(To be furnished on the letterhead of the Chartered Engineer)
1. I am a Chartered Engineer with Registration No. ______ dated ______(copy enclosed). My domain
competence is in (example Chemicals, mechanical, electrical, textiles etc......).
2. I have examined the details of requirements of inputs of the applicant/manufacturer M/s
________________, ________________ (Name applicant/manufacturer and address of factory where goods would be manufactured) with regard to their application for advance Authorisation. I have examined Appendix-4E along with technical details thereof filed by the applicant and requirements of raw materials etc. with regard to their technical description/ specification and the quantity against each item of import as given in ‘AayatNiryaat Form’ and having due regard to proper technical norms of consumption and after technical scrutiny of relevant process, designs and drawings of the export product, I do hereby certify that they are correct in all respects and are actually required for the execution of the export order for which the application is made.
3. I hereby certify the export product and the requirement of inputs thereof as follows:
(a) Details of product(s) to be exported / supplied under the Authorisation:
Sl. No. |
Product Description |
Technical Characteristics / Quality / Specification |
ITC (HS) Code |
Quantity (Along with the Unit of Measurement) |
(b) Details of inputs required for manufacturing export product.
Sl. No |
Input Description |
Technical Characteristics / Quality / Specification of the Inputs |
ITC (HS) Code |
Quantity (Along with the Unit of Measurement) |
4. At any point of time the statements / facts certified above by the undersigned if found to be incorrect, I will be liable for penal action under the provisions of Foreign Trade (Development &Regulation) Act, 1992 (as amended), Rules and Orders framed there under and the provisions of anyother Act, inforce.
Signature & Seal of Chartered Engineer
Registration Number
Official Address
Official Telephone
Residential Address
Name & Address of the Institution with which registered
1. The particulars and the data furnished in Appendix-4E and the Chartered Engineer Certificate are true and
correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed or held there from and if found incorrect or false will render me/us liable for any penal action or other consequences as may be prescribed in law or otherwise warranted.
2. We would abide by the provisions of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992, the Rules
and Orders framed there under, the Foreign trade Policy, the Handbook Procedure and the ITC(HS) Classification of Export & Import Items, as amended from time to time.
3. I am authorised to verify and sign this declaration as per paragraph 9.06 of the FTP.
Place: Signature of the Applicant
Date: Name
Official Address
Residential Address
Email Address
Note for Appendix-4K:
1. Complete Appendix-4E along with technical details shall be submitted.
2. Unless and otherwise provided for, solvent(s) shall be allowed maximum upto 25% of the requirement of solvents indicated in for the purpose of advance authorisation. However, in cases where recovery is not possible and the solvent gets poisoned, full quantity of solvent shall be allowed. Chartered Engineer shall verify and certify the same accordingly for the details of solvents required as in Table 3(b) above.
3. Wherever value of by-products and recoverable wastage generated during manufacturing process is more than 5% of CIF value, corresponding quantity of main input shall be reduced from the entitlement to the extent that value of disallowed quantity is equal to the value of by-products and recoverable wastage generated during manufacturing process. Chartered Engineer shall verify and certify the same accordingly in Table 3(b) above.
4. In case of application by merchant exporter, the details to be given at para 3 of Certificate shall be of supporting manufacturer whose name is to be endorsed in the advance authorisation.
i. Public Notice No. 68/2015-20 dated 22.03.2018