Foreign Trade Policy 2023



(Relevant Procedure Chapter 1)


1.00 Legal Basis of Foreign Trade Policy The Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2023 is notified by Central Government, in exercise of powers conferred under Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No. 22 of 1992) [FT (D&R) Act], as amended.

1.01 Duration of FTP

The Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2023 incorporating provisions relating to export and import of goods and services , shall come into force with effect from 1st April, 2023 and shall continue to be in operation unless otherwise specified or amended. All exports and imports made up to 31.03.2023 shall, accordingly, be governed by the relevant FTP, unless otherwise specified.

1.02 Amendment to FTP

Central Government, in exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 and Section 5 of FT (D&R) Act, 1992, as amended from time to time, reserves the right to make any amendment to the FTP, by means of notification, in public interest.

*1.03 Hand Book of Procedures (HBP) and Appendices & Aayat Niryat Forms (ANF)

Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) may, by means of a Public Notice, notify Hand Book of Procedures, including Appendices and Aayat Niryat Forms or amendment thereto, if any, laying down the procedure to be followed by an exporter or importer or by any Licensing/Regional Authority or by any other authority for purposes of implementing provisions of FT (D&R) Act, the Rules and the Orders made there under and provisions of FTP.

1.04 Specific provision to prevail over the general

Where a specific provision is spelt out in the FTP/Hand Book of Procedures (HBP), the same shall prevail over the general provision.

1.05 Transitional Arrangements

(a) Any License/ Authorisation / Certificate/ Scrip/ instrument bestowing financial or fiscal benefit issued before commencement of FTP 2023 shall continue to be valid for the purpose and duration for which it was issued, unless otherwise stipulated.

(b) Item wise Import/Export Policy is delineated in the ITC (HS) Schedule I and Schedule II respectively. The importability/ exportability of a particular item is governed by the policy as on the date of import/ export. The date of import/ export is defined in para 2.17 of HBP 2023. Bill of Lading and Shipping Bill are the key documents for deciding the date of import and export respectively. In case of change of policy from ‘free ’ to ‘restricted /prohibited /state trading’ or ‘otherwise regulated’, the import/export already made before the date of such regulation/restriction will not be affected. However, the import through High Sea sales will not be covered under this facility. Further, the import/export on or after the date of such regulation/restriction will be allowed for importer/ exporter who has a commitment through Irrevocable Commercial Letter of Credit (ICLC) before the date of imposition of such restriction/ regulation and shall be limited to the balance quantity, value and period available in the ICLC. For operational listing of such ICLC, the applicant shall have to register the ICLC with jurisdictional RARegional Authority against computerized receipt within 15 days of imposition of any such restriction/ regulation. Whenever, Government brings out a policy change of a particular item, the change will be applicable prospectively (from the date of Notification) unless otherwise provided for.