Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Department of Commerce Directorate
General of Foreign Trade
23rd March, 2020
TRADE NOTICE NO. 58/2019-2020
To -
1. Regional Authorities of DGFT
2. Customs Commissionarates
3. Members of Trade
4. Joint Secretary (Customs), CBIC, Department of Revenue.
Subject: Modalities for import of 4 Lakh MT of Urad for the fiscal year
In view of the present situation arising out of pandemic COVID - 19, the Trade
Notice No.57/2019-2020 dated 19th March, 2020 is being partially modified by
extending the last date for receipt of application for import of Urad for the
fiscal year 2020-2021 upto 15th April, 2020, instead of 3rd April, 2020.
2. Accordingly, the applications in response to Trade Notice No.57/2019-2020
dated 19th March, 2020 will be received till 15th April, 2020.
This issues with the approval of competent authority.
(S.K. Mohapatra)
Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade
[Issued from F.No.M.-5012/300/2002/PC-2 (A)/Part-VIII (P-198)]