CHAPTER 78 (Chapter Notes)

Tariff Item Description of goods Unit Policy

Rate of duty                                         SWS : 10% 

Standard Preferential Areas Effective rate of duty Specified countries
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
7801 UNWROUGHT LEAD            
7801 10 00 - Refined lead kg. Free 5% - IGST: 18% Singapore: Nil
UAE: 2%
Japan: Nil
Malaysia: Nil
Korea: Nil
  - Other :            
7801 91 00      -- Containing by weight antimony as the principal other element kg. Free 5% - IGST: 18% Singapore: Nil
UAE: 2%
Chile: 80%
Japan: Nil
Malaysia: Nil
Korea: Nil
7801 99      -- Other :            
7801 99 10           --- Pig lead kg. Free 5% - IGST: 18% UAE: 2%
Japan: Nil
Malaysia: Nil
Korea: Nil
7801 99 20           --- Unrefined lead kg. Free 5% - IGST: 18% UAE: 2%
Chile: 80%
Japan: Nil
Malaysia: Nil
Korea: Nil
7801 99 30           --- Unrefined lead alloys kg. Free 5% - IGST: 18% UAE: 2%
Japan: Nil
Malaysia: Nil
Korea: Nil
7801 99 90           --- Other kg. Free 5% - IGST: 18% UAE: 2%
Japan: Nil
Malaysia: Nil
Korea: Nil
7802 LEAD WASTE AND SCRAP            
7802 00 - Lead waste and scrap:            
7802 00 10      --- Lead scrap, namely the following:
scrap lead-soft covered by ISRI code word ‘Racks’; mixed hard or soft scrap lead covered by ISRI code word ‘Radio’; wheel weights covered by ISRI code word ‘Ropes’;
mixed common babbit covered by ISRI code word ‘Roses’; Scrap wet whole intact lead batteries consisting of SLI (starting, lighting an ignition), automotive, truck, 8-D and commercial golf cart and marine type batteries covered by ISRI code word 'Rink';
Scrap industrial intact lead cells consisting of plates enclosed by some form of complete plastic case covered by ISRI code wordn 'Rono';
Scrap whole Intact Industrial Lead Batteries Consisting of bus, diesel, locomotive, telephone or steel cased batteries covered by ISRI code word 'Roper';
kg. Free 5% - IGST: 18% Singapore: Nil
UAE: 2%
Chile: 80%
Australia: 1.0%
Japan: Nil
Malaysia: Nil
Korea: Nil
7802 00 90      --- Other kg. Restricted 5% - IGST: 18% Singapore: Nil
UAE: 2%
Australia: 1.0%
Japan: Nil
Malaysia: Nil
Korea: Nil
7803 OMITTED            
  - Plates, sheets, strip and foil :            
7804 11      -- Sheets, strip and foil of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0.2 mm :            
7804 11 10           --- Sheets and strip kg. Free 5% - IGST: 18% UAE: Nil
Australia: Nil
Japan: Nil
Malaysia: Nil
Korea: Nil
7804 11 20           --- Foil kg. Free 5% - IGST: 18% UAE: Nil
Australia: Nil
Japan: Nil
Malaysia: Nil
Korea: Nil
7804 19      -- Other :            
7804 19 10           --- Plates kg. Free 5% - IGST: 18% UAE: Nil
Australia: Nil
Japan: Nil
Malaysia: Nil
Korea: Nil
7804 19 90           --- Other kg. Free 5% - IGST: 18% UAE: Nil
Australia: Nil
Japan: Nil
Malaysia: Nil
Korea: Nil
7804 20 00 - Powders and flakes kg. Free 5% - IGST: 18% UAE: Nil
Australia: Nil
Japan: Nil
Malaysia: Nil
Korea: Nil
7805 OMITTED            
7806 OTHER ARTICLES OF LEAD            
7806 00 - Other articles of lead            
7806 00 10      --- Sanitary fixtures kg. Free 10% - IGST: 18% Singapore: Nil
UAE: Nil
Chile: 80%
Australia: 2.0%
Japan: Nil
Malaysia: Nil
Korea: Nil
7806 00 20      --- Indian lead seals kg. Free 10% - IGST: 18% Singapore: Nil
UAE: Nil
Chile: 80%
Australia: 2.0%
Japan: Nil
Malaysia: Nil
Korea: Nil
7806 00 30      --- Blanks kg. Free 10% - IGST: 18% Singapore: Nil
UAE: Nil
Chile: 80%
Australia: 2.0%
Japan: Nil
Malaysia: Nil
Korea: Nil
7806 00 90      --- Other kg. Free 10% - IGST: 18% Singapore: Nil
UAE: Nil
Chile: 80%
Australia: 2.0%
Japan: Nil
Malaysia: Nil
Korea: Nil