Circular No. 40/14/2018-GST
F. No. 349/82/2017-GST
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs
(GST Policy Wing)
New Delhi, April 6, 2018
To, The Principal Chief Commissioners / Chief Commissioners / Principal Commissioners/ Commissioners of Central Tax (All) / The Principal Director Generals / Director Generals
Subject: Clarification on issues related to furnishing of Bond/Letter
of Undertaking for exports – Reg.
Various communications have been received from the field formations and
exporters that the LUTs being submitted online in
GST RFD-11 on the common
portal are not visible to the jurisdictional officers of Central Board of
Indirect Taxes and Customs and of a few States. Therefore, a need was felt for a
clarification regarding the acceptance of LUTs being submitted online in
2. Accordingly, in partial modification of Circular No. 8/8/2017-GST dated 4th October, 2017, sub-paras (c), (d) and (e) of para 2 of the said Circular are hereby replaced by the following:
“c) Form for LUT: The
registered person (exporters) shall fill and submit
GST RFD-11 on
the common portal. An LUT shall be deemed to be accepted as soon as an
acknowledgement for the same, bearing the Application Reference Number (ARN), is
generated online.
d) Documents for LUT: No document needs to be physically submitted to the
jurisdictional office for acceptance of LUT.
e) Acceptance of LUT/bond: An LUT shall be deemed to have been accepted
as soon as an acknowledgement for the same, bearing the Application Reference
Number (ARN), is generated online. If it is discovered that an exporter whose
LUT has been so accepted, was ineligible to furnish an LUT in place of bond as
per Notification No. 37/2017-Central Tax, then the exporter’s LUT will be liable
for rejection. In case of rejection, the LUT shall be deemed to have been
rejected ab initio.”
3. It is requested that suitable trade notices may be issued to publicize the contents of this Circular.
4. Difficulty, if any, in the implementation of the above instructions may please be brought to the notice of the Board. Hindi version would follow. (Upender Gupta) Commissioner (GST)
(Upender Gupta)
Commissioner (GST)