9984 Telecommunications, broadcasting and information supply services

99841 Telephony and other telecommunications services

998411 Carrier services

This service code includes operating of wired or wireless facilities to originate, terminate or transit calls for other telecommunications service providers; charging for interconnection, settlement or termination of domestic or international calls; charging long-distance carriers for calls originating at a pay phone or within another carriers local network; charging for jointly used facilities such as pole attachments; charging for the exclusive use of circuits

This service code does not include carriage of Internet traffic by one ISP for another ISP, cf. 998421

998412 Fixed telephony services

This service code includes provision of access to and use of the public switched telephone network and IP networks for the transmission and switching of voice, data, and video from a fixed customer location or from public and semi-public coin and card operated phones; inbound and outbound telephony to and from national and international destinations; provision of Short Message Service (SMS) and Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS); provision of call management services (calling features) for use from a fixed customer location, such as call waiting, call forwarding, caller identification, three-way calling, call display, call return, call screen, call blocking, automatic call-back, call answer, voice mail and voice menus

This service code does not include:

- provision of private line services, cf. 998414
- provision of a local loop to other telecommunications service providers, cf. 998411
- renting of terminal equipment, cf. 997316

998413 Mobile telecommunications services

This service code includes

1. provision of access to, and use of, switched or non-switched networks for the transmission of voice, text and data using a portable handset or device, such as cellular and satellite phones, feature phones, smart phones, laptop and tablet computers and similar devices.;
2. provision of access to, and use of, switched or non-switched networks for the transmission of voice telephony using portable handsets or devices such as cellular phones, mobile phones, satellite phones, smart phones, and similar devices. Services can be charged inbound, outbound, or both. Fees can be based on actual usage (e.g., per minute of use) based on a prepurchased limit (e.g. 100 minutes) or temporal access (e.g., unlimited use monthly); provision of call management services; provision of access to SMS (short message service) to send and receive text messages on cellular phones, mobile phones, smart phones and similar devices. Services can be charged inbound, outbound, or both. Fees can be based on actual usage (e.g., per text fee), based on a pre-purchased limit (e.g., 1000 messages), or temporal access (e.g., unlimited use monthly);
3. provision of access to mobile data networks for mobile phones, smart phones, tablets, laptops and similar devices to send and receive data (other than voice or text), including provision of dedicated data services provided through USB cards or dongles. Services can be charged inbound, outbound, or both. Fees can be based on actual usage (e.g., per gigabyte) based on a pre-purchased limit (e.g., 2 gigabytes) or temporal access (e.g., unlimited monthly usage)

Common transmission standards include:

- GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications)
- WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access)
- LTE ( Long Term Evolution) sometimes known as 4G

This service code does not include: 

- provision of satellite facilities to originate, terminate and transit calls for other telecommunication service provider, cf. 998411
- provision of satellite facilities for the exclusive use of a customer, cf. 998414
- provision of satellite facilities on a pay-as-you-use basis for the transmission of data from fixed locations, cf. 998415

998414 Private network services

This service code includes provision of wired or wireless telecommunication links between specified points for the exclusive use of the client

This service code does not include:

provision of private links by a telecommunication carrier to a telecommunication service provider, cf. 998411

998415 Data transmission services

This service code includes provision of access to wired or wireless facilities and services specifically designed for the efficient transmission of data on a pay-asyou-use basis.

This service code does not include:

provision of wired or wireless telecommunication links between specified points for the exclusive use of the client, cf. 998414

998419 Other telecommunications services

This service code includes provision of telecommunications services not elsewhere classified, such as telegraph, telex and audio conferencing bridging services.

99842 Internet telecommunications services

This group includes carrying of electronic signals (traffic) over the Internet; providing access to the Internet; providing telecommunications services on the Internet and similar distributed computer networks that rely on, but are not part of, the normal telecommunications network

998421 Internet backbone services

This service code includes carrier services of Internet traffic by one ISP for another ISP (generally known in the industry as peering and transit charges)

998422 Internet access services

This service code includes

i. provision of a direct narrowband connection (i.e. at downstream speeds of less than 256 kbit/s) or direct broadband connection (i.e. at downstream speeds greater or equal to 256 kbit/s) to the Internet, including wired, wireless, satellite and terrestrial fixed wireless Internet services. The Internet Service Provider (ISP) may also provide free services along with Internet access such as e-mail, space for the customer's web page, tools for simple web page design, chat, security software (virus protection, spyware protection, firewall) and technical support. This service may also include remote access or other types of Internet access and package upgrades such as international roaming and extra e-mail boxes, usually for additional costs to customers.

This service code does not include provision of mobile data services, cf. 998413

998423 Fax, telephony over the internet

This service code includes provision of telecommunication services over the Internet such as fax, telephony, etc.

998424 Audio Conferencing and video conferencing over the internet

This service code includes provision of telecommunication services over the Internet such as audio conferencing and video conferencing

998429 Other Internet telecommunication services

This service code includes provision of telecommunication services over the Internet other than Internet access, such as fax, telephony, audio conferencing and video conferencing over the Internet

99843 On-line content

998431 On-line text based information such as on-line books, on-line newspapers and periodicals, on-line directories and mailing lists

This service code includes on-line books, including school textbooks, general reference books, such as atlases and other books of maps or charts, dictionaries and encyclopedias; publications issued on the Internet where the main content is updated at fixed intervals, usually on a daily, weekly or monthly basis; whether on subscription or single copy sales; portions of newspapers such as headlines emailed daily or more frequently; periodic newsletters; on-line directories and mailing lists, including telephone books; other on-line collections of facts/information (databases)

This service code does not include

- digital archives, cf. 998452, 998453
- web search portal content, cf. 998436

998432 On-line audio content

This service code includes electronic files containing musical audio recordings that can be downloaded and stored on a local device; streamed audio data sent over the Internet

998433 On-line video content

This service code includes electronic files containing films and other video recordings that can be downloaded and stored on a local device; streamed video data sent over the Internet.

998434 Software downloads

This service code includes electronic files containing system software that can be downloaded and stored on a local device for later execution/installation; electronic files containing application software that can be downloaded and stored on a local device for later execution/installation

998439 Other on-line content n.e.c.

This service code includes games that are intended to be played on the Internet such as role-playing games (RPGs), strategy games, action games, card games, children's games; software that is intended to be executed on-line, except game software; mature theme, sexually explicit content published or broadcast over the Internet including graphics, live feeds, interactive performances and virtual activities; content provided on web search portals, i.e. extensive databases of Internet addresses and content in an easily searchable format; statistics or other information, including streamed news; other on-line content not included above such as greeting cards, jokes, cartoons, graphics, maps Note: Payment may be by subscription, membership fee, pay-per-play or pay-perview.

This service code does not include:

- software downloads, cf. 998434
- on-line gambling services, cf. 999692
- adult content in on-line newspapers, periodicals, books, directories, cf. 998431

99844 News agency services

998441 News agency services to newspapers and periodicals

This service code includes gathering, investigating and supply services of news in the form of manuscripts or of news pictures to printed media businesses such as newspapers, periodicals and books

998442 Services of independent journalists and press photographers

This service code includes services rendered by independent journalists and press photographers

998443 News agency services to audiovisual media

This service code includes gathering, investigating and supply services of news (manuscripts, photos, images) to radio or television stations and movie companies; services rendered by independent journalists of audiovisual media and press cameramen

99845 Library and archive services

998451 Library services

This service code includes collection, cataloguing, conservation and retrieval services of books and the like; lending services of books and records

This service code does not include:

- rental services of videotapes, cf. 997322
- rental services of books, cf. 997329

998452 Operation services of public archives including digital archives

This service code includes operation (collection, cataloguing, conservation and retrieval) services of public archives, including digital archives

998453 Operation services of historical archives including digital archives

This service code includes operation services of historical archives, including digital archives

99846 Broadcasting, programming and programme distribution services

998461 Radio broadcast originals

This service code includes original radio content protectable as intellectual property, produced for transmission over the air

998462 Television broadcast originals

This service code includes original television content protectable as intellectual property, produced for transmission over the air

998463 Radio channel programmes

This service code includes assemblies of radio programmes and broadcasts as the daily line-up of a station for distribution by others

998464 Television channel programmes

This service code includes assemblies of television programmes and broadcasts as the daily line-up of a channel for distribution by others

998465 Broadcasting services

This service code includes selection, scheduling and broadcasting of television and radio programmes; combined programme production and broadcasting services

This service code does not include:

- Internet broadcasting services (streaming services), cf. 998315
- copyrighted radio content produced for broadcast over the air, cf. 998461
- copyrighted television content produced for transmission over the air, cf. 998462

998466 Home programme distribution services

This service code includes

i. providing audio and/or video programming on a subscription basis in analogue or digital mode by using a cable, satellite or wireless terrestrial network;
ii. providing subscriber access to a basic range of programming services generally for a monthly fee;
iii. providing subscriber programming services in addition to those included in the basic package for a fee separate from, and in addition to, the basic monthly fee;
iv. providing subscribers the ability to view a specific programme (movie or event) from his home for a fee separate from, and in addition to, the monthly fee for basic or discretionary programming packages

Note: The programming is provided in packages that consist of a set of predefined channels or one time viewing packages or contains the minimum number of channels available to subscribers or in bundles, as defined by each cable, satellite or MDS operator, and must be purchased to obtain any higher-level programming package. Charges for initial connection to the network, or for reconnection to the network, are included here.