Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade

Public Notice No. 24 /2015-2020
New Delhi, Dated: 12th September, 2022

Subject : Inclusion of/ changes made in provisions in continuation to Public Notice No. 10/2015-20 dated 24.05.2022 and Public Notice No. 15/2015-20 dated 14.06.2022

In exercise of the powers conferred under Para 1.03 and 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020, as amended from time to time, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby amends Para 2 of Public Notice No. 10/2015-20 dated 24.05.2022 read with Public Notice No. 15/2015-20 dated 14.06.2022 as under :

1. The following provisions are inserted after Sl. No. (xi) under para 2 –

xii. All TRQ allottees who are yet to effect imports under TRQ allocated shall provide details of imports planned under TRQ. Information and proof of aforesaid purchase/import arrangements, such as, details of advance payment along with purchase contract/Letter of Credit along with the SWIFT Output Message Reference date, and other supporting documents shall be sent to the email ids: ddg1import-dgft@gov.in and policy2-dgft@gov.in latest by 20.09.2022.

xiii. In case of possible non-utilization of quantities allocated or partial utilization, the TRQ allottees shall intimate this directorate for surrender of specific quantities. Details of the quantities to be surrendered shall be sent vide email to the following email ids: ddg1import-dgft@gov.in / policy2- dgft@gov.in latest by 20.09.2022

xiv. Failure to comply with the above directions shall result in cancellation and reallocation of TRQ to other eligible Importers after 20.09.2022.

2. Para 2(xi) of Public Notice 15/2015-20 dated 14.07.2022 is additionally re-iterated for information of all TRQ Allottees - The un-utilized quantities i.e., quantities not imported by the TRQ Licencees by the end of the current import period, shall be deducted from the proposed allocations during the next period, i.e., 2023-24.

Effect of Public Notice: Provisions for treatment of un-utilized quantities allocated under TRQ for import of crude soya bean and crude sun flower oil have been elaborated.

(Santosh Kumar Sarangi)
Director General of Foreign Trade &
Ex-officio Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of India
Email: dgft@nic.in

[Issued from File No. 01/89/180/36/AM-14/PC-2[A]/Part-II/E- 32035]