Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated: 6th August, 2020
TRADE NOTICE No. : 24 /2020-21
1. All Members of the Trade
2. All Regional Authorities of DGFT
3. All Custom Authorities
Subject: - Extension oŁ
date for filing online app1ications for export quota of August 2020 for PPE
medical coverall for Covid-19.
Reference is invited to the Trade Notice No. 18/2020-21 dated 20.07.2020 in
which it was mentioned that applications for medical coveralls for Covid- 19 for
August onwards filed from 1st to 3rd day of each month
will be considered for the quota of that month.
2. Due to technical/ server issues, the ECOM facility for online application on
the DGFT website was not available from 7.00 PM on 02.08.2020 to 4.00 PM on
05.08.2020. In view of the unavailability of application filling facility during
the timeline specified in the Trade Notice 18 dated 20.07.2020, the time for
filing online applications for PPE medical coveralls for COVID- 19 quota for the
month of August, 2020 has been extended till 08.08.2020.
3. All other details specified in the Trade Notice No. 18 dated 20.07.2020
remains unchanged.
4. This issues with the approval of competent authority.
(Nitish Suri)
Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade
e-mail : nitish.suri
(Issued from