Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign
Trade Notice No. 54 /2019-20
New Delhi, Dated 3rd March, 2020
1. RA’s of DGFT
2. Customs Commissionerates
3. Members of Trade
4. Joint Secretary (Customs), CBEC, Department of Revenue
Subject: Import of additional quota of Urad (2.5 Lakh MT) for
the fiscal year 2019-20.
Reference is invited to Trade Notice No.43/2019-20 dated 19.12.2019 laying down
the modalities for import of additional 2.5 Lakh MT of Urad for the fiscal year
2019-20 and Minutes of the meeting held on 20.01.2020 wherein importers were
directed to complete imports by 31st March, 2020, i.e., import consignments of
Urad should arrive at Indian Ports on or before 31.03.2020.
2. During last two months, this Directorate has received several representations
for extension of the date of import of Urad beyond 31.03.2020. The matter has
been examined and it has been decided by the Competent Authority to extend the
deadline for import of additional 2.5 Lakh MT of Urad to 30th April, 2020, i.e
imports should arrive at Indian Ports on or before 30th April, 2020.
3. Accordingly, all license holders for Urad are requested to complete their
import by 30.04.2020. No request for further extension will be entertained.
This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
( S.K. Mohapatra )
Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade
E-mail: in
[Issued from F. No. M-5012/300/2002/PC-2A/Part-VI/Vol.III/P-9396]
1 Refer Vide Trade Notice No.56/2019-2020 Dt.19.03.2020
2. Refer Vide Trade Notice 03/2020-21 Dt.16.04.2020
3. Refer Vide Trade Notice 10/2020-21 Dt.13.05.2020