Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Dated 28th April, 2020
TRADE NOTICE NO. 7/2020-2021
1. Regional Authorities of DGFT
2. Member of Trade and Industry
Subject:- Clarification with respect to application for Free Sale and Commerce certificate
The issuance of Free Sale and
Commerce Certificate Esc) is governed by Para 2.37 of the Handbook of
Procedures, 2015-2020. Due to the prevailing COVID- 19 related lockdown, RAs are
working with skeletal staff leading to delays in issuance of Free Sale and
Commerce Certificates.
2. The matter has been examined and accordingly Trade and Industry is advised to
send their applications for grant of Free Sale and Commerce Certificate at the
official email ID of the concerned RA as per the format given in ANF 2H. The fee
payment needs to be done through the e-MPS system.
3. RAs shall take cognizance of the applications for Free Sale and Commerce
Certificate received on their official email lD without asking for the hard copy
of the applications and issue the certificate through email. Any deficiency
letter may also be sent through email.
This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
(Gagandeep Singh)
Deputy Directorate General of Foreign Trade