
Ins. 7/2017-Cus: Dioctyl Orthophthalate (DEPH) is classifiable under sub-heading 2917 32 00.

1022/10/2016-Cx: If micronutrient is a separate chemically defined compound, it will be classifiable under Chapter 28/29. Otherwise classifiable in accordance with Note 8 to Chapter 31.

574/11/2001: Mixture of hydrocarbons is classifiable under sub-heading 2903 10 and not under sub-heading 3823 00.

11/88-Cx: Alpha Beta Dichloro Ethyl Acetate is classifiable under sub-heading 2915 10.

8/89-Cx: Naphthalene having a crystallising point of 79.4 C or more is classifiable under heading 2940 C or more is classifiable under heading  2902.

13/89-Cx: Terpeneol BP/BPC in bulk form is classifiable under heading 2906. But when the same is suitable for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, put up in measured doses or in packings for retail sale or for use in hospitals, it would be classifiable under heading 3003.

1/90-Cx: Animal feed supplements which are just inter mixtures of vitamins are classifiable under heading 2936.