F. No. 01 /37/218/141 /AM-19/EPCG-II
Government of India Ministry of
Commerce and Industry
Department of Commerce Directorate
General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi
Trade Notice No.41/2018-19
Dated the 4th January, 2019
1. AH Regional Authorities of DGFT
2. All Commissioners of Customs
3. All members of trade and industry
Subject: Rationalization of procedures in handling EODC requests under Advance/EPCG
The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) has intimated this
Directorate that as part of the rationalization of the procedures and for
avoiding duplication of the work, the CBIC has vide various
circulars/instructions provided that the EODCs received from the RAs of DGFT
under Advance Authorization/HPCG Schemes should normally be accepted without
further verification, except in 5% cases where they should be verified in detail
before acceptance. However, in terms of the CBIC's Circular dated 20.04.2015 and
the instruction dated 14.10.2016, it is mandatory to verify genuineness of all
non-EDI Shipping Bills/Bills of Export on which an EODC is issued by the RAs as
there have been instances of fabricated export documents (purported to be of
Customs non-EDI ports).
2. The CBIC has further intimated that in order to ascertain as to whether there
is any non-EDI Shipping bill taken into account for the purpose of EODC, their
field formations have reported that they are calling for ANF 5B from all the
exporters and based on the same only, it can be ascertained as to whether any
non-EDI Shipping bill is involved there or not. This exercise in all cases of
redemption of authorizations defeats the purpose of simplification of procedure
which aims to reduce verification of EODC to not more than 5% of cases.
3. Therefore, in order to eliminate dual checking of each and every case, this
Directorate has issued a Public Notice No. 66/2015-20 dated 3rd January, 2019
amending ANF-4F and ANF-5B by adding Sr. No. 11. under the
Declaration/Undertaking in ANF-4F and Sr. No. 9. under the
Declaration/Undertaking in ANF-5B to get the number of EDI/non-EDI Shipping
Bills used by the applicant for redemption/EODC.
4. In this regard, it has been decided that in the Redemption/EODC requests,
wherever non-EDI Shipping Bills have been declared to be used by the applicant,
all RAs while issuing the Redemption Letter/EODC shall make the following remark
in the covering letter/certificate itself:
"This Redemption involves non-EDI
Shipping Bills."
(Rajbir Sharma)
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade
Room No. 103, Phone No. 23061056
Email: rajbir.sharma(g>nic.in