(HS), 2017
Appendix - IV
(Reference Policy Condition 1 of Chapter 29 of this Schedule)
of Parties categorized as operating under Article 5 paragraph 1 of the Montreal Protocol.
1. Albania |
48. Guatemala |
94. |
Palau |
2. Algeria |
49. Guinea |
95. |
Panama |
3. Angola |
50. Guinea Bissau |
96. |
Papua New Guinea |
4. Antigua & Barbuda |
51. Guyana |
97. |
Paraguay |
5. Argentina |
52. Haiti |
98. |
Peru |
6. Armenia |
53. Honduras |
99. |
Philippines |
7. Bahamas |
54. India |
100. |
Qatar |
8. Bahrain |
55. Indonesia |
101. |
Rwanda |
9. Bangladesh |
56. Iran, Islamic Republic of |
102. |
Romania |
10. Barbados |
57. Jamaica |
103. |
Saint Kitts and Nevis |
11. Belize |
58. Jordan |
104. |
Saint Lucia |
12. Benin |
59. Kenya |
105. |
Saint Vincent & the |
13. Bolivia |
60. Kiribati |
Grenadines |
14. Bosnia and Herzegovina |
61. Korea, People's |
106. |
Samoa |
15. Botswana |
Democratic Republic of |
107. |
Saudi Arabia |
16. Brazil |
62. Korea, Republic of |
108. |
Senegal |
17. Brunei Darussalam |
63. Kuwait |
109. |
Serbia and Montenegro |
18. Burkina Faso |
64. Kyrgyzstan |
110. |
Seychelles |
19. Burundi |
65. Lao People's Democratic |
111. |
Sierra Leone |
20. Cambodia |
Republic |
112. |
Singapore |
21. Cameroon |
66. Lebanon |
113. |
Somalia |
22. Central African Republic |
67. Lesotho |
114. |
Solomon Islands |
23. Chad |
68. Liberia |
115. |
South Africa |
24. Chile |
69. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya |
116. |
Sri Lanka |
25. China |
70. Madagascar |
117. |
Suriname |
26. Colombia |
71. Malawi |
118. |
Sudan |
27. Comoros |
72. Malaysia |
119. |
Swaziland |
28. Congo |
73. Maldives |
120. |
Syrian Arab Republic |
29. Congo, Democratic |
74. Mali |
121. |
Tanzania, United |
Republic of |
75. Malta |
Republic of |
30. Cost Rica |
76. Marshall Islands |
122. |
Thailand |
31. C๔te d'Ivoire |
77. Mauritania |
123. |
The Former Yugoslav |
32. Croatia |
78. Mauritius |
Repubic of Macedonia |
33. Cuba |
79. Mexico |
124. |
Togo |
34. Cyprus |
80. Micronesia, Federal |
125. |
Tonga |
35. Djibouti |
States of |
126. |
Trinidad and Tobago |
36. Dominica |
81. Moldova |
127. |
Tunisia |
37. Dominican Republic |
82. Mongolia |
128. |
Turkey |
38. Ecuador |
83. Morocco |
129. |
Tuvalu |
39. Egypt |
84. Mozambique |
130. |
Uganda |
40. El Salvador |
85. Myanmar |
131. |
United Arab Emirates |
41. Ethiopia |
86. Namibia |
132. |
Uruguay |
42. Fiji |
87. Nauru |
133. |
Vanuatu |
43. Gabon |
88. Nepal |
134. |
Venezuela |
44. Gambia |
89. Nicaragua |
135. |
Viet Nam |
45. Georgia |
90. Niger |
136. |
Yemen |
46. Ghana |
91. Nigeria |
137. |
Zambia |
47. Grenada |
92. Oman 93. Pakistan |
138. |
Zimbabwe |
of Parties temporarily categorized as operating under Article 5 paragraph 1 of
the Montreal Protocol.
1. |
Afghanistan |
2. |
Bhutan |
3. |
Cape Verde |
4. |
Cook Islands |
5. |
Niue |
5. |
Sao Tome and Principe |
of Parties categorized as operating under Article 2 of the Montreal Protocol.
1. Australia 2. Austria 3. Azerbaijan 4. Belarus 5. Belgium 6. Bulgaria 7. Canada 8. Czech Republic 9. Denmark 10.
Equatorial 11. Estonia 12. Finland 13. France 14. Georgia 15. Germany |
16. Greece 17. Hungry 18. Iceland 19. Ireland 20. Israel 21. Italy 22. Japan 23. Latvia 24. Liechtenstein 25. Lithuania 26. Luxembourg 27. Monaco 28. Netherlands 29. New Zealand 30. Norway |
31. Poland 32. Portugal 33. Russian Federation 34. Slovakia 35. Spain 36. Sweden 37. Switzerland 38. Tajikistan 39. Turkmenistan 40. Ukraine 41. United Kingdom 42. USA 43. Uzbekistan 44. European Community |