Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade

Dated 31.12.2021
Udyog Bhawan

Trade Notice No. 28 /2021-2022


1. All Regional Authorities of DGFT
2. All members of Trade and Industry

Subject: Online Applications for EODC/closure under Advance Authorisation Scheme (AAS) -Option to file manual applications

Kindly Refer to Trade Notice 49/2020-21 dated 29.03.2021 issued on the above subject.

2. In view of difficulties expressed by Advance Authorization (AA) holders in their representations and also to ease process of filing of applications for closure of Advance authorizations, it has been decided to give an option to file manual/physical EODC applications for all such AAs, which have been issued prior
to 1.12.2020.

3. In cases where the application for EODC/closure has been received in manual/physical mode, RAs on approval of such physical files are required to upload closure letters in the online system & update the status of the AA suitably.

4. It is further seen that in some cases of AA, the EODC/closure issued manually in earlier periods is not reflected correctly in the online system. Option is therefore . provided on the DGFT website where the status of the past AA Authorisations can be seen by concerned exporters. In case it is found that Authorisation has been closed/redeemed and the status is not reflected correctly, the exporter is required to upload online the copy of the closure letter/ redemption letter against the said Authorisation. RA may verify the request submitted by exporter for EODC updation against available office records and process it suitably. RA may also choose to update the status of the said cases suo-motu after verification from its

5. The exporters may follow the steps for EODC status updation as follows -

i. "Go to DGFT Website under Services --> AA/DFIA --> 'Manual EODC Status Update"

ii. Scanned copy of EODC/Closure letter(s) is required to be uploaded at the time of updation.

iii. Accordingly All AA Holders are requested to verify the status of the AA issued earlier and submit the online request for updation of status(where required), not later than 31.03.2022. In the absence of updated online status, RA may take necessary action, as deemed fit for non-fulfilment of export obligation.

6. This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

Effect: Manual/physical filing of EODC/closure applications under AA scheme is allowed for AAs issued before 1.12.2020. Exporters are also requested to update EODC/Closure status of earlier issued AAs in the online system by 31.3.2022.

(Vijay Kumar)
Additional Director General of Foreign Trade

(Issued from File No. 01/94/180/018/AM21/PC-4) /194