Chapter 97 (Chapter Notes)

Relevant Judgements


Description of article 

Unit Rate of duty
      Standard Preferential Areas Effective Rate of Duty
(1) (2)  (3) (4) (5) (6)

Paintings, drawings and pastels, executed entirely by hand, other than drawings of heading 4906 and other than hand-painted or hand-decorated manufactured articles; collages, mosaics and similar decorative plaques


- Of an age exceeding 100 years:

 9701 21 00

- Paintings, drawings and pastels

u 10% - BCD: NIL for specified countries
 9701 22 00

- - - Mosaics

u 10% - BCD: NIL for specified countries
 9701 29 00

- Other:

u 10% - BCD: NIL for specified countries

- Other:

 9701 91 00

- - Paintings, drawings and pastels

u 10% - BCD: NIL for specified countries
 9701 92 00

- - Mosaics

u 10% - BCD: NIL for specified countries
 9701 99 00

- - Other

u 10% - BCD: NIL for specified countries

Original engravings, prints and lithographs

 9702 10 00

- Of an age exceeding 100 years

u 10% - IGST: 12%
 9702 90 00

- Other

u 10% - IGST: 12%

Original sculptures and statuary, in any material

 9703 10

- Of an age exceeding 100 years

9703 10 10

- Of metal

u 10% - IGST: 12%
9703 10 20

- Of stone

u 10% - IGST: 12%
9703 10 90

- Other

u 10% - IGST: 12%
 9703 90

- Other:

9703 90 10

- Of metal

u 10% - IGST: 12%
9703 90 20

- Of stone

u 10% - IGST: 12%
9703 90 90

- Other

u 10% - IGST: 12%
old[9701 Paintings, drawings and pastels, executed entirely by hand, other than drawings of heading 4906 and other than hand painted or hand decorated manufactured articles; collages and similar decorative plaques        
9701 10 - Paintings, drawings and pastels :        
9701 10 10 -- Madhubani paintings (on textiles) u 10% - BCD: NIL for specified countries
9701 10 20 -- Kalamkari paintings (on textiles) u 10% - BCD: NIL for specified countries
9701 10 30 -- Rajasthani paintings (on textiles) u 10% - BCD: NIL for specified countries
9701 10 90 -- Other u 10% - BCD: NIL for specified countries
9701 90 - Other :        
9701 90 91 -- Domestic articles of wood (hand decorated) Kg. 10% - BCD: NIL for specified countries
9701 90 92 -- Restaurant decoration of plastics Kg. 10% - BCD: NIL for specified countries
9701 90 99 -- Other Kg. 10% - BCD: NIL for specified countries
9702 00 00 Original engravings, prints and lithographs u 10% - IGST: 12%
9703 Original sculptures and statuary, in any material        
9703 00 - Original sculptures and statuary, in any material :        
9703 00 10 -- Original sculptures and statuary, in any metal u 10% - IGST: 12%
9703 00 20 -- Original sculptures and statuary, in any stone u 10% - IGST: 12%
9703 00 90 -- Original sculptures and statuary, in other materials u 10% - IGST: 12%]
9704 Postage or revenue stamps, stamp post marks, first day covers, postal stationery (stamped paper), and the like, used or unused, other than heading 4907        
9704 00 - Postage or revenue stamps, stamp post marks, first day covers, postal stationery (stamped paper), and the like, used or unused, other than heading 4907 :        
9704 00 10 -- Used postal stamp Kg. Free - BCD: See Notifications for specified countries
9704 00 20 -- Used or unused first-day covers for philatelists Kg. Free - BCD: See Notifications for specified countries
9704 00 90 -- Other Kg. Free - BCD: See Notifications for specified countries

Collections and collectors’ pieces of archaeological, ethnographic, historical, zoological, botanical, mineralogical, anatomical, paleontological, or numismatic interest

9705 10 00

-- Collections and collectors' pieces of archaeological,
ethnographic or historical interest

u 10% - IGST: See Extract

- Collections and collectors' pieces of zoological, botanical, mineralogical, anatomical or paleontological interest:

9705 21 00

- Human specimens and parts thereof

u 10% - IGST: See Extract
9705 22 00

- Extinct or endangered species and parts thereof

u 10% - IGST: See Extract
9705 29 00

- Other

u 10% - IGST: See Extract

- Collections and collectors' pieces of numismatic interest:

9705 31 00

- Of an age exceeding 100 years

u 10% - IGST: See Extract
9705 39 00

- Other

u 10% - IGST: See Extract

- Antiques of an age exceeding 100 years

9706 10 00

- Antiques of an age exceeding 100 years

u 10% - IGST: 12%
9706 90 00

- Other

u 10% - IGST: 12%
old[9705 Collections and collectors  pieces of zoological, botanical, mineralogical, anatomical, historical, archaeological, palaeonotological, ethnographic or numismatic interest        
9705 00 - Collections and collectors  pieces of zoological, botanical, mineralogical, anatomical, historical, archaeological, palaeonotological, ethnographic or numismatic interest :        
9705 00 10 -- Stuffed animals and birds (taxidermy) Kg. 10% - IGST: See Extract
9705 00 90  -- Other Kg. 10% - IGST: See Extract
9706 00 00 Antiques of an age exceeding one hundred years Kg. 10% - IGST: 12%]

Note:-Additional Duty exempted on all goods except (Petroleum Crude, Motor spirit known as petrol; High speed diesel; Aviation Turbine Fuel; Liquefied natural gas and Natural Gas) w.e.f. 01.07.2017 vide Notification No.53/2017-cus. dated 30.06.2017.