1. Details of Items required for manufacture of one Unit of Export Product:

A. Imported Inputs

S No

Required import item

Quantity required for each of export product


Purpose of requirement

Wastage Claimed (%age) on net content basis / yield, if applicable

Name of the country from where imported


Technical Characteristics


Raw Code material



B. Indigenous Inputs

S No

Required indigenous item

Quantity required for each of export product


Purpose of requirement

Wastage Claimed (%age) on net content basis / yield, if applicable


Technical Characteristics


Raw Code material



2. Production and consumption data of the manufacturer/supporting manufacturer (of preceding three financial years duly certified by the Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant/ Jurisdictional Central Excise Authority*). (*In case there is no past production, the Jurisdictional Central Excise Authority shall certify the production and consumption data on the basis of production batch sheets and for this purpose the firm shall maintain separate record of batch data for inputs consumed in the manufacture of the export product.


Total production in each of the resultant product by weight


Quantity of different Items consumed

Quantity consumed/unit production


3. Particulars of the authorisations obtained in the past and ratified by Norms Committee (NC) for the same export product covered under this application in the latest three years.


Authorisation No & Date

Description of export product

Description of import items

Import item qty per unit of each export product (as applied for)

Import item qty per unit of each export product (as approved by NC while ratifying licence)

NC meeting No & Date & Case No. when approved



FOB value of exports in the preceding financial years

CIF value of authorisations already obtained under paragraph 4.07 of HBP

Balance entitlement as per paragraph 4.12 of HBP



I have examined the applicant company's import requirements of raw materials, components etc with regard to their technical description/ specification and the quantity against each item of import and having regard to proper technical norms of consumption and after technical scrutiny of relevant designs and drawings, I hereby certify that they are correct in all respects and are actually required for the execution of the export/supply contracts for ......................... The list of Items covers pages and contains items for a total value of Rs. (in free foreign exchange )

Signature of the Applicant or
Chartered Engineer or both..................................
Name in Block letters................

Place: .............

Date: ..............

Technical Details

Please furnish technical details, as applicable:


a) Step-wise Manufacturing Process.
b) Complete Chemical reactions with molecular and structural formula and molecular weights along with stage-wise % yields on molar basis.
c) Material balance (Stoichiometric Balance Details) for the entire manufacturing process.
d) Requirement and recovery of solvents used in the entire manufacturing process at each step.
e) Authentic technical literature/catalogue in support of percentage yield claimed in the entire manufacturing process.
f) Details of by-product/co-products formed in the above process with their quantities and values
g) Details of solvents charged, recovered and consumed in each step of the manufacturing process in terms of quantity.
h) Collaborator’s guaranteed norms, if any.
i) Percentage purity of finished product and raw materials and percentage of any diluent/moisture etc. in the export product.
j) End use of the chemical intermediates being exported. In case of the drug intermediate, the name of the bulk drug where the same is to be used should be indicated.
k) Copy of the valid drug manufacturing licence, wherever applicable.
l) Standard technical literature pertaining to the process as well as yields in case of new drug molecules being exported. This technical material can be by way of standard references – Chemical Abstracts, Journal of Organic Chemistry and the like or copy of the relevant patent.
m) Pharmaceutical references whether the export product is of USP, BP etc.


a) Catalogue / Engineering Drawing of each export product, Model number, technical specification and specific quantity-both in terms of number (if any) and/or weight, of each export product
b) Detailed technical Note on manufacturing process, material balancing, cross sectional diagrams for cables.



a) Technical characteristics/part numbers, if any.
b) Assembly drawings/diagrams of the resultant product showing placement of components.
c) Usage of the components.
d) Weight of the components
e) Bifurcated quantities of components to be accounted for in the resultant product and the requirement of components as spares.


a) Grade /composition/ range/ thickness etc.
b) Detailed calculation for the quantity of each raw material, engineering drawings and net weight of each item to be fabricated/manufactured from the said raw material.
c) Stage wise wastage details on the net content in the resultant product with complete justification thereof.


a) Detailed computer aided drawings of the items of manufacture i.e. export product.
b) Justification for wastages claimed in regard to the items to be imported.
c) Justification for import of particular grade / specification / dimension etc. of the raw material applied.
d) Processing flow charts, along with stage wise wastage.
e) Calculation sheet and measurement of Export Product.


a) Technical descriptions/specifications, percentage composition (by weight) including size, thickness and weight range of plastic/rubber etc. of the products to be exported along with small samples of export product.
a) Detailed manufacturing process along with technical justification for wastages claimed at each stage and each of the materials required in the manufacturing process.
c) Chemical name, Technical specifications of items proposed to be imported.
d) Whether the scrap generated in the process is being reused or not. If not the technical justification for its non-use may be furnished. If the scrap is being sold, the sale value/commercial value may be indicated.
e) Percentage of rubber compound in the export product.
f) Material balance indicating calculative statement of the requirement of each of item for manufacture of each of export product.


a) Manufacturing process for pesticides for both technical grade as well as formulation, as the case may be.
b) Detailed chemical reactions and material balance along with molecular weight of the reactants, % yield and wastages at different stages of manufacturing process supported by authentic/printed technical literature.
c) Details of by-products, if any, formed during the reaction along with its recovery in terms of quantity and value.
d) Percentage purity of finished product and raw materials and percentage of any diluent/moistureetc. in the export product.
e) Registration Certificate issued from Central Insecticides Board for the manufacture of pesticides (technical grade) and also pesticides formulations


a) Percentage solid resin / non volatile content in the export product.
b) Percentage pigment content in the export product.


a) Manufacturing process, material balance and flow chart.
b) Balanced chemical reaction showing all the reactants, product and by-products(s) with their molecular formulas and molecular weights.
c) Stage-wise % yield in respect of each reactant along with justification.
d) Authentic/ printed technical literature in support of yield or quantity of items applied for import.
e) Details of solvents charged during the process, quantity recovered and loss in process and recovery.
f) Details of byproducts formed during the process and their recovery in terms of quantity and value.
g) Details of standardization and %dye content of export item.
h) Colour Index No. and Hue No. of Dyes


a) GSM of item of export/ import
b) Coating composition in case of coated paper and percentage coating weight in the export product.

ix) Food Products:-

a) Detailed manufacturing process along with technical justification for each raw materials and wastages claimed at each stage of manufacturing process.

b) Technical description/specification, percentage composition (by weight) of the each product to be exported.

c) Chemical/technical name of colouring and flavouring materials, spices, condiments and other ingredients required and justification for use of each colour/flavour and also justification for the quantity required.

d) Process flow chart with material balance indicating calculative statement of the requirement of each of the items for the manufacture of each of the export product.

e) Details of indigenous raw materials and its quantity used for manufacture of each export product.

f) By-products generated/ wastage generated during manufacturing/processing of the final product. Value of by product generated.