Chapter 54 (Chapter Notes)

Relevant Judgements

Tariff Item

Description of article 

Unit Rate of duty
      Standard Preferential Areas Effective Rate of Duty
(1) (2)  (3) (4) (5) (6)


Sewing thread of man-made filaments, whether or not  put up for retail sale         

5401 10 00

-  of synthetic filaments  Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: 12%

5401 20 00

-  Of artificial filaments  Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: 12%


Synthetic filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale, including synthetic monofilament  of less than 67 decitex        

-High tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides, whether or not textured:


5402 11 10 

--Of aramids 

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract

5402 19 



5402 19 10 

--Nylon tyre yarn 

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract

2[5402 19 20 

- - Nylon 66 filament yarn conforming to IS 13464 

Kg. 2.5% - ADD: See Notification
See Extract

5402 19 90 


Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 2.5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract

5402 20

- High tenacity yarn of polyesters , whether or not textured:        

5402 20 10

--  Of terylene Dacron

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract

5402 20 90

--  Other

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract


Textured yarn:        

5402 31 00 

-- Of nylon or other polyamides, measuring per single yarn not  more than 50 tex  Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
BCD: Nil for specified countries
ADD: See Notification

IGST: See Extract

5402 32 00 

-- Of nylon or other polyamides, measuring per single yarn more than 50 tex  Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
BCD: Nil for specified countries
ADD: See Notification

IGST: See Extract

5402 33 00 

-- Of polyesters  Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
BCD: Nil for specified countries
ADD: See Notification

IGST: See Extract

5402 34 00 

---Of polypropylene 

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract

5402 39

-- Other :        

5402 39 10

-- Polypropylene filament yarn

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract

5402 39 20

-- Acrylic filament yarn

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract

5402 39 90

-- Other

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract


- Other yarn, single, untwisted or with a twist not exceeding 50 turns per metre :        

5402 44 00 


Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
BCD: See Notifications for specified countries

ADD: See Notification

IGST: See Extract

5402 45 00 

--Other, of nylon or other polyamides

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract

5402 46 00 

--Other, of polyesters, partially oriented

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract

5402 47 00 

--Other, of polyesters 

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract

5402 48 00 

--Other, of polypropylene 

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract

5402 49 00 


Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
BCD: Nil for specified countries
ADD: See Notification

IGST: See Extract


- Other yarn, single, with a twist exceeding 50 turns per metre :        

5402 51 00 

-- Of nylon or other polyamides  Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
BCD: Nil for specified countries
ADD: See Notification

IGST: See Extract
1[5402 52 - - Of polyesters:        
5402 52 10 - - - Polyester yarn-Anti Static Filament Kg. 2.5% - ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract
5402 52 90 - - - Other Kg. 5% - ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract

old[5402 52 00 

-- Of polyesters  Kg. 20% - BCD: 2.5%
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract]

5402 53 00 

-- Of polypropylene  Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract

5402 59

--Other :        

5402 59 90

-- Other

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract


- Other yarn, multiple (folded) or cabled :        

5402 61 00 

-- Of nylon or other polyamides  Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract

5402 62 00 

-- Of polyesters  Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract

5402 63 00 

-- Of polypropylene  Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract

5402 69

- Other :        

5402 69 10

-- Polyvinyl acetate filament yarn

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract

5402 69 20

-- Polyvinyl chloride filament yarn

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract

5402 69 30

-- Polypropylene filament yarn

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract

5402 69 40

-- Acrylic filament yarn

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract

5402 69 50

-- Polytetrafluoroethylene yarn

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract

2[5402 69 60

- - - Ultra high molecular weight poly ethylene filament yarn conforming to ASTM F2848

Kg. 5% - ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract

5402 69 90

-- Other

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
ADD: See Notification
IGST: See Extract


Artificial filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale, including artificial monofilament of less than 67 decitex         

5403 10

- High tenacity yarn of viscose rayon :        

5403 10 10

-- Viscose rayon tyre yarn - 1,233 decitex

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 10 20

-- Viscose rayon tyre yarn - 1,833 decitex

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 10 90

-- Other

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract


- Other yarn, single :        

5403 31 00 

-- Of viscose rayon, untwisted or with a twist not exceeding 120 turns per metre  Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 32 00 

-- Of viscose rayon, with a twist exceeding 120 turns per metre  Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 33 00 

-- Of cellulose acetate  Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 39

--Other :        

5403 39 10

-- Cuprammonium rayon

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 39 90

-- Other

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract


- Other yarn, multiple (folded) or cabled:        

5403 41

-- Of viscose rayon :        

5403 41 10

-- Up to 67 decitex 

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 41 20

-- Of 83 decitex

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 41 30

-- Of 111 decitex, bright

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 41 40

-- Of 111 decitex, dull

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 41 50

-- Of 133 decitex, bright

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 41 60

-- Of 133 decitex, dull

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 41 70

-- Of 167 decitex, bright

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 41 80

-- Of 167 decitex, dull

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 41 90

-- Other

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 42

-- Of cellulose acetate :        

5403 42 10

-- Acetate rayon filament yarn, 83 decitex

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 42 20

-- Acetate rayon filament yarn, 111 decitex

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 42 30

-- Acetate rayon filament yarn, 133 decitex

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 42 40

-- Acetate rayon filament yarn, 167 decitex

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 42 50

-- Acetate rayon filament yarn, 333 decitex

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 42 90

-- Other

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 49 

--Other :        


-- Cuprammonium filament yarn :


5403 49 11

-- Of 33 decitex

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 49 12

-- Of 44 decitex

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 49 13

-- Of 67 decitex

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 49 14

-- Of 83 decitex

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 49 15

-- Of 89 decitex

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 49 19

-- Other

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5403 49 90

-- Others

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract


Synthetic monofilament of 67 decitex or more and of which no cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm; strip and the like (for example, artificial straw) of synthetic textile materials of an apparent width not exceeding 5 mm         



5404 11 00 


Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
BCD: Nil for specified countries
ADD: See Notification

IGST: See Extract

5404 12 00 

--Other, of polypropylene 

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5404 19 



5404 19 10 

--Catgut imitation of synthetic yarn, non-sterile

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5404 19 20 

--Strip and the like of synthetic fibre material

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5404 19 90 


Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% Condition
IGST: See Extract

5404 90

- Other :        

5404 90 10

-- Catgut imitation of synthetic yarn, non-sterile

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5404 90 20

-- Strip and the like of synthetic fibre materials

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5404 90 90

-- Other

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5405 00 00

Artificial monofilament of 67 decitex or more and of which no cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm; strip and the like (for example, artificial straw) of artificial textile materials of an apparent width not exceeding 5 mm  Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract


Man-made filament yarn (other than sewing thread), put up for retail sale


5406 00

Man-made filament yarn (other than sewing thread), put up for retail sale :


5406 00 10 

---Synthetic filament yarn 

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract

5406 00 20

---Artificial filament yarn 

Kg. 1[5%]


- BCD: 5% upto 30/04/2022
IGST: See Extract


Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn, including woven fabrics obtained from materials of heading No.5404         

5407 10

-Woven fabrics obtained from high tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides or of polyesters :        


- Unbleached :


5407 10 11

-- Parachute fabrics

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 12

-- Tent fabrics

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 13

-- Nylon furnishing fabrics

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 14

-- Umbrella cloth panel fabrics

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 15

-- Other nylon and polyamide fabrics (filament)

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 16

-- Polyester suitings

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 19

-- Other polyester fabrics

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%


-- Bleached :


5407 10 21

-- Parachute fabrics

m2 1[10% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 22

-- Tent fabrics

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 23

-- Nylon furnishing fabrics

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 24

-- Umbrella cloth panel fabrics

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 25

-- Other nylon and polyamide fabrics of filament yarn

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 26

-- Polyester suitings

m2 1[10% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 29

-- Other

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%


-- Dyed :


5407 10 31

-- Parachute fabrics

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 32

-- Tent fabrics

m2 1[10% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 33

-- Nylon furnishing fabrics

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 34

-- Umbrella cloth panel fabrics

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 35

-- Other nylon and polyamide fabrics (filament)

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 36

-- Polyester suitings

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 39

-- Other

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%


-- Printed :


5407 10 41

-- Parachute fabrics

m2 1[10% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 42

-- Tent fabrics

m2 1[10% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 43

-- Nylon furnishing fabrics

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 44

-- Umbrella cloth panel fabrics

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 45

-- Other nylon and polyamide fabrics (filament)

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 46

-- Polyester suitings

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 49

-- Other

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%


-- Other :


5407 10 91

-- Parachute fabrics

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 92

-- Tent fabrics

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 93

-- Nylon furnishing fabrics

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 94

-- Umbrella cloth panel fabrics

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 95

-- Other nylon and polyamide fabrics of filament yarn

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 96

-- Polyester suitings

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 10 99

-- Other

m2 1[20% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 115 per kg., whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 20

-Woven fabrics obtained from strip or the like :        

5407 20 10


m2 1[20%]


- BCD: 80% concession on specified countries

5407 20 20


m2 1[20%]


- BCD: 80% concession on specified countries

5407 20 30

-- Dyed

m2 1[20%]


- BCD: 80% concession on specified countries

5407 20 40

-- Printed

m2 1[20%]


- BCD: 80% concession on specified countries

5407 20 90

-- Other

m2 1[20%]


- BCD: 80% concession on specified countries

 5407 30

- Fabrics specified in Note 9 to Section XI :        

5407 30 10


m2 1[20%]


- IGST: 5%

5407 30 20


m2 1[20%]


- IGST: 5%

5407 30 30

-- Dyed

m2 1[20%]


- IGST: 5%

5407 30 40

-- Printed

m2 1[20%]


- IGST: 5%

5407 30 90

-- Other

m2 1[20%]


- IGST: 5%


- Other woven fabrics, containing 85% or more by weight of  filaments  of nylon or other polyamides :        

 5407 41

-- Unbleached or bleached :        

--Unbleached :


 5407 41 11

--Nylon brasso

m2 1[20% or Rs. 30 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 30 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

 5407 41 12

--Nylon georgette

m2 1[10% or Rs. 30 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 30 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

 5407 41 13

--Nylon tafetta

m2 1[20% or Rs. 30 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 30 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

 5407 41 14

--Nylon sarees

m2 1[10% or Rs. 30 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 30 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

 5407 41 19


m2 1[20% or Rs. 30 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 30 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%


--Bleached :


 5407 41 21

--Nylon brasso

m2 1[10% or Rs. 30 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 30 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

 5407 41 22

--Nylon georgette

m2 1[10% or Rs. 30 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 30 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

 5407 41 23

--Nylon tafetta

m2 1[20% or Rs. 30 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 30 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

  IGST: 5%

5407 41 24

--Nylon sarees

m2 1[10% or Rs. 30 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 30 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 41 29


m2 1[20% or Rs. 30 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 30 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 42

--Dyed :        

5407 42 10

--Nylon brasso

m2 1[20% or Rs.36 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 60 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 42 20

--Nylon georgette

m2 1[20% or Rs.36 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 60 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 42 30

--Nylon tafetta

m2 1[20% or Rs.36 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 60 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 42 40

--Nylon sarees

m2 1[20% or Rs.36 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 60 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 42 90


m2 1[20% or Rs.36 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 60 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 43 00

--Of yarns of different colours  m2 1[20% or Rs.40 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 67 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 44 

--Printed :        

5407 44 10

--Nylon brasso

m2 1[20% or Rs.35 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 58 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 44 20

--Nylon georgette

m2 1[10% or Rs.35 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 58 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 44 30

--Nylon tafetta

m2 1[20% or Rs.35 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 58 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 44 40

--Nylon sarees

m2 1[20% or Rs.35 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 58 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 44 90


m2 1[20% or Rs.35 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 58 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%


- Other woven fabrics, containing 85% or more by weight of  textured  polyester filaments :        

 5407 51

-- Unbleached or bleached :


--Unbleached :


5407 51 11

--Polyester shirtings

m2 1[20% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 51 19


m2 1[20% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

--Bleached :


5407 51 21

--Polyester shirtings

m2 1[20% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 51 29


m2 1[20% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

 5407 52

--Dyed :


5407 52 10

--Polyester shirtings


m2 1[20% or Rs. 23 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 38 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 52 20

--Polyester shuitings

m2 1[20% or Rs. 23 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 38 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 52 30

--Terylene and Dacron sarees

m2 1[20% or Rs. 23 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 38 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 52 40

--Polyester sarees

m2 1[20% or Rs. 23 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 38 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 52 90


m2 1[20% or Rs. 23 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 38 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 53 00

--Of yarns of different colours 

m2 1[20% or Rs. 30 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 50 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 54 

--Printed :


5407 54 10

--Terylene and Dacron colours

m2 1[20% or Rs. 20 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 20 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 54 20

--Polyester shirtings

m2 1[20% or Rs. 20 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 20 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 54 30

--Polyester sarees

m2 1[20% or Rs. 20 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 20 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 54 90


m2 1[20% or Rs. 20 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 20 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%


- Other woven fabrics, containing 85% or more  by weight of polyester filaments :


 5407 61 

-- Containing 85% or more by weight of non-textured polyester filaments :


5407 61 10

--Polyester shirtings

m2 1[20% or Rs.150 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.150 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 61 20

--Polyester suitings

m2 1[20% or Rs.150 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.150 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 61 90


m2 1[20% or Rs.150 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.150 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 69 00

-- Other 

m2 1[20% or Rs.36 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.60 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%


- Other woven fabrics, containing 85% or more by weight of synthetic filaments :


 5407 71 

-- Unbleached or bleached :


5407 71 10


m2 1[20% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 71 20


m2 1[20% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 72 00


m2 1[20% or Rs.24 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.24 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 73 00

-- Of yarns of different colours 

m2 1[20% or Rs.36 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.60 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 74 00

-- Printed 

m2 1[20% or Rs.23 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.38 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%


- Other woven fabrics, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic filaments, mixed mainly or solely with cotton :


 5407 81

-- Unbleached or bleached :


--Unbleached :


 5407 81 11

--Nylon georgette

m2 1[20% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

 5407 81 12

--Nylon sarees

m2 1[20% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

 5407 81 13

--Polyester shirtings

m2 1[20% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

 5407 81 14

--Polyester suitings

m2 1[20% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

  IGST: 5%

 5407 81 15

--Terylene and Dacron sarees

m2 1[10% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

 5407 81 16

--Polyester dhoti

m2 1[10% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

 5407 81 19


m2 1[20% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

--Bleached :


 5407 81 21

--Nylon georgette

m2 1[10% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

 5407 81 22

--Nylon sarees

m2 1[20% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

 5407 81 23

--Polyester shirtings

m2 1[20% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

  IGST: 5%

 5407 81 24

--Polyester suitings

m2 1[10% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

 5407 81 25

--Terylene and Dacron sarees

m2 1[10% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

 5407 81 26

--Polyester dhoti

m2 1[10% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

 5407 81 29


m2 1[20% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

 5407 82 

--Dyed :


5407 82 10

--Nylon georgette

m2 1[20% or Rs.25 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.42 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 82 20

--Nylon sarees

m2 1[20% or Rs.25 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.42 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 82 30

--Polyester shirtings

m2 1[20% or Rs.25 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.42 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 82 40

--Polyester suitings

m2 1[20% or Rs.25 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.42 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 82 50

--Terylene and dacron sarees

m2 1[10% or Rs.25 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.42 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 82 60


m2 1[20% or Rs.25 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.42 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 82 90


m2 1[20% or Rs.25 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.42 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 83 00

-- Of yarns of different colours 

m2 1[20% or Rs.40 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.67 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

 5407 84 

-- Printed :


5407 84 10

--Nylon georgette

m2 1[20% or Rs.23 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.38 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 84 20

--Nylon sarees

m2 1[20% or Rs.23 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.38 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 84 30

--Polyester shirtings

m2 1[20% or Rs.23 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.38 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 84 40

--Polyester suitings

m2 1[20% or Rs.23 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.38 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 84 50

--Terylene and dacron sarees

m2 1[10% or Rs.23 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.38 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 84 60


m2 1[20% or Rs.23 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.38 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 84 70

--Polyester sarees

m2 1[20% or Rs.23 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.38 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 84 90


m2 1[20% or Rs.23 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.38 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%


- Other woven fabrics :


 5407 91 

--Unbleached or bleached :


5407 91 10


m2 1[20% or Rs. 15 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 15 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 91 20


m2 1[20% or Rs. 15 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 15 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 92 00


m2 1[20% or Rs. 40 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 67 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 93 00

-- Of yarns of different colours 

m2 1[20% or Rs.27 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.45 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5407 94 00

-- Printed 

m2 1[20% or Rs. 40 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 67 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn, including woven fabrics obtained from materials of heading No. 5405 


5408 10 00

- Woven fabrics obtained from high tenacity yarn, of viscose rayon 

m2 1[20%


- IGST: 5%


- Other woven fabrics, containing 85% or more by weight of artificial filament or strip or the like :


5408 21 

-- Unbleached or bleached :


5408 21 10


m2 1[20%


- IGST: 5%

5408 21 20


m2 1[20%


- IGST: 5%

 5408 22 

-- Dyed :


--Fabrics of rayon :


5408 22 11

--Rayon crepe fabrics

m2 1[20% or Rs.27 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.45 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 22 12

--Rayon jacquards

m2 1[20% or Rs.27 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.45 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 22 13

--Rayon brocades

m2 1[20% or Rs.27 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.45 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 22 14 

--Rayon georgette 

m2 1[20% or Rs.27 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.45 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 22 15

--Rayon tafetta

m2 1[20% or Rs.27 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.45 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 22 16

--Rayon suitings

m2 1[20% or Rs.27 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.45 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 22 17

--Rayon shirtings

m2 1[20% or Rs.27 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.45 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 22 18

--Rayon sarees

m2 1[20% or Rs.27 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.45 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 22 19


m2 1[20% or Rs.27 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.45 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 22 20

--Fabrics of continuous filament, other than rayon

m2 1[20% or Rs.27 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.45 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 22 90


m2 1[20% or Rs.27 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.45 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 23 00

-- Of yarns of different colours 

m2 1[20% or Rs. 28 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 47 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

 5408 24 

--Printed :


--Of rayon :


5408 24 11

--Rayon crepe fabrics

m2 1[20% or Rs.52 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 87 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 24 12

--Rayon jacquards

m2 1[10% or Rs.52 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 87 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 24 13

--Rayon brocades

m2 1[10% or Rs.52 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 87 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 24 14

--Rayon georgette

m2 1[20% or Rs.52 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 87 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 24 15

--Rayon tafetta

m2 1[10% or Rs.52 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 87 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 24 16

--Rayon suitings

m2 1[20% or Rs.52 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 87 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 24 17

--Rayon shirtings

m2 1[20% or Rs.52 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 87 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 24 18

--Rayon sarees

m2 1[10% or Rs.52 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 87 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 24 19


m2 1[20% or Rs.52 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 87 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 24 90


m2 1[20% or Rs.52 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 87 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%


- Other woven fabrics :


 5408 31 

--Unbleached or bleached :


5408 31 10


m2 1[20% or Rs. 25 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 25 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 31 20


m2 1[20% or Rs. 25 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 25 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

 5408 32 

--Dyed :


--Fabrics of rayon :


5408 32 11

--Rayon brocades

m2 1[20% or Rs. 44 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 44 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 32 12

--Rayon georgette

m2 1[20% or Rs. 44 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 44 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 32 13

--Rayon tafetta

m2 1[20% or Rs. 44 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 44 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 32 14

--Rayon suitings

m2 1[20% or Rs. 44 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 44 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 32 15

--Rayon shirtings

m2 1[20% or Rs. 44 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 44 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 32 19


m2 1[20% or Rs. 44 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 44 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 32 90


m2 1[20% or Rs. 44 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 44 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 33 00

--Of yarns of different colours 

m2 1[20% or Rs. 10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs.10 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

 5408 34 

-- Printed :


--Fabric of rayon :


5408 34 11

--Rayon crepe fabrics

m2 1[20% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 34 12

--Rayon jacquards

m2 1[20% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 34 13

--Rayon brocades

m2 1[20% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 34 14

--Rayon georgette

m2 1[20% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 34 15

--Rayon tafetta

m2 1[20% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 34 16

--Rayon suitings

m2 1[20% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 34 17

--Rayon shirtings

m2 1[20% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 34 18

--Rayon sarees

m2 1[20% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 34 19


m2 1[20% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 34 20

--Fabrics of continuous filament, other than rayon

m2 1[20% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

5408 34 90


m2 1[20% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

old[25% or Rs. 11 per sq. meter, whichever is higher.]

- IGST: 5%

Note:-Additional Duty exempted on all goods except (Petroleum Crude, Motor spirit known as petrol; High speed diesel; Aviation  Turbine Fuel; Liquefied natural gas and Natural Gas) w.e.f. 01.07.2017 vide Notification No.53/2017-cus. dated 30.06.2017.


1. If at the time of importation, the importer produces a certificate from an officer not below the rank of Director to the Government of India in the Marine Products Export Development Authority, in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India to the effect that the imported goods are for use in monofilament long line system intended to be used for tuna fishing. (Vide:- Notification No.50/2017-Condition No- 35)


1 Substituted Vide Section 98(b) of Finance Act 2022 (Third Schedule) (w.e.f 01/05/2022)

2 Inserted Vide Section 98(b) of Finance Act 2022 (Third Schedule) (w.e.f 01/05/2022)