(Refer para 2.79 of the H B P)


Please Note: The process of application for R CMC is completely electronic and paperless. Applicant(s) may please navigate to the DGFT Website (https: // in) → Services→ ER CMC→ Apply for e-R CMC or Renewal of R CMC or Amendment of R C M C. The given ANF2C is provided here for reference purposes. No paper copies or scanned copies of this A NF form are to be submitted to any Office (s) of DGFT.


Application Details
Application Number File Name


Basic Details

          I E C

PAN Firm Name Date of Birth/ Incorporation I EC Issuance Date DGFT RA Office Nature of concern/ Firm Category of Exporters CIN/ L LIP Annual Turnover of the Firm (Previous FY in I N R )


Export Performance in Last 3 years (as per I EC Profile submitted online under ANF-1)
FY Sub-Total (Direct Exports +Third Party Exports) Total Deemed Exports (Supplies to E O U/ E HTP/ B TP/ S T PI + Other Deemed Exports +Supplies to S E Z) Total Exports (Sub-Total + Total Deemed Exports) Export of Service Total


Firm Details
Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City Pin code District State


R C M C Details
R C M C Number Issue Date Issue Authority Products For Which Registered Expiry Date Status Exporter Type Validity Period Status From EPC


Branch Details
Branch Code Is S E Z Is E O U GSTIN Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City Pin Code District State


Industrial Registration Details
Registration Number Issuing Authority Date of Issue Product Registered


Details Of Proprietor/Partner/Director / Kart / Managing Trustee
DIN Foreign National Name Address Line1 Address Line 2 City PinCode District State


Status holder Details
Star Rating Certificate Number/Issuing Authority Date of issuance and validity


Other Details (Preferred sectors of operations)
Import List Export List
 ☐Tick the box as I/We have updated my/our profile in ANF-1
R C M C Details
Name of Export Promotion Council / Commodity Board Main Line of Business Application Type MSME Status Status holder
Category of Exporters No. of Years Membership Applied for Financial Year for which Membership is applied for Annual Turnover of the Firm (Previous FY in I N R) Export Performance in Previous FY


Fee Details
S.No. Fee Description Amount CGST SGST IGST Total


      Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount


EPC Details
Select Office for Submission of Application   Address of Selected Office  
Main Line of Business of Applicant   Select Your Branch for Applying for R C M C  
GSTIN of Branch   Address of Selected Branch  
Is the Branch S E Z?   Description of goods/ services for which registered  


Export Products / Service
Exporter Type ITC(HS) Code/Service Code Description of the product to be exported/services to be rendered


Authorised Representative for the council
Category Name Designation Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City
Pin Code District State Telephone No Mobile Phone No Email


Other Information (Countries to Which the Company is Exporting)
Country Name  
Firm Profile
Firm Website


1. I hereby solemnly declare that the above stated information is true and correct and I undertake to abide by the FT (D&R) Act, 1992 and the provisions under FTP.

2. I/We hereby solemnly declare that the above stated information is true and correct. I/We undertake, without any reservation, to:

(a) abide by the terms of the registration certificate granted to us on all our exports;

 (b) agree to abide by any code of conduct that may be prescribed;

 (c) agree to abide by export floor price condition that may be stipulated by the Registering Authority;

(d) Furnish without fail monthly returns of exports including NIL returns to the Registering Authority by 15th day of the months following the quarter

3. We further understand that our registration is liable to be cancelled in the event of breach of any of the undertakings mentioned above.

4. I solemnly declare that I have applied to the Export Promotion Council which pertains to our main line of business. In case I have applied to any other council, the application has been made within the purview of the provisions of Para 2.80 of the Handbook of Procedures


  ☐Tick the box as acceptance of declaration/ undertaking and fill in the details below.
Place   Date  
Name   Designation  
Email   Mobile  
Office Address  
Residential Address