Case Laws

2007(04)LCX0181: MPR Refractories Ltd.: Brown Fused Alumina is classifiable under chapter 28.


2007(02)LCX0254: M.B. Sales Corporation: Sodium Cyanide is classifiable under sub-heading 2837 11 00 .


2007(02)LCX0234: Tehri Hydro Development Corpn. Ltd.: Micro silica (Silicon dioxide) is classifiable under heading 2811.


2007(02)LCX0017: Pioneer Agritechnoscan & Exports Pvt. Ltd: Calcium Nitrate Fertilizer is classifiable under  sub-heading 2834 29 and not under chapter 31.


2003(03)LCX0138: Kailash Enterprises: Mercury is classifiable under sub-heading 2805 40 .


2000(07)LCX0241: Herdillia Unimers Ltd.: Vanadium oxy-trichloride and ethyl aluminium sequil chloride are classifiable under Chapter 28 or 29


1999(05)LCX0088: Paushak Limited: Phosgene gas classifiable under Chapter 28.

1998(10)LCX0034: Punjab Bone Mills:
Di-Calcium phosphate is classifiable under Chapter 28 and not under chapter 23.

1998(08)LCX0055: Metasulf (I) Ltd.: Nitrogen Gas is classifiable under sub-heading 2804 90.

1996(10)LCX0035: Fenner India Ltd: Antimony oxide used in manufacture of PVC conveyor fire resistant being non painter grade is classifiable under chapter 28.


1993(04)LCX0072: Rapicut carbide Ltd.: Calcium tungstate is classifiable under Chapter 28.


1990(04)LCX0071: Punjab Micro Nutrients Ltd.: Sulphuric acid used in manufacture of zinc sulphate is classifiable under sub-heading 2802 20.

1989(08)LCX0020: Waldies Limited: White Lead is classifiable under sub-heading 2805 90 and not under sub-heading 2804 60.

1988(04)LCX0040: Punjab National Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd.: Bicarbonate of Soda is classifiable under sub-Heading 2805 30.

1985(04)LCX0007: Bombay Paints And Allied Products Ltd.: Aluminium silicate P. 820 is classifiable under Heading 2801/58  and not under heading 3204/12.