Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi
Trade Notice No.34/2018
Dated: 4th October, 2018
1. All Exporters/Members of Trade
2. All Regional Authorities of the Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Subject: Activation of E-com module for applying for SEIS, based on ANF 3B as
notified vide Public Notice 15/ 2015-20 dated 28.06.2018
This Directorate has notified the form ANF 3B. vide Public Notice 15/ 2015-20
dated 28.06.2018. All the RAs and the members of trade are being informed that
due to unavoidable circumstances, the SEIS E com module which was earlier
announced to be ready for accepting applications from 03.10.2018 would now be
available from Monday 08.10.2018.
2. The inconvenience caused due to delay in the readiness of the E com module
for SEIS is deeply regretted.
3. This is issued with the approval
of the Competent Authority.
(Lokesh H D)
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade
(Issued from F. No.