Notification No. 137/2006-Cus Dated 30/12/2006

Amendments in the Notification No. 75/2005–Cus.- G.S.R.    (E) In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962), the Central Government, on being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No.75/2005–Customs, dated the 22nd July, 2005 vide G.S.R. 500(E) dated the 22nd July, 2005, namely :-

In the said notification, -

i) after S. No. 16, and the entries relating thereto, the following S. No. and  entries shall be inserted, namely:-

“16 A

0301 94 00

“ Bluefin tunas    (thunnus thynnus)

16 B

0301 95 00

“ Southern bluefin tunas (thunnus maccoyii) ”;


ii) against S.No. 56, for the entry in column (2), the entry “ 2506 20 20 ” shall be substituted;

iii) against S.No. 86, for the entry in column (3), the entry  “All goods other than   Sulphur dioxide” shall be substituted;

iv) S.No.   115 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

v) S.No.   121 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

vi) S.No.   122 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

vii) S.No.   126 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

viii) S.No.   127 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

ix) S.No.   130 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

x) after  S. No. 133 and the entries relating thereto, the following S. No. and entries shall be inserted, namely:-


2827 39 90

 “ Chlorides of zinc ”;


xi) S.No.  150 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

xii) S. No. 151 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

xiii) S. No. 171 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

xiv) S. No. 174 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

xv) S. No. 175 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

xvi) S. No. 193 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

xvii) S. No. 206 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

xviii) S. No. 208 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

xix) after S.No. 210 and the entries relating thereto, the following S. No. and entries shall be inserted, namely:-


2836 99 90

Commercial ammonium carbonates and other ammonium carbonates; Lead carbonate ”;

xx) S. No. 217 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

xxi) S. No. 218 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

xxii) for  S.No. 220 and the entries relating thereto, the following  S. No. and entries shall be substituted namely:-


2839 99 90

Silicates and commercial silicates of potassium ”;

xxiii) S. No. 226 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

xxiv) S. No. 227 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

xxv) S. No. 228 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

xxvi) S. No. 229 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

xxvii) against  S. No. 261, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 2853 00 40 ”  shall be substituted;

xxviii) against  S. No. 262, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 2853 00 91 ”  shall be substituted;

xxix) against  S. No. 263, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 2853 00 99 ”  shall be substituted;

xxx) against  S. No. 308, for the entry in column (3), the entry  “1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexachlorocyclohexane [HCH (ISO)] other than Lindane(ISO, INN )” shall be substituted;

xxxi) against S. No. 313, for the entry in column (3), the entry “Hexachlorobenzene (ISO) other than Lindane ” shall be substituted;

xxxii) S. No. 359 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

xxxiii) against S. No. 361, for the entry in column (3), the entry “ Cyclonic, cyclenic and cycloterpenic alcohol not elsewhere specified other than Terpineols” shall be substituted;

xxxiv) S. No. 366 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

xxxv) after S.No.371 and the entries relating thereto, the following S.No. and entries shall be inserted,   namely:-


2907 19 90

 Xylenols  & Their salts ”;

xxxvi) against   S. No. 375 , for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 2908 11 00  or 2908 19 00” shall be  substituted;

xxxvii) against S. No. 376, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 2908 99 10 ” shall be substituted;

xxxviii) against S. No. 377, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 2908 99 20 ” shall be substituted;

xxxix) after S.No. 377 and the entries relating thereto, the following S. No. and entries shall be inserted,  namely:-


2908 91 00

All goods ”;


xl) against S. No. 378,-

(a) for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 2908 99 90 ” shall be substituted;

(b) for the entry in column (3), the entry “All goods other than  (a)  Phenol sulphonic acids ” and (b) Naphthol sulphonic acid” shall be substituted;

xli) against  S. No. 389, for the entry in column (3), the entry “All goods other than Monomethyl ethers of ethylene glycol or of diethylene glycol ” shall be substituted;

xlii) after S.No 396 and the entries relating thereto, the following S.No. and entries shall be inserted, namely:-


2910 40 00

  All goods ”;


xliii) S No. 415 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

xliv) S No. 421 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

xlv) for S. No. 422  and the entries relating thereto, the following S. No. and entries shall be substituted, namely:-


2915 36 00

All goods”;

xlvi) S. No. 452 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

xlvii) after  S. No. 486 and the entries relating thereto, the following S No and entries shall be inserted,  namely:-


2918 91 00

All goods”;

xlviii) against S. No. 487, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 2918 99 00 ”  shall be substituted;

xlix) against S. No. 488, for the entry in column (2), the entry   “ 2919 10 00 or 2919 90 10 ” shall be substituted;

l) against S. No. 489, for the entry in column (2), the entry   “ 2919 90 20 ” shall be substituted;

li) against S. No. 490, for the entry in column (2), the entry   “ 2919 90 30 ” shall be substituted;

lii) against S. No. 491, for the entry in column (2), the entry   “ 2919 90 40 ” shall be substituted;

liii) against S. No. 492, for the entry in column (2), the entry   “ 2919 90 50 ” shall be substituted;

liv) against S. No. 493, for the entry in column (2), the entry   “ 2919 90 90 ” shall be substituted;

lv) against S. No. 494, for the entry in column (2), the entry   “ 2920 19 20 ” shall be substituted;

lvi) S. No. 501 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

lvii) S. No. 585 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

lviii) S. No. 586 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

lix) S. No. 587 and the entries relating  thereto shall be omitted;

lx) after  S. No. 615 and the entries relating thereto, the following S No and entries shall be inserted,  namely:-


2924 12 00

All goods”;

lxi) S. No. 588 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

lxii) against S. No. 633, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 2925 21 00 or 2925 29 10 ” shall be  substituted;

lxiii) against S. No. 634, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 2925 29 90 ” shall be substituted;

lxiv) S. No. 643 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

lxv) after S.No.645 and the entries relating thereto, the following S No  and entries shall be inserted, namely:-


2930 90 99

Dithio carbonates (Xanthates)”;

lxvi) against S. No. 709, for the entry in column (3), the entry “All goods other than Provitamins, unmixed” shall be substituted;

lxvii) S. No. 970 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

lxviii) for  S No 973 and the entries relating thereto, the following S No and entries shall be substituted, namely:-


3206 49 90

Pigments and preparations based on cadmium and Pigments and preparations based on hexacyanoferrates (ferrocyanides and ferricyanides)”;

lxix) for  S No 1003 and the entries relating thereto, the following S. No. and entries shall be substituted, namely:-


3805 90 90

Pine Oil”;

lxx) S No. 1011 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

lxxi) S No. 1012 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

lxxii) for S No 1013 and the entries relating thereto, the following S No and entries shall be substituted, namely:-



“Naphthenic acids their water – insoluble salts and their esters”


lxxiii) S No. 1090 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

lxxiv) S No. 1091 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

lxxv) S No. 1092 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

lxxvi) S No. 1093 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

lxxvii) S No. 1094 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

lxxviii) S No. 1095 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

lxxix) S No. 1096 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

lxxx) S No. 1097 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

lxxxi) against S. No. 1105, for the entry in column  (3), the entry  “All goods other than Carbonising base paper” shall be substituted;

lxxxii) against S. No. 1106 to 1122 , for the entry in column  (3), the entry  “All goods other than Carbonising base paper” shall be substituted;

lxxxiii) against S. No. 1131, for the entry in column  (3), the entry “All goods other than Carbon or similar copying paper” shall be substituted;

lxxxiv) against S. No. 1140, for the entry in column  (3), the entry “All goods other than floor covering on a base of paper or of paper board, whether or not cut to size” shall be substituted;

lxxxv) against S. No. 1141, for the entry in column  (3), the entry “All goods other than floor covering on a base of paper or of paper board, whether or not cut to size” shall be substituted;

lxxxvi) against S. No. 1143, for the entry in column  (3), the entry  “All goods other than-wall paper and similar wall coverings , consisting of paper coated or covered, on the face side, with plaiting material, whether or not bound together in parallel strands or woven”  shall be substituted;

lxxxvii)   S No. 1147 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

lxxxviii)  against S. No. 1148, for the entry in column  (3), the entry  “All goods other than carbon or similar copying papers ”  shall be substituted;

lxxxix) against S. No. 1149, for the entry in column  (3), the entry  “All goods other than carbon or similar copying papers”  shall be substituted;

xc) against S. No. 1150, for the entry in column  (3), the entry  “All goods other than carbon or similar copying papers”  shall be substituted;

xci) S Nos. 1168 and 1169 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

xcii) after S.No.1175 and the entries relating thereto, the following and entries shall be substituted, namely:-


4823 90

Gummed or adhesive paper in strips or rolls”;


xciii) for S.No. 1213 and the entries relating thereto, the following and entries shall be substituted, namely:-


6205 90 90

Men’s or Boy’s shirts of wool or fine animal hair”;


xciv) S No. 1228 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

xcv)  against S. No. 1233, for the entry in column  (3), the entry  “Men’s or Boy’s night shirts & Pajamas of man made fibers” shall be substituted;

xcvi) S No. 1248 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

xcvii) after  S.No. 1249 and the entries relating thereto, the following  entries shall be substituted, namely:-


6209 90 90

Babies garments and clothing accessories of wool and fine animal hair”;

xcviii) for S. N o. 1261 and the entries relating thereto, the following entries shall be substituted;


6211 39 00

Track suit and other garments of wool or fine animal hair ”;


xcix) S. No. 1270 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

c) S. No. 1314 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

ci) S. No. 1395 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

cii) S. No. 1396 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

ciii) against S. No. 1515, for the entry in column  (3), the entry  “All goods other than pit-head winding gear; winches specially designed for use under ground”  shall be substituted;

civ) against S. No. 1516, for the entry in column  (3), the entry  “All goods other than pit-head winding gear; winches specially designed for use under ground”  shall be substituted;

cv) S. No. 1533 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

cvi) S. No. 1534 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

cvii) against  S. No. 1535 and the entries relating thereto, the following S No and entries shall be inserted, namely:-


8428 90 90

Mine wagons pushers locomotive or wagon traverses, wagon tippers and similar railway wagon handling equipments”;

cviii) S No. 1589 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

cix) S No. 1590 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

cx) S No. 1591 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

cxi) S No. 1592 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

cxii) against S. No. 1604, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8443 13 00 ” shall be substituted;

cxiii) against S. No. 1605, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8443 14 00 ” shall be substituted;

cxiv) against S. No. 1606, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8443 15 00 ” shall be substituted;

cxv) against S. No. 1607, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8443 16 00 ” shall be substituted,

cxvi) against S. No. 1608, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8443 17 00 ” shall be substituted;

cxvii) against S. No. 1609,-

(a)    for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8443 39 10 ” shall be substituted;

(b)    for the entry in column (3), the entry  “ink jet printing machines” shall be substituted;

cxviii) against S. No. 1610,-

(a)    for the entry in column (2), the entry “ 8443 39 20 ” shall be substituted; 

(b)    for the entry in column (3), the entry “flat bed printing presses” shall be substituted;

cxix) against S. No. 1611,-

(a)    for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8443 39 30 ” shall be substituted;

(b)    for the entry in column (3), the entry  “platen printing presses” shall be substituted;

cxx) against S. No. 1612,-

(a)    for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8443 39 ” shall be substituted;

(b)    for the entry in column (3), the entry  “proof presses” shall be substituted;

cxxi) against S. No. 1613, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8443 39 41” shall be substituted;

cxxii) against S. No. 1614, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8443 39 51” shall be substituted;

cxxiii) against S. No. 1615, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8443 39 52 ” shall be substituted;

cxxiv) against S. No. 1616, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8443 39 53 ” shall be substituted;

cxxv) against S. No. 1617, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8443 39 59 ” shall be substituted;

cxxvi) against S. No. 1618, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8443 91 00 ” and the entry in column (3) the entry  “parts of printing presses” shall be substituted;

cxxvii)     against S. No. 1619, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8443 99 ” shall be substituted;

cxxviii)   S. No. 1655 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted; 

cxxix)      after  S. No. 1658 and the entries relating thereto, the following S No and entries shall be inserted, namely:-


8448 49 90

Shuttles other than those of textile weaving machines (looms) or of their auxiliary machines of heading    

  8448 ”;


cxxx) against S. No. 1870, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8469 00 20 ” shall be substituted;

cxxxi) against S. No. 1871, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8469 00 30 ” shall be substituted;

cxxxii) for S.No.1873 and the entries relating thereto, the following S No. and entries shall be substituted, namely:-


8472 90 90

Addressing machines and Address plate embossing machines”;


cxxxiii)   against S. No. 1929, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8487 10 00” shall be substituted;

cxxxiv)   against S. No. 1930, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8487 90 00” shall be substituted;

cxxxv)    S.. No. 2014 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

cxxxvi)   against S. No. 2015, for the entry in column (3), the entry “ Electromagnets ; chucks, clamps and similar devices; Electromagnetic lifting heads ” shall be substituted;

cxxxvii) against S. No. 2022, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8508 11 00 ” shall be substituted;

cxxxviii) S.No. 2023 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

cxxxix)   against S. No. 2024, and the entries relating thereto, the following S No and entries shall be substituted, namely:-


8509 80 00

Floor polishers  and kitchen waste disposers”;


cxl) against S. No. 2070,-

(a) for the entry in column (2), the entry “ 8519 81 00 or 8519 89 90” shall be substituted;

(b)    for the entry in column (3) the entry “Record players other than coin or disc operated with loud speaker ” shall be substituted;

cxli) against S. No. 2071, for the entry in column (2), the entry “8519 30 00 ” shall be substituted;

cxlii) S. No. 2072 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

cxliii) against S. No. 2073, for the entry in column (2), the entry “ 8519 81 00 or 8519 89 90 ” , and for the entry in column (3), the entry “ Transcribing machines ” shall be substituted;

cxliv) against S. No. 2083,-

(a)    for the entry in column (2), the entry  “8523 29 10” shall be substituted;

(b)    for the entry in column (3), the entry  “Prepared and unrecorded audio cassettes” shall be substituted;

cxlv) against  the S. No. 2084, the entries relating thereto the following S.No. and entries shall be substituted, namely:-


8523 29 90

Prepared and unrecorded magnetic  tapes of a width exceeding 4 mm but not exceeding 6.5mm ”;


cxlvi) for the S. No. 2085 and the entries relating thereto the following S.No. and entries shall be substituted, namely:-


8523 29 20

Prepared and unrecorded video cassettes”;


cxlvii) S. No. 2086 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

cxlviii) S. No. 2087 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

cxlix) S. No. 2088 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

cl) S. No. 2089 for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8523 29 40 ” shall be substituted;

cli) S. No. 2090 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clii) S. No. 2091 for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8523 29 60 ” shall be substituted;

cliii) S. No. 2092 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

cliv) against S. No. 2093, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8523 29 90 ” shall be substituted;

clv) S. No. 2094 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clvi) against S. No. 2095, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8523 21 00 ” shall be substituted;

clvii) against S. No. 2096, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8523 40 10 ” shall be substituted;

clviii) against S. No. 2097, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8523 80 10 ” shall be substituted;

clix) S. No. 2098 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clx) S. No. 2099 for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8523 80 20 ” shall be substituted;

clxi) S. No. 2100 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clxii) S. No. 2101 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clxiii) S. No. 2102 for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8523 80 90 ” shall be substituted;

clxiv) S. No. 2103 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clxv) against S. No. 2104, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8523 80 50 ” shall be substituted;

clxvi) S. No. 2105 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clxvii) S. No. 2106 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clxviii) against S. No. 2107, for the entry in column (2), the entry “ 8523 80 40 ” shall be substituted;

clxix) S. No. 2108 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clxx) S. No. 2109 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clxxi) S. No. 2110 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clxxii) S. No. 2111 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clxxiii) S. No. 2112 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clxxiv) S. No. 2113 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clxxv) S. No. 2114 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clxxvi) S. No. 2115 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clxxvii)   S. No. 2116 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clxxviii)  S. No. 2117 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clxxix) S. No. 2118 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clxxx) S. No. 2119 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clxxxi) S. No. 2120 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clxxxii) S. No. 2121 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clxxxiii)  S. No. 2122 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clxxxiv) S. No. 2123 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

clxxxv) against S. No. 2124, for the entry in column (2), the entry “ 8525 50 10 ” shall be substituted;

clxxxvi) against S. No. 2125, for the entry in column (2), the entry “ 8525 50 20 ” shall be substituted;

clxxxvii) against S. No. 2126, for the entry in column (2), the entry “ 8525 80 10 ” shall be substituted;

clxxxviii) against S. No. 2128, for the entry in column (2), the entry “ 8527 29 00 ” shall be substituted;

clxxxix) against S. No. 2129, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8527 99 12 ” shall be substituted;

cxc) against S. No. 2130, for the entry in column (2), the entry “ 8527 99 19 ” shall be substituted;

cxci) against S. No. 2131, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8527 99 90 ” shall be substituted;

cxcii) against   S. No. 2132,-

(a)    for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8528 49 00  or 8528 59 00 ” shall be substituted;

(b)    for the entry in column (3), the entry “ video monitors ” shall be substituted;

cxciii) S.No. 2133 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

cxciv) S.No. 2134 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted.;

cxcv) against S. No. 2135,-

(a)    for the entry in column (2), the entry “ 8528 69 00” shall be substituted;

(b)    for the entry in column (3), the entry “ Video projectors ” shall be substituted;

cxcvi) S.No. 2136 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

cxcvii) S.No. 2137 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

cxcviii)   against S. No. 2225, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 10 20 ” shall be substituted;

cxcix)      against S. No. 2226, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 10 30 ” shall be substituted;

cc) against S. No. 2227, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 10 90 ” shall be substituted,

cci) against S. No. 2233,-

(a)    for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 19 ” shall be substituted;

(b)    for the entry in column (3), the entry “ Electric fence energisers ” shall be substituted;

ccii) against S. No. 2234, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 12 ” shall be substituted;

cciii) against S. No. 2235, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 21” shall be substituted;

cciv) against S. No. 2236, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 22 ” shall be substituted;

ccv) against S. No. 2237, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 29 ” shall be substituted;

ccvi) against S. No. 2238, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 31 ” shall be substituted;

ccvii) against S. No. 2239, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 32 ” shall be substituted;

ccviii) against S. No. 2240, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 33 ” shall be substituted;

ccix) against S. No. 2241, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 34 ” shall be substituted;

ccx) against S. No. 2242, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 35 ” shall be substituted;

ccxi) against S. No. 2243, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 36 ” shall be substituted;

ccxii) against S. No. 2244, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 39 ” shall be substituted;

ccxiii) against S. No. 2245, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 41” shall be substituted;

ccxiv) against S. No. 2246, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 42 ” shall be substituted;

ccxv) against S. No. 2247, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 49 ” shall be substituted;

ccxvi) against S. No. 2248, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 50 ” shall be substituted;

ccxvii) against S. No. 2249, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 61 ” shall be substituted;

ccxviii)   against S. No. 2250, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 62 ” shall be substituted;

ccxix) against S. No. 2251, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 69 ” shall be substituted;

ccxx) against S. No. 2252, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 71 ” shall be substituted;

ccxxi) against S. No. 2253, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 72 ” shall be substituted;

ccxxii) against S. No. 2254, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 91 ” shall be substituted;

ccxxiii) against S. No. 2255, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 92 ” shall be substituted;

ccxxiv) against S. No. 2256, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 93 ” shall be substituted;

ccxxv) against S. No. 2257, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 94 ” shall be substituted;

ccxxvi) against S. No. 2258, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 95 ” shall be substituted;

ccxxvii) against S. No. 2259, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 8543 70 99 ” shall be substituted;

ccxxviii) against S. No. 2337, for the entry in column (3), the entry “Cathode ray oscilloscopes and cathode-ray oscillographs” shall be substituted;

ccxxix)   against S. No. 2338, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 9030 31 00 ” shall be substituted;

ccxxx)    against S. No. 2339, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 9030 33 10 ” shall be substituted;

ccxxxi)   against S. No. 2340, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 9030 33 20 ” shall be substituted;

ccxxxii) against S. No. 2341, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 9030 33 30 ” shall be substituted;

ccxxxiii) against S. No. 2342, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 9030 33 40 ” shall be substituted;

ccxxxiv)  against S. No. 2343, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 9030 33 50 ” shall be substituted;

ccxxxv) against S. No. 2344, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 9030 33 90 ” shall be substituted;

ccxxxvi)  against S. No. 2345, for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 9030 32 00  or  9030 39 00 ” shall be substituted;

ccxxxvii) against S. No. 2350,-

(a)    for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 9031 49 00 ” shall be substituted;

(b)    for  the entry  in column (3), the entry “Profile projector” shall be substituted;

ccxxxviii) S. No. 2359 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

ccxxxix) against S. No. 2407,-

(a)    for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 9205 90 90” shall be substituted;

(b)    for the entry in column (3), the entry (a) “Keyboard pipe organs; harmoniums  and similar keyboard  instruments with free metal reeds,  (b) Accordions and similar instruments; mouth organ” shall be substituted;

ccxl) S. No. 2408 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

ccxli) S. No. 2409 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

ccxlii) S. No. 2410 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;

ccxliii) against S. No. 2412,-

(a)    for the entry in column (2), the entry  “ 9503 00 10, 9503 00 20, 9503 00 30 or 9503 00 90 ” shall be substituted;

(b)    for  the entry  in column (3), the entry “Toys and models incorporating a motor and parts thereof other than (a) Wheeled toys designed to be ridden by children (for example, tricycles, scooters pedal cars ); dolls’ carriages; (b)  Dolls representing only human beings” shall be substituted;

ccxliv)     S. No. 2413 and the entries relating thereto shall be omitted;


2. This notification shall come into force with effect from the 1st day of January, 2007.




(S. Bajaj)

Under Secretary to the Government of India


Note. - The principal notification number 75/2005-Customs, dated the 22nd July, 2005 was published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, vide G.S.R. No.500(E) dated 22nd July, 2005 and was last amended vide notification No.38/2006-Customs, dated 28th April, 2006 and published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, vide number G.S.R.257(E), dated the 28th April, 2006.