Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi

Policy Circular No. 12,2015-2020 Dated:28th August, 2018


All Regional Authorities (RAs) of DGFT
Spices Board
All Commissioners of Customs
Members of Trade and Industry

Subject: Policy Circular 5(2013)/2009-14 dated 14.08.2013 regarding norms for Spices under Advance Authorization- validity thereof.

As per Policy Circular 5(2013)/2009-14 dated 14.08.2013, ad-hoc norms for spices under Para 4.07 were being fixed on the basis of Sample Analysis Report (SAR) furnished by the Spices Board, Cochin, from the samples drawn by the Customs. The said circular provided that Regional Authorities (RAs) concerned would redeem the Advance Authorisations (whether issued under Para 4.7 of HBP or otherwise) based on the SARs furnished by Spices Board, Cochin. The Policy Circular was to be applicable in respect of all the pending cases before the Norms Committee as well as in respect of future Advance Authorizations. Regional Authorities (RAs) were to furnish a consolidated monthly report of such redemptions to the Norms Committee-IV at DGFT(HQ) for information and record.

4. Norms Committee IV has been receiving requests for ad-hoc fixation of Norms falling under spices even now. It is, therefore, reiterated that cases falling under the category of Policy Circular 5 (2013)/2009-14 dated 14.08.2013 may be redeemed on the SARs furnished by Spices Board, Cochin as has been the practice in the past. RAs need not send such applications (where spices are inputs) to NC in the Hqrs for fixation of ad-hoc norms. While redeeming the cases, RAs shall ensure that samples were drawn for the entire export quantity.

5. This issues with the approval of Director General of Foreign Trade.

(Kumar Rahul)
Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade
E-mail: kumar.rahul@nic. in

(F.No. 01/83/50/01/AM 19/DES-IV)