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MEIS SI.No. ITC(HS) Code 2012 ITC(HS)2012 Description ITC(HS) ITC(HS)2017 Description MEIS Rate
Code 2017
7914 3029000 Livers And Roes 3029110 livers and roes 2[7]old[5]
7915 3038999 Other Excl. Edible Fishmaws And Sharkfins'MeisBenefits Subject To Export Policy Restrictions 3038990 Other Lxci. Edible Fishmaws And Sharkfins-Meis Benefits Subject To Export Policy Restrictions 2[7]old[5]
7916 3039090 Other Liver And Roes 3039190 Other Liver And Roes 2[7]old[5]
7917 3053900 Other 3053900 Other 2[7]old[5]
7918 3057200 Fish Heads. Tails And Maws 3059910 Fish Pleads. Tails And Maws 2[7]old[5]
7919 3062710 Powdered 3069500 Shrimps and prawns-Powdered 2[7]old[5]
7920 3062900 Other Crustaceans Not Frozen 3063900 Other, including flours. meals and pellets, of crustaceans, fit for human consumption 2[7]old[5]
7921 3062900 Other Crustaceans Not Frozen 3069900 Other, including flours, meals and pellets, of crustaceans, fit for human consumption 2[7]old[5]
7922 28111910 Hydrocyanic Acid (Hydrogen Cyanide, Prussic Acid 28111200 Hydrogen cyanide (hydrocyanic acid) 2
7923 29221210 Ethyldiethanolamine 29221211 Ethyldiethanolamine 2
7924 29221390 Other 29221990 Other Triethanolamine and its salts 2
7925 29350022 Sulphamethiazole 29359022 Sulphamethiazole 3
7926 30021020 Hemoglobin Blood Globulins and serum Globulins 30021290 Other 3
7927 30021091 Othr Blood Fraction;Modified Imunlogical Products 30021290 Other 3
Of Human Origin
7928 30021099 Othr Blood Fraction:Modified 30021290 Other 3
Imunlogical Products
7929 30021099 Othr Blood FractioniModified Imunlogical Products N.E.S. 30021500 Immunological products, put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale 3
7930 30034000 Mdcmnts Com. Alklds/Thr Drvtvs But Not/ 30034100 Containing ephedrine or its salts 3
Hormns/Othr Prdtcs Of 1 king No. 29.37/Antbt
7931 30034000 Mdcmnts Com. Alklds/Thr Drvtvs But Not/ 30034200 Containing 3
Hormns/Othr Prdtcs OfHdngNo. 29.37/Antbt pseudoephedrine (INN) or its salts
7932 30034000 Mdcmnts Cont. Alklds/Thr Drvtvs But Not/ 30034300 Containing norephedrine or its salts 3
Hormns/Othr Prdtcs OfHdngNo. 29.37/Antbt
7933 30034000 Mdcmnts Cont. Alklds/Thr Drvtvs But Not/ 30034900 Other 3
Hormns/Othr Prdtcs OfHdngNo. 29.37/Antbt
7934 38085000 Aldrin 38085900 Aldrin 2
4deleted[7935 39076010 Polyethylene Terephthalate With Intrinsic Viscosity < 0.64 Dl/G 39076100 Having a viscosity number of 78 ml/g or higher 2]
4deleted[7936 39076010 Polyethylene 39076910 Having a viscosity number less than 78 ml/g but not less than 72 ml/g 2]
Terephthalate With Intrinsic Viscosity < 0.64 Dl/G
4deleted[7937 39076090 Other Polyethylene 39076920 Having a viscosity number less than 72 ml/g but not less than 64 ml/g 2]
Terephthalate (Including Clean. Clourless Grades)
7938 39076090 Other Polyethylene Terephthalate (Including Clean. Clourless Grades) 39076990 3[Other primary form]old[Other] 2
7939 44123290 Others 44123390 Other 2
7940 44123290 Others 44123490 Other 2
7941 44189000 Other Builders Joinery Etc. 44189100 Of bamboo 3
7942 44189000 Other Builders Joinery Etc. 44189900 Other 3
7943 44190010 Tableware Of Wood 44191100 Bread boards, chopping boards and similar 5
7944     44191200 Chopsticks 5
7945     44191900 Other 5
7946 44190020 Kitchenware Of Wood 44199010 Bread boards, chopping boards and similar 5
7947     44199020 Chopsticks 5
7948     44199090 other 5
7949 44219011 Spools Caps Bobbines Searng Thread Reels Andthe Like OfTurnd Wood For Cotton Mchnry 44219111 For cotton machinery 2
7950     44219911 For cotton machinery 2
7951 53081020 Spooled Hanks 53081090 Spooled Hanks 2[7]old[5]
7952 69071010 Vitrified Tiles, Whether 69072100 Of a water absorption coefficient by weight not exceeding 0.5% 3
Polished Or Not
7953 69071090 Tiles Othr Than Vitrified Tiles 69072200 Of a water absorption coefficient by weight exceeding 0.5% but not exceeding 10% 3
  69079010 Othr Unglazcd Vitrified Ties. Plshd Or Not 69072300 Of a water absorption coefficient by weight exceeding 10% 3
7955 69079090 Othr Than Othr Unglazed Vitrified Ties Plshd Or Not 69073010 Mosaic cubes and the like, other than those of sub-heading 6907 40 3
7956     69074010 Finishing ceramics 3
7957 82059020 Grinding Wheels With Frame. Hand Or Pedal-Operated 82059020 Grinding wheels with frame, hand or pedal operated 3
7958 82059090 Other, Including Sets Of Articles Of Two Or More 82059090 Other, including sets of articles of two or more subheadings of this heading 2
Subheadings Of This Heading
7959 84323000 Seeders,Planters And Transplanters 84323100 No-till direct seeders. planters and transplanters 3
7960     84323900 Other 3
7961 84324000 Manure Spreaders And Fertiliser 84324100 Manure spreaders 3
7962     84324200 Fertiliser distributors 3
7963 84601100 Numrcly Contrlld Flt-Surfc Grndng Mchns Inwhch Thepositiong In One Axis Can Be Set Up To An Accuracy Of At Least ).01 84601200 Numerically controlled 3
7964 84602100 Othr Numrcly Contrlld Grndng Melius Where The Positiong In Any One Axis Can Be Set Up To An Accuracy Of At Least 0.01 M 84602200 Centreless grinding machines, numerically controlled 3
7965     84602300 Other cylindrical grinding machines. numerically controlled 3
7966     84602400 Other, numerically 3
7967 84690010 Word Processing Machines 84729091 Word-processing 2
7968 84690030 Electric Braille Typewriters 84729093 Braille typewriters. 2
7969 84690040 Non-Electric Braille 84729094 Braille typewriters, non'electric 2
7970 84690090 Other Type Writers. Electric 84729095 Other Type Writers. Electric 2
7971 85285100 Of A Kind Solely OrPrincipally Used In An Automatic Data Processing System Of Heading 8471 85285200 Capable of directly connecting to and designed for use with an automatic data processing machine of heading 8471 2
7972 85286100 Of A Kind Solely 0r Principally Used In An Automatic Data Processing System Of Heading 8471 85286200 Capable of directly connecting to and designed for use with an Processing System automatic data processing machine of heading 8471 2
7973 870190100 Other Tractors Of Engn Capacity <= 1800Cc 87019100 Not exceeding 18 kW 3
7974     87019200 Exceeding 18 kW but not exceeding 37 kW 3
7975 87019090 Other Tractors 87019300 Exceeding 37 kW but not exceeding 75 kW 3
7976     87019400 Exceeding 75 kW but 3
not exceeding 130 kW
7977     87019500 Exceeding 130 kW 3
7978 87021091 Intgrtd Monocoque Vhcls(> 13 Persons) Wth Crnprsn-Igntn  Intrnl Cmbstn Piston Engine 87021021 Integrated monocoque vehicle. air-conditioned 2
7979     87021022 Integrated monocoque 2
vehicle. non air- conditioned
7980     87022021 Integrated monocoque 2
vehicle. non air- conditioned
7981     87022022 Integrated monocoque 2
vehicle. non air- conditioned
7982 87029091 Othr Intgrtd Monocoque Vhcls(> 13 Persons) 87029021 Integrated monocoque vehicle. non air- conditioned 2
7983     87029022 Integrated monocoque 2
vehicle. non air- conditioned
7984 87029099 Other Vhcls Pub Trns Type 87029029 Other non air- conditioned 2
(> 13 Persons)
7985 87033120 Three- Wheeled 87033199 Other 2
Vehicles Wth Cmprsn Igntn Wth  
Cylndr Cpcty <
7986 87039010 Othr Motor Cars And 87039000 Other 2
Motor Vhels Prncply For The Trnsprt Of  
Persons,lncld Stn
Wagn Etcelectrically
7987 87039090 Othr Motor Cars And 87039000 Other 2
Motor Vhels Prncply For The Trnsprt Of  
Persons,lncld Stn
Wagn Etcelectrically
7988 87119091 Electrically Operated 87119090 Other 2
Othr car
7989 87119099 othr Cars 87119090 Other 2
7990 94042920 of Rubberiscd Coir with  or without combination of Other Materials. whether or not with Metallic Springs 94042920 Of rubberized coir with With Or Without Combination of other materials whether or not with Metallic Springs 2[7]old[5]
7991 94060011 Green Houses- In 94061010 Green-houses 3
Ready To Assemble \
7992 94060019 Green Houses-Other 94061020 For cold storage 3
7993 94060091 Prefabricated 94069010 Green-houses 3
Housing Material 
7994 94060092 Prefabricated 94069020 For cold storage 3
Construction For
cold storage
7995 94060099 Othr Prefabricated 94069090 Other 3


  1Inserted Vide Public Notice17/2015-2020, Dated the 22ndAugust, 2017

2Substituted Vide Public Notice 44/2015-2020, Dated the 05.12.2017

3Substituted Vide Public Notice No.12/2015-2020 Dated 10.07.2020

4 Deleted vide Public Notice No.12/2015-2020 Dated 10.07.2020 (w.e.f 01.01.2020)


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