{(To be published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part II Section-3, Sub-Section (ii)}
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhavan
Notification No. 47/2015-2020
New Delhi, dated: 20th December, 2021
Subject: SCOMET Updates 2021 - Amendment in Appendix 3 (SCOMET items) to Schedule-2 of ITC (HS) Classification of Export and Import Items, 2018
S.O.(E) In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 and Section 14A of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992, as amended, read with Para 1.02 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020, the Central Government hereby makes the amendment in Appendix 3 (SCOMET Items) to Schedule -2 of ITC (HS) Classification of Export and Import Items 2018, as enclosed in the Annexure to this Notification.
2. The updated Appendix 3 (SCOMET Items) to Schedule- 2 of ITC (HS) Classification of Export and Import Items, 2018 including annexure to this notification would be uploaded on the web-portal of DGFT under heading "Regulatory Updates" and Sub-heading "Import, Export and SCOMET policy" (https://www.dgft.gov.in/CP/?opt=itchs-import-export).
3. In order to provide transition time to the industry, this Notification shall come into effect after 30 days of the date of issuance i.e. 19th Jan, 2022.
4. Effect of this Notification:-
Annual SCOMET Update - 2021 has been notified to amend the Appendix 3 (SCOMET Items) to Schedule-2 of ITC (HS) Classification of Export and Import Items, 2018.
(Amit Yadav)
Director General of Foreign Trade
Ex-officio Additional Secretary to the
Government of India
E-mail: dgft@nic.in
(Issued from F.No. 01/91/171/37/AM10/EC/ E-65)
Note: Principal Notification No. 05 dated 24th April 2017, Notification No. 13 dated 28th June 2017, Notification No. 29 dated 21st September 2017, Notification No. 17 dated 3rd July, 2018, Notification No. 04 dated 24th April, 2019 and Notification No. 10 dated 11th June 2020.
Annexure referred to in DGFT Notification No. 47/2015-20 dated 20th December 2021 regarding amendment in Appendix 3 (SCOMET Items) to Schedule -2 of ITC (HS) Classification of Export and Import Items 2018
S.No | Entry No. in SCOMET Control List | Existing entry in SCOMET List | Revised Entry in
SCOMET List [The previous entries against relevant items shall be
substituted as under in the SCOMET list:] [Text highlighted in Blue has been added] |
1. | Amendment in Note 2 and addition of Note 3 in 3D011 |
Protective and
containment equipment as follows: i. fully enclosed
workspace where the operator is separated from the work by Note 1 this control includes class III biosafety cabinets, as described in the latest edition of the WHO laboratory Biosafety Manual or constructed in accordance with national standards, regulations or guidance. Note 2 this control does not include isolators specially designed for barrier nursing or transportation of infected patients. |
7. Protective and
containment equipment as follows: i. fully enclosed
workspace where the operator is separated from the work by a Note 1 - this control includes class III biosafety cabinets, as described in the latest edition of the WHO Laboratory Biosafety Manual or constructed in accordance with national standards, regulations or guidance. Note 2- This control includes any isolator meeting all of the above mentioned characteristics, regardless of its intended use and its designation. Note 3: this control does not include isolators specially designed for harrier nursing or transportation of infected patients |
2. | Amendment 3A201.a. |
Composite structures, laminates, resin impregnated fibre prepregs and metal coated fibre preforms made either with an organic matrix or metal matrix utilizing fibrous or filamentary reinforcements, and manufactures thereof, specially designed for use in rocket systems (including ballistic missile systems, space launch vehicles and sounding rockets), unmanned aerial vehicles and cruise missiles and subsystems thereof; |
Composite structures, laminates, resin impregnated fibre prepregs and metal coated fibre preforms made either with an organic matrix or metal matrix utilizing fibrous or filamentary reinforcements, and manufactures thereof, specially designed for use in rocket systems (including ballistic missile systems, space launch vehicles and sounding rockets), unmanned aerial vehicles and cruise missiles or subsystems thereof; |
3. | Revision in Glossary | "Technology means". Technical Notes 1. 'Technical data' may lake forms such as blueprints, plans, diagrams, models, formulae, tables, engineering designs and specifications, manuals and instructions written or recorded on other media or devices such as disk, tape, read-only memories. |
"Technology means". Technical Notes 1. 'Technical data' may lake forms such as blueprints, plans, diagrams, models, formulae algorithms, tables, engineering designs and specifications, manuals instructions etc, written or recorded on other media or devices such as disk. tape, read-only memories. |
4. |
Revision in the Name of |
5. | Revision in the lTC(HS) codes in the List of 1C chemicals under SCOMET list |
6 | Revision in the ITC(HS) codes in the List of 1E chemicals under SCOMET list |
7 | Policy for export of Chemicals under SCOMET Category 1C |
Export of chemicals listed in 1C below is allowed to the countries specified in Table I without an export authorization, subject to the condition that the exporter shall notify the National Authority. Chemicals Weapons Convention (NACWC). Cabinet Secretariat. Department of Chemicals & Petro-Chemicals. Disarmament & International Security Affairs (D&ISA) Division of Ministry of External A flairs and Directorate General of foreign Trade (DGFT), within 30 days of such export, in the prescribed format [Aayat Niryat Form (ANF)- 2O] along with the Find-Use Certificate (EUC) in the prescribed proforma [Appendix 2S(ii)] and also submit to the IXil-'T a copy of the bill of entry into the destination country within 30 days of delivery. Table I
Export of chemicals listed in Category' IC to the countries other than, those specified in fable 1 shall be allowed only against an export authorization. The exporter shall submit to the DGFT a copy of the bill of entry into the destination country within 30 days of delivery. Further, applications for export of chemicals in this category to countries not Party to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) shall be submitted along with a Government signed End-Use-Certificate (EUC). |
Export of chemicals (Excluding Software and Technology) listed in 1C below is allowed to the countries specified in Table 1 on the basis of a one time General authorization for export of Chemicals and related equipments (GAEC) issued by DGFT, subject" to the following conditions (including those below) and (he procedure as prescribed from time to time: I. The exporter is required to register and obtain General authorization for export of Chemicals and related equipments only once during the validity period. Subsequent export/re-export is subject to post reporting (s) on quarterly basis to relevant Govt, authorities; II. General authorization for export of Chemicals Issued for export / re-export of SCOMET Items under the above Categories / Sub Categories (excluding software and technology) shall be valid for a period of five years from the date of issue of General authorization for export of Chemicals and related equipments subject to subsequent post reporting(s) on quarterly basis to be reported within 30 days from the' last quarter; Table 1
Note: Export of items under the 1C Category to the countries other than those specified in Table 1 and export of 1C category items related Software and Technology to any country shall be allowed only against an export authorisation and in compliance to the conditions and documentation specified under the respective Categories of SCOMET List. Further, applications for export of chemicals in this category to countries not Party to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) shall be submitted along with a Government signed End-Use-Certificate (EUC). |
8 |
Policy for export of Chemicals under SCOMET Category 1D |
Export of chemicals,
related technology and software in this category is allowed to countries
specified in Table 1 without an export authorisation subject to the
condition that the exporter shall notify the Department of Chemicals &
Petro-chemicals. Ministry of External Affairs (D&ISA) and the DGFT
within 30 days of such export in the prescribed format (Aayat Niryat
Form) along with the End-Use Certificate and submit to the DGFT a copy
of the bill of entry into the destination country within 30 days of
delivery. Table I
Export of chemicals (Excluding Software and Technology) listed in 1D below is allowed to the countries specified in Table 1 on the basis of a one time General authorization for export of Chemicals and related equipments (GAEC) issued by DGFT, subject" to the following conditions (including those below) and (he procedure as prescribed from time to time: I. The exporter is required to register and obtain General authorization for export of Chemicals and related equipments only once during the validity period. Subsequent export/re export is subject to post reporting(s) on quarterly basis to relevant Govt, authorities; II. General authorization for export of Chemicals and related equipments issued for export / re-export of SCOMET items under the above Categories / Sub Categories (excluding software and technology) shall be valid for a period of five years from the date of issue of General authorization for export of Chemicals.and related equipments subject to subsequent post reporting(s) on quarterly basics to be reported within 30 days from the last quarter; Table 1
Note : Export of items under 1D Category to the countries other than those specified in table 1 and export of 1D category items related Software and Technology to any country shall be allowed only against an export authorisation and in compliance to the conditions and documentation specified under the respective Categories of SCOMET List. |
9 |
Policy for export of Chemicals under SCOMKT Category 1E |
Export of Chemicals as specified below is allowed to State Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) without an export authorisation subject to the condition that the exporter shall notify within 30 days of export to the National Authority. Chemical Weapons Convention. Cabinet Secretariat; the Ministry of Internal Affairs (D&ISA): the Department of Chemicals & Petro-chemicals, and the DGFT of such exports in the prescribed format (Aayat Niryal Form) along with the End-Use Certificate (EUC) and submit to DGFT a copy of the bill of entry into the destination State Party within 30 days of delivery. Export of chemicals as specified above to States not Party to the CWC shall continue to be restricted and will be allowed only against an export authorisation, and in that case also exporters shall submit to the DGFT a copy of the bill of entry into the destination country within .30 days of export, further, applications for export.of chemicals in this category to countries not Party to the CWC shall be submitted along with a Government signed End-Use Certificate in the prescribed format [Appendix 2S(ii)]. |
Export of Chemicals as specified below is allowed to State Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) on the basis of a one time General authorization for export of Chemicals and related equipments (GAEC) issued by DGFT, subject to the following conditions (including those below) and the procedure as prescribed from time to time: I. The exporter is required to register and obtain General authorization for export of Chemicals and related equipments only once during the validity period. Subsequent export/re-export is subject to post reporting(s) on quarterly basis to relevant Govt, authorities; II. General authorization for export of Chemicals and related equipments issued for export / re-export 'of SCOMET items under the above Categories / Sub Categories (excluding software and technology) shall be valid for a period of five years from the date of issue of General authorization for export of Chemicals and related equipments subject to subsequent post reporting(s) on quarterly basis to be reported within 30 days from the last quarter; Note1: List of CWC State parties can be found on www.opew.org Note2: Export of items under the IE Category to the countries other than the countries not party to CWC and export of IE category items related Software and technology to any country shall he allowed only against an export authorization and in compliance to the conditions and documentation specified under the respective Categories of SCOMET List. |
10 |
Policy for export of Chemicals under SCOMET Category 3D001 |
The firm is required to apply for SCOMET authorisation each time for export to any entity in foreign country. |
Note : Export of chemicals (Excluding Software and Technology) listed in 3D001 below is allowed to the countries specified in Table 1 on the basis of a one time General- authorization for export of Chemicals and related equipments (GAEC) issued by DGFT, subject to" the following conditions (including those below) and the procedure as prescribed from time to time: I. The exporter is required to register and obtain General authorization for export of Chemicals and related equipments only once during the validity period. Subsequent export/re-export is subject to post reporting(s) on quarterly basis to relevant Govt, authorities; II. General authorization for export of Chemicals and related equipments issued for export / re-export of SCOMET items under the above Categories / Sub Categories (excluding software and technology) shall be valid for a period of five years from the date of issue of General authorization for export of Chemicals and related equipments subject to subsequent post reporting(s) on quarterly basis to be reported within 3Q.CJays.fK)m the last quarter. Table 1
Note: Export of items under the 3D001 category to the countries other than those specified in Table 1 and the Category 3D001 related software and technology to any country shall be allowed only against an export authorisation and in compliance to the conditions and documentation specified under the respective Categories of SCOMET List. |
11 |
Policy for export of Chemicals under SCOMET Category 3D004 |
The firm is required to apply for SCOMET authorization any entity in foreign country. |
Note : Export of chemicals (Excluding Software and Technology) listed in 3D004 below is allowed to the countries specified in Table 1 on the basis of a one time General authorization for export of Chemicals and related equipments (GAEC) issued by DGFT, subject to the following conditions (including those below) and the procedure as prescribed from time to time: I. The exporter is required to register and obtain General authorization for export of Chemicals and related equipments only once during the validity period. Subsequent export/re-export is subject to post reporting(s) on quarterly basis to relevant Govt, authorities; II. General authorization for export of Chemicals and related equipments issued for export / re-export of SCOMET items under the above Categories / Sub Categories (excluding software and technology) shall be valid for a period of Ave years from the date of issue of General authorization for export of Chemicals and related equipments subject to •subsequent post reporting (s) on quarterly basis to be reported within 3f> days from the last quarter. Table 1
Note : Export of items under the 3D004 category to the countries other than those specified in Table 1 the Category 3D004 related software and technology to any country shall be allowed only against an export authorisation and in compliance to the conditions and documentation specified under the respective Categories of SCOMET List. |
12 |
Revision in Policy for export from
DTA to SEZ/EoU (As per PN 32/2015-20 dated 29.10.2021) |
Supply of SCOMET Items from DTA to SEZ No export authorisation is required for supply of SCOMET items from DTA to SEZ.
13 | Amendment in 8D502.b (Typo error) |
"Software" having the
characteristics of a 'cryptographic activation token' specified by |
"Software" having the characteristics of
a 'cryptographic activation token' specified by
8A502.b. |
14 | Amendment in 8B602 (Typo error) |
Masks and reticles, specially designed for optical sensors specified by |
Masks and reticles, specially designed for optical sensors specified by 8A602.a.1.b or 8A602 .a.1.d |
1. Refer Vide Trade Notice No. 30/2021-2022 Dated 13.01.2022