Circular No. 29/3/2018-GST

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
(Tax Research Unit)

North Block, New Delhi
Dated,25January, 2018


    Principal Chief Commissioners/Principal Directors General,
    Chief Commissioners/Directors General,
    Principal Commissioners/Commissioners,
    All under CBEC.


    Subject: Clarification regarding applicability of GST on Polybutylene feedstock and Liquefied Petroleum Gas retained for the manufacture of Poly Iso Butylene and Propylene or Di-butyl para Cresol –Regarding.

      References have been received related to the applicability of GST on the Polybutylene feedstock and Liquefied Petroleum Gas retained for the manufacture of Poly Iso Butylene and Propylene or Di-butyl para Cresol.

2.    In this context, manufacturers of Propylene or Di-butyl para Cresol and Poly Iso Butylene have stated that the principal raw materials for manufacture of such goods are Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Polybutylene feed stock respectively, which are supplied by oil refineries to the mon a continuous basis through dedicated pipe lines while a portion of the raw material is retained by these manufacturers, the remaining quantity is returned to the oil refineries. In this regard an issue has arisen as to whether in this transaction GST would be leviable on the whole quantity of the principal raw materials supplied by the oil refinery or on the net quantity retained by the manufacturers of Propylene or Di-butyl para Cresol and Poly Iso Butylene.

3.    The GST Council in its 25thmeetingheld on 18.1.2018discussed this issue and recommended for issuance of a clarification stating that in such transactions, GST will be payable by the refinery on the value of net quantity of polybutylene feedstock and liquefied petroleum gas retained for the manufacture of Poly Iso Butylene and Propylene or Di-butyl Para Cresol.

4.    Accordingly, it is here by clarified that, in the aforesaid cases, GST will be payable by the refinery only on the net quantity of Polybutylene feedstock and Liquefied Petroleum Gas retained by the manufacturer for the manufacture of Poly Iso Butylene and Propylene or Di-butyl para Cresol .Though, the refinery would be liable to pay GST on such returned quantity of Polybutylene feedstock and Liquefied Petroleum Gas, when the same is supplied by it to any other person.

5.    This clarification is issued in the context of the Goods and Service Tax (GST) law only and past issues, if any, will be dealt in accordance with the law prevailing at the material time.

Yours faithfully,

(Mahipal Singh)
Technical Officer (TRU)