Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi
Trade Notice no: 03 /2015-2020
Date: 3rd April 2019
All Regional Authorities (RAs) of DGFT
All Customs Authorities EPCS/FIEO
Members of Trade and Industry
Sub: Discontinuation of issue of physical copy of MEIS/SEIS scrips for EDI
ports with effect from 10.4.2019
In order to improve ease of doing business, it has been decided to discontinue
issue of physical copy of MEIS/SEIS scrips by DGFT Regional Authorities with
effect from 10.4.2019. To start with, this facility of paperless scrip will be
available for EDI ports only, and will not be available for non-EDI/ SEZ ports.
2. Applicants will continue to apply for MEIS/SEIS as per current procedure on
DGFT website ( However, RAs will not issue any hard copy of
scrip to the applicants. Instead, after approval, the applicant will get the
following message on the mobile and email address (as indicated in the MEIS/SEIS
application module) that,
"Scrip No......... dated............... has been issued against RA File No
No.................... scrip on security paper is required to be issued. You can
print/view scrip details at MEIS ECOM module on DGFT website. Information
relating to transfer of scrip has to be recorded on DGFT website (
before the scrip can be used. "
Printing the Scrip
3. In order to take a printout of the scrip, the applicant needs to choose MEIS/
SEIS scheme link in the ECOM module and then log-in on DGFT
website( using digital signature. After login, all MEIS/SEIS
Scrips issued to the firm will be available in PDF form, so that the applicant
can print/ save the Scrip for his own reference.
Using the Scrip for duty payment
4. On the basis of PDF copy of scrip, and after fulfilling the laid down
procedures in this regard by the Customs, the scrip holder can approach the
Customs Authority concerned at the relevant EDI port for debit of the scrip. The
Customs Authority will also check the ownership details of the scrip (original
owner and current owner) from the DGFT website and allow debit of the scrip as
per current procedure without insisting on the printed scrips on security paper
Transferring the Scrip
5. The current scrip owner (transferor) can transfer the scrip to another IEC
holder (transferee, new owner). However, the information about the new owner
(transferee) has to be recorded on the DGFT web site by the current owner
(transferor), before the new owner (transferee) can utilize the scrip. Thus, it
is very important for both transferor and transferee to ensure that information
relating to transfer is recorded by the transferor. You may refer to Trade
Notice no 42/2015-2020 dated 11.1.2019 in this regard.
6. After the information relating to transfer is recorded on the DGFT website,
the old owner cannot record further transfer, and only the new owner can record
further transfer, if any. It should be noted that the recording of information
is for the purpose of DGFT and Customs. Unless recorded on DGFT website, the new
owner (transferee) will not be able to utilize the scrip for duty payment.
Therefore, the new owner (transferee) has to ensure that the scrip is recorded
in his favour by the old owner (transferor). DGFT/Customs are not responsible
for any lapse by the old or new owner or any dispute between them in this
7. It may also be noted that no TRA will be issued for all such MEIS/SEIS issued
w.e.f 10.4.2019 from EDI to non-EDI locations. In case an applicant chooses a
non-EDI port/ SEZ port as port of registration while filing application for MEIS/SEIS
scrip, the existing system of printing of scrip by the RA and its registration
will continue.
8. No simultaneous transfer of scrip to more than one firm will be allowed.
9. Difficulties, if any, in implementation of these provisions may please be
brought to the notice of this Directorate immediately.
10. This is issued with the approval of the DGFT
Nikunj Kumar Srivastava
(Additional Director General of Foreign Trade)
[Issued from File no. 01/61/80/169/AM18/PC-3]
Refer vide: Trade Notice No. 15/2015-20 dt. 16/05/2019
Refer vide: Trade Notice No. 01/2022-23 dt. 11/04/2022