ITC (HS), 2022



1.(a) The products specified in the headings of this Chapter are to be classified in those headings only if grains are present, whether or not in the ear or on the stalk.

(b) This Chapter does not cover grains which have been hulled or otherwise worked. However, rice, husked, milled, polished, glazed, parboiled or broken remains classified in heading 1006. Similarly, quinoa from which the pericarp has been wholly or partly removed in order to separate the sapon in, but which has not undergone any other processes, remains classified in heading 1008.

2. Heading 1005 does not cover sweet corn (Chapter 7).


The term “Durum wheat” means wheat of the Triticum durum species and the hybrids derived from the inter-specific crossing of Triticum durum which has same number (28) of chromosomes as that species.

Policy Conditions of this Chapter:

(1) Policy relating to import of wheat by Roller Flour Mills is as follows:

The State Trading Corporation of India Limited (STC) and the Projects Equipments Corporation (P.E.C.) are permitted to import wheat on behalf of Roller Flour Mills subject to the following conditions:-

(i) The import should be for meeting the Roller Flour Mills' own requirements for milling purposes and sale of the resultant flour in the domestic market.

(ii) The import contract should be registered by the importing agency with Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA).

(iii) The imported wheat must be sold to the individual Roller Flour Mills on actual user condition.

(2)  Import permitted for sowing without a licence subject to the new Policy on Seed Development, 1988 and in accordance with import permit granted under Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) Order, 2003)

(3) Import of genetically modified (GM) Rice is ‘Restricted’. Import of Rice into India is permitted only if the importer is able to furnish a  certificate from the competent Government Authorities from country of export that the exported rice is GM free.

(4) The existing policy for import of items falling at Exim Codes 1001 19 00 (Durum Wheat: Other) and 1001 99 10 (Other Wheat) shall remain in abeyance till further orders. During this period, import of these items will be allowed freely.

Exim Code

Item Description


Policy Conditions






Durum wheat:



1001 11 00



Import subject to Policy Condition (2) below.

1001 19 00


State Trading Enterprise

2[Import allowed through FCI subject to Para 2.21 of FTP and Import subject to Policy Condition (4) of this Chapter.]

old[Import allowed through FCI subject to Para 2.20 of FTP and Import subject to Policy Condition (4) below.]





1001 91 00



Import subject to Policy Condition (2) below.

1001 99




1001 99 10


State Trading Enterprise

2[Import allowed through FCI subject to Para 2.21 of FTP and Import subject to Policy Condition (4) of this Chapter.]

old[Import allowed through FCI subject to Para 2.20 of FTP and Import subject to Policy Condition (4) below.]

1001 99 20 Meslin Free  
1002 RYE    
1002 10 00 Seed Restricted Import subject to Policy Condition (2) below.
1002 90 00 Other Free  
1003 BARLEY    
1003 10 00 Seed Restricted Import subject to Policy Condition (2) below.
1003 90 00 Other Free  
1004 OATS    
1004 10 00 Seed Restricted Import subject to Policy Condition (2) below.
1004 90 00 Other Free  
1005 MAIZE (CORN)    
1005 10 00 Seed Restricted Import subject Policy Condition (2) below.
1005 90 Other    
  Dent com (Zee mays var. indenta)    
1005 90 11 Yellow Free  
1005 90 19 Other Free  
1005 90 20 Flint corn (Zea mays var. indurata) Free  
1005 90 30 Popcorn (Zea mays var. everta) Free Import is subject to Policy Circular No. 27/2015-2020 dated 26th July, 2019.
1005 90 90 Other Free  
1006 RICE    
1006 10 Rice in husk (paddy or rough):    
1006 10 10 Of seed quality Restricted Import subject to Policy Condition (2) below.
1006 10 90 Other State Trading Enterprise 2[Import allowed through FCI subject to Para 2.21 of FTP.]

old[Import allowed through FCI subject to Para 2.20 of FTP.]

1006 20 00 Husked (brown) Rice State Trading Enterprise Import allowed through FCI subject to Para 2.20 of FTP.
1006 30 Semi-milled or wholly milled rice, whether or not polished or glazed:    
1006 30 10 Rice, parboiled State Trading Enterprise Import allowed through FCI subject to Para 2.20 of FTP.
1006 30 20 Basmati rice State Trading
Import allowed through FCI subject to Para 2.20 of FTP.
*1006 30 90 Other State Trading
Import allowed through FCI subject to Para 2.20 of FTP.
1006 40 00 Broken rice State Trading
Import allowed through FCI subject to Para 2.20 of FTP.
1007 10 00 Seed Restricted Import subject to Policy Condition (2) below.
1007 90 00 Other Free  
1008 10 Buckwheat:    
1008 10 10 Of seed quality Restricted Import subject to Policy Condition (2) below.
1008 10 90 Other Free  
1008 21 seed    
1008 21 10 Jawar Restricted Import subject to Policy Condition (2) below.
1008 21 20 Bajra Restricted Import subject to Policy Condition (2) below.
1008 21 30 Ragi Restricted Import subject to Policy Condition (2) below.
1[1008 21 40 Barnyard (Echinochloa esculenta (L.)) Restricted Import subject to Policy Condition (2) of the Chapter
1008 21 50 Proso (Panicum miliaceum (L.)) Restricted Import subject to Policy Condition (2) of the Chapter
1008 21 60 Foxtail (Setariaitalica (L.)) Restricted Import subject to Policy Condition (2) of the Chapter
1008 21 70 Kodo (Paspalum scrobiculatum (L.)) Restricted Import subject to Policy Condition (2) of the Chapter
1008 21 80 Little (Panicum sumatrense (L.)) Restricted Import subject to Policy Condition (2) of the Chapter
1008 21 91 Amaranth (Amaranthus (L.)) Restricted Import subject to Policy Condition (2) of the Chapter
1008 21 99 Amaranth (Amaranthus (L.)) Restricted Import subject to Policy Condition (2) of the Chapter]
1008 29 Other:    
1008 29 10 Jawar Free  
1008 29 20 Bajra Free  
1008 29 30 Ragi Free  
1[1008 29 40 Barnyard (Echinochloa esculenta (L.)) Free  
1008 29 50 Proso (Panicum miliaceum (L.)) Free  
1008 29 60 Foxtail (Setariaitalica (L.)) Free  
1008 29 70 Kodo (Paspalum scrobiculatum (L.)) Free  
1008 29 80 Little (Panicum sumatrense (L.)) Free  
1008 29 91 Amaranth (Amaranthus (L.)) Free  
1008 29 99 Other Free]  
1008 30 Canary seeds:    
1008 30 10 Of seed quality Restricted Import subject to Policy Condition (2) below.
1008 30 90 Other Free  
1008 40 00 Fonio Free  
1008 50 00 Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) Free  
1008 60 00 Tr itica le Free  
1008 90 Other cereals:    
1008 90 10 Of seed quality Restricted  Import subject to Policy Condition (2) below.
1008 90 90 Other Free  


1 Inserted Vide Notification No. 08/2023 Dated 29.05.2023

2 Substituted vide Notification No. 08/2023 Dated 29.05.2023