(To be published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I)
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan
Public Notice No. 14/2015-20
New Delhi, dated 13th June
Subject: Amendment in Paragraph 2.79F in the Handbook of Procedures of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-20 to lay down the procedure for Global Authorization for Intra-Company Transfer (GAICT) of SCOMET items/software/technology
In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 1.03 of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-20, the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) hereby makes amendments in Paragraph 2.79 F to Handbook of Procedures (HBP) of FTP 2015-20 with immediate effect.
2. Existing entry at sub-Para 2.79F of the HBP of FTP 2015-20 shall be substituted as under:
"Para 2.79F - Global Authorisation for Intra-Company Transfers (GAICT) of SCOMET Items/Software/Technology
A. Scope and Eligibility: Pre-export authorization will not be required, for export and/or re-export of SCOMET items including software and technology under SCOMET Category 8 (except items listed in Annexure-I), subject to the following conditions:
i. where the export is an Intra-company transfer from the Indian parent company (applicant exporter) to its foreign subsidiary company or from the Indian subsidiary of foreign company (applicant exporter) to its foreign parent/another subsidiary of foreign parent company and;
Note: In case of third party involvement in the supply chain, the end user has to be a foreign parent / another subsidiary of foreign parent company or a subsidiary company of Indian company.
ii. where the transfer fulfils the conditions mentioned at (a) to (f) below:
a. The items/software/technology to be exported/re-exported is based on a Master Service Agreement I Contract between the Indian parent company/Indian subsidiary of foreign company and foreign subsidiary of Indian company/foreign parent company of Indian subsidiary for carrying out certain services but not limited to design, encryption, research, development, delivery, validation, calibration, testing, related services, etc.;
Note 1: As a result of the service carried out by the Indian exporter in case of re-export, the items/software/technology should not undergo change in classification.
Note 2: The list of services mentioned above is illustrative, not exhaustive. However, the final decision to approve a GAICT authorization lies with the relevant authority.
b. These items including software and technology are to be exported/re-exported to the countries listed in Table 1 below (entire supply chain including any third party should be in the countries listed in Table 1 to this Public Notice);
Table 1
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States. |
Note: However, IMWG on a case to case basis may allow countries other than those listed in Table 1 considering description/end use/end user of the item.
c. The applicant exporter declares that the exported items would be used for the purposes for which it is intended by the foreign subsidiary of Indian company / foreign parent company / another subsidiary of foreign parent company, as the case may be;
d. The applicant exporter furnishes either a certified/approved Internal Compliance Programme (ICP) or demonstrates compliance to the ICP of the foreign parent company or ICP certified by the Compliance Manager of the company or certified by any Government agency such as Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) scheme etc.
e. The exporter agrees to allow on-site inspection, if required by the DGFT or authorized representatives of Government of India;
f. No export authorization would be granted for UNSC sanctioned destinations or countries;
g. No export authorization shall be granted to an exporter specified at (i) above if they have come to adverse notice previously;
h. The exporter is granted a Global Authorisation for Intra-Company Transfers (GAICT) as per procedure mentioned in para 2.B below.
B. Procedure for grant of Global Authorization for Intra-Company Transfers (GAICT)
Filing and Assessment of Application
a. In respect of export/re-export of SCOMET items including software and technology ,the applicant exporter shall submit an application for GAICT through online SCOMET portal and attach information in proforma -ANF 20(b);
b. The application would be assessed for the issue of GAICT by Inter-Ministerial Working Group (IMWG) based on the submission of the application and other supporting documents by the applicant exporter in the prescribed proforma;
i. Documentary proof of the corporate relationship between the Indian parent company (applicant exporter) and its foreign subsidiary company or between the Indian subsidiary of foreign company (applicant exporter) and its foreign parent / another subsidiary of foreign parent company ;
ii. Classification of item including software and technology in SCOMET (indicating SCOMET category and sub-category);
iii. Documentary proof of License Exception /Temporary license from the country of the parent company abroad or from subsidiaries of the parent company abroad, if available (optional)
iv. Detailed description of the item intended to be exported with relevant technical details with specifications such as model, part number, etc. and in case of software/technology, relevant details like encryption algorithm, key length, encryption functionality, eligibility under cryptography note etc. to be provided (if applicable);
v. In case of third party involvement in the supply chain, a clear contract /service agreement/ Purchase order has to be furnished specifying SCOMET item description.
vi. Certified/approved ICP of the Indian parent company or self-certified copy of the ICP of the foreign parent company being adopted by Indian subsidiary of foreign company along with an undertaking thereon;
vii. Undertaking on the letterhead of the firm duly signed and stamped by the authorised signatory:
a. To allow on-site inspection, if required by the DGFT or authorized representatives of Government of India;
b. The applicant exporter declares that the exported items would be used for the purposes for which it is intended by the foreign subsidiary of Indian company / foreign parent company I another subsidiary of foreign parent company, as the case may be;
c. The applicant exporter declares that subsequent to issue of export authorisation, if the licensee has been notified in writing by DGFT or if they know or has reason to believe that an item may be intended for military end use, the exporter would not be eligible for GAICT for export of that/those item(s) and would apply separately to DGFT for a fresh authorisation in terms of regular policy. [DGFT’s PN No. 27 dated 21.09.2017 for catch-all policy may also be referred],
viii. The Company must ensure that:
a. They shall submit original End User Certificate in the prescribed format within 30 days of filing application and in case of subsequent exports, within 30 days of delivery at destination point, after issue of export authorisation;
b. They have Agreement/purchase order, excerpt of contract from entity (consignee) receiving the items which states the export is for a permitted use ;
c. The documents include the name & contact number and email id of the authority signing the EUC.
ix. A precise and clear contract /service agreement/ Purchase order has to be furnished indicating item description in case of third party involvement in the supply chain (if applicable)
x. Additional details, if any, sought by DGFT
C. Post reporting for re-export of items/software/technology under GAICT
a. The Indian exporter shall submit post-shipment details of each transfer/consignment of exports of SCOMET items/software/technology under GAICT to the SCOMET Division of DGFT (Hqrs), New Delhi, via E-mail (scomet-dgft-pr@nic.in) or a procedure as prescribed by DGFT, on quarterly basis (March / June / September / December), by the end of subsequent month of each quarter, in respect of the exports made in the previous quarter;
b. The post-shipment details shall be submitted in proforma ANF 2 O (c) along with a copy of EUC in Appendix 2S (iv) within the timelines mentioned above, from the foreign subsidiary company or foreign parent company I another subsidiary of foreign parent company;
c. Failure to do so may entail imposition of penalty and / or suspension/revocation of GAICT.
Note: Revised ANF (Aryat Niryat Form) - ANF 20(b), ANF 20(c) and End Use Certificate proforma Appendix 2S (iv) enclosed with this Public Notice.
D. Record Keeping
The exporter will be required to keep records of all the export documents, in manual or electronic form, in terms of Para 2.73 (c) of HBP, for a period of 5 years from the date of GAICT issued by DGFT.
E. General conditions
a. GAICT would not be issued in case of items including software and technology to be used to design, develop, acquire, manufacture, possess, transport, transfer and / or used for chemical, biological, nuclear weapons or for missiles capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction and their delivery system;
b. GAICT would not be issued for countries or entities covered under UNSC embargo or sanctions list or to the countries or entities assessed for risk of proliferation concern, based on national security and foreign policy considerations;
c. In case of inclusion or amendment of items (including software and technology) or inclusion of new companies or amendment in existing companies in the supply chain, the applicant exporter will obtain prior permission of DGFT with relevant details;
d. IMWG shall reserve the right to deny issuance of authorization GAICT for any reason and also relax any provision of the policy, if so required in exceptional cases.
F. Re-exports / re-transfer of the items including software and technology (processed or incorporated)
Further re-exports / re-transfers of the items including software and technology (processed or incorporated) from the foreign subsidiary company or foreign parent company / another subsidiary of foreign parent company to end users in other countries would be subject to the export control regulations of the country of the foreign subsidiary of Indian company or foreign parent company / another subsidiary of foreign parent company.
G. Validity
a) GAICT issued for intra-company transfers of SCOMET items including software and technology shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of issue of GAICT;
b) GAICT cannot be revalidated in terms of Paragraph 2.80 of HBP of FTP 2015-20.
H. Suspension / Revocation
GAICT issued shall be liable to be suspended by the DGFT on receipt of intimation about initiation of any inquiry from the country concerned or from any domestic agency. GAICT shall be revoked on receipt of an adverse report on proliferation concern or for non-submission of mandatory reports/documents within the prescribed timelines or for non- compliance of any of the condition of this Public Notice.
3. Effect of this Public Notice:
Existing entry at Paragraph 2.79F has been substituted in the Handbook of Procedures (HBP) of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-20 to amend the procedure for issue of Global Authorisation for Intra-Company Transfer (GAICT) of SCOMET items including software and technology. Henceforth, GAICT policy would be applicable only for export I re-export of items, including software and technology under SCOMET Category 8 (except items listed in Annexure-I), and to only the countries listed in Table 1 above. Revised ANF (Aayat Niryat Form) - ANF 20(b), ANF 20(c) and End Use Certificate proforma Appendix 2S (iv) for applying for GAICT also notified.
(Santosh Kumar Sarangi)
Director General of Foreign Trade &
Ex-officio Additional Secretary to the Gol
E-mail: dgft@nic.in
[Issued from F.No. 01/91/180/18/AM17/EC(S) (Computer No. 2862)
Annexure -1
List of Items excluded under SCOMET Category 8 for export / re-export under GAICT POLICY notified, vide Public Notice No. 14/2021 dated 13.06.2022
S.No | SCOMET Category/ Sub Category | Description [Please refer updated SCOMET list (URL: shorturl.at/dgyJR) for full text and details] |
(1) | (2) | (4) |
1. | 8A102.a.1 | "Composite" structures or laminates, as follows: a. Made from any of the following: 1. An organic "matrix" and "fibrous or filamentary materials" specified by 8C110.c, 8C110.d or |
2. | 8C101 | Materials specially designed for absorbing electromagnetic radiation... |
3. | 8C107.c | Ceramic-"matrix" "composite" materials... |
4. | 8C107.d | Reserved |
5. | 8C110.c. & 8C110.d. | "Fibrous or filamentary materials"... |
6. | 8C112 | Materials as follows... |
7. | 8D102 | "Software" for the "development" of organic "matrix", metal "matrix" or carbon "matrix" laminates or "composites" specified by this List. |
8. | 8E101 | "Technology" according to the General Technology Note for the "development" or "production" of equipment or materials specified by 8A102 to 8A105, 8A106.b, 8A107, 8B1 or 8C. |
9. | 8E102.e. & 8E102.f. | Other "technology"... |
10. | 8B201.a. | Machine tools for turning having two or more axes which can be coordinated simultaneously for "contouring control" having any of the following:..... |
11. | 8B201.b. | Machine tools for milling having any of the following:...... |
12. | 8B201.d. | Electrical discharge machines (EDM) of the non-wire type which have two or more rotary axes which can be coordinated simultaneously for "contouring control"..... |
13. | 8B201.f. | Deep-hole-drilling machines and turning machines modified for deephole-drilling, having a maximum depth-of-bore capability exceeding 5 m....... |
14. | 8B203 | "Numerically controlled" or manual machine tools, and specially designed components, controls and accessories there for, specially designed for......................... |
15. | 8D201 | "Software", other than that specified by 8D202 as follows: a. "Software" specially designed or modified for the "development" or "production" of equipment specified by 8A2 or 82B; b. "Software" specially designed or modified for the "use" of equipment specified by 8A201.c, 8B201, or 8B203 to 8B209. Note 8D201 does not apply to part programming "software" that generates "numerical control" codes for machining various parts. |
16. | 8E201 | "Technology" according to the General Technology Note for the "development" of equipment or "software" specified by 8A2, 8B2 or 8D2.Note 8E201 includes "technology" for the integration of probe systems into coordinate measurement machines specified by 8B206.a. |
17. | 8E202 | "Technology" according to the General Technology Note for the "production" of equipment specified by 8A2 or 8B2 |
18. | 8A301 b.2. | "Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit" ("MMIC") amplifiers that are any of the following:.......... |
19. | 8A301 b.3. | Discrete microwave transistors that are any of the following:.... |
20. | 8A302 g.1 | Atomic frequency standards... "Space-qualified" |
21. | 8B301 a.2. | Equipment designed for epitaxial growth as follows :......
Metal Organic Chemical Vapour Deposition (MOCVD) reactors designed for compound semiconductor epitaxial growth of material having two or more of the following elements: aluminium, gallium, indium, arsenic, phosphorus, antimony, or nitrogen; |
22. | 8D301 | "Software" specially designed for the "development" or "production" of equipment specified by 8A301.b to 8A302.h or 8B3. |
23. | 8 E301 | “Technology" according to the General Technology Note for the "development" or "production" of equipment or materials specified by 8A3, 8B3 or 8C3; |
24. | 8A401.a.2. | Electronic computers... Radiation hardened to exceed any of the following specifications:. |
24. | 8A401.a.2. | Electronic computers... Radiation hardened to exceed any of the following specifications:. |
25. | 8A403.b. | " Digital computers" having an 'Adjusted Peak Performance' ('APP') exceeding 29 Weighted Tera FLOPS (WT).... |
26. | 8A403.C. | "Electronic assemblies" specially designed or modified for enhancing performance by aggregation of processors so that the 'APP' of the aggregation exceeds the limit specified by8A403.b.. |
27. | 8D401 | Software" as follows: .. software" specified by 8A4 or 8D4.... |
28. | 8E401 | "Technology" according to the General Technology Note for the "development" or "production" of any of the following equipment or "software specified by 8A4 or 8D4... specified by 8E401.a., |
29. | 8A501 b.3 | Being radio equipment... |
30. | 8A501 b. 5. | Being digitally controlled radio receivers... |
31. | 8A501 h. | Counter Improvised Explosive Device (IED) equipment and related equipment... |
32. | 8B501.a. | Equipment and specially designed components or accessories there for, specially designed for the "development" or "production" of equipment, functions or features, specified by 8A501; |
33. | 8D501.a. | "Software" specially designed or modified for the "development", "production" or "use" of equipment, functions or features, specified by 8A501; |
34. | 8D501.b. | Reserved |
35. | 8E501.a. | "Technology" according to the General Technology Note for the "development", "production" or "use" (excluding operation) of equipment, functions or features specified by 8A501 or "software" specified by 8D501.a. or 8D501.e.; |
36. | 8A601 a. 1. b. | Systems or transmitting and receiving arrays, designed for object detection or
location, having any of the following:.. 1. A transmitting..... 2. Sound pressure level exceeding 224 dB... 3. an operating frequency in the .. 4. Forming beams of less than 1.. 5. Designed to operate with. 6. Designed to and a. Dynamic compensation..... b. Incorporating other than .. |
37. | 8A601 a. 1. b.1 | Systems or transmitting and receiving arrays, designed for object detection or
location, having any of the following: 1. A transmitting frequency below 10 kHz;. |
38. | 8A601 a. 1. e. | Active individual sonars... |
39. | 8A601 a. 2.a.1 8A601 a. 2.a.1 8A601 a. 2.a.3 8A601 a. 2.a.5 8A601 a. 2.a.6 |
Hydrophones...Incorporating. Hydrophones...Incorporating flexible assemblies... Hydrophones...Having any...Hydrophones...Designed to operate... Hydrophones...Designed for... |
40. | 8A601 a. 2. b. | Towed acoustic hydrophone arrays... |
41. | 8A601 a. 2. c. | Processing equipment, specially designed for real time application with towed acoustic hydrophone arrays, having "user-accessible programmability" and time or frequency domain processing and correlation, including spectral analysis, digital filtering and beam forming using Fast Fourier or other transforms or processes; |
42. | 8A601 a. 2. d. | Heading sensors... |
43. | 8A601 a. 2. e. | Bottom or bay-cable hydrophone arrays having any of the following: 1.Incorporating hydrophones... or 2.Incorporating multiplexed hydrophone group signal modules. |
44. | 8A601 a. 2. f. | Processing equipment, specially designed for real time application with bottom or bay cable systems, having "user-accessible programmability" and time or frequency domain processing and correlation, including spectral analysis, digital filtering and beam forming using Fast Fourier or other transforms or processes. |
45. | 8A602 a. 1. a.b. &c | "Space-qualified" solid-state detectors... |
46. | 8A602 a. 1. d. | "Space-qualified" "focal plane arrays".... |
47. | 8A602 a. 2.a | Image intensifier tubes having all of the following:. 1. A peak response in the wavelength range exceeding 400 nm but not exceeding 1,050 nm; 2. Electron image amplification using any of the following: a. A microchannel plate with a hole pitch. less; or b. An electron sensing device with a ... 3. Any of the following photocathodes: a. Multialkali photocathodes (e.g, S-20 and S-25)exceeding 350 |iA/lm; b. GaAs or GalnAs photocathodes; or c. Other "III/V compound" semiconductor photocathodes |
48. | 8A602 a. 2.b | Image intensifier tubes. |
49. | 8A602 a. 3. | Non-"space-qualified" "focal plane arrays".; |
50. | 8A602 b. | "Monospectral imaging sensors" and "multispectral imaging sensors"... |
51. | 8A602 c. | Direct view' imaging equipment incorporating any of the following:
1. Image intensifier tubes having the characteristics listed in 8A602.a.2.a or 8A602.a.2.b; 2. "Focal plane arrays" having the characteristics... |
52. | 8A602 e. | (Reserved) |
53. | 8A603 b.3. | Imaging cameras incorporating image intensifier tubes having the characteristics listed in8A602.a.2.a or 8A602.a.2.b; |
54. | 8A603 b.4. | Imaging cameras incorporating "focal plane arrays" having any of the following: a. Incorporating "focal plane arrays" specified by 8A602.a.3.a to 8A602.a.3.e; b. Incorporating "focal plane arrays" specified by 8A602.a.3.f; or....... |
55. | 8A603 b.5. | Imaging cameras incorporating solid-state detectors specified by 8A602.a.1. |
56. | 8A604 c. | "Space-qualified" components for optical systems, as follows:. |
57. | 8A604 d. | Optical control equipment as follows:. |
58. | 8A606 a. | "Magnetometers" and subsystems,.. |
59. | 8A606 a.1. | "Magnetometers" using "superconductive" (SQUID) "technology" and having any of the following:..... |
60. | 8A606 a.2. | "Magnetometers" ... Using optically pumped or nuclear precession (proton/Overhauser) "technology" having a 'sensitivity' lower (better) than 2pT rms per square root Hz; |
61. | 8A606 c.1. | "Magnetic gradiometers" as follows:1. "Magnetic gradiometers" using multiple "magnetometers" specified by 8A606.a; |
62. | 8A606 d | "Compensation systems" for magnetic or underwater electric field sensors resulting in a performance equal to or better than the specified parameters of 8A606.a, 8A606.b, or 8A606.c; |
63. | 8A606 e | Underwater electromagnetic receivers incorporating magnetic field sensors specified by 8A606.a or underwater electric field sensors specified by 8A606.b. |
64. | 8A608 d | Radar systems...Capable of. |
65. | 8A608 h | Radar systems...Employing processing. |
66. | 8A608 k | Radar systems...Having "signal processing". |
67. | 8A608 l.3 | (Reserved); |
68. | 8B608 | Pulse radar cross-section. |
69. | 8D601 | "Software" specially designed for the "development" or "production" of equipment specified by 8A604, 8A605, 8A608 or 8B608. |
70. | 8D603.a. | "Software", as follows:. |
71. | 8E601 | "Technology" according to. |
72. | 8E602 | "Technology" according to the General Technology Note for the "production" of equipment or materials specified by 8A6, 8B6 or 8C6. |
73. | 8D702 | "Source code" for the operation or maintenance. |
74. | 8D703.a. | "Software" specially designed or modified to. |
75. | 8D703.b. | "Source code" for. |
76. | 8D703.C. | (Reserved) |
77. | 8D703 d.1-4 &7 | (Reserved) |
78. | 8D704 a.to d. &g | "Source code" incorporating "development" "technology" specified by. |
79. | 8E701&8E702 | "Technology" according to the General Technology Note... |
80. | 8A801.b. | Manned, untethered submersible vehicles. |
81. | 8A801.C. | Unmanned submersible vehicles... |
82. | 8A801.C.1 | Unmanned submersible vehicles... |
83. | 8A801.d. | (Reserved) |
84. | 8A802.b. | Systems specially designed or modified for the automated control of the motion
of submersible vehicles specified by 8A801, using navigation data, having closed loop
servo-controls and having any of the following: 1.Enabling. 2.Maintaining. 3.aintaining. |
85. | 8A802.h. | "Robots" specially designed for underwater use... |
86. | 8A802.j. | Air independent power systems... |
87. | 8A802.O.3 | Noise reduction systems for use on vessels... |
88. | 8A802.o.3.b | 'Active noise reduction or cancellation systems' or magnetic bearings, specially designed for power transmission systems |
89. | 8A802.p | Pumpjet propulsion systems... |
90. | 8D801 | "Software" specially designed or modified for the "development", "production" or "use" of equipment or materials, specified by 8A8, 8B8 or 8C8. |
91. | 8D802 | Specific "software". |
92. | 8E801 | "Technology" according to the General Technology Note for the "development" or "production" of equipment or materials, specified by 8A8, 8B8 or 8C8. |
93. | 8E802.a. | Other "technology"... |
94. | 8A911 | Ramjet, scramjet or combined cycle engines... |
95. | 8B901 | Equipment, tooling or fixtures, specially designed for manufacturing gas turbine
engine blades, vanes or "tip shrouds", as follows: a.Directional-solidification or single-crystal casting equipment; b.Casting tooling, manufactured from refractory metals or ceramics, as follows: 1.Cores; 2.Shells (moulds); 3.Combined core and shell (mould) units; c.Directional-solidification... |
96. | 8D901 | "Software", not specified in 8D903 or 8D904, specially designed or modified for the "development" of equipment or "technology", specified by 8A9, 8B9 or 8E903. |
97. | 8D902 | "Software", not specified in 8D903 or 8D904, specially designed or modified for the "production" of equipment specified by 8A9 or 8B9. |
98. | 8D904.a. | 2D or 3D viscous "software", validated with wind tunnel or flight test data required for detailed engine flow modelling; |
99. | 8D904.C. | "Software" specially designed to control directional-solidification or single-crystal material growth in equipment specified by 8B901.a or 8B901.c; |
100. | 8E901 | "Technology" according to the General Technology Note. |
101. | 8E902 | "Technology" according to the General Technology Note. |
102. | 8E903 a. 1. to 5 | "Technology" "required" for. |
103. | 8E903 a. 3. a | "Technology" "required" for. Components...Manufactured from organic "composite" materials designed to operate above 588 K (315°C). |
104. | 8E903.h | "Technology" "required" for gas turbine "FADEC systems". |
ANF- 2 O(b)
[Please see DGFT’s Public Notice No. 14 /2015-20 dated 13.06.2022 before filling the application]
1. Applicant Details: i IEC ii. Name iii.Address Flat/Plot/Block No. Street/Area/Locality City State PIN Code iv.Tele No. (1) Country Code Area Code Tel.No. (2) v. Mobile No. Country Code Area Code Fax No. vi. E-mail address where alerts and notifications to be sent vii. Company Website ix. Principal Business Activities of the applicant firm: x. Is this applicant a parent company? Yes No xi. If applicant is a subsidiary, then provide following details: Name Address Country of Export (tick the appropriate) a. Parent Company b. Other Subsidiaries (to which exports to be made) xii. License exception given by (if applicable) 1. From Foreign parent/subsidiary 2. Name of the country Xiii Export license of foreign country (if applicable) 1. Type of Export license of foreign country (for e.g.bulk/general / temporary license/ others) 2. Country of granting such license
Application Fee Details | |
i. Sr. No. | |
ii. Pay Mode | |
iii. Demand Draft/Bank/Bank Receipt/Electronic Fund Transfer | |
iv. Date of Issue | |
v. Name of the Bank on which drawn | |
vi. Bank Branch on which drawn | |
vii. Amount (Rs) |
2A. Details of SCOMET items in Appendix 3 to Schedule 2 of ITC (HS) Classifications of Export & Import Items applied for export: ( If required, attach extra sheet (A4 size) in the same format) | ||||||||||||
Sl.No. | SCOMET Category | SCOMET Subcategory | Generics Description of export item/s including technical details | Product Model No. / part No. | ECCN/ number on the foreign export control list (If applicable) | ITC (HS) Code No. (if available) | Quantity | Unit of Quantity (G,KG,no., Ltr or MT) |
Total FOB Value |
End Use Description | ||
In relevant Foreign Currency (other than USD) | In Rupees | In US$ | ||||||||||
2B. Type of Transaction | |
Physical Export □ | Intangible Transfer of Software/Technology □ |
Section A: Basic Product Information.
i. Name of the manufacturer ii.Brand iii. Model no./ Part No (if applicable). |
SECTION B: CRYPTOGRAPHY NOTE (leave, if not applicable) | |
1. Is the item available and sold from stock at ‘retail selling
points’ without restrictions’, to the general public’ through any of the
following means?
If yes, then provide details ________________________________________
SECTION C: TECHNICAL QUESTION (leave, if not applicable) | |
Does the
item contain the following cryptographic functions? 1. A “symmetric algorithm” employing a key length in excess of 56 bits, not including parity bits? Yes □ No □ If ‘Yes’ please state the following a) Full name: b) Key Length / bits: c) Is it used for any of the following?
i. “Authentication”
vii. Key management in support of any of the cryptographic
functions in above 1. (i) to (vi) |
d) Encryption algorithm | |
e) Encryption Functionality | |
Additional Information (if any) | |
2C. In case of Technology and Software (If applicable) ( If required, attach extra sheet (A4 size) in the same format) |
Additional Information (If applicable) | |||||||||||||
Sl.No. | SCO MET category | Name of the manufacturer / Producer/Service Provider | Brand (If applcable) | Name of Model or Name of Software/ Technology | Model no./ Part No. (If applicable) | Class (If applicable) | Type (If applicable) | Serial No. (If applicable) | Version No. (If applicable) | Encrypt ion algorithm (If applicable) | Encryption Functionality (If applicable) | Value of technology | Additional Information (if any) |
2D. Company’s Information | ||||
S.No. | SCOMET category | Purpose of export/re-export (e.g Design/encryption /research/development/delivery/validation/testing/repair/demo/display/calibration/ others (Please specify) | Name of the company to which export/re-export to be made | Is it foreign parent company/subsidiary Or Indian Parent/Subsidiary |
3. Shipment Details (in case of physical export) | |
i. Port of Loading/Shipment | |
ii. Port of Discharge | |
iii. Countries* to which item to be exported | |
1. | |
2. | |
iv. Ultimate Destination Country* | |
1. | |
2. |
*Insert additional row or sheet, if required for more number of countries
4. Details of exports of SCOMET items Details of the export last made , if no export was made during the preceding licensing year): (If required, attach extra sheet(A4size)in the same format) | ||||||
Sl. No. | Export License No. & Date | Details of items exported | Quantity exported | Country to which exported | DGFT’s (HQ’s) File Number | |
Category | Description | |||||
5. Shipment Details (In case of Intangible Transfer of Technology (ITT)) | |||||
i. Mode of Export |
Over the counter transactions |
Mail Order Transactions |
Electronic transactions |
Telephone call transactions |
Others |
ii. Countries to which item to be exported | |||||
iv. Ultimate Destination Country |
6A. Consignee* Details (If different from ultimate end user)* The DGFT need to be informed in advance in case of any new consignee is involved. | ||||||||||||||||||
i. Name | ||||||||||||||||||
ii. Address | Flat/Plot/Block No. | |||||||||||||||||
Street/Area/Locality | ||||||||||||||||||
City | ||||||||||||||||||
Country | Postal Code | |||||||||||||||||
iii. Tele phone No. | (1) | Country Code | Area Code | Tel.No. | ||||||||||||||
(2) | ||||||||||||||||||
iv. Fax No. | Country Code | Area Code | Fax No. | |||||||||||||||
v. E-mail |
6B. Intermediary* Details
(If third party involved) (leave if not
applicable) * The DGFT need to be informed in advance in case of any new intermediary is involved. |
i. Name | ||||
ii. Address | Flat/Plot/Block No. | |||
Street/Area/Locality | ||||
City | ||||
Country | Postal Code | |||
iii.Telephone No. | (1) | Country Code | Area Code | Tel. No. |
(2) | ||||
iv. Fax No. | Country Code | Area Code | Fax No. | |
v. E-mail |
8. Please indicate the type of supporting documents submitted (via email, fax or post) to DGFT (hqrs). Please number all pages of the supporting documents and indicate the total number of pages at the top right corner of every page. Please note that failing to submit the necessary documents will delay the processing. |
Technical drawings (Information on Product/Technology) , wherever applicable □ Technical Specifications/Data Sheets/Brochures of the product(s) , wherever applicable □ Documentary Proof that establishes corporate relationship between Intra companies i.e. between foreign parent company/subsidiary of parent company/Indian parent company/ Subsidiary of Indian parent company □ Documentary Proof that establishes contractual agreement between foreign parent/subsidiary and/ or Indian parent/subsidiary with the third party involved in the supply chain, wherever applicable. □ Relevant Undertakings and Declaration, where applicable □ Purchase Order(s) /Contract Agreement(S) / Copy of Master Service Agreement (MSA)/Warranty Policy Conditions □ Export Licence(s) from DGFT, wherever applicable. □ Export request Letter, where applicable □ Documentary Proof of License Exception granted by the export control licensing authority of country of the foreign parent company with validity (wherever applicable) □ Export license of foreign country (wherever applicable) □ A self-certified copy of the ICP of the foreign parent company being adopted by Indian subsidiary/ self-certified copy of ICP of Indian parent company/ ICP certified by Government like AEO Scheme □ Proof of repair obligation in India (Wherever applicable) □ Proof of demonstration purpose (wherever applicable) □ Other, Please specify................... |
For Use in DGFT office only (To be filled by the applicant). 9A. Application Submission Details (if submitted electronically): |
i. GAICT Registration no. | |
ii. File Number & Date of Issue | |
iii. Application Fee submission details viz. Amount in Rupees, Demand Draft No./Electronic Fund Transfer No. and Date and the name & branch of the bank on which drawn | |
9B. Jurisdictional Regional Authority (from where the company has been issued IEC or having branch office): |
I / We hereby certify that:
(i) I/We hereby declare that the particulars and the statements made in this application are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed or held there from.
(ii) I/We fully understand that any information furnished in the application if found incorrect or false will render me / us liable for any penal action or other consequences as may be prescribed in law or otherwise warranted.
(iii) I/We undertake to abide by the provisions of the FT (D & R) Act, 1992, as amended, the Rules and Orders framed thereunder, FTP, HBP, Appendices and Aayat Niryat Forms and ITC(HS).
(iv) I/We hereby certif. that:
A. The entity for whom the application has been made have not been penalized under any of the following Acts (as amended from time to time):
(i) The Customs Act, 1962,
(ii) The Central Excise Act1944, Central & State GST Act, 2017
(iii) Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act 1992, as amended, and
(iv) The Foreign Exchange Management Act ,1999;
(v) The Conservation of Foreign Exchange, Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act, 1974
(vi) Weapons of Mass Destruction & their Delivery Systems (Prohibition of Unlawful Activities) Act, 2005
B. None of the Directors / Partners / Proprietor / Karta / Trustees of the company /firm /HUF/Trust, (as the case may be), is/are a Director(s) / Partner(s) / Proprietor / Karta / Trustee in any other Company/ firm / entity which is on the Denied Entity List (DEL) of DGFT or is in the caution list of RBI;
C. Neither the Registered Office of the company / Head Office of the firm / nor any of its Branch Office(s)/ Unit(s)/ Division(s) has been declared a defaulter and has otherwise been made ineligible for undertaking import / export under any of the provisions of the Policy;
D. We have neither obtained nor applied for issuance of an Importer Exporter Code Number in the name of our Registered / Head Office to any other Licensing Authority.
(v) I / We hereby declare that I / We have neither obtained nor applied for such benefits (including issuance of an Importer Exporter Code Number) in the name of our Registered / Head Office or any of our Branch(s) / Unit(s) / Division(s) to any other Regional Authority.
(vi) We have complied with the conditions of all previous licences / authorisations issued to us for export of SCOMET items and wherever required have duly intimated the o/o DGFT, New Delhi along with documentary evidence regarding receipt of the items of export by the end -user within the stipulated time.
(vii) I / We undertake to abide by the provisions of the FT (D & R) Act, 1992, as amended, the Rules and Orders framed there under, FTP, HBP and ITC (HS) and submit all requisite documents to the o/o DGFT (SCOMET Section), failing which I/We shall be liable to action under FT (D & R) Act, 1992 as amended or rules and orders made there under, and the Customs Act,1962.
(viii) I hereby certify that I am authorised to verify and sign this declaration as per Paragraph 9.6 of the Policy.
Signature of the Applicant Name Designation Official Address Telephone Country Code Area Code Tel.No. Place: Date:
ANF- 2 O (c)
1. General Information
i. GAICT Authorization No. (13 digit) and date
ii. GAICT Authorization date (DD/MM/YY)
iii. IEC
iv. Name of the applicant exporter: __________________________________________
v. Address
Flat/Plot/Block No. Street/Area/Locality City State PIN Code vi. Tele No.
Country Code Area Code Tel. No (1) (2) vii. Fax no.
Country Code Area Code Fax No.
2. Details of the shipment for (Tick the appropriate)
Quarter | Please tick the period opted | Date of Submission of post shipment details (dd/mm/yy) |
Jan to March | ||
April to June | ||
July to September | ||
October to December |
3. Items Details
i. Actual flow of items
S. No. | SCOMET category/sub category | ECCN/ or control list no. of foreign country by which license exception has been given to India (if applicable) | Type of export license obtained from foreign country (e.g. bulk, general, open etc.) if applicable) (with date of issue) | Actual Date of export | Country of export | Name of the company (ies) to which exports to be made |
ii. Details of the items (Actual export)
Sl. no. of Items | (1) | (2) | (3) | |
1 | SCOMET Category | |||
2 | SCOMET Sub‐category | |||
3 | Description of export item/s including technical specification | |||
4 | CAS no. (in case of chemicals) | |||
5 | ITC (HS) Code No. (if available) | |||
6 | Product Name | |||
7 | Model Number/Part number./serial no. (If applicable) | |||
8 | Manufacturer | |||
9 | Quantity | |||
10 | Unit of Quantity (G,KG, or MT) | |||
11 | FOB in rupees | |||
12 | FOB in USD | |||
13 | Other relevant information | |||
14 | SB number (export by sea) | |||
15 | SB Date | |||
16 | AWB number | |||
17 | AWB Date | |||
Basis of Export made FOB/CIF | ||||
18 | FOB Value | |||
19 | Port of Export | |||
20 | Country of export |
iii. For Software/Technology (Actual exports) (Skip if not applicable)
S. No. | Basic Product Information | 1 | 2 | 3 |
1 | Name of the manufacturer//service provider (if applicable) | |||
2 | Name of the Importer | |||
3 | Name of the Exporter | |||
4 | Brand | |||
5 | Name of Model/Software/Technology | |||
a) | Model no./ Part No. (if applicable) | |||
b) | Class (if applicable) | |||
c) | Type (if applicable) | |||
d) | Serial No. (if applicable) | |||
e) | Version No. (if applicable) | |||
6 | Encryption algorithm. (if applicable) | |||
7 | Encryption Functionality (if applicable) | |||
8 | Value of software/technology | |||
9 | Additional Information (if any) |
4. Details of New Intermediary/third party involved (if applicable)
Name of New Intermediary/third party (if applicable) | Complete Address of New Intermediary/third party (Including Pin code and Telephone no.) | Purpose of export to Third party |
* The DGFT need to be informed in advance in case of any new Intermediary/third party is involved.
5. Documents Attached:
Sl. No. | Name of the document | Attached (Yes/No) |
1. |
EUC from foreign subsidiary(ies) of Indian Parent company or foreign parent company / another subsidiary of foreign parent company in appendix 2S(iv) | |
2. |
Purchase Order /Service agreement/ Master Service agreement (MSA)/Contract (if amended) | |
5. |
Bill of Entry | |
6. |
Other relevant documents (If any) Please specify |
APPENDIX- 2 S (iv)
a) Name of Exporter ______________________________________________________________________________________
b) Intermediary Name (if any)________________________________________________________________________________
c) Intermediary Address (if any) _____________________________________________________________________________
d) Name of End User ______________________________________________________________________________________
e) End-User’s Address ______________________________________________________________________________________
f) Zip code ______________________ Tele No.__________________________ Email__________________________ Fax __________________________
g) Specific Location where the items will be used (if different from (e)) __________________________________________________________________
h) Nature of usual business of the End-User (e.g. manufacturer or research) _______________________________________________________________
i) Business relationship with the applicant exporter (foreign subsidiary company or foreign parent company / another subsidiary of foreign parent company ________________________________________________
j) How long has your business relationship with the applicant exporter existed? ________________________________________________
PART 2: ITEMS (goods, software, technology)
S. No. | (a) Description of the item(s) (e.g. Name of Manufacturer/Model/Software /Technology, Class, Type, Serial Number) | (b) Quantity/Weight /Value |
(c) Master Service Agreement / Contract Agreement Number & Date of signature
a) The item(s) indicated in PART2 will be used as capital equipment/component/raw material /other use for (Intended End use) ____________________________________________________
b) The item(s) indicated in PART2 are being processed or incorporated in to another product (as detailed in 3a above), for sale to ultimate end users located in__________________________
c) Purpose of import by End User (R&D/testing/Calibration/ demo/design/encryption/delivery/validation/import after repair/others, etc). __________________________
d) I/we certify that the above-mentioned items (as detailed in the referenced purchase order/ master service agreement/other contract agreement) shall not be used for any purpose other than the purpose(s) stated above.
e) Further re-export /re-transfer of the item including software and technology from the foreign subsidiary company or foreign parent company / another subsidiary of foreign parent company to end users in other countries would be subject to the export control regulations of the country of the foreign subsidiary company or foreign parent company / another subsidiary of foreign parent company.
f) I/we certify that the items including software and technology indicated in part 2 is/are to be exported as per the terms and condition of Global Authorization for Intra Company Transfer (GAICT) policy of the Government of India and shall be allowed only to the entities eligible under authorization for GAICT.
g) I/we certify that I/we will provide DGFT, Government of India with delivery verification certificate upon its request. h) Post shipment verification of the items at the end users’ site shall be allowed, if required by the Government of India, as may be applicable. In case the above mentioned item(s) include(s) technology, we certify that it will be treated as strictly confidential.
i) End Use of the items shall not be changed nor the items modified or replicated without the prior consent of the Government of India (This will be optional in case the ownership/patent of the items is with the foreign parent company).
j) I/we shall not myself/our self, or through another, cause the items, or replicas, or derivatives thereof to be re-exported/re-transferred/sold without the consent of the licensing authority of the country of the end user, to any party within country of final destination or outside it, unless specifically exempted in the export authorization.
k) I/We also certify that the above items and/or replicas thereof will not be used to design, develop, acquire, manufacture, possess, transport, transfer and/or used for chemical, biological, nuclear weapons or for missiles capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction and their delivery system. The items will be used for civil purposes only.
l) I/We also certify that I/we are not a party designated under UNSC sanctioned individual/entities/groups and I/we are neither owned nor controlled by a designated party under UNSC individual/entities/groups.
m) I/we also certify that all the facts contained in this certificate are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I/we do not know of any additional facts that are inconsistent with this certificate.
Signature: __________________________
(Signature of authorized signatory)Company stamp/Official seal__________________________
Name: __________________________
Designation __________________________
Date: __________________________
Address: __________________________
Email: __________________________
Alternate Email: __________________________
Tele No.: __________________________
[To be submitted by foreign subsidiary company or foreign parent company / another subsidiary of foreign parent company on its letterhead indicating full chain of supply in case other subsidiaries are also involved. Any additional page(s) must be signed by the same person who signs this form.
1: For Technology exports, value should be mentioned in Part 2(b)