of the genus agaricus Kg 1.9% 1.3
479 07095200 Mushrooms of the genus Boletus Kg 1.9% 1.3
480 07095300 Mushrooms of the genus Cantharellus Kg 1.9% 1.3
481 07095400 Shiitake (Lentinus edodes) Kg 1.9% 1.3
482 07095500 Matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake, Tricholoma magnivelare, Tricholoma anatolicum, Tricholoma dulciolens, Tricholoma caligatum) Kg 1.9% 1.3
483 07095600 Truffles (Tuber spp.) Kg 1.9% 1.3
484 07095900 Other Kg 1.9% 1.3
485 07096010 Green chilly Kg 1.9% 1.3
486 07096090 Other Kg 1.9% 1.3
487 07097000 Spinach, New Zealand spinach and orache spinach (garden spinach) Kg 1.9% 1.3
488 07099100 Glove artichokes Kg 1.9% 1.3
489 07099200 Olives Kg 1.9% 1.3
490 07099310 pumpkins Kg 1.9% 1.3
491 07099320 squash Kg 1.9% 1.3
492 07099330 Bitter gourd Kg 1.9% 1.3
493 07099340 Bottle gourd Kg 1.9% 1.3
494 07099350 Snake gourd Kg 1.9% 1.3
495 07099360 Coccinia (Kundru) Kg 1.9% 1.3
496 07099390 Other Kg 1.9% 1.3
497 07099910 Green Pepper Kg 1.9% 1.3
498 07099930 Okra/Lady finger (Bhindi) Kg 1.9% 1.3
499 07099990 other Kg 1.9% 1.3
500 07101000 Potatoes Kg 1.4%  
501 07102100 Peas (Pisum sativum) Kg 1.4%  
502 07102200 Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.) Kg 1.4%  
503 07102900 Other Kg 1.4%  
504 07103000 Spinach, New Zealand spinach and orache spinach (garden spinach) Kg 1.4%  
505 07104000 Sweet corn Kg 1.4%  
506 07108010 Terragon Kg 1.4%  
507 07108090 Other Kg 1.4%  
508 07109000 Mixtures of vegetables Kg 1.4%  
509 07112000 Olives Kg 1.9% 1.2
510 07114000 Cucumbers and gherkins Kg 3.4% 3.5
511 07115100 Mushrooms of the gensus agaricus Kg 1.9% 1.2
512 07115900 Other Kg 1.9% 1.2
513 07119010 Green pepper in brine Kg 1.9% 1.2
514 07119020 Assorted canned vegetables Kg 1.9% 1.2
515 07119090 Other Kg 1.9% 1.2
516 07122000 Onions Kg 3.9% 5.9
517 07123100 Mushrooms of the genus lgaricus Kg 3.9% 5.9
518 07123200 Wood ears (Auricularia spp.) Kg 3.9% 5.9
519 07123300 Jelly fungi (Tremella spp.) Kg 3.9% 5.9
520 07123400 Shiitake (Lentinus edodes) Kg 3.9% 5.9
521 07123900 Other Kg 3.9% 5.9
522 07129010 Asparagus Kg 3.9% 5.9
523 07129020 Dehydrated garlic powder Kg 3.9% 5.9
524 07129030 Dehydrated garlic flakes Kg 3.9% 5.9
525 07129040 Dried garlic Kg 3.9% 5.9
526 07129050 Marjoram, Oregano Kg 3.9% 5.9
527 07129060 Potatoes Kg 3.9% 5.9
528 07129090 Other Kg 3.9% 5.9
529 07131010 Yellow Peas Kg 3.9% 5.9
530 07131020 Green Peas Kg 3.9% 5.9
531 07131090 Other Kg 3.9% 5.9
532 07132010 kabuli Channa Kg 3.9% 5.9
533 07132020 Bengal gram (desi channa) Kg 3.9% 5.9
534 07132090 Other Kg 3.9% 5.9
537 07133200 Small red (Adzuki) beans (Phaseolus or Vigna angularis) Kg 3.9% 5.9
538 07133300 Kidney beans, including white pea beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) Kg 3.9% 5.9
539 07133400 Bambara beans (Vigna subterranea or Voandzeia subterranea) Kg 3.9% 5.9
540 07133500 Cow peas (Vigna unguiculata) Kg 3.9% 5.9
541 07133910 Guar seeds Kg 1.4%  
542 07133990 Other Kg 3.9% 5.9
543 07134000 Lentils Kg 3.9% 5.9
544 07135000 Broad beans (Vicia faba var major) and horse beans (Viciafaba var equina, Vicia faba var minor) Kg 3.9% 5.9
545 07136000 Pigeon peas (Cajanus cajan) Kg 3.9% 5.9
546 07139010 Split Kg 3.9% 5.9
547 07139090 Other Kg 3.9% 5.9
548 07141000 Manioc (cassava) Kg 2.4% 1.2
549 07142000 Sweet potatoes Kg 2.4% 1.2
550 07143000 Yams (Dioscorea spp.) Kg 2.4% 1.2
551 07144000 Taro (Colocasia spp.) Kg 2.4% 1.2
552 07145000 Yautia (Xanthosoma spp.) Kg 2.4% 1.2
553 07149010 Sago pith Kg 2.4% 1.2
554 07149090 Other Kg 2.4% 1.2
555 08011100 Desiccated Kg 2.4% 8.5
556 08011210 Fresh Kg 2.4% 8.5
557 08011220 Dried Kg 2.9% 10.2
558 08011290 Other Kg 2.4% 8.5
559 08011910 Fresh Kg 2.4% 8.5
560 08011920 Dried Kg 2.4% 8.5
561 08011990 Other Kg 2.4% 8.5
562 08012100 In shell Kg 2.4% 8.5
563 08012200 Shelled Kg 2.4% 8.5
564 08013100 In shell Kg 2.4% 8.5
565 08013210 Cashew kernel, broken Kg 2.4% 8.5
566 08013220 Cashew kernel, whole Kg 2.4% 8.5
567 08013290 Other Kg 2.4% 8.5
568 08021100 In shell Kg 2.4% 11.9
569 08021200 Shelled Kg 2.4% 11.9
570 08022100 In shell Kg 2.4% 11.9
571 08022200 Shelled Kg 2.4% 11.9
572 08023100 In shell Kg 2.4% 11.9
573 08023200 Shelled Kg 2.4% 11.9
574 08024100 In shell Kg 2.4% 11.9
575 08024200 Shelled Kg 2.4% 11.9
576 08025100 In shell Kg 2.4% 11.9
577 08025200 Shelled Kg 2.4% 11.9
578 08026100 In shell Kg 2.4% 11.9
579 08026200 Shelled Kg 2.4% 11.9
580 08027000 Kola nuts (Cola spp.) Kg 2.4% 11.9
581 08028010 Whole Kg 2.4% 11.9
582 08028020 Split Kg 2.4% 11.9
583 08028030 Ground Kg 2.4% 11.9
584 08028090 Other Kg 2.4% 11.9
585 08029100 Pine nuts, in shell Kg 2.4% 11.9
586 08029200 Pine nuts, shelled Kg 2.4% 11.9
587 08029900 Other Kg 2.4% 11.9
588 08031010 Curry Plantain Kg 2.4% 1.3
589 08031090 other Kg 2.4% 1.3
590 08039010 Bananas, Fresh Kg 2.9% 1.6
591 08039090 other Kg 2.4% 1.3
592 08041010 Fresh (excluding wet dates) Kg 2.4% 1.9
593 08041020 Soft (khayzur or wet dates) Kg 2.4% 1.9
594 08041030 Hard (chhohara or kharek) Kg 2.4% 1.9
595 08041090 Other Kg 2.4% 1.9
596 08042010 Fresh Kg 2.4% 1.9
597 08042090 Other Kg 2.4% 1.9
598 08043000 Pineapples Kg 2.4% 1.9
599 08044000 Avocados Kg 2.4% 1.9
600 08045010 Guavas, fresh or dried Kg 2.4% 1.9
601 08045021 Alphonso (Hapus) Kg 2.4% 1.9
602 08045022 Banganapalli Kg 2.4% 1.9
603 08045023 chausa Kg 2.4% 1.9
604 08045024 Dashaeri Kg 2.4% 1.9
605 08045025 Langla Kg 2.4% 1.9
606 08045026 Kesar Kg 2.4% 1.9
607 08045027 Totapuri Kg 2.4% 1.9
608 08045028 Mallika Kg 2.4% 1.9
609 08045029 other Kg 2.4% 1.9
610 08045030 Mangoes, sliced dried Kg 2.4% 1.9
611 08045040 Mango pulp Kg 2.4% 1.9
612 08045090 Other Kg 2.4% 1.9
613 08051000 Oranges Kg 2.4% 0.7
614 08052100 Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas) Kg 2.4% 0.7
615 08052200 Clementines Kg 2.4% 0.7
616 08052900 Other Kg 2.4% 0.7
617 08054000 Grapefruit and pomelos Kg 2.4% 0.7
618 08055000 Lemon (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum) and limes (Citrusaurantifolia, Citrus latifolia) Kg 2.4% 0.7
619 08059000 Other Kg 2.4% 0.7
620 08061000 Fresh Kg 3.8% 4.3
621 08062010 Raisins Kg 2.4% 4.3
622 08062090 Other Kg 2.4% 4.3
623 08071100 Water melons Kg 2.9% 1.2
624 08071910 Musk melons Kg 2.9% 1.2
625 08071990 Other Kg 2.4% 1
626 08072000 Papaws (papayas) Kg 2.9% 1.2
627 08081000 Apples Kg 2.4% 0.9
628 08083000 Pears Kg 2.4% 0.9
629 08084000 Quinces Kg 2.4% 0.9
630 08091000 Apricots Kg 2.4% 0.9
631 08092100 Sour Cherries (Prunus cerasus) Kg 2.4% 0.9
632 08092900 Other Kg 2.4% 0.9
633 08093000 Peaches, including nectarine Kg 2.4% 0.9
634 08094000 Plums and sloes Kg 2.4% 0.9
635 08101000 Strawberries Kg 2.4% 2.2
636 08102000 Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries and loganberries Kg 2.4% 2.2
637 08103000 Black, white or red currants and gooseberries Kg 2.4% 2.2
638 08104000 Cranberries, bilberries and other fruits of the genus Vaccinium Kg 2.4% 2.2
639 08105000 Kiwi fruit Kg 2.4% 2.2
640 08106000 Durians Kg 2.4% 2.2
641 08107000 Persimmons Kg 2.4% 2.2
642 08109010 Pomegranates Kg 2.4% 2.2
643 08109020 Tamarind, fresh Kg 2.4% 2.2
644 08109030 Sapota (chico) Kg 2.4% 2.2
645 08109040 Custard-apple (Ata) Kg 2.4% 2.2
646 08109050 Bore Kg 2.4% 2.2
647 08109060 Lichi Kg 2.4% 2.2
648 08109090 Other Kg 2.4% 2.2
649 08111010 Containing added sugar Kg 2.4% 4.8
650 08111020 Not containing added sugar Kg 2.4% 4.8
651 08111090 Other Kg 2.4% 4.8
652 08112010 Containing added sugar Kg 2.4% 4.8
653 08112020 Not containing added sugar Kg 2.4% 4.8
654 08112090 Other Kg 2.4% 4.8
655 08119010 Containing added sugar Kg 2.4% 4.8
656 08119090 Other Kg 2.4% 4.8
657 08121000 Cherries Kg 2.4% 7.2
658 08129010 Mango slices in brine Kg 2.4% 7.2
659 08129090 Other Kg 2.4% 7.2
660 08131000 Apricots Kg 2.4% 4.7
661 08132000 Prunes Kg 2.4% 4.7
662 08133000 Apples Kg 2.4% 4.7
663 08134010 Tamarind, dried Kg 2.4% 4.7
664 08134020 Singoda whole (water nut) Kg 2.4% 4.7
665 08134090 Other Kg 2.4% 4.7
666 08135010 Mixtures of nuts Kg 2.4% 4.7
667 08135020 Mixtures of dried fruits Kg 2.4% 4.7
669 09011111 A Grade Kg 1.3%  
670 09011112 B Grade Kg 1.3%  
671 09011113 C Grade Kg 1.3%  
672 09011119 Other Kg 1.3%  
673 09011121 AB Grade Kg 1.3%  
674 09011122 PB Grade Kg 1.3%  
675 09011123 C Grade Kg 1.3%  
676 09011124 B/B/B Grade Kg 1.3%  
677 09011129 Other Kg 1.3%  
678 09011131 AB Grade Kg 1.3%  
679 09011132 PB Grade Kg 1.3%  
680 09011133 C Grade Kg 1.3%  
681 09011139 Other Kg 1.3%  
682 09011141 AB Grade Kg 1.3%  
683 09011142 PB Grade Kg 1.3%  
684 09011143 C Grade Kg 1.3%  
685 09011144 B/B/B Grade Kg 1.3%  
686 09011145 Bulk Kg 1.3%  

