
556/52/2000-Cx: Micronised Zircon Sand/Zirconium Silicate (Opacifier) is classifiable under sub-heading 2505 00 covering the mineral substances (NES) as no chemical change is taking place.

182/16/96-Cx: Portland Slag Cement and Portland Pozzolana Cement are classifiable under sub-heading 2502 29.

54/89: Grey portland cements makes no distinction between ordinary and special grade grey portland cements, thus special grey portland cement is classifiable under Sub-heading 2502 20 as grey portland cements.


118/32/86-Cx.3: Graphite powder/flakes are classifiable under sub-heading 2505 00.

IV-16-195-TU/86/36012-18A: Graphite flakes/powder is classifiable under sub-heading 2505 00 as mineral substance not elsewhere specified.