(To be Published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I)

Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan

Public Notice No. 65 /2015-20
New Delhi, Dated the 17 March, 2020

Subject:- Proformae of application and end use certificate for implementation of "Global Authorisation for Intra-Company Transfers (GAICT) of SCOMET items / software/ technology" under Para 2.79F in the Handbook of Procedure.

In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 1.03 of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-20, the Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) hereby notifies the proformae of applications and End Use Certificate for implementation of "Global Authorisation for Intra Company Transfers (GAICT) of SCOMET items / software/ technology" notified vide Public Notice No. 20/2015-20 dated 24.07.2019, under para 2.79F of the Handbook of Procedures (HBP) of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-20, with immediate effect.

2. The proforme and their applicability to seek export authorization and post reporting under policy for "Global Authorization for Intra-Company Transfers (GAICT) of SCOMET items / software/ technology, as notified vide Public Notice No. 20/2015-20 dated 24.07.2019, is illustrated as under:

Name of proforma Purpose Relevant Para of HBP Items covered
ANF2O(b) For filing offline application seeking export authorisation 2.79F(B)(a)

Applications under GAICT are to be submitted offline, by applicant exporters, to SCOMET Cell, DGFT(Hqrs) in terms of Para 2.79F (B)

ANF2O(c) For submission of post shipment reporting of each transfer/ consignment on quarterly basis 2.79F (C)(a)

Post-reporting obligation against GAICT authorisations are to be submitted by a licensee, on quarterly basis (even, if nil) with SCOMET Cell DGFT(Hqrs) in terms of Para 2.79F (C)

2S(iv) End Use Certificate (EUC) - to be submitted while post-reporting 2.79F (C)(b)

The EUC in Appendix 2S(iv), issued by the parent company abroad, is required to be submitted alongwith shipment details

3. Effect of this Public Notice:

The proformae of application and end use certificate are being notified to implement the Policy on Global Authorisation for Intra-Company Transfers (GAICT) for export/re-export of dual use SCOMET items / software/ technology, between Indian subsidiary to its foreign parent company and/or to subsidiaries of foreign parent company.

(Amit Yadav)
Director General of Foreign Trade
Ex-officio Additional Secretary, Government of India
E-mail: dgft@nic.in

[Issued from F.NO.01/91/180/18/AM-17/EC]

ANF- 2 O(b)

[Please see DGFT’s Public Notice No. 20/2015-20 dated 24.07.2019 before filling the application]

1. Applicant Details:
i IEC                    
ii. Name  
iii. Address Flat/Plot/Block No.  
State   PIN Code            
iv. Tele No. (1 Country Code Area Code Tel. No.
v. Mobile No. Country Code Area Code   Fax No.
vi. E-mail address where alerts and notifications to be sent    
vii. Company Website    
ix. Principal Business Activities of the applicant firm:    
x. Is this applicant a parent company? Yes No
xi. If applicant is a subsidiary, then provide following details: Name Address Country of Export (tick the appropriate)
a. Parent Company    
b. Other Subsidiaries (to which exports to be made)      
xi. License exception given by
1. Country of subsidiary or parent company        
2. Name of the country        


Application Fee Details  
i. Sr. No.  
ii. Pay Mode  
iii. Demand Draft/Bank/Bank Receipt/Electronic Fund Transfer  
iv. Date of Issue  
v. Name of the Bank on which drawn
vi. Bank Branch on which drawn  
vii. Amount (Rs)  


2A. Details of SCOMET items in Appendix 3 to Schedule 2 of ITC (HS) Classifications of Export & Import Items applied for export: ( If required, attach extra sheet (A4 size) in the same format)

SI. No SCOMET Category SCOMET Sub- category Description of export item/s including technical specification Product Model No. / part No. ECCN/ number on the foreign export control list ITC (HS)Code No. (if available) Quantity Unit of Quantity (G,KG,no., Ltr or MT) Total FOB Value End Use Description
In  relevant Foreign Currency( other than USD) In Rupees In US$


2B. For Chemical Product (Skip if not applicable)
Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) no.    
Is the Chemical Controlled under CWC? Yes No
Quantity ((No./MT)    

2C. For Encryption items (Information Security Products) (Skip if not applicable)
Type of Transaction Export Re-export Intangible Transfer of Software/Technology
Section A: Basic Product Information

i. Name of the manufacturer

ii. Brand

iii. Model no./ Part No.


SECTION B: CRYPTOGRAPHY NOTE (leave, if not applicable)
i. Is the item available and sold from stock at ‘retail selling points’ without restrictions’, to the general public’ through any of the following means?
(a) Over-the-counter transactions
(b) Mail order transactions
(c) Electronic transactions
(d) Telephone call transactions

If yes, then provide details __________________________________

 ii. Can the user easily change the cryptographic functionality of the item what is specified in the manufacture’s specification? Yes                 No

iii. Is the item designed for installation by the user without further substantial support by the supplier? Yes                  No

SECTION C: TECHNICAL QUESTION (leave, if not applicable)
Does the item contain the following cryptographic functions?

1. A “symmetric algorithm” employing a key length in excess of 56 bits, not including parity bits?
Yes                       No

If ‘Yes’ please state the following
a) Full name:
b) Key Length / bits:
c) Is it used for any of the following?

i. “Authentication”
ii. Digital Signature
iii. Data integrity
iv. Non-repudiation
v. Digital rights management, including the execution of copy protected software
vi. Encryption or decryption support of entertainment, mass commercial broadcasts or medical records management
vii. Key management in support of any of the cryptographic functions in above 1. (i) to (vi)

d) Encryption algorithm
e) Encryption Functionality
Additional Information (if any)


2D. In case of Technology and Software (If applicable) ( If required, attach extra sheet (A4 size) in the same format)

Additional Information (If applicable)

categor y
Name of the manufacturer/ Producer/Service Provider Brand Name of Model or Name of Software/ Technology Model no./ Part No. (If applicable) Class Type Serial No. Version No. Encryption algorithm (If applicable) Encryption Functionality (If applicable Value of technology Additional Information (if any)


2E. Company’s Information
Purpose of Import to India under Intra Company Transfer (e.g Design/encryption/research/ development/delivery/validation/testing) Imported/Importing from parent or subsidiary Name of company from which imports have been made/ being made Re-Exports to the parent or subsidiary Name of the company to which re-exports to be made Purpose of Re- export (sale, further re-export, or other purpose)


3. Shipment Details (in case of physical export)
i. Port of Loading/Shipment  
ii. Port of Discharge  
iii. Countries* to which item to be exported  
iv. Ultimate Destination Country*  

*Insert additional row or sheet, if required for more number of countries

4. DetailsofexportsofSCOMETitems
Detailsoftheexportlastmade,if noexportwasmadeduringtheprecedinglicensingyear):
(Ifrequired,attachextrasheet(A4size)inthesame format)
Sl. No. Export License No. & Date Details of items exported Quantity exported Country to which exported DGFT’s (HQ’s) File Number
Category Description
5. Shipment Details (In case of Intangible Transfer of Technology (ITT))
i. Mode of Export (To be discussed) Over the counter transactions
Mail Order Transactions
Electronic transactions
Telephone call transactions


ii. Countries to which item to be exported          
iv. Ultimate Destination Country          


6A. Purpose of Import to India under Intra Company Transfer (e.g Design, Encryption items, Research/Development, Delivery, Validation, Testing, Other Value added service or any other purpose):
6B. Purpose of Re-export (sale, further re-export, or other purpose):


7. Consignee* Details (If different from ultimate end user)
* The DGFT need to be informed in advance in case of any new consignee is involved.
i. Name  
ii. Address Flat/Plot/Block No.  
State   Postal Code            
iii. Tele No. (1 Country Code Area Code Tel. No.
iv. Fax No. Country Code Area Code   Fax No.
v. E-mail                                    


8. Please indicate the type of supporting documents submitted (via email, fax or post) to DGFT (hqrs). Please number all pages of the supporting documents and indicate the total number of pages at the top right corner of every page. Please note that failing to submit the necessary documents will delay the processing.

☐ Technical drawings (Information on Product/Technology)
☐ Technical Specifications/Data Sheets/Brochures of the product(s)
☐ Documentary Proof that establishes corporate relationship between foreign parent company and the Indian Subsidiaries
☐ Relevant Undertakings and Declaration, where applicable
☐ Purchase Order/Contract Agreement/Warranty Policy Conditions
☐ Export/Re-export Licence(s) from DGFT, where applicable.
☐ Export request Letter, where applicable
☐ Copy of Master Service Agreement(MSA)/ Contract with the foreign company and the Indian Subsidiary
☐ Documentary Proof of License Exception granted by the export control licensing authority of country of the foreign parent company with validity
☐ A self-certified copy of the ICP of the parent company being adopted by Indian subsidiary;
☐ Technical Specifications/Data sheets/Brochures of the product(s), where applicable.


For Use in DGFT office only (To be filled by the applicant).

9A. Application Submission Details (if submitted electronically):

i. GAICT Registration no.  
ii. File Number & Date of Issue  
iii. Application Fee submission details viz. Amount in Rupees, Demand Draft No./Electronic Fund Transfer No. and Date and the name & branch of the bank on which drawn  
9B. Jurisdictional Regional
Authority (from where the company has been issued IEC or having branch office):



I / We hereby certifythat:
(i) I/We hereby declare that the particulars and the statements made in this application are true and correct tothebestofmy/ourknowledgeandbeliefandnothinghasbeenconcealedorheldtherefrom.
(ii) I/We fully understand that any information furnished in the application if found incorrect or false will render me / us liable for any penal action or other consequences as may be prescribed in law or otherwisewarranted.
(iii) I/We undertake to abide by the provisions of the FT (D & R) Act, 1992, as amended, the Rules and Ordersframedthereunder,FTP,HBP,AppendicesandAayatNiryatFormsandITC(HS).
(iv) I/We hereby certifythat:

A. TheentityforwhomtheapplicationhasbeenmadehavenotbeenpenalizedunderanyofthefollowingActs (as amended from time totime):
(i) The Customs Act,1962,
(ii) The Central Excise Act1944, Central & State GST Act, 2017
(iii) Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act 1992, as amended,and
(iv) The Foreign Exchange ManagementAct,1999;
(v) The Conservation of Foreign Exchange, Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act,1974
(vi) WeaponsofMassDestruction&theirDeliverySystems(ProhibitionofUnlawfulActivities)Act,2005

B. None of the Directors / Partners / Proprietor / Karta / Trustees of the company /firm /HUF/Trust, (as the case may be), is/are a Director(s) / Partner(s) / Proprietor / Karta / Trustee in any other Company/ firm / entitywhichisontheDeniedEntityList(DEL)ofDGFTorisinthecautionlistofRBI;

C. Neither the Registered Office of the company / Head Office of the firm / nor any of its Branch Office(s)/ Unit(s)/ Division(s) has been declared a defaulter and has otherwise been made ineligible for undertaking import / export under any of the provisions of thePolicy;

D.WehaveneitherobtainednorappliedforissuanceofanImporterExporterCodeNumberinthenameofour Registered / Head Office to any other LicensingAuthority.

(v) I / We hereby declare that I / We have neither obtained nor applied for such benefits (including issuance of an Importer Exporter Code Number) in the name of our Registered / Head Office or any of our Branch(s) / Unit(s) / Division(s) to any other RegionalAuthority.
(vi) We have complied with the conditions of all previous licences / authorisations issued to us for export of SCOMETitemsandwhereverrequiredhavedulyintimatedtheo/oDGFT,NewDelhialongwithdocumentary evidenceregardingreceiptoftheitemsofexportbytheend-userwithinthestipulatedtime.
(vii) I / We undertake to abide by the provisions of the FT (D & R) Act, 1992, as amended, the Rules and Orders framed there under, FTP, HBP and ITC (HS) and submit all requisite documents to the o/o DGFT (SCOMET Section), failing which I/We shall be liable to action under FT (D & R) Act, 1992 as amended or rules and orders made there under, and the Customs Act,1962.
(viii) IherebycertifythatIamauthorisedtoverifyandsignthisdeclarationasperParagraph9.6ofthePolicy.

Signature of the Applicant  
Official Address  
Telephone Country Code Area Code Tel. No.


ANF- 2 O (c)

1. General Information

i. GAICT Authorization No. (13 digit) and date


ii. GAICT Authorization date (DD/MM/YY)


iii. IEC


iv. Name of the applicant exporter: ___________________________________________________

v. Address

Flat/Plot/Block No.  
State   PIN Code            

vi. Tele No.

(1 Country Code Area Code Tel. No.

vii. Fax no.

Country Code Area Code Tel. No.

2. Details of the shipment for (Tick the appropriate)

Quarter Please tick the period opted Date of Submission of post- shipment details (dd/mm/yy)
Jan to March    
April to June    
July to September    
October to December    

3. Items Details

i. Actual flow of items

S.no. SCOMET category/sub category ECCN/ or control list no. of foreign country by which license exception has been given to India Date of import Country of import Actual Date of export Country of export Name of the company to which exports to be made

ii. Details of the items (Actual export)

  SI. no. of Items (1) (2) (3)
1 SCOMET Category      
2 SCOMET Sub-category      
3 Description of export item/s including technical specification      
4 CAS no. (in case of chemicals)      
5 ITC (HS) Code No. (if available)      
6 Product Name      
7 Model Number/Partno./serial no. (If applicable)      
8 Manufacturer      
9 Quantity      
10 Unit of Quantity (G,KG, or MT)      
11 FOB in rupees      
12 FOB in USD      
13 Other relevant information      
14 SB number (export by sea)      
15 SB Date      
16 AWB number      
17 AWB Date      
  Basis of Export made FOB/CIF      
18 FOB Value      
19 Port of Export      
20 Country of export      

iii. For Software/Technology (Actual exports) (Skip if not applicable)

S. No.

Basic Product Information (1) (2) (3)
1 Name of the manufacturer//service provider (if applicable)      
2 Name of the Importer      
3 Name of the Exporter      
4 Brand      
5 Name of Model/Software/Technology      
a) Model no./ Part No. (if applicable)      
b) Class (if applicable)      
c) Type (if applicable)      
d) Serial No. (if applicable)      
e) Version No. (if applicable)      
6 Encryption algorithm. (if applicable)      
7 Encryption Functionality (if applicable)      
8 Value of software/technology      
9 Additional Information (if any)      

4. Details of Supply Chain

Name of Ultimate Consignee*(if applicable) Complete Address of Ultimate Consignee (Including Pin code and Telephone no.) Name of Ultimate End User Complete address of End User (Including Pin code and Telephone no.)

* The DGFT need to be informed in advance in case of any new consignee is involved.

5. Documents Attached:

SI. No. Name of the document Attached (Yes/No)
1. EUC from foreign parent company in appendix 2S(iv)  
2. Purchase Order  
3. Master Service agreement (MSA)/Contract (if amended)  
4. License Exemption proof & validity (If amended)  
5. Bill of Entry  
6. Other relevant documents (If any)  

APPENDIX- 2 S (iv)


(a) Name of Exporter ______________________________________________________________________________________
(b) Name of Consignee ______________________________________________________________________________________
(c) Consignee’s Address ______________________________________________________________________________________
(d) Zip code______________Tele No __________________Email_______________Fax__________
(e) Nature of usual business of the consignee (e.g., distributor, manufacturer etc.)____________________
(f) Name of End-User____________________________________________________________________
(g) End-User’s Address
(h) Zip code______________Tele No. ________________Email________________Fax____________
(i) SpecificLocationwheretheitemswillbeused(ifdifferentfrom(g)) ______________________________________________________________________________________
(j) Nature of usual business of the End-User (e.g. manufacturer or research) ________________________________
(k) Business relationship with the applicant exporter (Parent company/subsidiaries) ________________________________________________________
(l) How long has your business relationship with the applicant exporter existed? ______________________
(m) Intermediary (if any) _________________________
(n) Intermediary’s Address_______________________________

PART 2: ITEMS (goods, software, technology)

S. No. (a) Description of the item(s) (e.g. Name of Manufacturer/Model/Software/Technology, Class, Type, Serial Number) (b) Quantity/Weight /Value1

(c) Master Service Agreement / Contract Agreement Number& Date of signature____________________________________


a) Theitem(s)indicatedinPART2willbeusedas capital equipment/component/raw material /other use for (Intended End use) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b) Theitem(s)indicatedinPART2arebeingprocessedorincorporatedintoanotherproduct2(asdetailedin3aab ove),forsaletoultimateenduserslocatedin __________
c) I/we certify that the above-mentioned items (as detailed in the referenced purchase order/ master service agreement/other contract agreement) shall not be used for any purpose other than the purpose(s) stated above and that such use shall not be changed nor the items modified or replicated without the prior consent of the Government of India. In case the above-mentioned item(s) include(s) technology- we certify that it will be treated as strictly confidential.
d) I/we certify that the items/software/technology indicated in part 2 is/are to be re-exported as per the terms and condition of Global Authorization for Intra Company Transfer (GAICT) policy of the Government of India and shall be allowed only to the entities eligible under authorization for GAICT.
e) I/we certify that I/we will provide DGFT, Government of India with delivery verification upon its request.
f) Post shipment verification of the items at the end users site shall be allowed, if required by the Government of India, as may be applicable.
g) I/we shall not myself/ourself, or through another, cause the items, or replicas, or derivatives thereof to be re-exported/re-transferred/sold without the consent of the licensing authority of the country of the end user, to any party within country of final destination or outside it, unless specifically exempted in the export authorization.
h) I/We also certify that the above items and/or replicas thereof will not be used to design, develop, acquire, manufacture, possess, transport, transfer and/or used for chemical, biological, nuclear weapons or for missiles capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction and their delivery system.
The items will be used for civil purposes only.
i) I/We also certify that I/we are not a party designated under UNSC sanctioned individual/entities/groups and I/we are neither owned nor controlled by a designated party under UNSC individual/entities/groups.
j) I/we also certify that all the facts contained in this certificate are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I/we do not know of any additional facts that are inconsistent with this certificate.

                 (Signature of authorized signatory)

Company stamp/Official seal__________________________

Name: _______________



Address: ___________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________
Alternate Email: ___________________________________________
Tele No.:___________________________________________

[To be submitted by foreign parent company on its letterhead indicating full chain of supply in case of other subsidiaries are also involved.Any additional page(s) must be signed by the same person who signs this form.
1: For Technology exports, value should be mentioned in Part 2(b) 2: Cross this line if it is not applicable]