Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan
New Delhi
Dated: 29th June, 2020
Trade Notice No.: 17/2020-21
1. All Members of the Trade
2. All DGFT RAs
3. All Custom Authorities
Subject: Procedure and Criteria for submission and approval of applications
for export of PPE Medical Coveralls for COVID-19
Reference is invited to the DGFT Notification No. 16 dated 29.06.2020
restricting the ,export of PPE medical coveralls for COVID-19 and fixing the
export quota of 50 Lakh PPE Coverall Units per month.
2. In this regard, the application procedure and criteria for export of PPE
Medical Coveralls for COVID-19 is outlined as under:
I. Export of only 50 Lakh units of 'PPE medical coveralls for Covid-19' will be
allowed every month.
II. Exporters may apply online through DGPT’s ECOM system for Export
authorizations (Non-SCOMET Restricted items) — Please refer Trade Notice No. 50
dated 18.03.2019. There is no need to send any hard copy of the application via
mail or post.
III. Only applications for export of “PPE medical coveralls for Covid-19” filed
from 1st to 3rd day of each month will be considered for
the quota of that month.
IV. All the applications will be examined as per the Para 2.72 of Handbook of
procedures and all approvals/allocations will be done by 10th of
every month.
V. Validity of the export license will be for 3 months only.
vi. The following requirements/eligibility criteria will be applicable for
issuance of Export license:
a. The firm applying should be a manufacturer of PPE Coveralls (Certificate of
registration from the concerned Department/Authority to be supplied)
b. Copy of Testing/Accreditation of PPEs medical coveralls issued to the firm
from the laboratories notified/recognized by the Ministry of Textiles for this
c. Firm shall either submit a copy of importing country's PPEs medical coveralls
Standards Certificate obtained by it or a Copy of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
Certificate obtained by it, if the importing country does not insist on a
Standard Certificate.
d. Firm shall submit a Chartered Engineer's certificate certifying that the
fabrics used in the PPE medical coverall were manufactured in India.
e. A copy of IEC of the firm.
f. Only one application per IEC will be considered during a month.
g. A copy of the Purchase Order/Invoice.
h. All documents must be duly self-attested by the authorized person of the
VI. All the relevant documents as specified above must be submitted along with
the online application to fulfill the eligibility criteria. Incomplete
applications will not be considered for any allocation.
3. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.
(Nitish Suri)
Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade
(Issued from File No.
Refer Vide Trade Notice 18/2020-21 dt.20.07.2020