Chapter 45 (Chapter Notes)

Tariff Item Description of article Unit Rate of duty
      Standard Preferential Areas Effective Rate of Duty
(1) (2)  (3) (4) (5) (6)
4501 Natural cork, raw or simply prepared; waste cork; crushed, granulated or ground cork        
4501 10 00 - Natural cork, raw or simply prepared Kg. 10% - IGST: 5%
4501 90 00 - Other Kg. 10% - IGST: 18%
4502 00 00 Natural cork, debacked or roughly squared, or in rectangular (including square blocks, plates, sheets or strip, (including sharp edged blanks for corks or stoppers) Kg. 10% - IGST: 12%
4503 Articles of natural cork.        
4503 10 00 - Corks and stoppers Kg. 10% - BCD: 80% concession on specified countries
4503 90 - Other :        
4503 90 10 -- Shuttlecock cork bottom Kg. 10% - IGST: 12%
4503 90 90 -- Other Kg. 10% - IGST: 12%
4504 Agglomerated cork (with or without a binding substance) and articles of agglomerated cork.        
4504 10 - Blocks, plates, sheets and strip;  tiles of any shape; solid cylinders, including discs :        
4504 10 10 -- Sheets Kg. 10% - IGST: 12%
4504 10 20 -- Slabs Kg. 10% - IGST: 12%
4504 10 90 -- Other Kg. 10% - IGST: 12%
4504 90 00 - Other Kg. 10% - BCD: 80% concession on specified countries

Note:-Additional Duty exempted on all goods except (Petroleum Crude, Motor spirit known as petrol; High speed diesel; Aviation Turbine Fuel; Liquefied natural gas and Natural Gas) w.e.f. 01.07.2017 vide Notification No.53/2017-cus. dated 30.06.2017.