Customs Tariff
1) Imports
by Privilege Persons & Organisation, Authorities and Foreigners
2) Defence
3) Imports from various
specified countries or preferential areas
4) Donations and
5) Imports for Training,
Educational, Research and Testing Purposes
6) Import for Export Promotion
Imports for Oil Exploration,
National Programme, Exhibitions, Seminars or Expeditions
9) Special Economic Zones
10) Imports against Advance Licence, Replenishment Licence or Self Declared Pass Book
Goods in Transit
12) Samples
13) Sports goods, Prizes,
Medals and Trophies etc.
14) Re-Imports
15) Import of specified
16) Imports for specific use in industrial production
17) Imports for Handicapped Persons, Charitable or Social Welfare Purposes
18) Packaging Materials, Durable Containers, Packages and Spare Bags
19) Effective Rates of Duty for goods of various chapters/headings
20) Miscellaneous