Notification No. 117/61-Cus Dated 13-10-61

Exemption available on engine and parts thereof when re-imported.- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 23 of the Sea Customs Act, 1878 (8 of 1878), as in force in India and as applied to the State of Pondicherry, read with Rule 63 of the Indian Aircraft Rules, 1920, the Central Government hereby exempts engines and parts of aircraft, when re-imported into India or the State of Pondicherry after having been exported, from so much of the customs duty leviable thereon under the Indian Customs Tariff Act, 1934 (32 of 1934), as is in excess of the customs duty payable on the cost of repair, if any (which includes the charges paid for the material as well for labour, insurance and freight) in the following cases:—

(1) Engines and certain specified parts which fail abroad and are re-imported;

(2) Engines or certain specified parts sent abroad as a stand-by for replacement of a defective one and subsequently brought back to India in the same condition without being installed on an aircraft;

(3) Engines and certain specified parts lent by an Indian company to a foreign company.

The concession will be admissible subject to such conditions and the observance of such procedure as may be laid down by the Government of India from time to time.