[Please see guidelines (at the end) before filling the application]

1. IEC Number*

*IEC should not be under DEL on the date of application.

2. Applicant Details:
i. Name
ii. Address


3. Applicant Fee Details:
i. Amount in Rupees
ii. Demand Draft/Bank Receipt/Electronic Fund Transfer Number
iii. Date of issue/Transfer
iv. Name of Bank on which drawn
v. Bank Branch on which drawn


4. Jurisdictional Regional Authority:


5. Detail of activities and operations:


6. Details of the provisions of the arrangement or understanding involving site visits / on-site verification / access to records / documentation (e.g. nature of documentation, mode of verification, nature and frequency of site visits etc.) Please include all details and attach the draft of relevant declaration / arrangement / MOU etc. *


* Enclose additional sheet if required

7. Purpose of arrangement/understanding involving site-visit / on-site verification / access to record / documentation (please tick and give clarification, if any):
i. Export of SCOMET Items  
ii. Import of SCOMET Items  


8. In case purpose is export / import of SCOMET Items, following details may be provided :
(a). Details of SCOMET items in Appendix 3 of Schedule 2 of ITC(HS) Classification of Export & Import Items:

Sl. No.

Description of export / import items including technical specification

SCOMET Category i.e. 1B, 1C, 2,3,4,5 and 7


ITC (HS) Code No. (if available)


(b) End user Details :
i. Name
ii. Address
iii. Telephone No.                                                                                         iv. Fax No.
v. Location (Country) of end user
vi. End product for which the item of export will be used by the end user
vii. Purpose for which the end product will be utilized
viii. Is end user an entity of Government of destination country?
ix. Manufacturing / Business / other activity of the end user


9. Details of export / import of SCOMET items in the preceding 3 licensing years:

Sl. No.

Export / Import Licence/Authorization Details

Category & Description of items Exported / Imported Qty. exported / imported Date of Shipment FOB Value of Exports / Imports (US $) Country to/ from which export ed / import ed

Name of the End User




Value (US $)



10. Details of the Foreign Government / Foreign Third Party**
i. Name
ii. Address
iii. Telephone No.                                                                                                   iv. Fax No.
v. Is the party, an entity of Govt. of that country?

** Detailed profile to be enclosed.

11. If the visit / verification / access to records will be through an Indian Party, details of the Indian Party :
i. Name
ii. Address
iii. Telephone No.                                                                                                   iv. Fax No.
v. Address of Corporate Office.


12. (a) Period of arrangement or understanding that involves site visit, on-site verification or access to records / documentation:
(b). Proposed number of visits (indicate the number date/period of such visit):


13. Detail of sites and activities which will be covered by the arrangement / understanding #
i. Address
ii. Telephone No.                                                                                                   iii. Fax No.
iv. Nature of Unit: Corporate Office / Registered Office / Branch Office /Manufacturing unit / Laboratory.
(v) Activity.
i. Address
ii. Telephone No.                                                                                                   iii. Fax No.
v. Nature of Unit: Corporate Office / Registered Office / Branch Office /Manufacturing unit / Laboratory.
v. Activity.

# Enclose additional sheet, if required.

14. Details of persons / individuals who shall visit during site visit / on-site verification etc. ##
i. Name
ii. Address
iii. Nationality
iv. Position / Designation in the foreign government / foreign third party / Indian Party
v. Telephone No.                                                                                                   vi. Fax No.
i. Name
ii. Address
iii. Nationality
iv. Position / Designation in the foreign government / foreign third party / Indian Party
v. Telephone No.                                                                                                   vi. Fax No.

## Enclose additional sheet, if required.

15. If applied for permission for entering into arrangement / understanding that involves site visit, on-site verification or access to records / documentation on repeat basis during last five (5) licensing years for the same purpose, please furnish:

Reference Number and date vide which earlier permission granted


16. Foreign Collaborator Details
(As registered with GOI/RBI)
(If No foreign collaboration exists, please state ‘None’)
i. Name
ii. Address



I/We hereby certify that :
A. the entity for whom the application has been made have not been penalized under any of the following Acts (as amended from time to time):
a. The Customs Act, 1962,
b. The Central Excise Act 1944,
c. Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act 1992, and
d. The Foreign Exchange Management Act,1999;
e. The Conservation of Foreign Exchange, Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act, 1974
f. Weapons of Mass Destruction & their Delivery Systems (Prohibition of Unlawful Activities) Act, 2005

B. none of the Directors / Partners / Proprietor / Karta / Trustees of the company /firm /HUF/Trust, (as the case may be), is/are a Director(s) / Partner(s) / Proprietor / Karta / Trustee in any other Company/ firm / entity which is on the Denied Entity List (DEL) of DGFT or in the caution list of RBI;
C. neither the Registered Office of the company / Head Office of the firm / nor any of its Branch Office(s)/ Unit(s)/ Division(s) has been declared a defaulter and has otherwise been made ineligible for undertaking import / export under any of the provisions of the Policy;
D. we have not obtained nor applied for issuance of an Importer Exporter Code Number in the name of our Registered / Head Office to any other Licensing Authority

2 I/We undertake to abide by the provisions of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992, as amended, the Rules and Orders framed there under, the Foreign Trade Policy, the Handbook of Procedures and the ITC (HS) Classification of Export & Import Items.
3 I/We fully understand that if any information furnished in the application is found incorrect or false will render me/us liable for any penal action or other consequences as may be prescribed in law or otherwise warranted.
4 I/We hereby declare that the particulars and the statements made in this application are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed or withheld therefrom.
5 I / We hereby declare that I / We have not obtained nor applied for such benefits (including issuance of an Importer Exporter Code Number) in the name of our Registered / Head Office or any of our Branch(s) / Unit(s) / Division(s) to any other Regional Authority.
6 I / We solemnly declare that I / We have applied for / obtained a RCMC to the EPC which pertains to our main line of business. In case we have applied to any other council, the application has been made within the purview of the provisions of Para 2.94 of the HBP .
7 (i) I/We further undertake to maintain record of the site visit, on-site verification or access to records/documentation and produce the same as and when asked to do so by the Government of India.
(ii) I/We also hereby inform that we have complied with the conditions of all previous permissions issued to us for entering into an arrangement or understanding that involves site visit, on-site verification or access to records/documentation.
8 I hereby certify that I am authorized to verify and sign this declaration as per Paragraph 9.6 of the Foreign Trade Policy.
Place: Signature of the Applicant  
Date: Official Address  
E-mail Address  


 (Please also see paragraph 2.78of HBP)

1. One original application in the prescribed format ANF 2P and ANF 1 and six copies thereof along with self-certified copies of the documents as in para 2 below must be submitted to DGFT (HQ), SCOMET Section, Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi. Each page of the original application has to be signed by the applicant with stamp of the company.

2. Application must be accompanied by self-certified copies of the documents as per details given below:
(i) Copy of draft Declaration / draft Agreement / draft MOU proposed to be signed for entering into an Arrangement or Understanding that involves site visit etc.
(ii) Technical Specifications (not exceeding one page for each item) for the items to be exported / imported.
(iii) Profile of the foreign government / foreign third party / Indian party

3. In case purpose of site visit / on-site verification is export / import, Original End User certificate (in the prescribed format Appendix 2R on Letter Head of the End User) indicating complete details of the export / import product, end product, end purpose for which the item of export / import will be used by end user alongwith complete address and telephone No. of end user must be furnished alongwith original application. End User Certificate from the following must also be submitted:

(i) By the final end user if the import is by a third party / contractor.
(ii) By the third party /contractor, if any, who is supplying goods to the end user.

4. Complete address(s) should be stated in relevant columns. P.O. Box number will not be accepted.