Application For Recognition as Pre-Shipment Inspection Agency for Metal Scrap

(Refer Para 2.55 of HBP)

Please Note: The process of application for PSIA is completely electronic and paperless. Applicant(s) may please navigate to the DGFT Website( →My Dashboard → Register and selecting ‘Register User As’ - ‘Pre-Shipment Inspection Agency’. The said PSIA official shall thereafter navigate to Services → Pre-Shipment Inspection → Apply for PSIA. No paper copies or scanned copies of this ANF form are to be submitted to any Office(s) of DGFT.

1. General Details

Trade Notice Number   Financial Year:  

2. Agency Particulars

Name of the Agency  
Address of Head Office*  
Country of Head Office  
City of Head Office  
State of Head Office  
Pin code of Head Office  
Email Address of Head Office  
Phone Number of Head Office  
Details of application fee paid  

*Proof of the address must be submitted along with the application form

3. Membership:

S.No. Membership Details Member Since Date Member upto Date Membership proof

4. Mandatory Testing equipments/Machinery for testing metal scrap

Handheld Radiation Survey Meters
Sl. No Make Model Unique Number Invoice Number Invoice Date Last date of calibration Calibration Valid Upto Whether the monitor is suitable in the energy range 60keV to 1.33 MeV (flat energy y response) Whet her the monitor is suitable to mea sure dose rate from 1ure m/ hour Response time of the monitor (in seconds) Whet her there is a provision for alarm (audio and visual) setting Upload Photograph of Instruments Upload Purchase of Invoice Upload Calibration certificate


Radio Nuclear Identifier (Spectrometer)
S.N o Make Model Unique Number Invoice Number Invoice Date Last date of calibration Calibration Valid Upto Whether the monitor is suitable in the energy range 60keV to 1.33 MeV (flat energy response) Whet her the monitor is suitable to mea sure dose rate from 1ure m/hour Response time of the monitor (in seconds) Whether there is a provision for alarm (audio and visual) setting Upload Photo graph Of Instrument Upload Purchase of Invoice Upload Calibration Certificate


Explosives Detection System having ability to detect Liquid/ Plastic/ Powder/ Particles/ Solid/ Metallic and Non- Metallic Scrap/ Waste
S. N o Make Model Unique Number Invoice Number Invoice Date Last date of calibration Calibration Valid Upto Whether the monitor is suitable in the energy range 60ke V to 1.33 MeV (flat energy response) Whet her the monitor is suitable to mea sure dose rate from 1 urem / hour Response time of the monitor (in seconds) Whet her there is a provision for alarm (audio & visual) setting Upload Photograph Of Instrument Upload Purchase of Invoice Upload Calibration certificate

The photographs of the instruments must be attached, showing the Unique No., which may be uploaded on DGFT website. The Purchase Invoice for the instruments must be attached.

5. Any Other Testing equipments available including laboratory facilities

Handheld Radiation Survey Meters
Sl.N o Make Mo de Unique Number Invoice Number Invoice Date Last date of calibration Calibration Valid upto Whet her the monitor is suitable in the energy range 60keV to 1.33 MeV (flat energy response) Whet her the monitor is suitable to measure dose rate from 1 urem / hour Response time of the monitor (in seconds) Whether there is a provision for alarm (audio and visual) setting Upload Photo graph Of Instrument Upload Purchase of Invoice Upload Calibration certificate


Radio Nuclear Identifier (Spectrometer)
S.N o Make Model Unique Number Invoice Number Invoice Date Last date of calibration Calibration Valid Upto Whether the monitor is suitable in the energy range60keV to 1.33 MeV (flat energy response) Whet her the monitor is suitable to measure dose rate from 1 urem / hour Response time of the monitor (in seconds) Whether there is a provision for alarm (audio and visual) setting Upload Photo graph Of Instrument Upload Purchase of Invoice Upload Calibration certificate


Explosives Detection System having ability to detect Liquid/ Plastic/ Powder/ Particles/ Solid/ Metallic and Non- Metallic Scrap/ Waste
S. N o Make Model Unique Number Invoice Number Invoice Date Last date of calibration Calibration Valid upto Whether the monitor is suitable in the energy range 60keV to 1.33M eV (flat energy response) Whet her the monitor is suitable to measure dose rate from 1 urem / hour Response time of the monitor (in seconds) Whether there is a provision for alarm (audio &visual) setting Upload Photo graph of Instruments Upload Purchase of Invoice Upload Calibration certificate

6. Inspection Experience

Whether any experience in metal inspection   Total years of Experience in metal inspection  

Quantity of metal scrap inspected (in MTs) in the last 5 years/ destinations country wise

Year of Inspection Exporting Country Destination Country Quantity of Ferrous Scrap Inspected (in Metric Tonnes)
 Grand total  

Quantity of metal Non-Ferrous scrap inspected (in MTs) in the last 5 years/ destination country-wise

Year of Inspection Exporting Country Destination Country Quantity of Ferrous Scrap Inspected (in Metric Tonnes)
Grand total  

7. Intended Area of Operations

Name of Country  
Branch Office Details

Address of Branch Offices (from where the Inspection would be carried out)

Country of Branch Office

City of Branch Office

State of Branch Office

Pin code of Branch Office

Email Address of Branch Office

Upload Branch Office Rent/ Lease Agreement


8. Man Power Details

Manpower: Details of Inspecting persons / inspectors who would carry out inspection: The minimum qualification of the Inspecting officer should not be less than 10 + 2 / Senior High School with Science (physics and Chemistry).

S N o Names of Technical Address Nationality Phone No. E- Mail Address Qualification Experience in inspection of Upload Certificate of Qualificat Upload Scanned

2. Man Power other details

Whether you have been debarred /de-listed by Indian Government or other Governments for: Details thereof Whether any judicial / quasi- judicial proceedings are pending against you in any country / legal authority. Details thereof:

3. Attachment Details

Attachment Type Remark Attachment Name

9. Declaration:

• I/We hereby declare that the particulars and the statements made in this application are true and correct to the best of my / our knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed or held there from.

• I / We fully understand that any information furnished in the application if found incorrect or false will render me / us liable for forfeiture of Bank Guarantee and any penal action or other consequences as may be prescribed in law or otherwise warranted.

• I / We hereby undertake that the in case it is found that the consignment is not scrap or prohibited items are present in it, I would be liable to pay a penalty of Rs.10 lakhs, (if based in India) or US$20,000 (if based in foreign country) and forfeiture of the bank guarantee deposited, in addition to suspension / cancellation of recognition certificate.

 • I / We undertake to abide by the provisions of the FT (D &R) Act, 1992, the Rules and Orders framed there under, FTP, HBP and Aayat and Niryat Forms and ITC(HS).

• I / We hereby certify that none of the Proprietor / Partner(s) / Director(s) / Karta / Trustee of firm / company, as the case may be, is / are a Proprietor / Partner(s) / Director(s) / Karta / Trustee in any other firm / Company which has come to adverse notice of DGFT.

 • I / We hereby certify that the Proprietor / Partner(s) / Director(s) / Karta / Trustee, as the case may be, of the firm/company is / are not associated as Proprietor / Partner(s) / Director(s) / Karta / Trustee in any other firm / company which is in the caution list of Reserve Bank of India.

• I/We hereby declare that all the radiation testing equipment/machinery for testing metal scrap as per para 2 are calibrated periodically as per the specifications of manufacturer. In case of failure to ensure the same, I/We shall be liable for appropriate action by DGFT as deemed fit.

• I hereby certify that I am authorised to verify and sign this declaration as per Paragraph 9.6 of the Foreign Trade Policy.

 ☐  Tick the box as acceptance of declaration/ undertaking and fill in the details below.

Place   Date  
Name   Designation  
Email   Mobile  
Office Address  
Residential Address