This Pre-Shipment Inspection Certificate is issued in terms of paragraph 2.52 of Handbook of Procedure for import of shredded, un-shredded, compressed, and loose forms of metallic waste and scrap.

I, hereby certify the details as below: -

That I/we have visually inspected the consignment and certify the following:

  1. The imported consignment is actually metallic scrap/seconds/defective as per the internationally accepted parameters for such a classification.

  2. The consignment does not contain any symbol related to ionizing radiation and/or any marking related to transport of dangerous goods classified as Class 7 as per United Nations classification.

  3. Details of Importer are as follows:

    1. Name:  

    2. Address:  

    3. Importer Exporter Code No.

    4. Telephone No. (Mobile)

    5. E-mail __________________

  4. Details of Exporter are as follows:

    1. Name:  

    2. Address:

    3. Telephone No. ______________ (Mobile)  

    4. E- mail

  5. Type of Scrap: Shredded / Un-shredded.

  6. Details and quantity of import: Description of metallic scrap



    Container No.

    Seal Number*

    Quantity (in MTs)

    Background radiation

    level (µSv/h)

    Container radiation level


    *Note 1: Seal Number of the seal affixed by PSIA/Exporter.

    Note 2: In cases where the Customs of the exporting country have put seal (after examination of the container) the changes reflected in Bill of Lading shall be applicable.

  7. Inspection details;-

    1. Country of Inspection  

    2. Place of Inspection  

    3. Date of Inspection

    4. Duration of inspection (in hours) from to

    5. In case inspection is carried out in a country where PSIA does not have an equipped branch office, then date of prior intimation by e-mail to DGFT (at )

  8. Details of radiation survey meter used:


  1. The consignment does not contain any type of arms, ammunition, mines, shells, cartridges, or any other explosive material in any form, either used or otherwise, and that the consignment was checked for radiation level and it does not have radiation levels (gamma and neutron) in excess of natural background. The radiation level of the consignment is within the accepted range and is fit to be exported to India

  2. The photographs / video clip of the inspection carried out, along with duly signed inspection report of the Inspector and scanned copy of this PSIC are being uploaded on DGFT website.

  3. I/We hereby declare that the particulars and statements made in this certificate are true and correct and nothing has been concealed or held there from.

Date                     Signature             

Name of the Authorised Signatory                             Designation                                          Address (office)                                        E Mail Address                                         Phone Number                                        Name of the PSIA (as per Appendix 2G) Address:                    Telephone Number                                     E mail