

Customs (Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty or for Specified End Use) Rules, 2022

Rule 10. Re-export or clearance of unutilised or defective goods

(1) The importer who has availed the benefit of a notification shall use the goods imported in accordance with the conditions mentioned in the concerned notification within the period and with respect to unutilised or defective goods, so imported, the importer shall have an option to either re-export or clear the same for home consumption, within the said period, namely –

(i) within the period specified in the notification;
(ii) within six months from the date of import, where the time period is not specified in the notification:

Provided that, the said period of six months can be further extended by the jurisdictional Commissioner for a period not exceeding three months, if sufficient reason is shown that the causes for not conforming to the time period were beyond the importer’s control.

(2) Any re-export of the unutilised or defective goods referred to in sub rule (1) shall be recorded by the importer in the monthly statement by providing the details of necessary export documents:

Provided that the value of such goods for re-export shall not be less than the value of the said goods at the time of import.

(3) The importer who intends to clear unutilised or defective goods for home consumption shall have an option of voluntary payment of applicable duty along with interest on the common portal and the particulars of such clearance and the duty payment shall be recorded by the importer in the monthly statement.

(4) The importer shall have an option to clear the capital goods imported, after having been used for the specified purpose, on payment of duty equal to the difference between the duty leviable on such goods but for the exemption availed and that already paid, if any, at the time of importation, along with interest, at the rate fixed by the notification issued under section 28AA, on the depreciated value allowed in straight line method as under —

i. for every quarter in the first year @ 4%;
ii. for every quarter in the second year @ 3%;
iii. for every quarter in the third year @ 3%;
iv. for every quarter in the fourth and fifth year @ 2.5%;
v. and thereafter for every quarter @ 2%.

Explanation. - (1) For the purpose of computing rate of depreciation under this rule for any part of a quarter, a full quarter shall be taken into account.

(2) The depreciation shall be allowed from the date when the capital goods imported have come into use for the purpose as laid down in the notification, upto the date of its clearance.

(5) The importer shall have the option of voluntary payment of the duty along with interest, through the common portal and the particulars of such clearance and the duty payment shall be recorded by the importer in the monthly statement.


