ITC (HS), 2018
Appendix I (Prohibited Species) and Appendix II (Endangered
Species) of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
Flora (CITES)
Appendix I |
Appendix II |
AGAVACEAE Agaves | |
Agave arizonica | |
Agave parviflora | |
Agave victoriae-reginae #1 | |
Nolina interrata | |
AMARYLLIDACEAE Snowdrops, sternbergias | |
Galanthus spp. #1 | |
Sternbergia spp. #1 | |
APOCYNACEAE Elephant trunks | |
Pachypodium spp. #1 (Except the species included in Appendix | |
I) Pachypodium ambongense | |
Pachypodium baronii | |
Pachypodium decaryi | |
Rauvolfia serpentina #2 | |
ARALIACEAE Ginseng | |
Panax ginseng #3 (Only the population of the Russian Federation; no other population is included in the Appendices) | |
Tillandsia harrisii #1 | |
Tillandsia kammii #1 | |
Tillandsia kautskyi #1 | |
Tillandsia mauryana #1 | |
Tillandsia sprengeliana #1 | |
Tillandsia sucrei #1 | |
Tillandsia xerographica #1 | |
CACTACEAE spp.7 #4 (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
Ariocarpus spp. | |
Astrophytum asterias | |
Aztekium ritteri | |
Coryphantha werdermannii | |
Discocactus spp | |
Echinocereus ferreirianus ssp. lindsayi | |
Echinocereus schmollii Escobaria minima Escobaria | |
sneedii Mammillaria pectinifera Mammillaria | |
solisioides Melocactus conoideus Melocactus | |
deinacanthus Melocactus glaucescens Melocactus | |
paucispinus Obregonia denegrii Pachycereus | |
militaris Pediocactus bradyi Pediocactus knowltonii | |
Pediocactus paradinei Pediocactus peeblesianus | |
Pediocactus sileri Pelecyphora spp | |
Sclerocactus brevihamatus ssp. tobuschii | |
Sclerocactus erectocentrus | |
Sclerocactus glaucus | |
Sclerocactus mariposensis | |
Sclerocactus mesae-verdae | |
Sclerocactus nyensis | |
Sclerocactus papyracanthus | |
Sclerocactus pubispinus | |
Sclerocactus wrightiae | |
Strombocactus spp | |
Turbinicarpus spp | |
Caryocarcostaricense #1 | |
COMPOSITAE (Asteraceae) Kuth Saussurea costus | |
Dudleya stolonifera | |
Dudleya traskiae | |
CUPRESSACEAE Alerce, cypresses | |
Fitzroya cupressoides Pilgerodendron uviferum | |
CYATHEACEAE Tree-ferns | |
Cyathea spp. #1 | |
CYCADACEAE spp. #1 | |
Cycas beddomei | |
DIAPENSIACEAE Oconee-bells | |
Shortia galacifolia #1 | |
DICKSONIACEAE Tree-ferns | |
Cibotium barometz #1 | |
Dicksonia spp. #1 (Only the populations of the Americas; no other population is included in the Appendices) | |
DIDIEREACEAE Alluaudias, didiereas | |
DIDIEREACEAE spp. #1 | |
DIOSCOREACEAE Elephant’s foot, kniss | |
Dioscorea deltoidea #1 | |
DROSERACEAE Venus’ flytrap | Dionaea muscipula #1 |
Euphorbia spp. #1 (Except the species included in Appendix I; succulent species only; artificially propagated specimens of cultivars of Euphorbia trigona are not subject to the provisions of the Convention) | |
Euphorbia ambovombensis | |
Euphorbia capsaintemariensis | |
Euphorbia cremersii (Includes the forma viridifolia and the var. rakotozafyi) | |
Euphorbia cylindrifolia (Includes the spp. tuberifera) | |
Euphorbia decaryi (Includes the vars. ampanihyenis, robinsonii and spirosticha) | |
Euphorbia francoisii | |
Euphorbia moratii (Includes the vars. antsingiensis, bemarahensis and multiflora) | |
Euphorbia parvicyathophora | |
Euphorbia | |
quartziticola | |
Euphorbia tulearensis | |
Fouquieria columnaris #1 | |
Fouquieria fasciculate | |
Fouquieria purpusii | |
GNETACEAE Gnetums | |
Oreomunnea pterocarpa #1 | |
LEGUMINOSAE (Fabaceae) Afrormosia, cristobal, rosewood, sandalwood | |
Dalbergia nigra | |
Pericopsis elata #5 | |
Platymiscium pleiostachyum #1 | |
Pterocarpus santalinus #7 | |
Aloe spp. #1 (Except the species included in Appendix I. Also excludes Aloe vera, also referenced as | |
Aloe barbadensis which is not included in the Appendices) | |
Aloe albida | |
Aloe albiflora | |
Aloe alfredii | |
Aloe bakeri | |
Aloe Bellatula | |
Aloe calcairophila | |
Aloe compressa (Includes the vars. rugosquamosa, schistophila and paucituberculata) | |
Aloe delphinensis | |
Aloe descoingsii | |
Aloe fragilis | |
Aloe haworthioides (Includes the var. aurantiaca) | |
Aloe helenae | |
Aloe laeta (Includes the var. maniaensis) Aloe parallelifolia | |
Aloe parvula | |
Aloe pillansii | |
Aloe polyphylla | |
Aloe rauhii | |
Aloe suzannae | |
Aloe versicolor | |
Aloe vossii | |
MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia MELIACEAE Mahoganies, Spanish cedar | |
Swietenia humilis #1 | |
Swietenia macrophylla #6 (Populations of the Neotropics) [Enters into effect on 15 November 2003] | |
Swietenia mahagoni #5 | |
NEPENTHACEAE Pitcher-plants (Old World) | |
Nepenthes spp. #1 | |
Nepenthes khasiana | |
Nepenthes rajah | |
ORCHIDACEAE spp. 8 #8 (Except the species included in Appendix I) (For all of the following Appendix-I species, seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers are not subject to the provisions of the Convention) | |
Aerangis ellisii | |
Cattleya trianaei | |
Dendrobium cruentum | |
Laelia jongheana | |
Laelia lobata | |
Paphiopedilum spp | |
Peristeria elata | |
Phragmipedium spp. | |
Renanthera imschootiana | |
Vanda coerulea | |
Broomrape | |
Cistanche deserticola | |
PALMAE (Arecaceae) Palms | |
Beccariophoenix | |
madagascariensis | |
Chrysalidocarpus decipiens #1 | |
Lemurophoenix halleuxii | |
Marojejya darianii | |
Neodypsis decaryi #1 | |
Ravenea louvelii | |
Ravenea rivularis | |
Satranala decussilvae | |
Voanioala geradii | |
PINACEAE Guatemala fir | |
Abies guatemalensis | |
Podocarpus parlatorei | |
PORTULACACEAE Lewisias, portulacas, purslanes | |
Anacampseros #1 Avonia #1 | |
PRIMULACEAE Cyclamens | Cyclamen spp. 9 #1 |
PROTEACEAE Proteas | |
Orothamnus zeyheri #1 | |
Protea odorata #1 | |
RANUNCULACEAE Golden seals, yellow adonis, yellow root | |
Adonis vernalis #2 | |
Hydrastis Canadensis #3 | |
ROSACEAE African cherry, stinkwood | |
Prunus africana #1 | |
RUBIACEAE Ayuque | |
Balmea stormiae | |
SARRACENIACEAE Pitcher-plants (New World) | |
Sarracenia spp. #1 (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
Sarracenia rubra | |
ssp. alabamensis | |
Sarracenia rubra ssp. jonesii | |
Sarracenia oreophila | |
Kutki | |
Picrorhiza kurrooa #3 (Excludes Picrorhiza scrophulariiflora) | |
STANGERIACEAE Stangerias | |
Bowenia spp. #1 | |
Stangeria eriopus | |
TAXACEAE Himalayan yew | |
Taxus wallichiana #2 | |
TROCHODENDRACEAE (Tetracentraceae) Tetracentron | |
THYMELAEACEAE (Aquilariaceae) | |
Agarwood, ramin | |
Aquilaria malaccensis #1 | |
VALERIANACEAE Himalayan spikenard | |
Nardostachys grandiflora #3 | |
Welwitschia mirabilis #1 | |
ZAMIACEAE Cycads | |
ZAMIACEAE spp. #1 (Except the species included in Appendix I) | |
Ceratozamia spp. | |
Chigua spp. | |
Encephalartos spp | |
Microcycas calocoma | |
ZINGIBERACEAE Ginger lily | |
Hedychium philippinense #1 | |
ZYGOPHYLLACEAE Lignum-vitae | |
Guaiacum spp #2 |