(To be published in the Gazette
of India Extraordinary Part I Section I)
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan
Public Notice No.20 /2015-20
New Delhi, Dated the 12 July, 2018
Subject: Amendment in Paragraph 2.79 of the Handbook of Procedures of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-20
In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 1.03 of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-20, the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) hereby makes amendments to Paragraph 2.79 of the Handbook of Procedures (HBP) of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-20, with immediate effect. The Paragraph 2.79 of the Handbook of Procedures (HBP) of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-20 is substituted to read as under:
"2.79 Issue of authorization
for repeat orders
Applications for grant of authorization for repeat orders to the
applicant exporter for export of same SCOMET items to the same
country/entities shall be approved by Chairman IMWG, without any
consultation with IMWG members. However, in cases of repeat orders for export of
same SCOMET items to different country/entities, approval will be granted by
Chairman, IMWG after verification of the credentials of foreign
buyer/consignee/end user only.
The approval will be subject to the fulfillment of the following criteria:
(i) Same SCOMET items
would imply that the products, along with the technical specifications, are
exactly the same for which export authorization has been issued to the applicant
exporter earlier after due consultation/verification;
(ii) Same country/entities would imply that (a) the foreign buyer (b) the
consignee or the intermediaries, if any (c) the end user and (d) the end use are
exactly the same for which export authorization has been issued to the applicant
exporter earlier after due consultation/verification;
(iii) Only the applications submitted within three years from the date of
issue of original SCOMET authorization, after due verification/consultation
process, will be eligible for repeat authorization;
(iv) The cumulative quantity permitted against repeat export authorizations
shall be commensurate with the operational capacity of the end user in respect
of the relevant product, as certified by the end user. A certificate to this
effect from the end user shall be submitted by the exporter alongwith the
application for a repeat authorization;
(v) A declaration by the authorized signatory on the qualifying conditions as
per (i) to (iv) above shall be submitted by the exporter along with the
application for consideration under the repeat order route;
(vi) The authorizations(s) for repeat orders shall be liable for
recall/termination by the DGFT on receipt of an adverse report in respect of any
of the export consignments;
(vii) All authorizations for repeat orders shall be brought before IMWG in its
subsequent meeting for confirmation of approval, on ex-post facto basis, and the
IMWG would reserve its right to refuse further repeat authorizations based on
its assessment of proliferation concerns.
2. Effect of this Public
Paragraph 2.79 of the Handbook of Procedures (HBP) of the Foreign Trade
Policy (FTP) 2015-20 has been amended to widen the scope for issue of
authorizations for repeat orders of SCOMET Items.
(Alok Vardhan Chaturvedi)
Director General of Foreign Trade
E-mail: dgft@nic.in
(Issued from F.No.0l/91/180/18/ AM-17 /EC)