Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated: 20th March, 2020
Policy Circular No. 33/2015-20
All Custom Authorities
All RAs of DGFT
All members of the trade
Subsequent to the issuance of the Notification No. 50 dated 03.03.2020
restricting export of 13 APIs and 13 formulations made from these APIs, DGFT has
received various representations from SEZ units and other exporters highlighting
the issues faced by the exporters of APIs/Formulations.
2. DGFT has examined these issues and the following is being clarified:
I. As per the SEZ Rules, the restriction on exports does not apply to SEZs. It
is, therefore, clarified that the exports of restricted APIs and Formulations
made from these APIs is allowed from SEZ Units.
II. The restriction notified vide Notification No. 50/2015-20 dated 03.03.2020
is applicable for only those item descriptions specified in the Notification and
not on the other APIs/Formulations that may be falling under the same ITC (HS)
codes and have different description. Therefore, it is clarified that all
other items under the ITC (HS) codes in the notification other than the ones
falling under the item description specified against each code in the
Notification are allowed for exports.
This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.
(Nitish Suri)
Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade
Email -
Ph. 23061536
(Issued from File No. 01/91/180/24/AM20/EC)