This Notification has been superseded vide Notification No. 12/2012-Cus Dated 17/03/2012

Notification No. 21/2002-Cus Dated 01-03-2002

Effective rate of duty on specific goods falling within chapter 1 to 98-  In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962) and in supersession of the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance ( Department of Revenue), No.17/2001-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2001[ G.S.R. 116(E) dated the 1st March, 2001], the Central Government, being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby exempts the goods of the description specified in column (3) of the Table below or column (3) of the said Table read with the relevant List appended hereto, as the case may be, and falling within the Chapter, heading or sub-heading of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975) as are specified in the corresponding entry in column (2)of the said Table, when imported into India,- 

(a) from so much of the duty of customs leviable thereon under the said First Schedule as is in excess of the amount calculated at the rate specified in the corresponding entry in column (4) of the said Table;

98[(b) the goods specified against serial No. 252A of the said Table before 7th day of July, 2009 and after 116[31st day of March, 2011] Old[6th day of July, 2010];]

Old[ (b) from so much of the additional duty leviable thereon under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the said Customs Tariff Act, as is in excess of the rate specified in the corresponding entry in column (5) of the said Table, subject to any of the conditions, specified in the Annexure to this notification, the condition No. of which is mentioned in the corresponding entry in column (6) of the said Table:]

Provided that nothing contained in this notification shall apply to -
37Omitted [(a) the goods specified against serial No. 75A of the said Table on or after the 1st day of April, 2005; ]
(b) the goods specified against serial No. 252A of the said Table on or after the the 37[1st day of May, 2009] Old[ 1st day of May, 2007 ] ;
37Omitted [ (c) the goods specified against serial No. 75 of the said Table on or after the 2nd day of July, 2005; ]
1Omitted [(d) the goods specified against serial No. 170A of the said Table on or after the 4th day of September, 2005.]

(e) the goods specified against serial No. 77A of the said Table on or after the 1st  day of  October, 2010.

10[(f) the goods specified against serial No.11A. of the said Table on or after the 134[1st day of April, 2012] old119[1st day of April, 2011] Old96[1st day of April, 2010]] 50Old[1st day of April, 2009]  41old[1st day of April, 2008]  Old25[1st day of August, 2007] old[1st day of April, 2007]]

14[(g) the goods specified against serial No.38A. of the said Table on or after the 1st October, 2006.]

101[(ga) the goods specified against S. No. 38B on or after the 105[1st day of January, 2011] Old[“the 1st day of April 2010]]

Old97[(ga) the goods specified against serial No. 38B and 38C of the said Table on or after the 2nd day of August, 2009.]

Omitted42[Omitted93[ 86[(ha) the goods specified against serial No.74B of the said Table on or after the 1st day of April, 2009.]] 120[(haa) the goods specified against S.No. 38CC of the said Table on or after the 1st day of January 2011] 15Old[(h) the goods specified against serial No.18A of the said Table on or after the 26[1st day of March, 2007] old[1st January, 2007]]]

16[(i) the goods specified against serial No.74A of the said Table on or after 38[the 1st day of October, 2007] Old[the 1st day of April, 2007]]

28[19(i) the goods specified against serial Nos.34 and 434 of the said Table on or after the 23 [1st of January, 2007] old [1st day of November, 2006].]

36[ia) the goods specified against serial No.22A of the said Table on or after the 1st January, 2008] 

omitted [43[(iab) the goods specified against serial No.18AA of the said Table on or after the 1st day of January, 2008.]]

46[(iac) the goods specified against serial No.3A of the said Table on or after the 1st day of January, 2008.]

59[(iad) the goods specified against serial No.22AA. of the said Table on or after the 1st day of April, 2009.]

67[(iae) the goods specified against serial No.22AB of the said Table on or after the 1st day of April, 2009.]

 72[(iaf) the goods specified against serial No. 446 of the said Table on or before the 30th day of April, 2008.] 

104[(iag) the goods specified against S.No. 22AC of the said Table on or after the 129[1st day of October, 2011] Old[1st day of October, 2010]]

114[(iag) the goods specified against serial No. 345A of the said Table on or after the 1st day of April, 2013.]

132[(iai) the goods specified against serial number 491B of the said Table on or before the 31st day of March, 2011.]

133[(iaj) the goods specified against S.Nos. 37C, 37D, 37E of the said Table on or after the 1st day of April, 2011.]

[(j) Omitted]

125[(k) the goods specified against serial No. 164A of the said Table on or after the 31st day of March, 2011]

140[(l) the goods specified against S.Nos. 37F, 37G, 37H of the said Table on or after the 1st day of July, 2011.]

145[(m) the goods specified against S.Nos. 37I, 37J, 37K of the said Table on or after the 152[1st day of December, 2011] Old[1st day of September, 2011]]

157[(n) the goods specified against serial number 491C of the said Table on or before the 16th day of January, 2013.]

Explanation.- For the purposes of this notification, the rate specified in column (4) or column (5) is ad valorem rate, unless otherwise specified.    


S. No.

Chapter or Heading or sub - heading

Description of goods

Standard rate

Additional duty rate

Condition No.









Cows, heifers, bulls, goats, sheep, pigs, angora rabbits, ducklings and pureline poultry stock






Grand parent poultry stock and Donkey stallions





155[030616 or 030617]

Old[0306 13]

Live SPF L. Vannamei broodstock





0402 10 or 0402 21 00

Goods upto an aggregate of 151[fifty thousand metric tonnes] Old[thirty thousand metric tonnes] of total imports of such goods in a financial year.





2[0402 10 or 0402 21 00]

old[ 0402.10 or 0402.21]

47[Goods upto an aggregate of ten thousand metric tonnes of total imports of such goods in a financial year.

Explanation.- For the purposes of this exemption, quantity of goods imported under S.No. 3A shall be included for calculating the total quantity of imports during the financial year 2007-08]

Old[Goods upto an aggregate of ten thousand metric tonnes of total imports of such goods in a financial year.]






0402 21 00

All goods upto an aggregate of ten thousand metric tonnes of total imports of such goods






71[Butter, ghee and butter oil]

old[Butter and ghee]



- ]



White Butter, Butter oil, Anhydrous Milk Fat upto an aggregate of fifteen thousand metric tonnes of total imports of such goods in a financial year.





2[ 0406 90 00]

old[ 0406.90]

All goods











0511.91 or 0511 99


Artemia cyst, including wet artemia cyst




old[ 6.

Artemia cyst



- ]


5 or any other Chapter

The following goods, namely:-

(1) Frozen semen;
(2) Frozen semen equipment, namely:-

    (a) flasks, refrigerators, vessels, jars or dewars, and their accessories;
    (b) Plastic insemination sheath and insemination guns; and
    (c) Weaton Ampoules and straws for freezing semen


old[- Nil ]



6, 7, 8, 9 or 12

Planting materials, namely, oil seeds, seeds of vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants, tubers and bulbs of flowers, cuttings or saplings of flower plants, seeds or plants of fruits and seeds of pulses


old[- Nil ]



06.01 or 06.02

All goods





2 [0703 10 10]


old[ 0703.10]


130[Nil] Old[5%]




070310 20













 13[Pluses] Old[Pulses, when imported through customs ports having capacity to handle bulk imports]






Cashew nuts in shell


old[- Nil ]


1 Omitted[13.

8, 12, 13 15 , 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 or 21

All goods (excluding alcoholic preparations falling under sub-heading 2106.90)





2 [0802 12 00]        OLD [0802.12]

All goods

135[`] Old[Rs.] 65/- per kg.




0802 50 00

All goods





155[08026100, 08026200, 08027000 or 08029000]

Old[29[0802 60 00 or 0802 90]]



All goods other than Areca nuts





08041020 08041030

All Goods





 2[0805 10 00, 0805 50 00, 0806 10 00 or 0808 20 00]


old[ 0805.10, 0805.50 0806.10 or 0808.20]

All goods





 0806 20 10

Sun dried dark seedless raisin





2 [0810 60 00 or 0810 90]


old[ 0810.60 or 0810.90]

29[All goods, other than black, white or red currants and gooseberries]


Old[All goods]




114[17A.] 0904 11 10 Long pepper (Piper longum) 30% - -



All goods other than Meslin





155[10011900 or 10019910]

Old[1001 10 90 or 1001 90 20]






1001 10 90 or 1001 90 20


20 Nil

OLD [5%]










155[10051000,1017, 100821 or 100829]

Old[2[1005 10 00, 1007 or 1008 20 ]]


old[ 1005.10 10.07 or 1008.20]

All goods





2[1005 90 00]



Goods upto an aggregate of-
a) four lakh metric tonnes of total imports of such goods in the financial year 2001-2002
b) four lakh and fifty thousand metric tonnes of total imports of such goods in the financial year 2002-2003
c) Five lakh metric tones of total imports of such goods in a financial year

70 [Nil]






2 [1005 90 00]



All goods other than those specified against S. No. 21 above





1005 90 00

All goods





1101 00 00

Wheat flour





1006 30

All goods




104[22AC] 1006 30 All goods Nil -


2 [1107 10 00]



All goods





1207 91 00

All goods







All goods (other than those falling under sub-headings 1209.91 and 1209.99)





1209.91 or 1209.99

All goods





2[1211 30 00, 1211 40 00 or 1211 90]


old[1211.30 1211.40 or 1211.90]

29[All goods (other than liquorice roots)]


Old[All goods]




114[26A] 1301 90 13  Asafoetida 20% - -


2[1301 90 49]


old[ 1301.90 ]

Oleopine resin


old[10% ]




2[1302 19 or 1302 20 00]


old[1302.19 or 1302.20 old[

29[All goods (other than vegetable seeds and extracts of pyrethrum or of the roots of plants containing rotenone)]


Old[All goods]





1401 10 00 Bamboo for use in the manufacture of agarbatti






Edible oils falling under headings 1508, 1512, 1513, 1514 or 1515 or sub-heading 1511 10

old[ Edible oils falling under headings 15.08, 15.11, 15.12, 15.13, 15.14 or 15.15]




70 [29A.

1507 10 00

All goods






- ]

Old[  53[29A.

1507 10 00 or 1507 90 10

All goods






1507 90 10

All goods



- ]



I. The following goods, other than of edible grade, namely:-

(A) Crude palm stearin having Free Fatty Acid (FFA) 20 percent or more and falling under heading 1511, imported for manufacture of soaps, fatty acids and fatty alcohols by a manufacturer having plant for splitting up of such oils into fatty acids and glycerols




(B) All goods (except crude palm oil and crude palm stearin) having Free Fatty Acid (FFA) 20 percent or more and falling under heading 1507, 1508, 1509, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513, 1514 or 1515, imported for the manufacture of soaps, industrial fatty acids and fatty alcohol by a manufacturer having plant for splitting up of such oils into fatty acids and glycerols




(C) All goods (except crude palm oil), having Free Fatty Acid (FFA) 20 percent or more, and falling under heading 1507, 1508, 1509, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513, 1514 or 1515 for the manufacture of soaps, industrial fatty acids, and fatty alcohol




(D) All goods (except crude palm oil), having Free Fatty Acid (FFA) 20 percent or more and falling under heading 1507, 1508, 1509, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513, 1514 or 1515




II. The following goods, of edible grade namely,-

(A) Crude palm oil falling under heading 1511, having an acid value of 4 or more and total carotenoid (as beta carotene) in the range of 250 mg/kg. to 2500 mg/kg., in loose or bulk form for manufacture of refined oil, refined palmolein, vanaspati, bakery shortening or inter-esterified fats






(B) Crude Palmolein falling under heading 1511, having an acid value of 4 or more and total carotenoid (as beta carotene) in the range of 500 mg/kg. to 2500 mg/kg., in loose or bulk form for manufacture of refined oil, refined palmolein, vanaspati, bakery shortening or inter-esterified fats






(C) Fractions of crude palm oil (other than crude palmolein) falling under heading 1511, having an acid value of 2 or more and total carotenoid (as beta carotene) in the range of 500 mg/kg. to 2500 mg/kg., in loose or bulk form

Explanation.-For the purposes of this exemption, “Crude palm oil” means fixed vegetable oils, fluid or solid, obtained by pressure, if they have undergone no processing other than decantation, centrifugation or filtration, provided that, in order to separate the oils from solid particles only mechanical force, such as gravity, pressure or centrifugal force, has been employed, excluding any absorption filtering process, fractionalization or any other physical or chemical process. If obtained by extraction an oil shall continue to be considered as “crude”, provided it has undergone no change in colour, odour or taste when compared with corresponding oil obtained by pressure








(A) All goods (except crude palm oil) other than edible grade, having Free Fatty Acid (FFA) 20 per cent or more and falling under heading 1507, 1508, 1509, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 1514 or 1515, imported for the manufacture of soaps, industrial fatty acids, and fatty alcohol by a manufacturer having plant for splitting up of such oils into fatty acids and glycerols


(B) All goods (except crude palm oil) other than edible grade, having Free Fatty Acid (FFA) 20 per cent or more, and falling under heading 1507, 1508, 1509, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 1514 or 1515, for the manufacture of soaps, industrial fatty acids, and fatty alcohol



(C) All goods (except crude palm oil) other than edible grade, having Free Fatty Acid (FFA) 20 per cent or more and falling under heading 1507, 1508, 1509, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 1514 or 1515


















































(S.No.30 has been substituted vide CUS NTF NO. 20/2004 DATE 16/1/2004, 26/2004 DATE 22/1/2004 )



Refined vegetable oils of edible grade, in loose or bulk form (other than those falling under heading 1511)






Vegetable oils of edible grade, in loose or bulk form “(other than those specified against S. No. 31 above and those falling under heading 1511), imported for the manufacture of oil commonly known as “Vanaspati” or for refining

Explanation.-The expression “Vegetable oil” means-

(a) in the case of cottonseed oil, oil having a free fatty acid content of at least 0.2%; and

(b) in the case of any other vegetable oil, oil with free fatty acid content of at least 0.5%.



4 and 5



All goods





1508, 1509, 1510, 1512, 1513, 1514, or 1515

All goods, crude and edible grade





1508, 1509, 1510, 1512, 1513, 1514  or 1515

All goods, refined and edible grade



- ]



The following goods, namely:-

(A) Crude palm oil of edible grade, having an acid value of 4 or more and total carotenoid (as beta carotene) in the range of 250 mg/kg. to 2500mg/kg., in loose or bulk form for manufacture of refined oil, refined palmolein, vanaspati, bakery shortening or inter-esterified fats;





old[ 80%]]









(B) Crude palmolein, of edible grade, having an acid value of 4 or more and total carotenoid (as beta carotene) in the range of 500mg/kg. to 2500mg/kg., in loose or bulk form for manufacture of refined oil, refined palmolein, vanaspati, bakery shortening or inter-esterified fats;




old[ 80%]]



(C) Fractions of crude palm oil (other than crude palmolein), of edible grade, having an acid value of 2 or more and total carotenoid (as beta carotene) in the range of 500mg/kg. to 2500mg/kg., in loose or bulk form




old[ 80%]]




Explanation. - For the purposes of this exemption, “Crude palm oil” means fixed vegetable oils, fluid or solid, obtained by pressure, if they have undergone no processing other than decantation, centrifugation or filtration, provided that, in order to separate the oils from solid particles only mechanical force, such as gravity, pressure or centrifugal force, has been employed, excluding any absorption filtering process, fractionalization or any other physical or chemical process. If obtained by extraction an oil shall continue to be considered as “crude”, provided it has undergone no change in colour, odour or taste when compared with corresponding oil obtained by pressure.

(Sl.No.34 has been substituted vide CUS NTF NO. 120/2003 DATE 01/08/2003, 07/2005 DATE 04/02/2005, 09/2005 DATE 15/02/2005)



Crude sunflower seed or safflower oil upto an aggregate of one lakh and fifty thousand metric tonnes of total imports of such goods in a financial year






All goods other than those specified against S.No. 35 above




35[36A .

1512 11 10

All goods

70 [Nil]

Old 68[20%]


old[ 65%]]




1512 19 10

All goods

70 [7.5%]


Old37[60%] Old[75%]




1514.19 or 1514.99

(In this col.2 bold figure has been substituted vide Cus Ntf No.115/2002 Date 17/10/2002)

Refined rape, colza or mustard oil upto an aggregate of one lakh and fifty thousand metric tonnes of total imports of such goods in a financial year














1514 11 or 1514 91

All goods, edible grade

70 [Nil]





1514 19 or 15 14 99

All goods, edible grade

70 [7.5%]






Raw Sugar




37D. 1701 91 00 or 1701 99 90 Refined or white sugar Nil - 5E
37E. 1701 Raw sugar if imported by a bulk consumer Nil - 5F]
140[37F 1701 Raw Sugar Nil - 5G
37G. 1701 91 00 or 1701 99 90 Refined or white sugar Nil - 5H
37H.] 1701 Raw sugar if imported by a bulk consumer Nil - 5I
145[37I 1701 Raw Sugar Nil - 5J
37J 1701 91 00 or 1701 99 90 Refined or white sugar Nil - 5K
37K ] 1701 Raw sugar if imported by a bulk consumer Nil - 5L



All goods





1701 91 00 or 1701 99 90

White sugar




97[38B. 1701 Raw sugar Nil - 5A

1701 91 00 or 1701 99 90

111[Refined or white sugar, imported upto and inclusive of 31st December, 2010] Old106[Refined or white sugar, imported upto and inclusive of 31st March, 2010.]

Old[Refined or white sugar, upto an aggregate quantity of ten lakh metric tonnes of total imports during 105[the period upto and inclusive of 31st March, 2010]] Old[the period upto and inclusive of 30th November 2009]:


Explanation.- For determining the aggregate quantity of ten lakh metric tonnes the quantity of Refined or white sugar already imported at nil rate of basic customs duty under this notification during the period from 17th April, 2009 upto 30th July, 2009 shall be included.

Nil - 5B
Omitted103[38C] 17019100 or 17019990 Refined or white sugar Nil - 5B
120[38CC 1701 Raw sugar if imported by a bulk consumer Nil - 5C


1702.11 or 1702.19

All goods






Lactose for use in the manufacture of homeopathic medicine






All goods


Old [15%]




2 [1704 10 00]


old[1704.10 ]

All goods





1806 90

Food preparations, for infant use and put up for retail sale, of–
(i) goods of headings 0401 to 0404, containing cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, in a proportion by weight of 5% or more but less than 10%; or
(ii) flour, meal, starch or malt extract containing cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, in a proportion by weight of 40% or more but less than 50%.




1Omitted [42.


Food preparations, meant for infant use and put up for retail sale, of -

(i) flour, meal, starch or malt extract containing cocoa in a proportion by weight 40% or more but less than 50%, calculated on a totally de-fatted basis; or

(ii) goods of headings 04.01 to 04.04 containing cocoa in a proportion by weight 5% or more but less than 10%, calculated on a totally de-fatted basis






Preparations for infant use, put up for retail sale





2[1905 31 00 or 1905 32]


old[1905.31 or 1905.32]

All goods





2[2004 10 00]



All goods





155[20089300,20098100, 20099000,220290]

Old[2008 99, 2009 80, 2009 90 00, 2202 90]

Cranberry products





2[2009 11 00, 2009 12 00 or 2009 19 00 ]


old[2009.11, 2009.12 or 2009.19]

Orange juice






All goods (excluding compound alcoholic preparations of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages, of an alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 0.5 per cent. by volume, determined at a temperature of 20 volume, determined at a temperature of 20 degrees centigrade)






Wine, for use as sacramental wine






All goods





2[2207 20 00]


old[ 2207.20]

All goods

37[7.5%] Old[[10%]






Angostura bitters





23, 28, 29, 30 or 38

Veterinary drugs and other goods specified in List 1

2[10% ]






All goods





2302 40 00

Bran, sharps and other residues, whether or not in the form of pellets, derived from the sifting, milling or other working of rice






De-oiled rice bran oil cake





2301 20,

2309 90 32,

2309 90 39

Fin fish feed





29[2304, 2305 or 2306]


Old[2302.20, 23.04, 23.05 or 23.06]

All goods






Dietary Soya Fibre






Prawn feed, shrimp larvae feed and fish feed in pellet form

Explanation.- For the removal of doubt, “prawn feed” shall mean goods-

(i) which are capable of being used as prawn feed, as such , without any addition or alteration thereto; and

(ii) in which the proportion of vitamin pre- mixes or vitamins, by weight, shall not exceed the standard input output norms (SION) for prawn feed as contained in the Public Notice No. 19 (RE-88)/1997-2002, dated the 24 th June, 1998 (as amended from time to time) of the Government of India, in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.






Spodumene ore, Strontium ore or Natural Boron ore





2529 22 00

Acid grade fluorspar




3 Omitted [58.


The following goods, when imported for use in the manufacture of refractory products falling under Chapters 38, 68 or 69, namely:-

    (1) Andalusite falling under tariff item 2508 50 10;
    (2) Fused mulite falling under tariff item 2508 60 00;

    (3)78[Micronised Progesterone or Injection Progesterone.] 

    Old[Dead burnt magnesite (DBM) falling under heading 2519, having-]
    (a) magnesium oxide content not less than 92% by weight,
    (b)silica content less than 4% by weight, and
    (c) bulk density not less than 3.20 gm/cc;
    (4) Fused magnesia falling under sub-heading 2519 90; and
    (5) Sea water magnesia falling under heading 2519;



5 ]


(OMITTED has been omitted vide CUS NTF NO. 26/2003 DATE 01/03/2003)


2[2503 00



Crude or unrefined sulphur

135[2.5%] Old[63[2%]





2523 29

All goods







[Omitted vide Notification No.66/2004-Cus dt 9-7-2004]


[Omitted vide Notification No.7/2004-Cus dt 8-1-2004]


[Omitted vide Notification No.7/2004-Cus dt 8-1-2004]

1 Omitted [64.


Gold concentrate imported by a gold refinery for refining into gold.





2 [262011 00, 262019 00]

All goods







All goods 


old[- All goods (excluding copper mill scale) ]





149Omitted[138[66A.] 2701 Coal having Swelling Index or Crucible Swelling Number of 1 and above and mean reflectance of above 0.60, for use in the ma nufacture of iron or steel using Corex, Finex or PCI technology Nil - 5;


Omitted vide notification No. 7/2004-Cus dt 8-1-2004 (w.e.f. 9-1-2004)



135[Coking coal


Explanation.- For the purposes of this exemption, "Coking coal" means coal having mean reflectance of more than 150[0.60 and Swelling Index or Crucible Swelling Number of more than 1] Old[0.85 and Swelling Index or Crucible Swelling Number of more than 2]]

Old[Coking coal of ash content below 12%]








Coking coal of ash content of 12% or more

37[Nil] Old[ 5%

Old [15%] ]



(S.No.68 has been substituted vide CUS NTF NO. 44/2004 DATE 28/02/2004)


[Omitted vide notification No. 7/2004-Cus dt 8-1-2004 (w.e.f. 9-1-2004)]


2701 11 00, 2701 12 00, 2701 19

All goods other than coking coal





2704 00

Metallurgical coke






[S.No.71 has been amended vide Notification No. 04/2003 DATE 03/01/2003, 26/2003 DATE 01/03/2003, 38/2004 DATE 24/02/2004]


[Omitted vide notification No. 7/2004-Cus dt 8-1-2004 (w.e.f. 9-1-2004)]







(S.No. 72A has been inserted vide CUS NTF NO. 154/2003 DATE 20/10/2003)


2710, 2711, 2712, 2713, 2714 or 2715

All goods, other than goods mentioned at S. Nos. 72 A, 73, 74A,74B, 75 E, 76, 77A,  488A and 488B





2710 19



Kerosene imported by the Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited and IBP Company Limited for ultimate sale through the Public Distribution System

Explanation.- “Kerosene” means any hydrocarbon oil (excluding mineral colza oil and white spirit) which has a smoke point of 18 mm or more (determined in the apparatus known as the smoke point lamp in the manner indicated in the Bureau of Indian Standards specifications ISI : 1448 (P-31)-1968 and is ordinarily used as an illuminant in oil burning lamps.


Old [5%]



[S.No.73 has been amended vide CUS NTF NO. 26/2003 DATE 01/03/2003, 82/2004 DATE 18/08/2004, 71/2005 DATE 20/07/2005]









Naphtha, when imported by Ratnagiri Gas and Power Private Limited (RGPPL), for use in generation of electricity in the power plants of Ratnagiri Gas and Power Private Limited (RGPPL) at Dabhol, District  Ratnagiri, Maharashtra




88[74B] 2710 Naphtha, when imported Electricity Act, 2003 [No. 36 OF 2003] to supply electrical energy or to engage in the business of supplying electrical energy:

Provided that the exemption shall not be available if such naphtha is used for generation of electrical energy by captive generating plant as defined in section 2(8) of-the Electricity Act, 2003 [No. 36 OF 2003].

 Nil - -
86Old[74B.] 2710 Naphtha, when imported for generation of electrical energy by electrical undertakings owned by Central and State Governments or State Electricity Boards or any local authority or a person licensed under part II of the Electricity Act, 1910 or who has obtained a sanction under section 28 of the said act or a generating company permitted under the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948 to supply electrical energy or to engage in the business of supplying electrical energy:

Provided that the exemption shall not be available if such naphtha is used for generation of electrical energy for captive consumption.

Nil - -]

37Omitted[ 75.


Naphtha when imported by the power plants specified in List 2






Naphtha when imported by the power plants specified in List 2A



7 ]





[Entry in column 2 to 6 of 75B and 75C have been omitted vide notification No.11/2005-cus dt1-3-2005]


2711 19 00

Liquefied Petroleum Gases ( LPG )





2711 12 00,

2711 13 00,

2711 19 00

Liquefied Propane and Butane mixture, Liquefied  Propane,   Liquefied   Butane

and Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG) imported for supply to household domestic consumers at subsidized prices under the public distribution system (PDS) Kerosene and Domestic LPG Subsidy Scheme, 2002, as notified by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas vide notification No. P-20029/18/ 2001-PP. dated 28th January, 2003





27.10 or 2714.90

All goods, for the manufacture of fertilisers





2[2711 11 00]


old[ 2711.11]

Liquefied natural gas





2711 11 00

The following goods, namely:-

(A) Liquefied natural gas imported by, -

(i) Ratnagiri Gas and Power Private Limited for the purpose of generation of power at their power project at Dabhol, District Ratnagiri (Maharashtra); or




(ii) any other importer for supply under an agreement to Ratnagiri Gas and Power Private Limited for the purpose of generation of power at their power project at Dabhol, District Ratnagiri (Maharashtra)




(B) Liquefied natural gas imported for the purpose of generating power, by any other Liquefied Natural Gas Mega Power Project, which -

(i) is established with an installed power generation capacity of 2000 MW or more, with integrated Liquefied Natural Gas regasification facility;

(ii) became defunct and is subsequently restructured and revived through a Special Purpose Vehicle in the nature of a project company owned by the Public Sector Undertakings as per a restructuring and revival proposal approved by the Central Government; and

(iii) supplies the power generated in such project to any State Electricity Board under a Power Purchase Agreement





2710, 2711, 2712, 2713, 2714 or 2715

All goods, other than goods mentioned at S. Nos. 72 A, 73, 74A, 75 E, 76, 77A,  488A and 488B





2710 19 20

All goods





2711 11 00

21[Liquefied Natural Gas, imported for the purpose of generating power by,-

(a) Ratnagiri Gas and Power Private Limited at their power project at Dabhol, District Ratnagiri, ( Maharashtra ); and

(b) any other Liquefied Natural Gas Mega Power Project which,-

(i) is established with an installed power generation capacity of 2000 MW or more, with integrated Liquefied Natural Gas re-gasification facility;

(ii) became defunct and is subsequently restructured and revived through a Special Purpose Vehicle in the nature of a project company owned by the Public Sector Undertakings as per a restructuring and revival proposal approved by the Central Government; and

(iii) supplies the power generated in such project to any State Electricity Board under a Power Purchase Agreement.]

Old [Liquefied Natural Gas imported by Ratnagiri Gas and Power Private Limited for the purpose of generating power at their power project at Dabhol ]




37Omitted[ 31[77B

2801 to 2805

All goods



-] ]


3[OMITTED 2714.90

All goods, for the purpose of power generation



- ]

37Omitted [79

28 or 29

Chemicals, for use in the manufacture of Centchroman



- ]

1 [80.

28, 29 or 30

The following goods, namely: -

(A) Drugs, medicines, diagnostic kits or equipment specified in List 3

(B) Bulk drugs used in the manufacture of drugs or medicines at (A) above








28, 29 or 30

The following goods, namely:-

(A) Drugs or medicines specified in List 3;

(B) Bulk drugs used in the manufacture of the drugs or medicines at (A) above





old[- Nil ]




[Omitted vide Notification No.11/2005-Cus dt 1-3-2005]




28, 29, 30 or 38

The following goods, namely:-
(A) Life saving drugs / medicines including their salts and esters and diagnostic test kits specified in List 4




(B) Bulk drugs used in the manufacture of life saving drugs or medicines at (A) above




(C) Other life saving drugs or medicines





28, 29, 32, 39, 54, 56, 70, 72 or 90

The following goods, namely:-

(A) Goods specified in List 5, for the manufacture of telecommunication grade optical fibres or optical fibre cables;




(B) Fibre reinforced plastic rods (FRP), for the manufacture of telecommunication grade optical fibres or optical fibre cables;




(C) Goods specified in List 6 for manufacture of telecommunication grade FRP





28, 29, 84, 85 or 90

The goods specified in List 7, for the manufacture of laser and laser based instrumentation





28 or 38

The following goods, namely:-

(A) Silicon in all forms, that is, polycrystalline silicon or ingots, for the manufacture of undiffused silicon wafers;

(B) Undiffused silicon wafers, for the manufacture of solar cells or solar cell modules;





[Omitted vide Notification No.11/2005-Cus dt 1-3-2005]



The following goods, namely:-
(i) Radium and its salts;
(ii) Radioactive isotopes of iodine, phosphorus, cobalt, caesium and all chemical compounds containing such radioactive isotopes;
(iii) Molybdenum 99 and technetium 99 m isotopes;
(iv) Enriched uranium or uranium oxide






Phosphoric acid, for the manufacture of fertilisers






Anhydrous ammonia, for the manufacture of goods falling under Chapter 31, for use as fertilisers







[Omitted vide Notification No.11/2005-Cus dt 1-3-2005]

[Omitted vide Notification No.66/2004-Cus dt 9-7-2004]

[Omitted vide Notification No.7/2004-Cus dt 8-1-2004]



Zirconium oxide or Yttrium oxide, for the manufacture of raw cubic zirconia


-old[- Nil ]



 2801 20 00 old[ 2801.20]

Iodine for manufacture of Potassium Iodate



5 ]



Disodium Carbonate (Soda ash)



- ]


29 or any Chapter

Raw materials, intermediates and consumables supplied by the UNICEF for the manufacture of DTP vaccines





[Omitted vide Notification No.11/2005-Cus dt 1-3-2005]


29, 30, 35, 38 or 39

The following goods, for the manufacture of Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay Kits (ELISA Kits), namely :-

(i) Plastic ELISA plates;
(ii) Deactivated positive control sera against human and animal diseases;
(iii) Enzyme horse raddish peroxidase;
(iv) Enzyme Alkaline phosphatase;
(v) Enzyme glucose oxidase;
(vi) Animal anti-human immunoglobins;
(vii) Protein A or Protein A Gold Conjugates;
(viii) Polystyrene latex beads;
(ix) Deactivated enzyme labelled human anti-HIV reagent

64[(x) Enzyme conjugates of antibodies or antigens or Protein A;


(xi) Natural or synthetic or recombinant antigens relating to human and animal diseases;


(xii) Antibodies (monoclonal or polyclonal) relating to human and animal diseases;


(xiii) Stabilizers for the Enzyme conjugate]





29 or 38

Gibberellic acid


-old[- Nil ]



[Omitted vide Notification No.7/2004-Cus dt 8-1-2004]



Monoethylene Glycol (MEG), Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA), Dimethyl Terephthalate (DMT), Caprolactum



- ]



DL-2 Aminobutanol, Diethyl Malonate, Triethyl Orthoformate, Aceto Butyrolactone, Thymidine, Artemisinin





[Omitted vide Notification No.7/2004-Cus dt 8-1-2004]

old[ 99.


7-ACA, Pseudoionone, Methyl tertiary butyl ether



- ]

37Omitted[ 100.


Codeine Phosphate or Narcotine, imported by Government Opium and Alkaloid Factories






Maltol, for use in the manufacture of Deferiprone




37Omitted [ 101A.





- ]



29.22 or 29.30

Feed grade of-
(i) L Lysine,
(ii) L Lysine mono Hydrochloride,
(iii) DL Methionine, and
(iv) Methionine Hydroxy Analog






old[ 103.


Homoeopathic medicines






Medicaments containing spirit






Japanese Encephalitis (JE) vaccine, imported by the Andhra Pradesh Government through UNICEF






Kyanite salts, in a form indicative of their use for manurial purpose






Muriate of potash, for use as manure or for the production of complex fertilisers






Ammonium phosphate or ammonium nitro-phosphate, for use as manure or for the production of complex fertilisers






Composite fertilisers






Potassium Nitrate, in a form indicative of its use for manurial purpose





3102 10 00 old[ 3102.10]

37[Urea] Old[ Urea, for use as manure ]





3104 30 00 old[3104.30]

Potassium sulphate, containing not more than 52% by weight of potassium oxide





3105 30 00 old[3105.30]

Diammonium phosphate, for use as manure or for the production of complex fertilisers




(In S.Nos.111 to 113 column (2) has been substituted vide CUS NTF NO. 26/2003 DATE 01/03/2003)


32, 34, 38, 83 or any other Chapter

(a) Electric parts for fitting on electric lamp / table lamp / wall lamp / ceiling lamp / door lamp / window lamp / garden lamp ;

(b) Hinges, metal locks and back of photo frames, and fittings for photo frame / box ;

(c) Wax items for candle holder / votive / cup;

(d) Chemicals / lacquer required for improved finish of export product ;

(e) Motifs for attachment on export product;

(f) Severe atmospheric corrosion inhibitor (SACI) used as rust preventive concentrate for coating on ornamental painted and unpainted Cast Iron Artware ;

(g) Heat resistant paint used on cast iron items for ornamental fire place accessories;

(h) Wood polish materials ; and

(i) Poly films used for shrink wrapping and cling - wrapping of artwares

(j) Wooden biscuit (splings-joining accessory for wooder board);

(k) Decorative paper for lamp shade;

(l) Sea shell, Mother of Pearl (MOP), Cattle horn and Bone Materials;

(m) Prints for photo frames

(n) Animal hair materials for brushes;

(o) Copper adhesive tape 1/2" or less;

(p) adhesive copper foil1/8" to 1 ";

(q) Patina and patina bronze;

(r) Analog clock movement;

(s) Hardware brass and metal fittings for furniture;

(t) Handles/blades for cutlery;

(u) Glass sheet (clear or opaque or coloured glass) for use with mosaic;


136[(v) Air and electric operated screw driver with hose and couplings;


(w) Tool bits, for motorizer and screw driver;


(x) Glue applicator;


(y) Moisture measuring tools;


(z) Air operated guns and tools for inserting fasteners for brads, flexi-points, pins, staples, nails and hinges;


(za) Power operated mitre saw;]




(In Sl.No.114, column (5), has been substituted vide Cus Ntf No.89/2004 Date 10/09/2004)

(In Sl.No.114 in column (3), entry (u) has been inserted vide Cus Ntf No.131/2002 Date 28/11/2002)

(In Sl.No.114 in column (3), after entry (i), new entries has been inserted vide Cus Ntf No.48/2002 Dt.22/04/2002)

Omitted [115. 

32, 39, 40, 41, 44, 45, 54, 56, 68, 70 or 95

The following goods for use in the manufacture of sports goods, namely:-

(1) Printing inks
(2) Nylon gut
(3) PU Grip (sheets for hockey sticks)
(4) Butyl bladders for inflatable balls
(5) PU leather for inflatable balls
(6)Willow clefts, ashwood or beechwood
(7) Cork bottoms
(8) Carbon fibres
(9) Glass fibre






32, 39 or 71

The following goods, namely :-

(i) Silver powder suspension of Chapter 32 or 71;

(ii) Silicone resin and silicone rubber of Chapter 39


-old[- Nil ]

5 and 13]


32, 84 or 96

Ink Cartridges, Ribbon Assembly, Ribbon Gear Assembly, Ribbon Gear Carriage, for use in printers for computers








All goods (excluding compound alcoholic preparations of a kind used for the manufacture of beverages, of an alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 0.5 per cent. volume, determined at 20 degrees centigrade)

37[10%] Old[ 12.5% ]




35, 39, 72 or 73

The following goods for the manufacture of syringes and needles falling under heading 90.18, namely:-

(1) Adhesive epoxy grade falling under sub-heading 3506.99;

(2) Low density polyethylene falling under sub-heading. 3901.10;

(3) Polypropylene falling under sub-heading 3902.10;

(4) Stainless steel strip falling under sub-heading 7220.90;

(5) Stainless steel capillary tube falling under sub-headings 7304.90, 7306.40 or 7306.90






Hydroxyethyl starch, for use in the manufacture of Plasma Volume Expanders






Isolated soya protein


-old[- Nil ]



37 or 85

Films and video cassettes

37[10%] Old[ 12.5% ]



Omitted [124. 


Film strips and film slides for educational purposes


-old[- Nil ]




Film of a predominantly educational character

37[10%] Old[ 12.5% ]





Microfilms, of printed books (including covers for printed books), periodicals (including newspapers), music manuscripts, maps, charts, plans, drawings and designs

37[10%] Old[ 12.5% ]





Exposed and developed film sheets for printing or reproduction of printed books (including covers for printed books), periodicals (including newspapers), music manuscripts, maps, charts, plans, drawings and designs

37[10%] Old[ 12.5% ]





Exposed cinematographic films

37[10%] Old[ 12.5% ]





Colour positive unexposed cinematographic film in jumbo rolls and colour negative unexposed cinematographic film in rolls of 400 feet and 1000 feet





29[3701 20 00 or 3702]


Old[3701.20 or 3702.20]

Instant print film





(OMITTED vide CUS NTF NO. 26/2003 DATE 01/03/2003)



Cinematographic films, exposed but not developed




Old[ 132.

29[3704 or 8523]


Old[37.04 or 85.24]

(1) Cinematographic films, exposed but not developed;


(2) Recorded magnetic films used for producing TV serials













(omitted vide CUS NTF NO. 26/2003 DATE 01/03/2003)



Lumulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) Test Kit






Dipping Oil, Paclobutrazol (Cultar)

37[10%] Old[ 12.5% ]





Bio-pesticides, based on -
(i) Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki
(ii) Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis
(iii) Bacillus sphaericus
(iv) Saccharopolyspora spinosa





(omitted vide CUS NTF NO. 26/2003 DATE 01/03/2003)


29[2852 or 3822]



Pharmaceutical Reference Standard
old[ Reference Standard, imported by the Central Drug Laboratory, Kolkata]




(In S.No.138 column (3) has been substituted vide CUS NTF NO. 26/2003 DATE 01/03/2003)


3823 11 90,

3823 12 00,

3823 13 00,

3823 19 00,

or 3823 70

All goods





39, 48 or any other Chapter

61[Tags, labels, stickers, belts, buttons or hangers, imported by bonafide exporters]

old[Tags, labels, printed bags, stickers, belts, buttons or hangers, imported by bona fide exporters]





39 or 74

(i) Alatheon of Chapter 39

(ii) Copper wire of Chapter 74



5 and 18



Dextran, imported for use in the manufacture of Plasma Volume Expanders




114[142A] 39 or any Chapter Security fibre, security threads, M-feature for use in the manufacture of Security paper by Security Paper Mill, Hoshangabad  Nil  Nil 5
114[142B] 39139090 Compostable polymer or bio-plastic used in the manufacture of bio-degradable agro mulching films, nursery plantation pots and flower pots.  Nil - 5
114[142C] 39, 72 and 81

The following goods, for the manufacture of orthopedic implants falling under sub-heading 9021 10, namely:-

(i) Special Grade Stainless Steel;

(ii) Titanium Alloys;

(iii) Cobalt-Chrome Alloys;

(iv) High-Density Polyethylene.

 Nil  - 5









(In S.Nos.144 to 146 columns (2)to(6) has been omitted vide CUS NTF NO. 26/2003 DATE 01/03/2003)




4012 13 00 old[ 4012.13]

Retreaded tyres, of a kind used on aircrafts

135[2.5%] Old[3%]



(In S.No.148 column (2) has been substituted vide CUS NTF NO. 26/2003 DATE 01/03/2003)



Wet blue chrome tanned leather, crust leather, finished leather of all kinds, including splits and sides of the aforesaid





4301 or 4302

Raw, tanned or dressed fur skins





43.01 or 43.02

29[All goods (other than those falling under tariff item 4301 30 00)” shall be substituted]


Old[All goods (other than those falling under sub- headings 4301.30 and 4302.13)]




37Omitted[ 29[150A.

4103 90 00

Raw hides and skins of camels (including dromedaries)



-] ]



Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material ( excluding rayon grade wood pulp)



5 and 19



(A) All goods imported for use in, or supply to, a unit for manufacture of paper or paperboard other than newsprint;

135[2.5%] Old[5%]



(B) All goods imported for use in, or supply to, a unit for manufacture of newsprint;

135[2.5%] Old[5%]





Grape guard, namely, paper of a type generally used for the packing of grapes and which consists of two sheets of treated white paper pressed together with thin rectangular pouches containing sodium meta-bi-sulphite, with kraft paper pasted thereto or a single paper coated with sodium meta-bi-sulphite, and which is used for the purpose of preventing fungal decay and thus helps prolonged storage in fresh condition, imported for use in the packing of grapes




9 [154


Newsprint -

(i) in strips or rolls of a width not less than 34.92 cm; or

(ii) in rectangular (including square) sheets with one side not less than 34.92 cm and the other side exceeding 15 cm in the unfolded state






79[154 A


Uncoated paper of a kind used for the printing of newspapers, of which not less than 50% by weight of the total fibre content consists of wood fibres obtained by a mechanical or Chemi-mechanical process, unsized or very lightly sized, having a surface roughness Parker Print Surf (1 Mpa) on each side not exceeding 2.5 micro metres (microns) weighing not less than 40 m 2 and not more than 65 gms/m 2













Mould vat made watermarked bank note paper, imported by the Bank Note Press, Dewas, the Currency Note Press, Nasik, the India Security Press, Nasik, the Security Printing Press, Hyderabad, the Bhartiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Limited, Mysore, or the Bhartiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Limited, Salbony






Light weight coated paper weighing upto 70 g/m 2 , imported by actual users for printing of magazines






29[49 or 8523]


Old[49 or 85.24]

The following goods, namely:-
(i) Information Technology software, and
(ii) Document of title conveying the right to use Information Technology software.

Explanation.- “Information Technology software” means any representation of instructions, data, sound or image, including source code and object code, recorded in a machine readable form, and capable of being manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, by means of an automatic data processing machine.






Commonwealth and International Reply Coupons and UNESCO Coupons






Greeting cards, diaries and calendars, and corresponding number of envelopes for such greeting cards, diaries and calendars, imported by UNICEF





135[4901 10 10, 4901 91 00 or 4901 99 00] Old[49]

Printed books (including covers for printed books) and printed manuals, in bound form or in loose-leaf form with binder, executed on paper or any other material including transparencies






Cheque forms (including blank travellers cheques)






All goods






Printed Indian Bank Notes, imported by the Reserve Bank of India






Plans, drawings and designs






Raw Silk (not thrown)




Old125[164A] 5002 Raw silk  of grade 3A and above Nil - 5C



Raw wool, imported by a registered Apex Handloom Cooperative Society, a State Handloom Development Corporation, the Khadi and Village Industries Commission, a State Khadi and Village Industries Board or a registered Apex State Level Khadi Federation






All goods




84[166A.] 5201 All goods Nil - -


52 or any Chapter

135[(a) Fasteners including buttons and snap fasteners, zip fasteners including zippers in roll, sliders/ pullers and end stoppers;]

Old[(a) Fasteners;]
(b) Inlay cards;
(c) Shoulder pads;
(d) Buckles;
(e) Eyelets
(f) Hooks and eyes
(g) Rivets
(h) Collar stays, collar patties, butterfly and other garment stays including plastic stays
(i) Fusible embroidery motifs or prints
(j) Laces
(k) Badges including embroidered badges
(l) Embroidery threads
(m) Sewing thread
(n) Stones (other than precious and semi precious)
(o) Sequin
(p) Tape, Elastic tape and hook tape of width not exceeding 75 mm
(q) Velcro tape
(r) Cord and cord Stopper
(s) Toggles
(t) Polywadding materials
(u) Stud;
(v) Elastic cloth and Elastic band;
(w) Quilted wadding materials;
(x) Beads for embroidery
(y) sample fabric of total length upto 500 metre imported during one financial year;

62[(z) printed bags;]

99[(za) Knitted ribs;]

136[(zb) anti-theft devices like labels, tags and sensors;]





Any Chapter

135[(a) Buckles, "D" Rings and "O" Rings, eyelets, hooks and eyes, rivets, studs, decorative fittings and metal trimmings;]

Old[(a) Buckles, 'D' rings, eyes, rivets and studs;]


135[(b) Buttons and snap fasteners, zip fasteners including zippers in roll, sliders and end stoppers;]
Old[(b) Buttons and fasteners of all types;]

(c) Velcro Hook, Velcro tapes and Loop tape;

(d) Elastic Tape, adhesive tape and reinforcement tape;

(e) Stamping foil;

(f) Sewing Thread;

(g) Locks including magnetic locks;

135[(h) Metal handles, handle fittings, handle holder, Metal Frames, dog hooks, logos all types, ring binders, key hooks, key rings, key holders, push clip, chains, Pullers , parts of pullers, hinges and magnetic snaps;]

Old[ (h) Metal handles, handles fittings, dog hooks, Logos all types, Ring binders, key hooks, key rings, key holders, push clip, Chains, pullers, hinges and magnetic snaps;]

(i) Glove liners;

(j) Loop rivets and loop oval;
(k) Polishes, creams and shoe finishes in any form;
l) Lining, interlining and reinforcement materials;
(m) Insoles or mid-soles and sheets therefor;
(n) Shanks and Welts;
(o) 4[Toe] old[Top] Caps and Toe puffs and counters or Thermoplastic sheets;
(p) Synthetic or polymeric foam;
135[(q) Packaging boxes/ envelops/ pouches of all types;]

Old[(q) packaging boxes of all types;]
(r) Ribs

(s) adhesives;

135[(t) Unit soles and sheets of Polyurethane, Thermoplastic rubber, Polyvinyl Chloride, Thermoplastic Polyurethane, Phylon, Nitrile Butadiene Rubber, Styrene Butadiene Rubber for soles including Polyurethane paint, colour paste and pigments;]
Old[(t) unit soles and sheets;]

(u) heels;

(v) leather board;

(w) saddle tree;

(x) nylon mesh

99[(y) Fittings, snaps of metals or alloys;

(z) Metal fittings / embellishments, webbing of any material for making

harness and saddlery items;

(za) Stirrup of any material and stirrup bars used for making Saddle Tree;

(zb) Nylon polyester/PVE mesh and fabrics for making non-leather harness

and saddlery items;

(zc) Beading material - synthetic / leather / fabric;

(zd) Chatons / stones / beads / crystals as decorative items;

(ze) Shoe laces;

(zf) Stretch fabric for shoe uppers;

(zg) Cork sheets for soles covering soles and insoles;

(zh) Artificial fur and alarm tag;]

136["(zi) Buckle;

(zj) Plastic clear sheets;

(zk) Magnets for use in leather goods;

(zl) Inlay cards;

(zm) Synthetic material/ synthetic leather;

(zn) Reflective tapes/ Fashion tapes;

(zo) Micropak labels and Polyethylene Sheets;

(zp) Protective Steel Toe Cap and Steel Mid Sole;"]





Any Chapter

(a) Zipper, fastener and slider ;
(b) Lace ;
(c) Velcro tape ;
(d) Elastic tape, curtain tape and edgeband tape ;
(e) Curtain hook ;
(f) Button and eyelet ;
(g) Tassel ;
(h) Bead and sequin ;
(i) Insert ;
(j) Sample fabric of total length upto 500 metres imported during one financial year ;






Samples of hand knotted carpets






61[43, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59 or 60]

old[43,52,54, 55,56, 58 or 59]

Lining and inter-lining materials







Flax fibre






Raw jute





5305 11 or 5305 19 00

Coir fibre







6001.10 or 6001.92

Pile fabrics for the manufacture of toys

37[10%] Old[ 12.5% ]







Umbrella cloth panels for use in the manufacture of umbrellas





64 or any other Chapter

The following goods for use in the leather industry, namely:-
(1) Parts, consumables and other items specified in List 9 (A)


(2) Other parts, consumables and items specified in List 9 (B)























68, 82 or 84

Moulds (including chassis for the manufacture of semi-conductor devices), tools (excluding tungsten carbide micro PCB drills) and dies, for the manufacture of parts of electronic components or electronic equipments old[- for the manufacture of electronic parts ]





70 or 90

Preform of Silica for the manufacture of telecommunication grade optical fibres or optical fibre cables.








Rough opthalmic blanks, for manufacture of optical lenses

old[ 25%]







The following goods, namely:-
(i) Raw pearls, other than cultured pearls;

(ii) Rubies, emeralds and sapphires, unset and imported uncut









Rough diamonds (industrial or non-industrial)






Rough coloured gemstones






Current coins of the Government of India






Raw cultured pearls (including admixtures of pearls containing raw real pearls and cultured pearls)






Rough semi-precious stones






Cut and polished coloured gemstones







Ash and residues containing precious metal or precious metal compounds, of a kind used principally for the recovery of precious metal






Foreign currency coins when imported into India by a Scheduled Bank




156[187.] 71 Non-industrial diamonds including lab- grown diamonds (other than rough diamonds) 2% - -



Non-industrial diamonds (other than rough diamonds)


Old37[3%] Old[5% ]





Rough synthetic stones





7110.11 or 7110 19 00






7110 11 or 7110 19 00


116[135[`] Old[Rs.] 300/- per 10 grams]

Old[Rs. 200/- per 10 grams ]



114[189A] 7110 3100, 7110 39 00 Rhodium 135[2.5%] Old[2%] - -


72 or any other Chapter

The horological raw materials specified in List 10



5 and 25]



All goods other than pig iron








All goods other than seconds and defectives





7203, 7205, 7206, 7207, 7208, 7209, 7210, 7211, 7212, 7213, 7214, 7215, 7216 or 7217

All goods other than seconds and defectives




- ]


7203, 7204, 7205, 7206, 7207, 7208, 7209, 7210, 7211, 7212, 7213, 7214, 7215, 7216, 7217

All goods other than seconds and defectives


















Pig iron



Old[5% ]




7202 60 00

Ferro-nickel 2.5%



88[198] 7202 135[All goods other than Ferro-nickel falling under 7202 60 00] Old[All goods] 5% - -
82Old[198 7202 (except 7202 70 00, 7202 92 00) All goods Nil - -
89Omitted[198A] 7202 70 00 or 7202 92 00 All goods 5% - -]



All goods





7202 60 00









124[Melting scrap of iron or steel (other than stainless steel)]

Old[Melting scrap of iron or steel]









Scrap of stainless steel, for the purpose of melting

135[Nil] Old122[2.5%] Old[5%]




Thermo-mechanically treated (TMT) bars and structurals














71[All goods other than the following:-

(i) goods mentioned against S. Nos. 190A, 190B, 190C, 197, 198, 200 or 202 above; and

(ii) seconds and defectives of goods falling under Chapter 72.]


Old[All goods, other than the following:-


(i) goods mentioned against S. Nos. 190A, 190B, 197, 198, 200 or 202 above; and


(iii) seconds and defectives of goods falling under Chapter 72]

















Dies for drawing metal, when imported after repairs from abroad, in exchange of similar worn-out dies exported out of India for repairs






Zinc metal recovered by toll smelting or toll processing from zinc concentrates exported from India for such processes







84, or any other Chapter

Goods specified in List 12 required in connection with petroleum operations undertaken under petroleum exploration licenses or mining leases, as the case may be, issued or renewed after the 1st of April, 1999 and granted by the Government of India or any State Government to the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation or Oil India Limited on nomination basis





84 or any other Chapter

Parts and raw materials for manufacture of goods to be supplied in connection with the purposes of off-shore oil exploration or exploitation





84 or any other Chapter

Goods specified in List 12 required in connection with petroleum operations undertaken under specified contracts





84 or any other Chapter

Goods specified in List 12 required in connection with petroleum operations undertaken under specified contracts under the New Exploration Licensing Policy





84 or any other Chapter

Goods specified in List 13 required in connection with coal bed methane operations undertaken under specified contracts under the Coal Bed Methane Policy




37Omitted[ 219.

84 or any Chapter

Goods specified in List 14



33 ] 








84 or any other Chapter

The following goods, namely:-

(a) Vacuum tube solar collectors, concentrating solar collectors, plastic collectors or stirling engines, for manufacture of solar energy equipment;

(b) Linear actuators for tracking systems, Fresnel lenses or sun sensors, for manufacture of concentrating solar collectors

37[10%] Old[ 12.5% ]




84 or any Chapter

The following goods, namely:-

(1) Wind operated electricity generators upto 30 KW and wind operated battery chargers upto 30 KW

(2) Parts of wind operated electricity generators, for the manufacture or the maintenance of wind operated electricity generators, namely:-

(a) Special bearings,

(b) Gear box,

(c) Yaw components

(d) Wind turbine controllers,

(e) Parts of the goods specified at (a) to (h) above.

(3) Blades for rotor of wind operated electricity generators, for the manufacture or the maintenance of wind operated electricity generators

(4) Parts for the manufacture or the maintenance of blades for rotor of wind operated electricity generators

(5) Raw materials for the manufacture of blades for rotor of wind operated electricity generators






































84 or any other chapter

Permanent magnets for manufacture of PM synchronous generators above 500KW for use in wind operated electricity generators

5% - 35A]


84 or any Chapter

Goods required for,-

(A) the substitution of ozone depleting substances (ODS);

(b) the setting up of new capacity with non - ODS technology.

Explanation.- "Goods" , for the purpose of this exemption means goods which are designed exclusively for non-ODS technology





84 or any Chapter

(A) Machinery, instruments, apparatus and appliances, as well as parts (whether finished or not) or raw materials for the manufacture of aforesaid items and their parts, required for renovation or modernisation of a fertilizer plant; and

(B) spare parts, other raw materials (including semi-finished material) or consumables stores, essential for maintenance of the fertilizer plant mentioned above











84 or any other Chapter

Goods specified in List 17 required for setting up crude petroleum refinery










84 or any other Chapter

The following goods, namely:-

(1) Kits required for the conversion of motor-spirit or diesel driven vehicles into Compressed Natural Gas driven or Propane driven or Liquefied Petroleum Gas driven vehicles;

(2) Parts of the kits specified at (1) above





84 or any other Chapter

Goods specified in List 18 required for construction of roads





27 or 34 or 8705

Following material and equipment for construction of roads based on the  bio based asphalt, namely:-

(i) Bio-based asphalt sealer and preservation agent;

(ii) Millings remover and crack filler;

(iii) Asphalt remover and corrosion protectant;

(iv) Sprayer system for bio-based asphalt




37Omitted[ 231.

84 or any other Chapter

Goods specified in List 19 required for development of Ports





84 or any other Chapter

Goods specified in List 19A required for Inland Waterways





84 or any other Chapter

Goods specified in List 20 required for development of Airports



42 ]








84 or any Chapter

All goods, for renovation or modernisation of a power generation plant (other than captive power generation plant)










84 or any Chapter

All goods, imported by a manufacturer-supplier for the manufacture and supply of machinery and equipment to a power generation plant (other than captive power generation plant)










84 or any Chapter

a) Parts of catalytic convertors, for manufacture of catalytic convertors

b) The following goods for manufacture of catalytic convertors and their parts, namely:-

(a) Palladium

(b) Platinum

(c) Rhodium

(d) Raw Substrate (ceramic)

(e) Washcoated Substrate(ceramic)

(f) Raw Substrate (metal)

(g) Washcoated Substrate (metal)

(h) Noble Metal Solution
(i) Noble Metal Compounds








84, 85 or 90

Goods specified in List 22 required for basic telephone service, cellular mobile telephone service, internet service or closed users’s group 64 KBPS domestic data network via INSAT satellite system service





84, 85 or 90

Goods specified in List 23 required for radio paging service





84, 85 or 90

Goods specified in List 24 required for Public Mobile Radio Trunked Service (PMRTS)





84, 85 or any other Chapter

Parts of goods specified at S. No. 239, 240 and 241 above





84, 85 or 90

The goods specified in List 25, for the manufacture of goods falling under heading 29[heading/sub-heading/tariff item 8523 52 00, 8541, 8542, 8543 90 00 or 8548 90 00] Old[85.41 or 85.42]





84, 85 or 90

The goods specified in List 26




37Omitted[ 244A.

84, 85 or 90

Goods specified in List 26A





84, 85 or 90

The goods specified in List 27



50 ]


84, 85 or 90

The following goods, imported by an accredited press cameraman:-

(i) Photographic cameras;

(ii) cinematographic cameras;

(iii) digital cameras; and

(iv) lenses, filters, flash light apparatus and exposure meters required for use with the aforesaid cameras





84, 85 or 90

The following goods, imported by an accredited journalist:-

(i) Personal computers including lap top personal computers;

(ii) typewriters; and

(iii) fax machines





84, 85 or 90

(1) The following goods for use in pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector, imported for research and development purposes, by an importer registered with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, in the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Government of India, namely:-

(a) Goods specified in List 27A

(b) Goods specified in List 28

(2) The following goods for use in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector, imported by a manufacturer, having a research and development wing registered with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, in the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Government of India, namely:-

(a) Goods specified in List 27A

(b) Goods specified in List 28





























84,85 or 90

Goods specified in list 28A for use of the Agro-Chemical Sector Unit having export turnover of Rupees Twenty Crores and above during the preceding financial year by a manufacturer having a Research and Development wing registered with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, in the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Government of India







84 or any other chapter

The following goods for use in the textile industry, namely:-

(1) Machinery or equipment specified in List 30;

(2) Parts, for manufacture of the goods at (1) above;

Omitted[(3) Spare parts for the maintenance of goods at (1) above, falling under chapters 84, 85 or 90.








84 or any other chapter

The following goods for use in the textile industry, namely:-

(1) Machinery or equipment specified in List 31;

(2) Parts, for manufacture of the goods at (1) above;

Omitted [(3) Spare parts for the maintenance of the goods at (1) above, falling under chapters 84, 85 or 90.











84 or any other Chapter

The following goods for use in the silk textile industry, namely:-

(1) Machinery or equipment specified in List 32, required for reeling, weaving, twisting, processing and printing ;

Omitted[ (2) spare parts required for the maintenance of machinery or equipment specified at (1) above, imported by a silk mill








84 or any chapter

Machinery or equipment, specified in List 32A, for use in the plantation sector







84 or 85

Spares, supplied with outboard motors for maintenance of such outboard motors







84 or 85

Braille printer or Braille embosser or Braille display, specially designed for computer systems





29[84, 85 or 90]

Old[84 or 90]

Goods specified in List 34, designed for use in the leather industry or the footwear industry








Fogging machines imported by a Municipal Committee, District Board or other authority legally entitled to, or entrusted by the Government with, the control or management of a Municipal Fund, for use in combating malaria and other mosquito borne diseases






Spinnerettes made inter-alia of Gold, Platinum and Rhodium or any one or more of these metals, when imported in exchange of worn-out or damaged spinnerettes exported out of India

37[10%] Old[ 12.5% ]





Bushings made of Platinum and Rhodium alloy when imported in exchange of worn out or damaged bushings exported out of India

37[10%] Old[ 12.5% ]











Catalytic convertors










High speed cold-set web offset rotary double width four plate wide printing machines with a minimum speed of 70,000 copies per hour






High speed Heat-set web offset rotary printing machines with a minimum speed of 70,000 copies per hour 





84 or any



The following Mailroom equipment suitable for use with the goods specified at S.Nos. 267A and 267B,-

(1) overhead conveyor gripper;

(2) stacker;

(3) wrapper;

(4) labeller;

(5) strapper;

(6) inserters,;

(7) delivery conveyors.










CD –Writers




125[270A] 84

The following goods, to be imported by or on behalf of Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited (SPMCIL), namely:-


(i) Fully automatic sachet Packaging machinery or equipment or plant, its spares;

(ii) Plant or machinery or equipment, related spares and consumables for the manufacture of CWBN paper and other security paper;

(iii) Plant or machinery or equipment, related spares and consumables for printing of banknotes;

(iv) Photogravure printing machine with embossing or de-bossing facility;

(v) Plant or machinery or equipment, its spares and consumables for manufacture of e-passport;

(vi) Plant or machinery or equipment, its spares and consumables for inspection and processing of banknotes.

5% Nil -



37Omitted[ 272.


Cash dispensers



- ]












29[8443 99 or 8473 40 90]


Cash Dispensing Mechanism and Deposit Modules for automatic teller machines



- ]




85 or any other Chapter

Television equipment, cameras and other equipment for taking films, imported by a foreign film unit or television team





85 or any other Chapter

Photographic, filming, sound recording and radio equipment, raw films, video tapes and sound recording tapes of foreign origin, if imported into India after having been exported therefrom









85 or any other Chapter

The wireless apparatus, accessories and parts specified in List 35, imported by a licensed amateur radio operator







85 or any other Chapter

The following goods, namely:-

(1) Mono or Bi polar Membrane electrolysers and parts thereof including secondary brine purification components, jumper switches, filtering elements for hydrogen filters and any other machinery, required for, -

(i) modernization by using membrane cell technology, of an existing caustic soda unit or caustic potash unit, or

(ii) capacity expansion of an existing caustic soda unit or caustic potash unit using membrane cell technology or

(iii) setting up of a new caustic soda unit or caustic potash unit using membrane cell technology;

(2) Membrane and parts thereof for replacement of worn out membranes in an industrial plant based on membrane cell technology.





85 or any other Chapter

Goods imported for being tested in specified test centres







29[84 or 85]


(1) Newspaper page transmission and reception facsimile system or equipment;

(2) Telephoto transmission and reception system or equipment






One set of pre-recorded cassettes accompanying books for learning languages and essential complement to such books












Audio cassettes, if recorded with material from books, newspaper or magazines, for the blind






Deflection components for use in colour monitors for computers or for use in PCBs of colour monitors for computers







8501 10 12

Stepper Motors for use in the manufacture of goods falling under heading 84.71















84 or 85

29[The following goods, for use in the manufacture of static converters for automatic data processing machines and units thereof of heading/sub-heading/ tariff item 8443 31 00, 8443 32 00, 8471, 8517 62, 8528 41 00, 8528 49 00, 8528 51 00 or 8528 61 00, namely:-


(a)    Populated Printed Circuit Boards falling under sub-heading/ tariff item 8443 99 or 8473 30 or 8517 70 10 or 8529 90 90;

(b)    Transformers falling under tariff item 8504 31 00;

(c)    All goods falling under sub-heading 8504 90;

(d)    SMF Battery falling under tariff item 8507 20 00;

(e)    Enamelled copper wire falling under heading 8544]


Old[The following goods for use in the manufacture of static  converters for automatic data processing machines and units thereof of heading 8471, namely :-

(i) Populated Printed Circuit Boards falling under sub-heading 8473 30;

(ii) Transformers falling under sub-heading 8504 31;

(iii) All goods falling under sub-heading 8504 90;

(iv) SMF Battery falling under sub-heading 8507 20;

(v) Enamelled copper wire falling under heading 8544.]

























CD-ROMs containing books of an educational nature, journals, periodicals (magazines) or newspapers






Old[ 85.24]

Recorded magnetic tapes and floppy diskettes, imported by the University Grants Commission for use in computers




















Parts of Set-top Box, for use in the manufacture of Set-top Box, namely:-
(ii) RF modulator
(iii) Remote control unit

64[(iv) SMPS power board

(v) IR module]





- Old[5]










8529 90 90

Parts of Cellular Phones and Radio Trunking terminals




99[319A 8529

154[LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) TV panels of 20 inches and above] Old[LCD (Liquid crystal display) panels for manufacture of LCD TVs]

5% - 154[-] Old[5]]













































37Omitted[ 342.


Graphite electrodes (above 24 inches diameter) for use in the manufacture of goods falling under Chapter 72



5 ]



139[344.] 8703

Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars , new, which have not been registered anywhere prior to importation, if imported,-


(1) as a Completely Knocked Down (CKD)  kit containing all the necessary components, parts or sub-assemblies, for assembling a complete vehicle, with,-


(a) engine, gearbox and transmission mechanism not in a pre-assembled condition;


(b) engine or gearbox or transmission mechanism in pre-assembled form but not mounted on a chassis or a body assembly.


(2) in any other form.

























































Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (other than those of heading 87.02), including station wagons and racing cars, new, which have not been registered anywhere prior to importation,-

(1) If imported as completely knocked down (CKD) unit;

(2) if imported in any other form;


136[Explanation.- For the purposes of this exemption, " Completely Knocked Down" unit means a unit having all the necessary components, parts or sub-assemblies for assembling a complete vehicle but does not include,-


(a) a kit containing a pre-assembled engine or gearbox or transmission mechanism; or 


(b) a chassis or body assembly of a vehicle on which any of the component or sub-assembly viz. engine or gearbox or transmission mechanism is installed;]

37[10%] Old[ 12.5% ]








Golf cars

37[10%] Old[ 12.5% ]







139[345] 8711

Motor cycles (including mopeds) and cycles fitted with an auxiliary motor, with or without side cars ,and side cars, new, which have not been registered anywhere prior to importation,-(1) as a Completely Knocked Down (CKD) kit containing all the necessary components, parts or sub-assemblies, for assembling a complete vehicle, with,-


(a) engine, gearbox and  transmission mechanism not in a pre-assembled condition;

(b) engine or gearbox or transmission mechanism in pre-assembled form, not mounted on a body assembly.

(2)   in any other form.




































Motor cycles (including mopeds) and cycles fitted with an auxiliary motor, with or without side cars, and side cars, new, which have not been registered anywhere prior to importation,-

(1) If imported as completely knocked down (CKD) unit;

(2) if imported in any other form


136[Explanation.- For the purposes of this exemption, " Completely Knocked Down" unit means a unit having all the necessary components, parts or sub-assemblies for assembling a complete vehicle but does not include,-


(a) a unit containing a pre-assembled engine or gearbox or transmission mechanism; or


(b) a body assembly of a vehicle on which any of the component or sub-assembly viz. engine or gearbox or transmission mechanism is installed;]

37[10%] Old[ 12.5% ]






114[345A] Any Chapter

The following goods for use in the manufacture of goods specified against S. No.35 136[and 42A] in the Table to the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No.6/2006-Central Excise, dated 1st March, 2006 [G.S.R. 96(E), dated the 1st March, 2006], namely:-

[i] Battery Pack;

[ii] Battery Charger;

[iii] AC or DC Motor;

[iv] AC or DC Motor Controller.

Nil 4% 5



63[Gliders, or simulators of aeroplanes or simulators of helicopters]

Old[Gliders, or simulators of aeroplanes]





88 or any other Chapter  

Parts of gliders or simulators of aircrafts (excluding rubber tyres and tubes of gliders)  





8802 (except 8802 60 00)  

All goods  







135[2.5%] Old[3%]




Any Chapter

Parts (other than rubber tyres and tubes), of aircraft of heading 8802






Parts, of aircraft of heading 8802




Old[ 346.


Aeroplanes, gliders, helicopters or simulators of aeroplanes



- ]


Any Chapter

Parts (other than rubber tyres and tubes), of aircraft of heading 8802

135[2.5%] Old[3%]




8802 (except 8802 60 00)

All goods






8802 (except 8802 60 00)

All goods

135[2.5%] Old[Nil]




Any Chapter

Parts (other than rubber tyres or tubes) of aircraft of heading 8802




Old[ 37[347.


Parts, of aircraft of heading 8802

135[2.5%] Old[3%]



Old[ 347.

88 or any Chapter

Parts of aeroplanes, gliders, helicopters or simulators of aircraft (excluding rubber tyres and tubes for aeroplanes or gliders)



67 ]


88 or any Chapter

Raw materials -

(i) for manufacture or servicing of aircraft falling under heading 88.02;

(ii) for manufacture of parts of aircraft at (i) above





88 or any other Chapter

The following goods, namely:-

(i) Satellites and payloads; 

(ii) Scientific and technical instruments, apparatus, equipments (including computers and computer software), accessories, parts, components, spares, tools, mockups and modules, raw materials and consumables required for launch vehicles and for satellites and payloads

64[(iii) Ground equipment brought for testing of (i) above]




Old[ 349.

88 or any Chapter

The following goods, namely: -

(i) Satellites and pay-loads brought into India for launch by Indian launch vehicles from Indian soil into Outer Space;

(ii) Ground equipment brought for testing of (i) above






Barges or pontoons imported along with ships for the more speedy unloading of imported goods and loading of export goods





89 or any


Capital goods and spares thereof, raw materials, parts, material handling equipment and consumables, for repairs of ocean-going vessels by a ship repair unit registered with the Director General of Shipping, Government of India





89 or any Chapter

Spare parts and consumables for repairs of ocean going vessels registered in India.

Nil Nil 111



All goods (excluding vessels and other floating structures as are imported for breaking up)





37[8902, 8904 00 00, or 8905 90] Old[ 8902,

8904 00 00, 8905 10 00

or 8905.90]

All goods (excluding vessels and other floating structures as are imported for breaking up)





8905 10 00

All goods






All goods (excluding vessels and other floating structures as are imported for breaking up)





8908 00 00

All goods





Any Chapter

Raw materials and parts, for use in the manufacture of goods falling under headings 89.01, 89.02, 89.04, 89.05 (except sub-heading 8905.20) or 89.06, in accordance with the provisions of section 65 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962)





Any Chapter

Parts, for repair of dredgers








9021 or


Goods required for medical,

surgical, dental or veterinary use

Explanation - For the purposes of this exemption, the term “Goods” refers to medical instruments / appliances required for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary use only and does not refer to Parts and spares thereof.

5% - -




9021 or


Goods required for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary use 5% - -

90 or any other Chapter

(i) Parts required for the manufacture of the goods at S. No 357A. and

*(ii) accessories of the goods at S. No 357A









Any chapter

Polypropylene, Stainless Steel Strip and Stainless Steel capillary tube required for manufacture of syringes, needles, catheters and cannulae 5% 5% 5%


90 or any other Chapter

Medical and surgical instruments, apparatus and appliances including spare parts and accessories thereof







90 or any other Chapter

Parts for the manufacture of hearing aids including deaf aids





90 or any other Chapter

Equipment, parts or accessories required for initial setting up, repair or maintenance of a planetarium

37[10%] Old[ 12.5% ]




90 or any Chapter

Hospital Equipment (equipment, apparatus and appliances, including spare parts and accessories thereof, but excluding consumable items) for use in specified hospitals






90 or any other Chapter

The following goods, namely:-

(A) Medical equipment (excluding Foley Balloon Catheters) and other goods, specified in List 37;

(B) Accessories of the medical equipment at (A) above;

(C) Parts required for the manufacture, and spare parts required for the maintenance, of the medical equipment at (A) above

(D) Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis(CAPD) Fluid contained in a solution bag with or without tubing system

(E) Accessories of (D) above;

(F) Parts required for the manufacture of (D) above





























Any chapter

The following goods, namely:-


(A) Ostomy products (Appliances) for managing Colostomy, Illcostomy, Ureterostomy, Illeal Conduit Urostomy Stoma cases such as bags, belts, adhesives seals or discs or rolls, adhesive remover, bag closing clamps, karaya seals paste or powder, irrigation sets, plastic or rubber faceplates, flanges, male or female urinary incontinency sets, skin gels, in parts or sets;


(B) Accessories of the medical equipment at (A) above;


(C) Parts required for the manufacture of the medical equipment at (A) above;




































90 or any other Chapter

Blood Glucose Monitoring System (Glucometer) and test strips





90 or any other Chapter

116[Life saving medical equipment including accessories or spare parts or both of such equipment for personal use]

Old[Life saving medical equipment including accessories or spare parts or both of such equipment]








90 or any other Chapter

The following goods, namely:-

(A) Medical equipment and other goods, specified in List 38;

(B) Parts required for the manufacture, and spare parts required for the maintenance, of the medical equipment at (A) above








90 or any other Chapter

The following goods, namely:-

(A) Medical equipment and other goods, specified in List 39;

(B) Accessories of the medical equipment at (A) above;

(C) Parts required for the manufacture, and spare parts required for the maintenance, of the medical equipment at (A) above











90 or any other Chapter

Goods for Tubal Occlusion specified in List 40





90 or

any other chapter

Assistive devices, rehabilitation aids and other goods for disabled, specified in list 41.









90 or any other Chapter

Spare parts of hearing aids






















X-Ray Baggage Inspection Systems and parts thereof















91 or

9804 90 00

Braille watches and Braille one-day alarm clocks






Parts and cases, of Braille watches, for the manufacture of Braille watches







95 or any other Chapter

(i) Synthetic tracks and artificial surfaces of heading .95.06;

(ii) Equipment required for installation of (i) above





95 or any Chapter

The following goods for laying synthetic tracks and artificial surfaces of heading 95.06, namely :-

(1) Asphalt resurfacer;

(2) Acrylic resurfacer;

(3) Cushion coat;

(4) Acrylic colour concentrate;

(5) Acrylic marking paint; and

(6) Polytan in powder or granule form






Requisites for games and sports






Parts of electronic toys for the manufacture of electronic toys, namely, parts of electric trains, including tracks, signals and other accessories therefor;





9503 10 00 and 9503.90

Parts of electronic toys for the manufacture of electronic toys






Parts of electronic toys for the manufacture of electronic toys, other than those of reduced size (“scale”) model assembly kits, whether or not working models, other construction sets and constructional toys,  toys representing animals or non-human creatures, toy musical instruments and apparatus, other toys put up in sets or outfits, other toys and models incorporating a motor






Parts of video games for the manufacture of video games








Works of art created abroad by Indian artists and sculptors, imported on the return of such artists or sculptors to India





9706 00 00

Books, being antiques of an age exceeding one hundred years






Goods required for-

(i) fertiliser projects;





63Old [14%]



(ii) coal mining projects;





63Old [14%]



(iii) Omitted

(iv) power generation projects including gas turbine power projects (excluding captive power plants set up by projects engaged in activities other than in power generation);





63Old [14%]



(v) barge mounted power plants;




(vi) power transmission, sub-transmission or distribution projects;



Old37[7.5%] Old[ 10% ]



63Old [14%]



(vii) Omitted



107[Goods required for setting up of any Mega Power Project, so certified by an officer not below the rank of a Joint Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Power, that is to say-


(a) a thermal power plant of a capacity of 700MW or more, located in the States of Jammu and Kashmir, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura; or


(b) a thermal power plant of a capacity of 1000MW or more, located in States other than those specified in clause (a) above; or


(c) a hydel power plant of a capacity of 350MW or more, located in the States of Jammu and Kashmir, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura; or


(d) a hydel power plant of a capacity of 500MW or more, located in States other than those specified in clause (c) above]


Old7[Goods required for setting up of any Mega Power Project, so certified by an officer not below the rank of a Joint Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Power, that is to say 

(a) an inter-state thermal power plant of a capacity of 700MW or more, located in the States of Jammu and Kashmir, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura; or

(b) an inter-state thermal power plant of a capacity of 1000MW or more, located in States other than those specified in clause (a) above; or 

(c) an inter-state hydel power plant of a capacity of 350MW or more. located in the States of Jammu and Kashmir, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura; or

(d) an inter-state hydel power plant of a capacity of 500MW or more, located in States other than those specified in clause (c) above]


Old [Goods required for setting up of any Mega Power Project specified in List 42, if such Mega Power Project is-

(a) an inter-State thermal power plant of a capacity of 1000 MW or more; or

(b) an inter-State hydel power plant of a capacity of 500 MW or more,

as certified by an officer not below the rank of a Joint Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Power]






Goods required for the expansion of any existing Mega Power project so certified by an officer not below the rank of a Joint Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Power.

Explanation: For the purposes of this exemption, Mega Power project means a project as defined in S. No. 400 above.






Goods required for setting up of any Nuclear Power Project specified in List 43, having a capacity of 440 MW or more, as certified by an officer not below the rank of a Joint Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Atomic Energy 








Drinking Water Supply Projects for supply of water for human or animal consumption.

Explanation :- For the purposes of this exemption, Drinking Water Supply Project includes a plant for desalination, demineralization or purification of water or for carrying out any similar process or processes intended to make the water fit for human or animal consumption, but does not include a plant supplying water for industrial purposes. 












The following goods, imported by post or air, for personal use, namely: -

(A) The life saving drugs or medicines (including diagnostic test kits) specified in List 4;

(B) Other life saving drugs or medicines









All goods intended for personal use, imported by post or air and exempted from any prohibition in respect of the imports thereof under the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992 (22 of 1992) but excluding articles falling under heading 9803. 10% - -



All goods









Any Chapter

Used bona fide personal and household effects belonging to a deceased person





Any Chapter

Goods imported through postal parcels, packets and letters, the duty payable on which is not more than one hundred rupees





Any Chapter

Archaeological specimens, photographs, plaster casts or antiquities, intended for exhibition for public benefit in a museum managed by the Archaeological Survey of India or by a State Government







Any Chapter

Artificial Plasma









































0508 00

Conch shell





29[1301 90]

Old[1301 10 20]

Seed Lac





28, 29, 32, 39, 70 or 90

Following goods for manufacture of telecommunication grade impregnated glass reinforcement roving, namely,-

(i) E-glass roving/yarn;

(ii) liquid absorbent polymer;

(iii) polyurethane polymer;

(iv) vinyl polymer





2902 43 00







30 or any other Chapter

Drugs and materials






Toughened glass with low iron content and transmissivity of minimum 91% and above, for use in solar thermal collectors or heaters.






Diamonds including lab grown diamonds- semi-processed, half-cut or broken.






Semi-processed, half-cut or broken diamonds





68, 72 or 85

The following goods, namely :-

(1) Graphite Felt or graphite pack for growing silicon ingots;

(2) Thin steel wire used in wire saw for slicing of silicon wafers.





84 or any other Chapter

Goods specified in List 44 required for use in high voltage power transmission project





Any Chapter

Parts and components of the goods specified in List 44 required for use in high voltage power transmission project



5 and 91


84 or any other chapter

The following goods for use in man-made or synthetic fibre or yarn industry, namely :-

(1) Machinery or equipment specified in List 45;

(2) Parts for manufacture of the goods at (1) 5 above














84 or any other chapter     

The following goods for use in textiles industry; namely :-

(1) Machinery or equipment specified in List 46;

(2) Parts for manufacture of the goods at (1) above














Any Chapter

27[All items of equipment including machinery and rolling stock, procured by or on behalf of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. for use in-

(i)           Delhi MRTS Project Phase-I; and

(ii)          Specified corridors of Delhi MRTS Project Phase-II, comprising of the following:-

(a)          Vishwavidyalaya- Jahangirpuri;

(b)          Central Secretariat-Qutab Minar (via All India Institute of Medical Sciences);

(c)          Shahdara- Dilshad Garden

(d)          Indraprastha-New Ashok Nagar;

(e)          Yamuna Bank-Anand Vihar-Inter State Bus Terminus; and

(f)           Kirti Nagar-Mundka (along with operational Link to Shahdara- Rithala corridor)]

Old[All items of equipment including machinery and rolling stock, procured by or on behalf of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. for use in the Delhi MRTS Project .]





37Omitted[ 426 B

84 or any other chapter

The following machinery or equipment for use in textile industry, namely:-

(1)    Two-for-one/three-for-one twisters;

(2)    Vacuum autoclave and rewinding machine for bobbin to hank;

(3)    Parts for manufacture of the machinery or equipment specified at (1) or (2) above.

Omitted[ (4) Spare parts required for maintenance of machinery or equipment specified at (1) or (2) above, falling under Chapters 84 or 85















Routers, modems and fixed wireless terminals (FWT)



- ]





Loco simulators
















90 or any other Chapter

(A) The following goods for physically disabled persons, namely,-

(i) Crutches;

(ii) Wheel chair;

(iii) Walking frames;

(iv) Tricycles;

(v) Braillers;

(vi) Artificial limbs

(B) Parts of goods at (A) above

























Goods required for -

(1) Project for LNG Regassification Plant








(2) Aerial Passenger Ropeway Project






1511 90

All goods

70 [7.5%]




18 80% old[90]%]]





All goods






All goods

122[Nil] Old[5%]





All goods




37Omitted[ 438.


Nickel and articles of nickel



- ] 


85 or any other Chapter

Goods specified in List 47



47 or 48 or 49 and 93





All goods







All goods







3207 40 00

All goods

37[5%] Old[ 10% ]







Animals and birds imported by zoo.





71[1108 12 00]

Old[1108 12 00,

1108 14 00

1108 19 10 or

1109 19 90]

All goods





1903 00 00

All goods





25, 28, 38 or 39

The following goods, when imported for use in the manufacture of refractory products falling under Chapters 38, 68 or 69, namely:-


(1) Aluminous cement

(2) Silicon metal (99%)

(3) Micro/fumed silica

(4) Brown fused alumina

(5) Sintered/tabular alumina

(6) Fused zirconia

(7) Sodium hexameta phosphate

(8) Silicon carbide

(9) Boron carbide

(10) Reactive alumina

(11) Fused silica; and









(B) Phenolic Resin






Any Chapter

Common salt (including Rock Salt, Sea Salt and Table Salt)





Any Chapter

The Blood Group sera, namely:-

Anti C., anti E., anti c., anti e., anti M., anti N., anti Le., anti PI., anti S., anti human globulin sera,

anti F., anti kell, anti cellane, anti JKa., and anti I





Any Chapter

Artificial Kidney





Any Chapter

All types of contraceptives





Any Chapter

Commercial catalogues in book form





Any Chapter

Postage stamps, unused





4114 20 10

Patent leather





6902 or 6903

All goods





37Omitted[ 457

7401, 7402, 7403, 7404, 7405, 7406, 7407, 7408, 7409, 7410

All goods




- ]


7411 or 7412

All goods




37Omitted[ 458

29[7801, 7802, 7804]




All goods



- ]



Lead bars, rods, profiles and wire




37Omitted[ 459

7901, 7902, 7903, 7904,7905

All goods




- ]



Zinc tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings





8101, 8104, 8105, 8107,8108

All goods (other than those falling under tariff items 8101 99 10, 8101 99 90, 8104 90 90,

8105 90 00, 8107 90 90 and 8108 90 90)




- ]


8101 99 90

Tungsten (wolfram) bars and rods, other than those obtained simply by sintering, profiles, plates, sheets, strip and foil

5% Old[ 7.5% ]




8102, 8103, 8106, 8109, 8110, 8111,


All goods, other than articles thereof









Roundabouts, swings, shooting galleries and other fairground amusements



- ]


84 or any other Chapter

Machinery or equipment for effluent treatment plant for leather industry






Naphtha for the manufacture of Polymers specified at S.Nos. 477 to 480 below, imported by M/s Haldia Petrochemicals Limited (HPL)




65Omitted[ 464.]


Naphtha for the manufacture of polymers specified at S.Nos.477 to 480 below.





2901 21 00






2901 22 00






2901 23 00






2901 24 00






2902 20 00






2902 30 00






2902 41 00






2902 50 00


135[2.5%] Old[2%]




2902 60 00






2903 15 00

Ethylene dichloride (EDC)

135[2.5%] Old[2%]




2903 21 00

Vinyl chloride monomer (VCM)

135[2.5%] Old[2%]




2926 10 00


135[2.5%] Old[5%]





The following polymers of ethylene, namely:-

(i) Low density polyethylene (LDPE),

(ii) Linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE),

(iii) High density polyethylene (HDPE),

(iv) Linear medium density polyethylene (LMDPE),

 (v) Linear high density polyethylene (LHDPE)






All goods other than poly iso butylene






All goods






Polymers of vinyl chloride




22 [480A

3907 40 00






0806 20

All goods






All goods





2106 90

All goods





2207 10

All goods






All goods



- ]



Boron Ores

135[2.5%] Old[37[2%] Old[ 5% ]]




2709 00 00

All goods




Old[ 5%]



37Omitted[ 488.

2710, 2712 , 2713, 2715

All goods



- ]


155[2710] Old[271011]

Motor spirit commonly known as petrol









High Speed Diesel (HSD)








2818 20 10

All goods






2901, 2902, 2903 (except  2903 11 10, 2903 12 00, 2903 13 00, 2903 22 00), 2904

All goods





2905 43 00, 2905 44  00, 3301, 3501, 3502, 3503, 3504, 3505, 3809 10 00, 3823 11, 3823 12 00, 3823 13 00, 3823 19 00, 3824 60, 4001 21 00, 4001 22 00, 400129

All goods





3823 11 11

Crude Palm Stearin for use in the manufacture of laundry soap Nil - 5


4001 21, 4001 22, 400129

Goods up to an aggregate quantity of forty thousand metric tonnes of total imports of such goods in the 146[remaining part of the financial year 2011-12] Old[remaining part of the financial year 2010-11]





4001 21, 4001 22, 400129

All goods

20% or    135[`] Old[Rs.]20/-  per kg, whichever  is lower



157[491C.] 4001 10 All goods Rs. 49/-  per kg - 112


29 or 38

Alpha Pinene






All goods






37[Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA)] Old[Ethyl vinyl acetate (EVA)]




37Omitted[ 495.

7601, 7602, 7603, 7604, 7605, 7606, 7607

All goods




- ]


7608 or 7609 00 00

All goods




37Omitted[ 496.


Old[7805, 7806]

All goods





29[8001, 8002, 8003]


Old[8001, 8002, 8003, 8004, 8005 00 00]

All goods




- ]



Tin plates, sheets and strip, of a thickness exceeding 0.2 mm; tin foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper, paperboard, plastics or similar backing materials), of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0.2 mm;  tin powders and flakes






84 (except 8413 11 10, 8413 19 10, 8413 20 00, 8413 91 40, 8414 20 10,8414 20 20, 8414 51 10, 8414 51 20, 8414 51 30, 8414 59 20, 8414 90 12, 8414 90 30, 8415, 8418 10 90, 8418 21 00, 8418 29 00, 8418 30 90, 8418 69 20, 8418 69 30, 8419 11 10, 8419 19 10, 8419 81, 8419 90 10, 8421 21 20, 8422 11 00, 8422 90 20, 8423 10 00, 8423 90 10, 8433 11 90, 8433 19 90, 8450 11 00, 8450 12 00, 8450 19 00, 8450 90 10, 8451 21 00, 8451 30 10, 8452 10, 8452 30 10, 8452 90 10, 8469 00 20, 8469 00 90 and 8472 90 10)

All goods



-] ]

37Omitted[ 498.

29[8443 91 00 or 8443 99]


Old[8443 90 10]

29[Parts of printing presses]


Old[All goods]





8444, 8445, 8446, 8447, 8448, 8449, 8451, 8452 (except 8452 10,8452 30 10, 8452 90 10)

All goods



- ]


84 or any other Chapter

Raw materials, parts and components for manufacture of goods at S.No. 499 above






Atmospheric water Generator




37Omitted[ 502.

84 or any other Chapter

Reach stackers, cargo fork lifts & fork lift trucks, top lifter, rail mounted gantry cranes, rubber tyred gantry cranes, sling cranes and weighing bridges, required for use in an Inland Container Depot or Container Freight Station





85 (except 8502 11 00, 8502 20 10, 8504 3100, 8504 32 00, 8504 40 10, 8504 40 30, 8506, 8507, 8508, 8509, 8510, 8512 10 00, 8512 20 10, 8512 20 20, 8512 30 10, 8512 40 00, 8513 10 10, 8516, 8518, 8519, 8521, 8522, 8523, 8525 50 50, 8525 80,  8527, 8528, 8529 10 19, 8529 10 29, 8529 10 99, 8529 90 90, 8531, 8536 10 10, 8536 41 00, 8536 61, 8536 69, 8539, 8540 and 8548)

All goods



-] ]


8507 90

Battery separators




37Omitted[ 504.

85 or any other Chapter

Goods specified in List 48, for the manufacture of battery operated road vehicles of Chapter 87






AII Goods






Refrigerated motor vehicles for transport of goods





90 (except 9001, 9002, 9003, 9004, 9005, 9006, 9007, 9008, 9010 60

 00, 9013 10 10, 9016, 9017, 9018, 9019, 9020 00 00, 9021, 9022, 9023, 9025 11 10, 9025 19 10, 9027 10 00, 9028 30 and 9029 10 10)

All goods



-] ]

37Omitted[ 507.

9001 10 00

All goods



- ]


Any Chapter

Monofilament long line system for tuna fishing





Any chapter

The goods specified in List 50 used in the processing of sea-food.






Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) facility project of M/s Ratnagiri Gas and Power Private Limited for their power project at Dabhol

Explanation.- For the purpose of this exemption, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) facility project includes goods for any or all series of operations starting with unloading of LNG from specialized vessels, their subsequent transfer to LNG storage tanks and finishing with re-gasification of the LNG before feeding the natural gas to the Ratnagiri Gas and Power Private Limited for the purpose of generating power at their power project at Dabhol





0302 or 0303

Atlantic salmon





1516 10

All goods





1516 20

All goods





1516 20

All goods, edible grade



- ]


1517 or 1518

All goods of edible grade





1517 10 21, 1517 90 10, 1517 90 20, 1518 00 11, 1518 00 21 or 1518 00 31

All goods, edible grade



- ]


1517 or 1518

All goods other than edible grade





1520 00 00

Crude glycerin





25 (except 2515, 2516, 2523, 2524)

All goods





2601 to 2617

All goods

135[2.5%] Old[2%]



114[518A] 2616 90 10 Gold ores and concentrates for use in the manufacture of gold Nil 156[1%]

Old[135[`] Old[Rs.] 140 per 10 gm of gold content]

156[518C] 71 Silver dore bar having silver content not exceeding 95% Nil 3% 5 and 109
156[518B] 71 Gold dore bar, having gold content not exceeding 95%. Nil 1% 5 and 109
Old136[518B] 7108 Gold dore bar having gold content not exceeding 80% Nil Rs 140  per 10 gm of gold content 5 and 109


2711 12 00, 2711 13 00,            2711 21 00

All goods






Petroleum coke




37Omitted[ 521]

2804 61 00,

2804 69 00

Metallurgical grade Silicon



- ]



Borax or Boric Acid

37[5%] Old[ 10% ]



37Omitted[ 523]

2903 22 00






2903 11 10,

2903 12 00 or

2903 13 00






2905 11 00






2905 31

Mono ethylene glycol (MEG)



- ]

22 [526A.

2907 23 00

Bis-phenol A




22 [526B.

2910 30 00


135[2.5%] Old[2%]



37Omitted[ 527]

2915 32 00

Vinyl Acetate





2917 36

Pure terephthalic acid (PTA)





2917 37

Dimethyl terephthalate (DMT)






2-Vinyl Pyridine





2933 71 00






3104 20 00

Potassium chloride



- ]


4002 31 00

All goods

37[5%] Old[ 10% ]




5401, 5402, 5403, 5404, 5405 00 00 or 5406 

All goods, other than those of nylon





5402, 5403, 5404, 5405 00 00 or 5406

All goods of nylon 7.5% - -


5401, 5402,

5404 or 5406

00 10

Polyester filament yarn




Old[ 534.

5401 to 5406

All goods



- ]



All goods





5501 to 5510

All goods, other than those of nylon 





5501 to 5510

All goods, of nylon

7.5% - -


5501 20 00,

5503 20 00 or

5506 20 00

All goods




Old[ 535.

5501 to 5511

All goods





7001 00 10

All goods





8422 30 00, 8422 40 00 or 8422 90 90

All goods






Integrated decoder receiver, also known as set top box







MP3 or MP4 or MPEG 4 player with or without radio or video reception facility





29[8519 89 40, 8519 89 90 or 8521 90 90]

Old[8519 99 40, 8520 90 90 or 8521 90 90]

MP3 Player or MPEG4 Player






Parts of writing instruments






Carbon Black Feed Stock

135[2.5%] Old[32[5%]]




37Omitted[ 542


Polyester chips



- ]



Coronary stents and coronary stent systems for use with cardiac catheters






Endovascular stents

Nil - -



Subbed polyester base, imported by M/s Hindustan Photo Films manufacturing Company Limited, Udhagamandalam for the manufacture of medical or industrial X-ray films and graphic art films.






All items of equipment for National Automotive Testing and Research and Development Infrastructure Project (NATRIP)





8436 21 00

All goods





0508 00 10

All goods







1301 90 22

All goods





1520 00 00

All goods






Dextrose Monohydrate





2309 10 00

All goods





28 (except 2823 00 10)

All goods






Vanadium pentaoxide or vanadium sludge 2.5% - -


29 (except 2905 43 00, 2905 44 00 and 2933 71 00)

All goods





2905 31 00

Mono ethylene glycol (MEG)





2917 36 00

Pure terephthalic acid (PTA)





2917 37 00

Dimethyl terephthalate (DMT)





29291090 Diphenylmethane 4,4-diisocyanate (MDI) for use in the manufacture of spandex yarn 5% - 5


2933 7100 Caprolactam 7.5% - -



All goods





3201, 3202, 3203, 3204,  

3205 00 00, 3206  (except 3206 11 and 3206 19 00) or 3207  

All goods





3207 10 40 3403

Ceramic colours






All goods





3801, 3802,

3803 00 00,

3804, 3805,

3806, 3807,

3809 (except

3809 10 00),

3810, 3812,

3816 00 00,

3817, 3821 00

00 or 3824

(except 3824


All goods





3901 to 3915

(except 3908)

All goods






Polyester chips





390690 Sodium Polyacrylate 5% - -


3907 2010 Polytetrametylene ether glycol,(PT MEG) for use in the manufacture of spandex yarn 5% - 5


3908 Nylon Chips 7.5% - -


Any Chapter

Parts of umbrella, including umbrella panels






Rough synthetic gemstones







Sprinklers and drip irrigation systems for agricultural and horticultural purposes






All goods





8479 30 00

All goods





9108, 9110 or

9114 30 10


Watch dials and watch movements




75Omitted, 49[566.

2710 19 90







All goods

135[2.5%] Old[2%]





Refrigerated motor vehicles





84 or any other Chapter

Machinery or equipment for effluent treatment plant for handloom sector.





84 or any other Chapter

Machinery or equipment.' for effluent treatment plant for handicraft sector.





155[0303] Old[0303 79]

Tuna bait





2309 90

Feed additives or pre-mixes





2716 00 00

Electrical energy removed from a Special Economic Zone into Domestic Tariff Area or non processing areas of Special Economic Zone—

(a) if removed from power projects of 1000 MW and above,-

 (i) using imported coal as fuel;

(ii) using domestic coal as fuel;

(iii) using domestic gas as fuel;

(b) if removed from power projects of less than 1000 MW,-

(i) using imported coal as fuel;

(ii) using domestic coal as fuel;

(iii) using domestic gas as fuel;






135[`] Old[Rs.] 100 per 1000 kwh


135[`] Old[Rs.] 110 per 1000 kwh




135[`] Old[Rs.] 40 per 1000 kwh


135[`] Old[Rs.] 60 per 1000 kwh




2716 00 00

Electrical energy       removed from a Special Economic Zone into Domestic Tariff Area or non-processing areas of Special Economic Zone




573A ] 2716 00 00 All goods, other       than goods mentioned at S. No. 573 Nil
Date of Effect of Amendment 26th June 2009


2716 00 00

All goods





2809 20 10

All goods





4002 39 00

Chlorobutyl rubber or bromobutyl rubber





5902 20

Polyester tyre cord fabric






Rough Cubic Zirconia






Polished Cubic Zirconia






Aluminium scrap





7901 or 7902

All goods






The following goods, namely:-

(i) Cricket bat and hockey stick splice joining machine

(ii) Rugby ball or soccer ball stitching machine

(iii) Moulds for soccer ball, basket ball and volley ball






116[Bacteria removing clarifier]







Air Rifles or Air Pistols of 0.177 calibre




83[582A. 93 Air pellets of air rifles or air pistols, of 0.177 calibre Nil Nil -]



The following goods, namely:-

(i) Nylon gut

(ii) PU or nylon grip sheets for hockey sticks

(iii) Butyl bladders for inflatable balls

(iv) Willow clefts, ashwood or beechwood

(v) Cork bottoms

99[(vi) Synthetic rubber bladder

(vii) 116[Manau cane] Old[Macau cane]

(viii) Table tennis rubber

(ix) Table tennis bat handles

(x) Table tennis blade]

135[(xi) PU Leather Cloth/PU Laminated with cotton for Inflatable Balls;]

Old[114[(xi) P for inflatable balls;]

(xii) Extra tec (cricket bat facing tape);

(xiii) Resin hardener TTP-33S and release paper for composite hockey sticks;

(xiv) Table tennis glue;

(xv) Evazote foam for protective equipments e.g. leg guards, thigh guards;

(xvi) plywood for carrom board]




584 2510 Rock phosphate 135[2.5%] Old[2%] - -
136[584A] 2520 10 Gypsum 2.5% - -
585 29 or 38

Alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids obtained from vegetable oils, commonly known as bio-diesels

147[10%] Old[2.5%] - -
586 5103 All goods 10% - -
587 5202 All goods 135[Nil] Old[10%] - -
588 8907 10 00 All goods Nil - -

90 or any


Artificial Heart (left ventricular assist device)

5% - -

90 or any


Patent ductus arteriosus/Atrial septal defect occlusion device

5% - -
591 9506

(i) Snow-skis and other snow-ski equipment

(ii) Water-skis, surfboards, sailboards and other water-sport equipment

Nil - -
114[592 2710 Naphtha 5% - -
593 2711 11 00 Liquefied Natural Gas 5% - -
594 2711 12 00, 2711 13 00, 2711 21 00 All goods 5% - -
595 2711 19 00 Liquefied Petroleum Gases(LPG) 5% - -
596 2713 Petroleum coke 135[2.5%] Old[5%] - -
597 84 Geothermal   ground   source   heat pumps Nil - -
122[598 84 or any other Chapter

The following goods, namely:-


(A) Tunnel boring machines


(B)   Parts and components of (A) above for use in the assembly of Tunnel boring machines
















Old[598 84 Tunnel boring machines used for hydro-electric projects Nil Nil 107]
599 84 or any other Chapter

(i) Paddy transplanter;

(ii) Laser land leveller;

(iii) Reaper-cum-binder;

(iv) Sugarcane harvester;

(v) Straw or fodder balers;

(vi) Cotton picker; and

(vii) Track used for manufacture

of track type combine


135[2.5%] Old[5%] - -
136[599A] Any Chapter Parts and components required for manufacture of goods specified at S.No. 599 2.5% - -
600 84 or 85 Truck refrigeration unit Nil - -
601 8540 71 00 Magnetron of up to 1000KW used for the manufacture of domestic microwave ovens 5% - 5
602 9801 Goods required for installation of mechanized food grain  handling systems and pallet racking systems in ‘mandis’ and warehouses for food grains and sugar 5% Nil -
603] Any chapter Promotional material (like Trailers,   Making of Film etc.) imported in the form of Electronic Promotion Kits (EPK)/ Beta Cams Nil Nil 108
123[604 84 or any other chapter

The following goods required for manufacture of Optical disk drives( ODD), namely:-


(i) Pick up assembly

(ii) Digital signature procession integrated circuit

(iii) DC motor

(iv) LDO voltage regulator

Nil - 5]
136[605 4011 30 00 All goods 2.5% - -
606 4702 Rayon Grade Wood Pulp 2.5% - -
607 8424 Micro Irrigation equipment 5% - -
608 8472 90 Cash dispenser or automatic bank note dispenser Nil - -
609 8473 40 Parts and components of the goods mentioned at S. No. 608 Nil - 5

84 or any other chapter

Following goods for making of gem and jewelry

(1) Automatic Chain Making machine,

(2) chain twisting machine,

(3) Spiral making machine,

(4) Rolling machine (combined Profile Groovers/Strip Making)

(5) and Automatic Investing Machine/casting Machine.

5% -

8803 10 00

8803 20 00

8803 30 00

All goods 2.5% - -
612 9405 50 40 Solar lanterns or solar lamps 5% - -
613] Any chapter Batteries for goods as specified against S. No.35 in the Table to the notification of the government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) ,No.6/2006-Central Excise, dated 1st March ,2006[G.S.R.96(E), dated the 1st March 2006] Nil 5% 5 and 110
138[614] 8443 99 Parts for manufacture of printers falling under heading 8443 32 NIL 5% 5




Condition No.



The rate of duty specified in column (4) shall apply to such quantity of imports for which an importer holds a Tariff Rate Quota Allocation Certificate issued by the EXIM Facilitation Committee in the Directorate General Of Foreign Trade in accordance with the procedure as may be specified by the EXIM Facilitation Committee in the Directorate General Of Foreign Trade from time to time through a Public Notice.


If the importer gives a declaration that such material is for the purposes of sowing or planting only.

Omitted[ 3.


(a) import is made under a licence issued under Section J of Part – II of Chapter 15 of the Export and Import Policy 1st April 1997 – 31st March, 2002;

(b) the importer at the time of clearance, furnishes a certificate, from an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Tourism to the effect that the goods imported are essential goods related to hotel and tourism industry and that the hotel or restaurant importing such goods is approved by that Ministry.]


If the importer, is registered with the Directorate of Vanaspati, Vegetable Oils and Fats in the Department of Food and Public Distribution in the Government of India.


If the importer follows the procedure set out in the Customs (Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty for Manufacture of Excisable Goods) Rules, 1996.


(a) If imported by a sugar factory or a sugar refinery.


Explanation.- For the purpose of this notification -

(i)      “sugar factory” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in Section 2(c) of the Sugarcane (Control) Order, 1966;

(ii)    “sugar refinery” means a unit which is engaged in the manufacture of refined sugar starting from the stage of raw sugar”.


(b) If imported by any person other than at (a) above:


  1. the importer shall produce to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, a valid contract or agreement with a sugar factoryor sugar refinery for refining of such raw sugar and shall furnish a bond to the effect that the said raw sugar shall be used for the said purpose;

  2. The bond shall be discharged by the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, on production of a certificate from the Central Excise authorities having jurisdiction over such sugar factory within a period of three months from the date of import of such raw sugar that the entire quantity of imported raw sugar has been refined and

  3. in the event of his failure to comply with the above conditions, the importer shall be liable to pay, in respect of such quantity of the raw sugar as is not proven to have been refined, an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on such quantity but for the exemption contained herein.


If imported by a sugar factory or a sugar refinery.

Explanation.- For the purpose of this notification -

“sugar factory” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in Section 2(c) of the Sugarcane (Control) Order, 1966;

“sugar refinery” means a unit which is engaged in the manufacture of refined sugar starting from the stage of raw sugar.

126[5C] 5B If the importer produces before the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, a proof to show that the contract for import of such sugar is duly registered with Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA).
Old101[5B] 5B If the importer produces before the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, a proof to show that the contract for import of such sugar is duly registered with Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA).

If imported by-

State Trading Corporation of India Ltd (STC) upto an aggregate quantity of 2.50 lac metric tonnes;

MMTC Limited (MMTC) upto an aggregate quantity of 2.50 lac metric tonnes;

Projects & Equipment Corporation of India Ltd (PEC) upto an aggregate quantity of 2.50 lac metric tonnes; or

National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd (NAFED) upto an aggregate quantity of 2.50 lac metric tonnes, with in the period ending on the 1st August, 2009.”


(a) If imported by a sugar factory or a sugar refinery.


Explanation.- For the purpose of this notification -

(i)  “sugar factory” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in Section 2(c) of the Sugarcane (Control) Order, 1966;

(ii) “sugar refinery” means a unit which is engaged in the manufacture of refined sugar starting from the stage of raw sugar”.

(b) If imported by any person other than at (a) above:

  1. the importer shall produce to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, a valid contract or agreement with a sugar factory or sugar refinery for refining of such raw sugar and shall furnish a bond to the effect that the said raw sugar shall be used for the said purpose;

  2. the bond shall be discharged by the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, on production of a certificate from the Central Excise authorities having jurisdiction over such sugar factory within a period of three months from the date of import of such raw sugar that the entire quantity of imported raw sugar has been refined and

  3. in the event of his failure to comply with the above conditions, the importer shall be liable to pay, in respect of such quantity of the raw sugar as is not proven to have been refined, an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on such quantity but for the exemption contained herein.]

126[5D.]  If imported by National Handloom Development Corporation up to an aggregate quantity not exceeding 2500 metric tonnes in a financial year under cover of a certificate from an officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Textiles.
Old125[5C.]  If imported by National Handloom Development Corporation up to an aggregate quantity not exceeding 2500 metric tonnes in a financial year under cover of a certificate from an officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Textiles.


If the importer, at the time of import, produces a certificate from a Chartered Accountant to the effect that the importer is a bulk consumer.

Explanation,- For the purpose of this notification,-

(i)  bulk consumer is a person, establishment or industrial unit using or  consuming more than ten quintals of sugar per month as a raw material for production or consumption or use in any manner other than sale.

(ii) the said certificate shall be  issued by the Chartered Accountant after taking into account monthly use or consumption of sugar by such person, establishment or unit in the last twelve months; and

(iii) “Chartered Accountant” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 2 of the Chartered Accountant Act, 1949.]


If the importer produces before the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, a proof to show that the contract for import of such sugar is duly registered with Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA).

If the importer, at the time of import, produces a certificate from a Chartered Accountant to the effect that the importer is a bulk consumer.


Explanation,- For the purpose of this notification,-

(i)  bulk consumer is a person, establishment or industrial unit using or  consuming more than ten quintals of sugar per month as a raw material for production or consumption or use in any manner other than sale.

(ii) the said certificate shall be  issued by the Chartered Accountant after taking into account monthly use or consumption of sugar by such person, establishment or unit in the last twelve months; and

(iii) “Chartered Accountant” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in clause


(b) of sub-section (1) of section 2 of the Chartered Accountant Act, 1949.]


(a) If imported by a sugar factory or a sugar refinery. 

Explanation.- For the purpose of this notification- 

(i)  “sugar factory” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in Section 2(c) of the Sugarcane (Control) Order, 1966;

(ii)  “sugar refinery” means a unit which is engaged in the manufacture of refined sugar starting from the stage of raw sugar”.

(b) If imported by any person other than at (a) above:

(i) the importer shall produce to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, a valid contract or agreement with a sugar factory or sugar refinery for refining of such raw sugar and shall furnish a bond to the effect that the said raw sugar shall be used for the said purpose;

(ii)    the bond shall be discharged by the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, on production of a certificate from the Central Excise authorities having jurisdiction over such sugar factory within a period of three months from the date of import of such raw sugar that the entire quantity of imported raw sugar has been refined and

(iii)   in the event of his failure to comply with the above conditions, the importer shall be liable to pay, in respect of such quantity of the raw sugar as is not proven to have been refined, an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on such quantity but for the exemption contained herein.”;

5H If the importer produces before the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, a proof to show that the contract for import of such sugar is duly registered with Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA)”.

If the importer, at the time of import, produces a certificate from a Chartered Accountant to the effect that the importer is a bulk consumer.

Explanation,- For the purpose of this notification,-

(i)  bulk consumer is a person, establishment or industrial unit using or  consuming more than ten quintals of sugar per month as a raw material for production or consumption or use in any manner other than sale.

(ii) the said certificate shall be  issued by the Chartered Accountant after taking into account monthly use or consumption of sugar by such person, establishment or unit in the last twelve months; and

(iii) “Chartered Accountant” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 2 of the Chartered Accountant Act, 1949.


(a) If imported by a sugar factory or a sugar refinery.

Explanation.- For the purpose of this notification -

(i) “sugar factory” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in Section 2(c) of the Sugarcane (Control) Order, 1966;

(ii) “sugar refinery” means a unit which is engaged in the manufacture of refined sugar starting from the stage of raw sugar”.

(b) If imported by any person other than at (a) above:

(i) the importer shall produce to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, a valid contract or agreement with a sugar factory or sugar refinery for refining of such raw sugar and shall furnish a bond to the effect that the said raw sugar shall be used for the said purpose;

(ii) the bond shall be discharged by the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, on production of a certificate from the Central Excise authorities having jurisdiction over such sugar factory within a period of three months from the date of import of such raw sugar that the entire quantity of imported raw sugar has been refined and

(iii) in the event of his failure to comply with the above conditions, the importer shall be liable to pay, in respect of such quantity of the raw sugar as is not proven to have been refined, an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on such quantity but for the exemption contained herein.

5K If the importer produces before the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, a proof to show that the contract for import of such sugar is duly registered with Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA).

If the importer, at the time of import, produces a certificate from a Chartered Accountant to the effect that the importer is a bulk consumer.

Explanation,- For the purpose of this notification,-

(i)  bulk consumer is a person, establishment or industrial unit using or  consuming more than ten quintals of sugar per month as a raw material for production or consumption or use in any manner other than sale.

(ii) the said certificate shall be  issued by the Chartered Accountant after taking into account monthly use or consumption of sugar by such person, establishment or unit in the last twelve months; and

(iii) “Chartered Accountant” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 2 of the Chartered Accountant Act, 1949.


If the importer furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, that the wine shall be used as sacramental wine.

37Omitted[ 7.

If , at the time and place of importation, the importer produces to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, a certificate to the effect that the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminal which is to supply LNG to the power project for which the import is being made, has not been commissioned.]



(a) the goods are imported by an individual for personal use;

(b) it is certified in the Form below, by the Director General or Deputy Director General or Assistant Director General, Health Services, New Delhi, Director of Health Services of the State Government or the District Medical Officer/ Civil Surgeon of the district, in each individual case, that the goods are life saving drugs or medicines; and

(c) the importer produces the said certificate to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, at the time of clearance, or gives an undertaking as acceptable to the Deputy Commissioner or the Assistant Commissioner to furnish the said certificate within such period as may be specified by the Deputy Commissioner or the Assistant Commissioner, failing which to pay duty leviable thereon.


Certificate No....………. of …...…….. (year)

Certified that the drug / medicine………………….(name of the drug / medicine) being imported by ………………................... is a life saving drug / medicine and exemption from the payment of customs duty is recommended.

Signature with date of Director General /

Deputy Director General /

Assistant Director General,

Health Services, New Delhi or

Director of Health Services or

District Medical Officer/ Civil Surgeon.


If the importer at the time of import-

(1) furnishes a certificate from an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, to the effect that the imported goods (in respect of description, quantity and technical specifications) are required for the manufacture of laser and laser based instrumentation; and

(2) furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, to the effect that the imported goods shall be used for the above purpose and he shall pay, on demand, in the event of his failure to use the imported goods for the above purpose, an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on such quantity of the imported goods but for the exemption under this notification and that already paid at the time of importation.



(a) the importer produces a certificate from a duly authorised officer of the UNICEF to the effect that the said raw materials, intermediates and consumables are required for the manufacture of DTP vaccines; and

(b) the importer, at the time of clearance, furnishes an undertaking, in each case, to the effect that the said raw materials, intermediates and consumables shall be used only for the manufacture of DTP vaccines.


If the importer furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, to the effect that-

(a) the parts or, as the case may be, the spare parts shall be used for the manufacture or maintenance, as the case may be, of the specified medical equipment;


(b) he shall, within three months or such extended period that the said Deputy Commissioner or the Assistant Commissioner may allow, produce-

(i) in the case of parts, a certificate from the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise or the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise, as the case may be, having jurisdiction over the factory manufacturing the specified medical equipment, to the effect that the parts have been used in the manufacture of the specified medical equipment; or

(ii) in the case of spare parts, necessary evidence to the satisfaction of the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, to the effect that the spare parts have been used for the maintenance of the specified medical equipment; and


(c) he shall pay, on demand, in the event of his failure to comply with the above conditions, an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on such quantity of the parts or, as the case may be, spare parts, but for the exemption under this notification and that already paid at the time of importation.




(a) the goods are imported,-

(i) by a manufacturer of handicrafts;

(ii) by a merchant exporter tied up with supporting manufacturer of handicrafts;  or

(iii) on  behalf of the said manufacturer or merchant exporter by the Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts,


for use in the manufacture of handicrafts for export by the said manufacturers or as the case may be, the  merchant exporter and the said manufacturers or as the case may be, merchant exporter is registered with the Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts;


(b) the value of the goods imported does not exceed 5 per cent of the FOB value of handicrafts exported during the preceding financial year; and


(c) the importer produces a certificate from the Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts certifying the value of exports made during the financial year mentioned in clause (b) above and also the description, value and quantity of the item(s) already imported under this notification during the current financial year


If, imported for the manufacture of solar cells or solar cell modules.


If certified by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting that the films and video cassettes are intended for archival study, or record and reference purposes.


If, the Central Board of Film Censors or, an officer not below the rank of a Director, All India Radio or Doordarshan, as the case may be, certifies that the said film is predominantly educational in character.


If certified by the Ministry of Defence that the film is predominantly educational in character and is meant for training of defence personnel.


If the importer produces a certificate of the Reference Standard and copies of documents to subtantiate that the organization or institution from where the Reference Standard has been imported is approved by the World Health Organisation or International Organisation for Standards.


If, imported for the manufacture of Copper - T contraceptives.



(a) the pulp of wood is imported for the manufacture of newsprint, that is to say, paper intended for the printing of newspapers, books and periodicals; and

(b) the newsprint manufactured in terms of (a) above is supplied to a newspaper.

Explanation.- For the purpose of this condition, "newspaper" means a newspaper registered by the Registrar of Newspapers for India under the provisions of the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867 (25 of 1867).



(a) the importer furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, that such imported goods will be used for the purpose specified and in the event of his failure to comply with this condition, he shall be liable to pay, in respect of such quantity of the said goods as is not proved to have been so used, an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on such quantity but for the exemption under this notification and that already paid at the time of importation; and

(b) the importer produces to the said Deputy Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner, as the case may be, within six months or such extended period, as that Deputy Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner may allow, a certificate issued by the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise or the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise, as the case may be, in whose jurisdiction the said goods have been used in such unit, that the said goods have been so used.


If the importer, at the time of import,-

Is an establishment registered with the Registrar of Newspapers, India (RNI).]


If, -

135[(a) the goods are imported 


(i) by a manufacturer of textile garments or leather garments; or of 

(ii) by a merchant exporter tied up with supporting manufacturer textile garments or leather garments, for use in the manufacture of textile garments or leather garments for export by that manufacturer directly or through a merchant exporter, as the case may be, and that the said manufacturer or merchant-exporter is registered with the Apparel Export Promotion Council or Council for Leather Exports, or as the case may be, Handloom Export Promotion Council: and


(b) the entitlement certificate issued by respective export promotion councils shall carry the name of supporting manufacturers along with the name of the merchant- exporter in case the goods are exported by a merchant exporter.;]


Old[(a) the goods are imported by a manufacturer of textile garments or leather garments for use in the manufacture of textile garments or leather garments for export by that manufacturer and that the said manufacturer is registered with the Apparel Export Promotion Council or Council for Leather Exports, or as the case may be,  Handloom Export Promotion Council;]


(b) the total value of goods imported shall not exceed 3 per cent of the FOB value of textile garments (other than handloom garments) or leather garments, as the case may be, or 5 per cent of the FOB value of handloom garments exported during the preceding financial year; however, the value of lining and inter-lining materials imported shall not exceed 2 per cent of the said FOB Value.

(c) the importer produces a certificate from the Apparel Export Promotion Council or Council for Leather Exports, as the case may be, or Handloom Export Promotion Council, certifying the value of exports made during the financial year mentioned in clause (b) above, and also the value and quantity of goods already imported under this notification during the current financial year;

(d) the importer produces a certificate from Apparel Export Promotion Council or Council for Leather Exports, as the case may be, or Handloom Export Promotion Council, certifying that the lining and inter-lining materials shall not be put to any other use or sold in the market except in the manufacture of textile garments or leather garments; and

(e) there is a doubt as to the useability of lining and interlining materials in relation to the export product, the Commissioner of Customs, for reasons to be recorded in writing, orders drawal of sample at the time of export to verify such use;"



(a) the goods are imported by a manufacturer of leather footwear or synthetic footwear or other leather products, for use in the manufacture of said goods, for export by that manufacturer and the said manufacturer is registered with the Council for Leather Exports;

(b) the total value of goods imported shall not exceed 3 percent of the FOB value of leather footwear or synthetic footwear or other leather products, exported during the preceding financial year;

(c) the importer produces a certificate from the Council for Leather Exports certifying the value of exports made during the financial year mentioned in sub-condition (b), and also the value and quantity of goods already imported under this notification during the current financial year.


If, -


(a) the goods are imported by a manufacturer of handloom made ups or cotton made ups or polyester made ups for use in the manufacture of said goods for export by that manufacturer and the said manufacturer is registered with the Handloom Export Promotion Council or Cotton Textile Export Promotion Council or Synthetic & Rayon Textiles Export Promotion Council as the case may be;

(b) the total value of goods imported shall not exceed 5 percent of the FOB Value of handloom made ups or 1 percent of the FOB value of cotton made ups or polyester made  ups as the case may be, exported during the preceding financial year;

(c) the importer produces a certificate from the Handloom Export Promotion Council or Cotton Textile Export Promotion Council or Synthetic & Rayon Textiles Export Promotion Council certifying the value of exports made during the financial year mentioned in sub-condition (b), and also the value and quantity of goods already imported under this notification during the current financial year.]


If, -

(a) the goods are imported by a manufacturer of cotton made ups or polyester made ups for use in the manufacture of said goods for export by that manufacturer and the said manufacturer is registered with the Cotton Textile Export Promotion Council or the Synthetic & Rayon Textiles Export Promotion Council as the case may be;

(b) the total value of goods imported shall not exceed 1 per cent of the FOB value of made ups exported during the preceding financial year;

(c) the importer produces a certificate from the Cotton Textile Export Promotion Council or the Synthetic & Rayon Textiles Export Promotion Council certifying the value of exports made during the financial year mentioned in sub-condition (b), and also the value and quantity of goods already imported under this notification during the current financial year.]


If, -

(a) the goods are imported by a manufacturer of cotton made ups for use in the manufacture of said goods for export by that manufacturer and the said manufacturer is registered with the Cotton Textile Export Promotion Council;

(b) the total value of goods imported shall not exceed 1 per cent of the FOB value of made ups exported during the preceding financial year;

(c) the importer produces a certificate from the Cotton Textile Export Promotion Council certifying the value of exports made during the financial year mentioned in sub-condition (b), and also the value and quantity of goods already imported under this notification during the current financial year.]


If , -


(a)     the total value of goods imported shall not exceed 1 per cent of the FOB value of exports of carpets during the preceding financial year;


(b)     the importer produces a Certificate from Carpet Export Promotion Council certifying the value of exports made during the preceding financial year, mentioned in condition(a), and also the value and quantity of goods already imported under this notification during the current financial year.


If at the time of importation, the importer,-

(1) in all cases [excluding the case of the goods at item No. 9 of List 9 (B)], produces a valid registration-cum-membership certificate issued by the Council for Leather Exports sponsored by the Government of India in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry; and

(2) furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, to the effect that-

(a) the imported goods shall be used in the leather industry, or as the case may be, for the manufacture of leather chemicals to be used in the leather industry;

(b) he shall maintain an account of the imported goods, received and consumed in the place of manufacture for the above purpose, in the manner specified by the said Deputy Commissioner or the Assistant Commissioner;

(c) he shall, within three months or such extended period as the said Deputy Commissioner or the Assistant Commissioner may allow, produce the extract of the aforesaid account, duly certified by the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise or the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise, as the case may be, having jurisdiction over the factory manufacturing the goods, to the effect that the said goods have been used for the aforesaid purpose; and

(d) he shall pay, in the event of his failure to comply with the conditions above, an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on the imported goods but for the exemption under this notification and that already paid at the time of importation.


If the importer produces a certificate from an officer not below the rank of a Joint Director in the Ministry of Information Technology, Government of India, mentioning the technical specifications, description and quantity of the moulds, tools and dies and certifying that they are required for the manufacture of electronic parts and recommending grant of exemption.


If the said coins are imported with the approval of the Reserve Bank of India and are utilised for disbursement by the Scheduled bank in accordance with the regulations of the Reserve Bank of India, sanctioning foreign exchange for travellers.

Explanation.- The expression "Scheduled bank" means the State Bank of India constituted under the State Bank of India Act, 1955 (23 of 1955), a subsidiary bank as defined in the State Bank of India (Subsidiary Banks) Act, 1959 (38 of 1959), a corresponding new bank constituted under section 3 of the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970 (5 of 1970) or any other bank, being a bank included in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (2 of 1934).


If, the horological raw materials are imported for the manufacture of parts of wrist watches (watches designed primarily to show the time of the day, with or without additional features), mechanical or quartz analog.


If the importer furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, that the coin blanks shall be used only for the purpose of coining of coins in a Mint of the Government of India .







(1) the dies for drawing metal, acquired in exchange, are imported within one year of the date of exportation of similar dies out of India for repairs; and

(2) no drawback of duty has been paid on the occasion of their export.

Explanation :- On the imports referred to in condition (1) above, the duty would be leviable as if the value of the said dies were equal to -

(i) the aggregate of

     (a) labour charges for such repair;

     (b) cost of materials used in such repair;

     (c) any other charges paid by the importer for repair of such dies; and

(ii) the insurance and freight charges, both ways.



(1) zinc metal is imported within one year of the date of export of zinc concentrate out of India; and

(2)sufficient evidence exists to establish that the zinc metal, which is imported has in fact been obtained out of the toll smelting or toll processing of zinc concentrate exported out of India.

Explanation.-On the imports referred to in condition (1) above, the duty shall be leviable as if the value of the said metal were equal to the aggregate of -

(i) the toll smelting or toll processing costs, as the case may be, that it is say,-

    (a) labour charges;

    (b) cost of materials (other than the cost of goods exported out of India) used in such toll smelting or toll processing; and

    (c) any other charges which are payable in connection with the toll smelting or toll processing abroad; and

(ii) the insurance and freight charges, both ways.



(a) the goods are imported by the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation or Oil India Limited (hereinafter referred to as the "licensee") or a sub-contractor of the licensee and in each case in connection with petroleum operations to be undertaken under petroleum exploration licenses or mining leases, as the case may be, issued or renewed after the 1st of April, 1999 and granted by the Government of India or any State Government on nomination basis;

(b) where the importer is a licensee, he produces to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, at the time of importation, the following, namely, a certificate from a duly authorised officer of the Directorate General of Hydro Carbons in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India, to the effect that the imported goods are required for petroleum operations referred to in clause (a) and have been imported under the licences referred to in that clause, and

(c) where the importer is a sub-contractor, he produces to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, at the time of importation, the following, namely:-

(i) a certificate from a duly authorised officer of the Directorate General of Hydro Carbons in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India, to the effect that the imported goods are required for petroleum operations referred to in clause (a) and have been imported under the licenses or mining leases, as the case may be, referred to in that clause and containing the name of such sub-contractor,

(ii) an affidavit to the effect that such sub-contractor is a bona-fide sub-contractor of the licensee or lessee, as the case may be,

(iii) an undertaking from such licensee or lessee, as the case may be, binding him to pay any duty, fine or penalty that may become payable, if any of the conditions of this notification are not complied with by such sub-contractor or licensee or lessee, as the case may be, and

(iv) a certificate, in the case of a petroleum exploration license or mining lease, as the case may be, issued or renewed after the 1st of April, 1999, by the Government of India or any State Government on nomination basis, that no foreign exchange remittance is made for the import of such goods undertaken by the sub-contractor on behalf of the licensee or lessee, as the case may be:

Provided that nothing contained in this sub-clause shall apply if such sub-contractor is an Indian Company or Companies.



(a) the parts and raw materials are used in the manufacture of goods in accordance with the provisions of section 65 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962); and

(b) a certificate is produced in each case to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, from a duly authorized officer of the Directorate General of Hydro Carbons in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India, to the effect that the goods are required for the purposes of off-shore oil exploration or exploitation.



(a) the goods are imported by an Indian Company or Companies, a Foreign Company or Companies, or a consortium of an Indian Company or Companies and a Foreign Company or Companies (hereinafter referred to as the "contractor") or a sub-contractor of the contractor and in each case in connection with petroleum operations to be undertaken under a contract with the Government of India;

(b) where the importer is a contractor, he produces to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, at the time of importation, the following, namely:-

(i) a certificate from a duly authorised officer of the Directorate General of Hydro Carbons in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India, to the effect that the imported goods are required for petroleum operations referred to in clause (a) and have been imported under the contract referred to in that clause, and

(ii) a certificate, in the case of a contract entered into by the Government of India and a Foreign Company or Companies or, the Government of India and a consortium of an Indian Company or Companies and a Foreign Company or Companies, that no foreign exchange remittance is made for the imports of such goods undertaken by such Foreign Company or Companies;

(c) where the importer is a sub-contractor, he produces to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, at the time of importation, the following, namely:-

(i) a certificate from a duly authorised officer of the Directorate General of Hydro Carbons, in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India, to the effect that the imported goods are required for petroleum operations referred to in clause (a) and have been imported under the contract referred to in that clause and containing, the name of such sub-contractor,

(ii) an affidavit to the effect that such sub-contractor is a bona-fide sub-contractor of the contractor,

(iii) an undertaking from such contractor , binding him to pay any duty, fine or penalty that may become payable, if any of the conditions of this notification are not complied with, by such sub-contractor or contractor, as the case may be, and

(iv) a certificate, in the case of a contract entered into by the Government of India and a Foreign Company or Companies or, the Government of India and a consortium of an Indian Company or Companies and a Foreign Company or Companies, that no foreign exchange remittance is made for the import of such goods undertaken by the sub-contractor on behalf of the Foreign Company or Companies:

Provided that nothing contained in this sub-clause shall apply if such sub-contractor is an Indian Company or Companies.



(a) the goods are imported by an Indian Company or Companies, a Foreign Company or Companies, or a consortium of an Indian Company or Companies and a Foreign Company or Companies (hereinafter referred to as the "contractor") or a sub-contractor of such Company or Companies or such consortium and in each case in connection with petroleum operations or coal bed methane operations, as the case may be, to be undertaken under a contract signed with the Government of India, on or after the 1st day of April,1998, under the New Exploration Licensing Policy, or on or after the 1st day of April 2001 in terms of the Coal Bed Methane Policy, as the case may be;

(b) where the importer is a contractor, he produces to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, at the time of importation, the following, namely:-

(i) a certificate from a duly authorised officer of the Directorate General of Hydro Carbons in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India, to the effect that the imported goods are required for such petroleum operations or coal bed methane operations, as the case may be, and have been imported under a contract signed under the New Exploration Licensing Policy or the Coal Bed Methane Policy, as the case may be; and

(ii) a certificate, in the case of a contract entered into by the Government of India and a Foreign Company or Companies or, the Government of India and a consortium of an Indian Company or Companies and a Foreign Company or Companies, that no foreign exchange remittance is made for the imports of such goods undertaken by the Foreign Company or Companies;

(c) where the importer is a sub-contractor, he produces to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, at the time of importation, the following, namely:-

(i) a certificate from a duly authorised officer of the Directorate General of Hydro Carbons, in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India, to the effect that the imported goods are required for petroleum operations or coal bed methane operations, as the case may be, referred to in clause (a) and have been imported under a contract signed under the New Exploration Licensing Policy or the Coal Bed Methane Policy, as the case may be ,and containing the name of such sub-contractor,

(ii) an affidavit to the effect that such sub-contractor is a bona-fide sub-contractor of the contractor,

(iii) an undertaking from such contractor , binding him to pay any duty, fine or penalty that may become payable, if any of the conditions of this notification are not complied with, by such sub-contractor or contractor, as the case may be; and

(iv) a certificate, in the case of a contract entered into by the Government of India and a Foreign Company or Companies or, the Government of India and a consortium of an Indian Company or Companies and a Foreign Company or Companies, that no foreign exchange remittance is made for the import of such goods undertaken by the sub-contractor on behalf of the Foreign Company or Companies:

Provided that nothing contained in this sub-clause shall apply if such sub-contractor is an Indian Company or Companies.

37Omitted[ 33.


(a) the goods at (i) to (vi) in List 14 appended to the notification are imported for use in the flyash based building materials industry or the goods at (vii) to (xii) are imported for use in the phosphogypsum based building materials industry or the goods at (xiii) to (xviii) are imported for making clay-flyash bricks or the goods at (xix) to (xxvii) of that List are imported for production of pre-fabricated parts;

(b) an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation certifies in each case that the said goods are for use in the industry specified above and recommends grant of the exemption; and

(c) the importer furnishes to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, an undertaking to the effect that he shall use the goods for the purpose specified and in the event of his failure to do so, he shall be liable to pay an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on the said imported goods but for the exemption under this notification and that already paid at the time of importation.]


If the importer produces to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, at the time and place of importation, a certificate issued by the Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council mentioning the technical specifications, description and quantity of the goods and certifying that the said goods are required for the setting up of a Training and Development Project by the importing institute and recommending the grant of exemption in each case.


If the importer at the time of importation,-

(a) furnishes in all cases a certificate to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, from an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources recommending the grant of this exemption and in the case of the goods at (2) to (5), the said officer certifies that the goods are required for the specified purposes; and

(b) furnishes an undertaking to the said Deputy Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner to the effect that,-

(i) in the case of wind operated electricity generators upto 30 KW or wind operated battery chargers upto 30 KW, he shall not sell or otherwise dispose off, in any manner, such generators or chargers for a period of two years from the date of importation;

(ii) in the case of other goods specified at (2) to (5), he shall use them for the specified purpose; and

(iii) in case he fails to comply with sub-conditions (i) or (ii), or both conditions, as the case may be, he shall pay an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on the imported goods but for the exemption under this notification and that already paid at the time of importation.


If the importer at the time of importation,-

(a) furnishes a certificate to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, from an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy recommending the grant of this exemption and the said officer certifies that the goods are required for the specified purpose; and

(b) furnishes an undertaking to the said Deputy Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner to the effect that,-

(i) he shall use the goods for the specified purpose; and

(ii) in case he fails to comply with sub-condition (i), he shall pay an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on the imported goods but for the exemption under this notification and that already paid at the time of importation.;



(a) the project for substitution of ozone depleting substances (ODS) or the project for setting up of new capacity with non-ODS technology has been approved by the Steering Committee set up in the Ministry of Environment and Forests for the clearance of such projects; and

(b) the importer furnishes in each case a list of the goods required for the aforesaid projects, which is duly certified, to the effect that the goods mentioned in the said list are required for the aforesaid projects, by an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary in the Ministry of Environment and Forests.


(1)If an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Fertilizers,-

(i) certifies that the scheme for renovation or modernisation as the case may be, of the fertilizer plant has been granted techno-economic clearance by the said Department;

(ii) recommends, in each case, the grant of exemption under this notification to,-

(a) Machinery, instruments, apparatus and appliances, as well as components (whether finished or not) or raw materials for the manufacture of aforesaid items and their components, required for renovation or modernisation of a fertilizer plant; and

(b) spare parts, other raw materials (including semi-finished material) or consumable stores, essential for maintenance of the fertilizer plant mentioned above hereinafter referred to as the said goods for such scheme; and

(iii)certifies in each case, that the said goods are, or will be, required for the purposes specified above;

(2) the value of import of the goods specified in sub-clause (b) of clause (ii) of sub-condition (1) shall not exceed 10% of the value of imported goods specified in sub-clause (a) of the said clause;

(3) if the importer furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, to the effect that the said goods shall be used for the purposes specified above and in the event of his failure to use the goods for such purposes, he shall pay an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on the said imported goods but for the exemption under this notification and that already paid at the time of importation.




If, at the time of importation, the importer produces a certificate, from an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment and Forests, to the effect that the imported kits or parts thereof are required for the conversion of motor-spirit or diesel driven vehicles into Compressed Natural Gas driven vehicles, or Propane driven vehicles, or Liquefied Petroleum Gas driven vehicles, as the case may be.



(a) the goods are imported by-

(i) the Ministry of Surface Transport, or

(ii) a person who has been awarded a contract for the construction of roads in India by or on behalf of the Ministry of Surface Transport, by the National Highway Authority of India, by the Public Works Department of a State Government or by a road construction corporation under the control of the Government of a State or Union Territory; or

(iii) a person who has been named as a sub-contractor in the contract referred to in (ii) above for the construction of roads in India by or on behalf of the Ministry of Surface Transport, by the National Highway Authority of India, by Public Works Department of a State Government or by a road construction corporation under the control of the Government of a State or Union Territory;

116[(b) the importer, at the time of importation, furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, to the effect that he shall use the imported goods exclusively for the construction of roads and that he shall not sell or otherwise dispose of the said goods, in any manner, for a period of five years from the date of their importation:


Provided that the said Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, may allow the importer to sell or dispose of any of the imported goods on payment of customs duties at the rates applicable at the time of import but for this exemption, on the depreciated value of the goods to be calculated @ 5% on straight line method for each completed quarter starting from the date of importation of the said goods till the date of their sale subject to the condition that the concerned Ministry, Authority, Department or Corporation referred to in condition (a) above certifies that said goods in the project, for which duty free import was allowed, are no longer required for the project.]


Old[(b) the importer, at the time of importation, furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, to the effect that he shall use the imported goods exclusively for the construction of roads and that he shall not sell or otherwise dispose of the said goods, in any manner, for a period of five years from the date of their importation; and

(c) in case of goods of serial no.12 and 13 of List 18, the importer, at the time of importation of such goods, also produces to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, a certificate from an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Surface Transport (Roads Wing), or an officer not below the rank of Chief Engineer of the National Highways Authority of India, to the effect that the imported goods are required for construction of roads in India.]



(a) the importer, at the time of importation, furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, to the effect that he shall use the imported goods exclusively for the development of Ports and that he shall not sell or otherwise dispose of the said goods, in any manner, for a period of five years from the date of their importation; and

(b) the importer, at the time of importation of such goods, also produces to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, a certificate from an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Shipping, to the effect that the imported goods are required for development of Ports in India.]

37Omitted[ 41A.


(a) the importer, at the time of importation, furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, to the effect that he shall use the imported goods exclusively for Inland Waterways and that he shall not sell or otherwise dispose of the said goods, in any manner, for a period of five years from the date of their importation; and

(b) the importer, at the time of importation of such goods, also produces to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, a certificate from an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Shipping , to the effect that the imported goods are required for use in Inland Waterways.]

37Omitted[ 42.


(a) the importer, at the time of importation, furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, to the effect that he shall use the imported goods exclusively for the development of Airports and that he shall not sell or otherwise dispose of the said goods, in any manner, for a period of five years from the date of their importation; and

(b) the importer, at the time of importation of such goods, also produces to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, a certificate from an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Civil Aviation, to the effect that the imported goods are required for development of Airports in India.]







(i) in the case of a power plant (except a nuclear power plant),-

(a) in the case of Central Power Sector Undertakings, the Chairman of the concerned Undertaking or an officer authorized by him certifies that the scheme for renovation or modernisation as the case may be, of such power plant, has been approved and an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Power recommends, in each case, the grant of the aforesaid exemption to the goods for such scheme;

(b) in other cases, an officer not below the rank of the Chief Engineer of the concerned State Electricity Board or State Power Utility certifies that the scheme for renovation or modernisation, as the case may be, of such power plant, has been approved and an officer not below the rank of a Secretary in the State Government concerned dealing with the subject of power or electricity recommends, in each case, the grant of the aforesaid exemption to the goods for such scheme;

(ii) in the case of nuclear power plant, an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Atomic Energy certifies the scheme for renovation or modernisation as the case may be, of such power plant, has been approved and recommends the grant of the aforesaid exemption to the goods for such scheme; and

(iii) in all cases, the importer furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, to the effect that the said goods shall be used for the purpose specified above and in the event of his failure to use the goods for the renovation or modernisation of the said power generation plant, he shall pay an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on the said imported goods but for the exemption under this notification and that already paid at the time of importation.



(a) in the case of small hydel power generation plants upto 3 MW station capacity, an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Non- Conventional Energy Sources certifies the quantity, description and technical specifications of raw materials and parts required to be imported for the manufacture and supply of machinery and equipment to the said hydel power generation plant and recommends the grant of this exemption to the imported goods;

(b) in the case of nuclear power generation plant, an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Atomic Energy certifies the quantity, description and technical specifications of raw materials and parts required to be imported for the manufacture and supply of machinery and equipment to the said power generation plant and recommends the grant of this exemption to the imported goods;

(c) in the case of power generation plants (except those specified above),-

(i) in the case of Central Power Sector Undertakings, the Chairman of the concerned Undertaking or an officer authorized by him certifies the quantity, description and technical specifications of raw materials and parts required to be imported for the manufacture and supply of machinery and equipment to the said power generation plant and an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Power recommends, in each case, the grant of the aforesaid exemption to the goods for such scheme;

(ii) in other cases, an officer not below the rank of the Chief Engineer of the concerned State Electricity Board or State Power Utility certifies the quantity, description and technical specifications of raw materials and parts required to be imported for the manufacture and supply of machinery and equipment to the said power generation plant and an officer not below the rank of a Secretary in the State Government concerned dealing with the subject of power or electricity recommends, in each case, the grant of the aforesaid exemption to the goods for such scheme; and

(iii) in all cases, the importer furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, to the effect that the imported goods shall be used for the purpose specified above and in the event of his failure to use the goods for the purpose specified, he shall pay an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on the said imported goods but for the exemption under this notification and that already paid at the time of importation.


If imported by a person licensed by the Department of Telecommunications of the Government of India for the purpose of providing basic telephone service, cellular mobile telephone service, value added services via V-SAT system or Internet Service


If imported by a person licensed by the Department of Telecommunications of the Government of India for the purpose of providing radio paging service.


If imported by a person licensed by the Department of Telecommunications of the Government of India for the purpose of providing Public Mobile Radio Trunked Service (PMRTS).


If the importer produces to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, at the time and place of importation,-

(i) a certificate issued by an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Principal Information Officer in the Press Information Bureau in the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to the effect that the importer is an accredited news agency; and

(ii) an undertaking to the effect that the imported goods shall remain in the possession, control and use of the agency and shall not be sold or parted with for a period of five years from the date of importation.]


(i) If the importer produces a certificate from an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Principal Information Officer in the Press Information Bureau in the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to the effect that the importer is an accredited press cameraman, and that the importer has not availed, on any occasion in the previous two years, exemption under this notification or the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No. 16/2000- Customs, dated the 1st March, 2000 or No. 17/2001-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2001;

(ii) the exemption under this notification shall be applicable to that portion of C.I.F. value of the specified cameras, lenses and other goods, which does not exceed one lakh rupees; and

(iii) if the importer gives an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, at the time and place of importation to the effect that the said goods shall remain in his possession, control and use and shall not be sold or parted with for a period of two years from the date of importation.


(i) If the importer produces a certificate from an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Principal Information Officer in the Press Information Bureau in the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to the effect that the importer is an accredited journalist, and that the importer has not availed, on any occasion in the previous two years, exemption under this notification or the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No. 16/2000-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2000 or No. 17/2001-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2001;

(ii) the exemption under this notification shall be applicable to that portion of C.I.F. value of the specified personal computers, typewriters and fax machines, which does not exceed one lakh rupees; and

(iii) if the importer gives an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, at the time and place of importation to the effect that the said goods shall remain in his possession, control and use and shall not be sold or parted with for a period of two years from the date of importation.


(i) If, -

(a)  the goods are imported for Research and Development purpose.

(b)  the imported goods are installed in the said Research and Development Wing of the importer within 6 months from the date of importation and certificate from the jurisdictional Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, as the case may be, 73[for the units registered with the Central Excise, and from an independent Chartered Engineer, for the units not registered with the Central Excise ] is produced before the Assistant Commissioner of Customs or [Deputy Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, at the port of importation;

(c) the goods imported are not transferred or sold for a period of 7 years from the date of installation

(ii) If -

(a) the goods are imported for use in the manufacture of commodities;

(b)  the total value of goods imported does not exceed 1 percent of the FOB value of exports made during the preceding financial year;

(c)  the importer produces a certificate from the Joint Director General of Foreign Trade in the Ministry of Commerce of the Government of India, certifying the value of exports made during the financial year mentioned in clause (b) above, and also the value and quantity of goods already imported under this notification during the current financial year;

(d)  the imported goods are installed in the said Research and Development Wing of the importer within 6 months from the date of importation and certificate from the jurisdictional Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, as the case may be, 73[for the units registered with the Central Excise and and from an independent Chartered Engineer, for the units not registered with the Central Excise ] is produced before the Assistant Commissioner of Customs or Deputy Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, at the port of importation;

(e) the goods imported are not transferred or sold for a period of 7 years from the date of installation



(a) the goods are imported for Research and Development purpose;

(b) the total value of goods imported does not exceed one percent of the FOB value of exports made during the preceding financial year;

(c) the importer produces a certificate from the Joint Director General of Foreign Trade in the Ministry of Commerce of the Government of India, certifying the value of exports made during the financial year mentioned in clause (b) above, and also the value and quantity of goods already imported under this notification during the current financial year;

(d) the imported goods are installed in the said Research and Development wing of the importer within six months from the date of importation and certificate from the jurisdictional Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, as the case may be, 73[for the units registered with the Central Excise and from an independent Chartered Engineer, for the units not registered with the Central Excise ] is produced before the Assistant Commissioner of Customs or deputy Commissioner of customs, as the case may be, at the port of importation;

(e) the goods imported are not transferred or sold for a period of 7 years from the date of installation;



(A) imported by a State Fisheries Corporation or any Fisheries Co-operative Federation recogonised by the State Government; or

(B) imported by a person other than a State Fisheries Corporation or any Fisheries Co-operative Federation recogonised by the State Government concerned,-

(i) the importer produces a certificate, from an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary of the Department concerned with fisheries in the State Government, to the effect that the spares are being imported with outboard motors meant for fitment to boats which are exclusively used for fishing operations and that such spares are for the purpose of maintenance of the said outboard motors and recommending the grant of the concession; and

(ii) the importer furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, at the time of importation to the effect that –

(a) the said spares shall be used for the purpose specified above; and

(b) he shall pay on demand in the event of his failure to comply with (a) above an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on the said spares but for the exemption under this notification and that already paid at the time of importation.

Omitted [ 55.

If imported by any State Fisheries Corporation or any Fisheries Co-operative Federation recogonised by the State Government concerned.]



(1) the spinnerettes acquired in exchange, are imported, within one year of the date of exportation of spinnerettes out of India; and

(2) no drawback of duty has been paid on the occasion of their export.

Explanation.- On the imports referred to in condition (1) above, the duty would be leviable as if the value of the said spinnerettes were equal to-

(i)  the cost of such exchange, that is to say, the aggregate of –

(a) labour charges;

(b) price charged for that quantity of gold, platinum and rhodium, if any, which is in excess of the respective quantity of gold, platinum or rhodium contained in the said spinnerettes exported out of India; and

(c) any other charges paid by the importer to the supplier of such spinnerettes for such exchange of spinnerettes; and

(ii) the insurance and freight charges, both ways.


If, -

(1)  the bushings acquired in exchange, are imported, within one year of the date of exportation of bushings out of India; and

(2)  no drawback of duty has been paid on the occasion of their export.

Explanation.- On the imports referred to in condition (1) above, the duty would be leviable as if the value of the said bushings were equal to-

(i)  the cost of such exchange, that is to say, the aggregate of-

(a)  labour charges;

(b)  price charged for that quantity of platinum and rhodium, if any, which is in excess of the respective quantity of the platinum and rhodium contained in the said bushings exported out of India; and

(c)  any other charges paid by the importer to the supplier of such bushings for such exchange of bushings; and

(ii)  the insurance and freight charges, both ways.


If an accredited representative of the foreign film unit or the television team executes a bond in such form and with such surety as may be acceptable to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, binding himself to pay on demand an amount equal to the duty leviable on such equipment and cameras if the same are not placed under customs control for re-export within a period of three months or such extended period as the said Deputy Commissioner or the Assistant Commissioner may permit, after clearance for home consumption.


If, -

(a) the duties of customs leviable on the specified equipment, raw films and tapes had been paid at the time of their first importation into India;

(b) no drawback of duty was paid on their exportation from India;

(c) the identity of the goods is established to the satisfaction of the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, at the time of availing of this concession;

(d) the goods are reimported into India within six months or such period not exceeding one year from the date of their export from India, as may be extended by the said Deputy Commissioner or the Assistant Commissioner on sufficient cause being shown to his satisfaction; and

(e) the External Publicity Division of the Ministry of External Affairs certifies that the purpose for which the goods had been exported from India was in public interest and had been sponsored or approved by the Government of India.


If, -

(a) the total C.I.F. value of the wireless apparatus, accessories and parts, imported under this notification does not exceed seventy-five thousand rupees;

(b) the total value of the parts imported under this exemption does not exceed 135[`] Old[Rs.] 1,000;

(c) the importer, i.e. the Licensed amateur radio operator, at the time of clearance, produces a certificate from an officer not below the rank of an Assistant Wireless Adviser to the Government of India in the Ministry of Communications to the effect that the wireless apparatus, accessories and parts in respect of which this exemption is claimed are within the value limit specified above, and also recommending the grant of this exemption.

Explanation.- "Licensed amateur radio operator" means a person duly authorised under the Indian Wireless Telegraphs (Amateur Service) Rules, 1978, made under sections 4 and 7 of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 (13 of 1885).




If the importer, at the time of importation furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, to the effect that,-

(a) the imported goods shall be used for the specified purposes and shall not be sold or otherwise disposed of in any manner for a period of at least two years from the date of importation; and

(b) in the event of failure to comply with (a) above, he shall be liable to pay an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on the imported goods but for the exemption under this notification and that already paid at the time of importation.



(1) the goods are imported for being tested in –

(a) Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) laboratories;

(b )Indian Institutes of Technology;

(c) Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) laboratories;

(d) Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore; or

(e) Any other test centre approved by any Ministry in the Government of India for this purpose; and

(2) the Head of the organisation certifies that the goods have been imported by that organisation only for the purpose of testing and shall not be used or sold after such testing.


If, -

(a) the goods are imported by a newspaper establishment registered with the Registrar of Newspapers for India appointed under section 19A of the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867 (25 of 1867); and

(b) the importer at the time of import produces before the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, -

(1) a certificate issued by the Registrar of Newspapers for India recommending the grant of exemption under this notification; and

(2) an undertaking to the effect that the imported goods shall remain in his possession, control and use and shall not be sold or parted with for a period of five years from the date of importation and in case the said goods are sold thereafter, the sale shall be subject to the permission granted by the Registrar of Newspapers for India.

Omitted[ 65.

If, in the case of imports, -

(1) for the Teleteach or Margdarshan Programme, the Managing Director of M/s Electronic Trade and Technology Development Corporation Limited, certifies that the said cassettes and tapes are predominantly educational in character and the importer furnishes an undertaking to the effect that-

(i) the certificate from the Central Board of Film Certification in the Form below, shall be produced within a period of three months or such extended period as the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, may allow; and

(ii) he shall pay, on demand, in the event of his failure to comply with clause (i) above, an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on such quantity of said cassettes and tapes but for the exemption under this notification and that already paid at the time of importation; or

(2) made by the Television Centre of All India Radio, the Director of the said Centre at New Delhi in the said Form, and in other cases, the Central Board of Film Certification, certifies in each case, that the video cassettes and video tapes in respect of which exemption is claimed are predominantly educational in character.


Certificate No....………. of …...…….. (year)

This is to certify that the parcel containing the following video cassettes and video tapes was delivered to Shri ....…………………………….. Regional Officer / Assistant Regional Officer, CBFC at Mumbai / Kolkata / Chennai / the Director of the Television Centre of All India Radio, New Delhi, who examined the seals and identified the video cassettes and video tapes according to the particulars certified at the time of Customs examination, and that the Board / Director is satisfied that the video cassettes and video tapes are predominantly educational in character.

Particulars of cassette/tape and film recorded thereon:
Particulars of the producer :
Length of Casette / Tape :
Name of the importer :


Signature of Regional Officer /

Assistant Regional Officer / Director,

Television Centre, AIR, New Delhi.]


If the importer, at the time and place of clearance,-

(a) produces a certificate from an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Education, to the effect that the imported recorded magnetic tapes and floppy diskettes are recorded with educational or scientific material for use in computers and are required by Institutes or Research Centres duly approved by the University Grants Commission;

(b) gives an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, to the effect that such imported goods shall not be-

(i) used for any other purpose and shall not be subsequently recorded with any other material; and

(ii) sold or parted with, without the prior permission of the Commissioner of Customs of the port of importation.


If the parts are required for manufacture or servicing of aeroplanes, gliders, helicopters or simulators of aircraft.

Explanation.- "Parts of aeroplanes, gliders, helicopters or simulators of aircraft" shall include engines, engine parts, wireless transmission apparatus, wireless receivers, iron and steel washers and screws, ball and roller bearings and other parts.


If an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Civil Aviation certifies in each case the description and quantity of such raw materials which are required for the manufacture or servicing of the specified aircraft or parts of such aircraft, as the case may be.


If the importer, at the time of import,-


(i) produces before the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, a certificate from an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Space certifying that the said satellite and pay-loads are for launch into outer space in conformity with the provisions of the Outer Space Treaty of 1967;


(ii) produces before the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, a certificate from an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Space certifying that the goods covered under item (ii) of column (3) of S.No.349 of the Table, are required for launch vehicles and satellites and payloads; and


(iii) gives an undertaking to the effect that the ground equipment, covered under item (iii) of column (3) of S.No.349 of the Table, imported for testing the satellites or pay-loads shall be re-exported within a period of six months from the date of their importation or such extended period as the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, may allow, and in the event of failure to comply with the same, he shall pay on demand an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on such goods but for the exemption under this notification and that already paid at the time of importation.


If the importer, at the time of import –

(i) produces before the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, a certificate from an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Space certifying that the said satellites and pay-loads are for launch  37omitted[by Indian launch vehicles from Indian soil] into Outer Space in conformity with the provisions of the Outer Space Treaty of 1967; and

(ii) gives an undertaking to the effect that the ground equipment imported for testing the satellites or pay-loads shall be re-exported within a period of six months from the date of their importation or such extended period as the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, may allow, and in the event of failure to comply with the same, he shall pay on demand an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on such goods but for the exemption under this notification and that already paid at the time of importation.



(a) the importer makes a declaration at the time of import that the barges would be re-exported;

(b) the barges are re-exported, by the same ship which brought them or by any other ship under the same shipping agency, within two months of the date of importation or such extended period as the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, may allow; and

(c) the importer executes a bond, in such form and for such sum as may be specified by the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, binding himself to pay that sum if the re-export does not take place within the period specified under condition (b) above.



(a) the importer maintains a proper account of import, use and consumption of the specified goods imported for the purpose of repairs of ocean-going vessels and submits such account periodically to the Commissioner of Customs in such form and in such manner as may be specified by the said Commissioner;

(b) the importer, by the execution of bond, in such form and for such sum as may be specified by the said Commissioner, binds himself to pay on demand an amount equal to the duty leviable,-

(i) on the capital goods or spares thereof or material handling equipment, as are not proved to the satisfaction of the said Commissioner to have been installed or otherwise used for the aforesaid purpose;

(ii) on parts, raw material and consumables, as are not proved to the satisfaction of the said Commissioner to have been used or consumed for the aforesaid purpose,

within a period of three months from the date of importation thereof or within such extended period as that Commissioner, on being satisfied that there is sufficient cause for not installing, using or consuming them, as the case may be, for the aforesaid purpose within the said period, allow.

Explanation. – "Ocean going vessels" includes-

(a) liners; cargo-vessel of various kinds including refrigerator vessels for the transport of meat, fruit or the like, vessels specified for the transport of particular goods (grain, coal, ores or the like) ; tankers (petrol, wine or the like); yachts and other sailing vessels; cable ships; ice-breakers; floating factories of all kinds (for processing whales, preserving fish or the like) whale catchers; trawlers and other fishing vessels; life boats, scientific research vessels; weather ships; vessels for the transportation or mooring of buoys; pilot-boats; hopper barges for the disposal of dredged material or the like;

(b) war ships of all kinds including submarines;

(c) tugs, dredgers, fire- floats and salvage ships; and

(d) oil rigs, drilling ships and jack-up rigs.


If the vessels and other floating structures are intended to be broken up after their importation, the importer shall present a fresh bill of entry to the Commissioner of Customs, and thereupon such goods shall be chargeable with the duty which would be payable on such goods as if they were entered for home consumption, under section 46 of the Customs Act, 1962 ( 52 of 1962), on the date of the presentation of such fresh bill of entry, for the purposes of break-up of such goods.


If any of the goods manufactured from the imported raw materials and parts are subsequently intended to be broken up, a fresh bill of entry in respect of such manufactured goods shall be presented to the Commissioner of Customs and thereupon these goods shall be chargeable with the duty which would be payable as if such manufactured goods had been imported and entered for home consumption, under section 46 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962), on the date of the presentation of such fresh bill of entry, for the purposes of break-up of such manufactured goods.



(a) imported by any Department or Ministry of the Government of India; and

(b) the importer produces a certificate from an officer not below the rank of a Joint Secretary to the Government of India in the concerned Department or Ministry, certifying that the said goods are being imported under an agreement relating to Government to Government Assistance Programme with any other country.


If an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary in the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying in the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, is satisfied that the imported goods are required for the purpose of live-stock breeding programmes and certifies to this effect and recommends grant of the exemption.]


If, at the time of importation, the importer produces a certificate, from an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Science and Technology or an officer not below the rank of a Joint Secretary to the concerned State Government in the Department of Science and Technology to the effect that imported equipment, parts or accessories are required for initial setting up, repair or maintenance of a planetarium.



(a) the hospital is run by -

(1) the Central Government, a State Government, a Union Territory Administration or a Local Authority; or

(2) institutions established by or under any law for the time being in force; or

(3) societies registered under any law for the time being in force relating to registration of societies, such societies being controlled by any of the authorities mentioned in (1) above;

(b) the importer produces a certificate, from the Directorate General of Health Services of the Government of India or the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in the Government of India, or from the State Government, the Union Territory Administration or the Local Authority running or controlling that hospital, as the case may be, to the effect that the said hospital falls in any of the categories specified at (a) above; and

(c) the head of the hospital certifies in each case that the hospital equipment is meant for use in the hospital and is essential for running or maintenance of the hospital.

Explanation.- "Hospital" includes any Institution, Centre, Trust, Society, Association, Laboratory, Clinic and Maternity Home, which renders medical, surgical or diagnostic treatment.


If the importer at the time of importation, -

(a) produces a certificate from the Director General or Deputy Director General or Assistant Director General, Health Services, New Delhi, in each case, in the Form below; or

(b) furnishes an undertaking acceptable to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, to the effect that the aforesaid certificate shall be produced before the said Deputy Commissioner or the Assistant Commissioner within the period specified by the said Deputy Commissioner or the Assistant Commissioner, failing which he would pay the duty leviable thereon.


Certificate No....………. of …...…….. (year)

Certified that the medical equipment / accessory / spare part ........................ (name to be specified) being imported by ................…………… is a life saving medical equipment, accessory or spare part and exemption from payment of customs duty is recommended.

Signature with date of Director General /
Deputy Director General /
Assistant Director General,
Health Services, New Delhi




If the spare parts are,-

(a) essential for the working of hearing aids and have been given for that purpose some special shape or quality which would not be essential for use for any other purpose;

(b) imported by or on behalf of an association for the handicapped or by a handicapped person for his own use.]



(a) where the importer is the Government of India or a person authorised by that Government, or the goods are shipped on the order of a Department of that Government and are appropriated under such order at the time of shipment, for use in anti-smuggling operations, he produces, at the time of importation, a certificate from the Under Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Revenue to the effect that the said goods are intended for the aforesaid use;

(b) where the importer is a Police Force of a State or a Union Territory or the Central Reserve Police Force, the National Security Guard or the Special Protection Group and the said goods are imported for bomb detection or disposal purposes, he produces, at the time of importation, a certificate from an officer in the Ministry of Home Affairs not below the rank of an Under Secretary to the Government of India to the effect that the said goods are intended for the aforesaid use.


If the goods are imported by the Sports Authority of India or a National or State level Sports Federation or Association recognised by the Central Government or a State Government or a Union Territory Administration, as the case may be.



(a) the synthetic tracks and artificial surfaces and equipment required for their installation are imported under the "Scheme for Laying Synthetic Tracks and Artificial Surfaces" of the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India;

(b) the importer, at the time of import -

(1) produces before the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, a certificate from an officer not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the said Department certifying that the import of the said tracks and surfaces is under the "Scheme for Laying Synthetic Tracks and Artificial Surfaces" and also recommending the grant of the exemption; and

(2) gives an undertaking to the effect that the equipment imported for installation of the said tracks and surfaces shall be re-exported within a period of six months from the date of importation, and in the event of failure to comply with the same he shall pay on demand an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on such goods but for the exemption under this notification and that already paid at the time of importation.



(a) the goods are imported into India by a National Sports Federation, under a certificate issued by the Sports Authority of India or imported by the Sports Authority of India, for use in a national or international championship or competition, to be held in India or abroad; and

(b) the importer, at the time of clearance of the goods, produces a certificate to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, from an officer not below the rank of a Director in the Sports Authority of India certifying -

(i) the name and address of the importer of the goods and the description, quantity and value of the goods, and

(ii) that the goods are required for the purpose specified at (a) above.


If certified by the apex body in relation to the concerned game or sport (i.e the highest organisation, other than Government, by which the game or sport is controlled or regulated), or the Sports Authority of the concerned State, that the requisites for games and sports are required to be used in a national or international championship or competition to be held in India or abroad.


(a) If an officer not below the rank of a Joint Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Power certifies that-

(i) the power purchasing State has constituted the Regulatory Commission with full powers to fix tariffs;

107[(ii) the power purchasing states shall undertake to carry out distribution reforms as laid down by Ministry of Power]

Old7[(ii) the power purchasing State undertakes, in principle, to privatize distribution in all cities, in that State, each of which has a population of more than one million, within a period to be fixed by the Ministry of Power.]

old [(ii) the power purchasing State undertakes, in principle, to privatise distribution in all cities, in that State, each of which has a population of more than one million, within a period to be fixed by the Ministry of Power; and

(iii) the power purchasing State has agreed to provide recourse to that State’s share of Central Plan allocations and other devolutions towards discharge of any outstanding payment in respect of purchase of power;]


148[(aa) In case of imports for a project for which the certificate regarding Mega Power Project status issued by an officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Power is provisional, the importer furnishes a security in the form of a Fixed Deposit Receipt from any Scheduled Bank for a term of thirty six months or more in the name of the President of India for an amount equal to the duty of customs payable on such imports but for this exemption, to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, at the time of importation and if the importer fails to furnish the final Mega Power status certificate within a period of thirty six months from the date of importation, the said security shall be appropriated towards duty of customs payable on such imports but for this exemption.]

(b) In the case of imports by a Central Public Sector Undertaking, the quantity, total value, description and specifications of the imported goods are certified by the Chairman and Managing Director of the said Central Public Sector Undertaking; and

(c) In the case of imports by a Private Sector Project, the quantity, total value, description and specifications of the imported goods are certified by the Chief Executive Officer of such project.


(a) In the case of imports by the constituent units of the Department of Atomic Energy, the quantity, total value, description and specifications of the imported goods are certified by an officer not below the rank of a Joint Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Atomic Energy

(b) In the case of imports by a Central Public Sector Undertaking, the quantity, total value, description and specifications of the imported goods are certified by the Chairman and Managing Director of the said Central Public Sector Undertaking;


If a certificate from the Indian Mission concerned, about the ownership of the goods by the deceased person, is produced at the time of clearance of the goods through Customs station.


If the imported goods are meant to be exhibited in a museum managed by -

(a) the Archaeological Survey of India, such goods shall be imported under cover of a certificate issued by the Director General of Archaeology in India; or

(b) a State Government, such goods shall be imported under cover of a certificate issued by the concerned Authority in the concerned State Government.


If, at the time of importation, the importer produces to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, a certificate from the Licensing Authority to the effect that specified quantity of such drugs and materials are required for being used in a clinical trial for which permission has been granted by the Licensing Authority under the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.



(i) (a) in the case of Central Power Sector Undertakings, the Chairman of the concerned Undertaking or an officer authorized by him certifies that the power transmission project has been approved and an officer not below the rank of the Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Power recommends, in each case, the grant of the aforesaid exemption to the goods for such project;

(b) in other cases, an officer not below the rank of the Chief Engineer of the concerned Power Transmission Board or Corporation in a State certifies that such power transmission project has been approved and an officer not below the rank of the Secretary in a State Government concerned dealing with the subject of power or electricity recommends, in each case, the grant of the aforesaid exemption to the goods for such project;

(ii) in all cases, the importer furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, to the effect that the said goods shall be used for the purpose specified above and in the event of his failure to use the goods for power transmission, he shall pay an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on the said imported goods but for the exemption under this notification and that already paid at the time of importation.


 If, at the time of importation, the importer produces to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, a certificate from the Chairman or the Managing Director or the Director (Rolling Stock, Electrical and Signaling) or the Director (Finance) of the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd., to the effect that -

(i)    the goods are procured by or on behalf of the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. for  use in the 27[Delhi MRTS Project Phase-I and specified corridors of Delhi MRTS Project Phase-II] Old[Delhi MRTS project]; and  

(ii)  the goods are part of the inventory maintained by the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation   Ltd. and shall be finally owned by the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.


If the importer produces a certificate from an officer not below the rank of a Joint Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Home Affairs that the imported goods are required for call interception and monitoring, to be used by authorized security agencies.


If the importer, at the time of importation, where the goods are imported for,

(i) initial setting up of a unit, furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, that the value of the investment to be made, in fixed assets in plant and machinery (excluding land and building) in the said unit, within a period of two years from the date of first import under this exemption, shall not be less than rupees five crore and in the event of failure to comply with this condition, he shall pay an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on the said imported goods but for the exemption under this notification and that already paid at the time of importation;

(ii) substantial expansion of an existing unit, proves to the satisfaction of the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, that the value of the investment made, in fixed assets in plant and machinery (excluding land and building) in the said unit, is more than rupees five crore at the time of first import under this exemption.]

Omitted[ 95.

If before the clearance of the items of machinery, including prime movers, instruments, apparatus and appliances, control gear and transmission equipment, auxiliary equipment (including those required for research and development purposes, testing and quality control) (hereinafter referred to as the "capital goods"), where the capital goods are supplied for -

(i) initial setting up of a unit, the manufacturer furnishes a undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise or the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise, as the case may be, having jurisdiction over his factory, that the value of investment to be made in fixed assets in plant and machinery (excluding land and buildings) in the said unit, within a period of two years from the date of the first clearance under this exemption, shall not be less than rupees five crore and in the event of failure to comply with this condition, he shall pay an amount equal to the difference between the duty leviable on the imported goods but for the exemption under this notification and that already paid at the time of importation;

(ii) substantial expansion of an existing unit, the manufacturer proves to the satisfaction of the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise or the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise, as the case may be, having jurisdiction over his factory, that the value of investment in fixed assets in plant and machinery (excluding land and buildings) in the said unit, is more than rupees five crore at the time of first clearance under this exemption.

Explanation.- For the purposes of this exemption, "unit" shall have the same meaning as assigned under the Project Import Regulations, 1986.]



(a) the importer furnishes a certificate from an officer not below the rank of Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry to the effect that goods being imported are required for 52[effluent treatment plant for leather industry or handloom sector or handicraft sector, as the case may be] Old[effluent treatment plant for leather industry].


 If at the time of importation, the importer produces a certificate from an officer, not below the rank of Director in the Marine Products Export Development Authority, in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, to the effect that that the imported goods constitute monofilament long line system for tuna fishing and are intended to be used for tuna fishing.



(a) the goods are imported by an exporter of sea-food products for use in processing sea-food products for export and the said exporter is registered with the Marine Products Export Development Authority;

(b) the total value of the goods imported shall not exceed 1% of the FOB value of exports of sea-food products exported during the preceding financial year; and

(c) the importer produces a certificate from the Marine Products Export Development Authority, certifying the value of exports made during the financial year referred to in clause (b) above, and also the value and quantity of goods already imported under this notification during the current financial year.


The LNG facility is certified by an officer not below the rank of a Joint Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Power as being an integral part of the said power project of M/s Ratnagiri Gas and Power Private Limited at Dabhol.


If the importer, at the time of import, produces to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, a certificate from an officer not below the rank of Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises (Department of Heavy Industry), certifying that the imported goods (having regard to their description, quantity and technical specifications) are intended for use in the National Automotive Testing and Research and Development Infrastructure Project (NATRIP).]


If, -

(i) imported by an operator or on behalf of the operator, for operating scheduled air transport service or scheduled air cargo service, and such aircraft is used for operating the scheduled air transport service or the scheduled air cargo service, as the case may be; or

(ii) the said aircraft is not registered or not intended to be registered in India , and brought into India for the purpose of a flight to or across India , and which is intended to be removed from India within six months from the date of entry. 

Explanation.- For the purposes of this entry,

(a) “operator” means a person, organisation or enterprise engaged in or offering to engage in aircraft operation;

(b) “scheduled air transport service” means an air transport service undertaken between the same two or more places and operated according to a published time table or with flights so regular or frequent that they constitute a recognizably systematic series, each flight being open to use by members of the public; and

(c) “scheduled air cargo service” means air transportation of cargo or mail on a scheduled basis according to a published time table or with flights so regular or frequent that they constitute a recognizably systematic series, not
open to use by passengers.


If, -

(i) imported for servicing, repair or maintenance of aircraft, which is used for operating scheduled air transport service or the scheduled air cargo service, as the case may be; or

(ii) the parts are brought into India for servicing, repair or maintenance of an aircraft mentioned in clause (ii) of Condition No.101.

  Explanation.- The expressions  “scheduled air transport service” and “scheduled air cargo service” shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in Condition No.101.]


a) Importer shall-


(i) furnish an undertaking to the Assistant Commissioner of Customs or Deputy Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, to pay the duty leviable on liquefied natural gas (hereinafter referred to as LNG) imported in case he fails to produce within 3 months from the date of import a receipt from Ratnagiri Gas and Power Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as RGPPL) for having received the LNG so imported;

(ii) furnish a copy of the undertaking given by RGPPL [as per clause b (vi) given below] to the jurisdictional Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, along with a copy of agreement under which he intends to import and supply LNG to RGPPL;

(iii) pay the full customs duty along with interest at the rate of 13% from the date of import till the date of payment on LNG imported and not so supplied to RGPPL;


b) Ratnagiri Gas and Power Private Limited shall-


(i) register with the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise having jurisdiction over their plant as if they were manufacturers of excisable goods;

(ii) furnish a copy of the agreement signed with the importer for import and supply of LNG;

(iii) undertake to maintain account for receipt of LNG, imported and supplied by the said importer, and consumption of the same for use in the generation of power at their Dabhol plant;

(iv) furnish a copy of the bill of entry for LNG imported for supply to them;

(v) submit a quarterly statement indicating opening stock, receipt of the imported LNG, consumption, closing stock and quantity not used for intended purpose, if any, value and customs duty payable;

(vi) furnish an undertaking to the jurisdictional Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise to pay custom duty leviable on LNG so imported and not used for generation of power at their power project at Dabhol;

(vii) pay customs duty so payable latest by the 10th day of the following quarter, along with interest at the rate of 13% from the date of import till the date of payment.]

66, 49[103A


(a) the aircraft is imported by:-

(i) the Aero Club of India, New Delhi, recognized as a National Sports Federation by Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India; or

(ii) a Flying Training Institute approved by the competent authority in the Ministry of Civil Aviation; and

(b) the importer has been granted approval by the competent authority in the Ministry of Civil Aviation to import aircraft for use in imparting training; and

(c) the importer furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, at the time of importation that:-

a. the said aircraft shall be used for the specified purpose only and he shall pay on demand, in the event of his failure to use the imported aircraft for the specified purpose, an amount equal to the duty payable on the said aircraft  but for the exemption under this notification;

b. the aircraft imported under this concession shall not be sold/transferred  to an entity other than a flying training institute approved by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation.

112[(d) the aircraft is imported by the Airports Authority of India for flight calibration purposes and at the time of importation, the Airports Authority of India furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, that :-

a. the said aircraft shall be used for flight calibration purposes only and in the event of their failure to use the imported aircraft for the specified purpose, they shall pay, on demand, an amount equal to the duty payable on the said aircraft but for the exemption under this notification; and

b. the said aircraft shall not be sold or transferred to any other entity.]


(i) the aircraft are imported by an operator who has been granted approval by the competent authority in the Ministry of Civil Aviation to import aircraft for providing non-scheduled (passenger) or non-scheduled (charter) services; 


(ii) the importer is a dedicated company or partnership firm for the non scheduled services; and 


(iii) the importer furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, at the time of importation that:-

a. the said aircraft shall be used only for providing non- scheduled (passenger) services or non-scheduled (charter) services; and 

b. he shall pay on demand, in the event of his failure to use the imported aircraft for the specified purposes, an amount equal to the duty payable on the said aircraft but for the exemption under this notification. 


Explanation.-1. for the purposes of this entry,-


(a) "operator? means a person, organization, or enterprise engaged in or offering to engage in aircraft operation; 

(b) "non-scheduled (passenger) services? means air transport services other than Scheduled (passenger) air transport services as defined in rule 3 of the Aircraft Rules 1937.

(c) "non-scheduled (charter) services" mean services provided by a "non-scheduled (charter) air transport operator", for charter or hire of an aircraft to any person, with published tariff, and who is registered with and approved by Directorate General of Civil Aviation for such purposes, and who conforms to the civil aviation requirement under the provision of rule 133A of the Aircraft Rules 1937:

2. For the purposes of this exemption, use of such imported aircraft by a non-scheduled (passenger) operator for non-scheduled (charter) services or by a non-scheduled (charter) operator for non-scheduled (passenger) services, shall not be construed to be a violation of the conditions of import at concessional rate of duty."


(i) the aircraft are imported by an operator who has been granted approval by the competent authority in the Ministry of Civil Aviation to import aircraft for providing non-scheduled (passenger) services or non-scheduled (charter) services; and

(ii) the importer furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, at the time of importation that:-

a. the said aircraft shall be used only for providing non-scheduled (passenger) services or non-scheduled (charter) services, as the case may be; and

b. he shall pay on demand, in the event of his failure to use the imported aircraft for the specified purpose, an amount equal to the duty payable on the said aircraft  but for the exemption under this notification.

Explanation.-for the purposes of this entry,-

(a) ‘operator’ means a person, organization, or enterprise engaged in or offering to engage in aircraft operation;

(b) ‘non-scheduled (passenger) services’ means air transport services other than Scheduled (passenger) air transport services as defined in rule 3 of the Aircraft Rules 1937.

(c) ‘non-scheduled (charter) services’ mean services provided by a ‘non-scheduled (charter) air transport operator’, for charter or hire of an aircraft to any person, with published tariff, and who is registered with and approved by Directorate General of Civil Aviation for such purposes, and who conforms to the civil aviation requirement under the provision of rule 133A of the Aircraft Rules 1937:

Provided that such Air charter operator is a dedicated company or partnership firm for the above purposes.



(i) imported for servicing, repair or maintenance of aircraft imported or procured by Aero Club of India; or

(ii) imported for servicing, repair or maintenance of aircraft, which are used for flying training purposes or for operating non-scheduled (passenger) service or non-scheduled (charter) services;

112[(iia) imported for servicing, repair or maintenance of aircraft imported or procured by the Airports Authority of India for flight calibration purposes]

(iii) the importer furnishes an undertaking to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, at the time of importation that:-

a. the imported goods shall be used for the specified      purpose only; and

b. he shall pay on demand, in the event of his failure to use the imported goods for the specified purpose, an amount equal to the duty payable on the said goods  but for the exemption under this notification. 

Explanation.- The expressions , “Aero Club of India”, “operator”, “non-scheduled (passenger) services” and “non-scheduled (charter) services” shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in Condition No. 103 or 104  above.]

106 If,-

(a) the goods are imported by a manufacturer, for use in the manufacture of sports goods for export by that manufacturer and the manufacturer is registered with the ‘Sports Goods Export Promotion Council’;

(b) the total value of specified goods imported in a year shall not exceed 3 per cent. of the FOB value of sports goods exported by the manufacturer during the preceding financial year;

(c) the importer produces a certificate from the ‘Sports Goods Export Promotion Council’ certifying the value and quantity of exports made during the preceding financial year mentioned in sub-condition (b); and also the value and quantity of goods already imported under this notification during the current financial year.
114[107] If, at the time of importation, the importer produces to the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, a certificate from an officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Power to the effect that the said goods are required for the specified purpose.
108] The exemption shall be available subject to the condition that no remittance s are made or required to be made by the importer relating to the import of the said goods.


(a) the goods are directly shipped from the country in which they were produced and each bar has a weight of 5 kg. or above;

(b) the goods are imported in accordance with the packing list issued by the mining company by whom they were produced;

(c) the importer produces before the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, an assay certificate issued by the mining company or the laboratory attached to it, giving detailed precious metal content in the dore bar;

(d) the gold dore bars are imported by the actual user for the purpose of refining and manufacture of standard gold bars of purity 99.5% and above; and

(e) the silver dore bars are imported by the actual user for the purpose of refining and manufacture of silver bars of purity 99.9% and above.”

Old136[109 If the importer produces before the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, an assay certificate issued by the mining company, giving details of composition.
110 If the importer, at the time of import, is registered with the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency or any State Nodal Agency notified for the purpose by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of india, for Central Financial Assistance;


(a) the importer maintains a proper account of import , use and consumption of the specified goods imported for the purpose of repairs of ocean going vessels and submits such account periodically to the commissioner of customs in such form and in such manner as may be specified by the said commissioner;


(b) (b) the importer, by the execution of bond, in such form and for such sum as may be specified by the Commissioner of Customs , binds himself to pay on demand an amount equal to the duty leviable,- on the spares and consumables, as are not proved to the satisfaction of the said commissioner to have been used or otherwise consumed for the aforesaid purpose, within a period of three months from the date of importation thereof or within such extended period as that commissioner, on being satisfied that there is sufficient cause for not using or consuming them, as the case may be, for the aforesaid purpose within the said period, allow. 


Explanation.-"Ocean going vessels" includes-

(i) Liners; cargo vessels of various kinds including refrigerator vessels for the transport of meat, fruit or the like, vessels specified for the transport of particular goods (grain, coal, ores or the likes); tankers(petrol, wine or the like );yachts and other sailing vessels ; cable ships; ice-breakers ; floating factories of all kind( for processing whales, preserving fish or the like) whale catchers; trawlers and other fishing vessels; life boats ,scientific research vessels; weather ships; vessels for the transportation or mooring of buoys ; pilot boats ;hopper barges for the disposal of dredged material or the like;

(ii) War ships of all kinds including submarines;

(iii) Tugs, dredgers, fire-floats and salvage ships ; and

(iv) Oil rigs , drilling ships and jack-up rigs.

157[112] If the duty amount per kg calculated at the rate of 70% ad valorem, is more than Rs. 49/- per kg

List 1 (See S. No. 52 of the Table)


(1) Amprolium hydrochloride

(2) Ascorbyl dipotassium 2 sulphate dihydrate

(3) Ascorbyl polyphosphate

( 4) Avilamycin

(5) Avoparcin

(6) Bovine albumin fraction

(7) Bovine somatotropin

(8) Buparvaquone

(9) Calf serum/foetal calf serum

(10) Dulbecco phosphate buffer saline medium

(11) Flavophospholipol

(12) Follicular stimulating hormone (FSH)

(13) Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)

(14) Halofuginone bromide

(15) Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (HCG)

(16) Ivermectin

(17) Lasolacid sodium

(18) Leutinising hormone

(19) Lincomycin powder

(20) Lincospectin (bulk drug lincomycin spectinomycin 1:2)

(21) Maduramicin ammonium/ haduramycin ammonium

(22) Monensin granulated (coban premix)

(23) Ovaprim [gonadotropin releasing hormones] (GnRH) analogue with domperidone

(24) Pleuromutilin

(25) Pregnant mare serum (PMSG)

(26) Prostaglandin F2 alpha

(27) Prostaglandin

(28) Prostaglandins (PgF2 alpha)

(29) Robenidin HCl

(30) Salinomycin 12%

(31) Tiamulin hydrogen fumarate

(32) Tiamulin hydrochloride

(33) Tylan premix

(34) Tylosin tartarate/ tylosin phosphate

(35) Vaccine for fish

(36) Virginiamycin

(37) 4-hexyl resorcinol


37Omitted[ List 2 ( See S. No 75 of the Table) ]


1. 120 MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant at Basin Bridge, Chennai, of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board;

2. 48 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant at Sancoale village, Mormugao District, Goa, of Ms Reliance Energy Limited;

3. 350 MW Combined Cycle Gas Trubine Power Plant at Kayamkulam GPP, Kerala of National Thermal Power Corporation Limited;

4. 220 MW Barge Mounted Power Plant at Mangalore of M/s Tanir Bavi Power Company Private Limited, Bangalore;

5. 165 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant at Eloor, District Ernakulam, kerala of M/s BSES Kerala Power Limited;


37Omitted[List 2A (See S.No75A of the Table)]


1. 515MW Combined Cycle Power Plant at Hazira, Gujarat of M/s Essar power Limited;

2. 167 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant at Vadodara of M/s Gujarat Industries power Corporation Ltd.;

3. 413 MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Plant at Anta GPP, Rajasthan of the National Thermal

    Power Corporation Ltd.;

4. 652 MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Plant at Auraiya GPP, Uttar Pradesh of the National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.;

5. 430 MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Plant at Faridabad GPP, Haryana of the National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.;

6. 645 MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Plant at Kawas GPP, Gujarat of the National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd."



List 3 ( See S.No 80 of Table)


(1) Allopurinol

(2) Amikacin

(3) Amiodarone

(4) Amphotericin-B

(5) Amrinone

(6) Amifostine

(7) Aprotinin

(8) Atracurium besylate

(9) Baclofen

(10) Bleomycin

(11) Busulphan

(12) BCG vaccine , Iopromide, Iotrolan

(13) Carbidopa with Levodopa

(14) Cefoperazone

(15) Ceftizoxime

(16) Chlorambucil

(17)Chorionic Gonadotrophin

(18) Clindamycin

(19) Cyclophosphamide

(20) Cefpirome

(21) Dactinomycin

(22) Dacarbazine

(23) Daunorubicin

(24) Desmopressin

(25) Desferrioxamine

(26) Dimercaprol

(27) Dobutamine

***(28) Disopyramide phosphate

(29) Dopamine

(30) Disodium Pamidronate

(31) Eptifibatide

(32) Gemcitabine

(33) Glucagon

(34) Hydroxyurea

(35) Ifosfamide

(36) Isoprenaline

(37) Interferon alpha - 2b/interferon alpha- 2a/Interferon NL/ Interferon alpha NL(LNS)

(38) Isoflurane

(39) Ketamine

(40) Lactulose

(41) Levodopa (L-Dopa)

(42) Lomustine

(43) Lamivudine

(44) Letrozole

(45) Leuprolide Acetate

(46) Latanoprost

(47) Melphalan

(48) Mercaptopurine

(49) Mesna

(50) Methotrexate

(51) Methyl prednisolone

(52) Mitomycin

(53) MMR (Measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine

(54) Mustin Hydrochloride

(55) Netilmicin

(56) Naloxone

(57) Nitroglycerine

**(58) Micronised progesterone

(59) Octreotide

(60) Pancuronium Bromide

(61) Pilocarpine

(62) Podophyllotoxin

(63) Piperacillin

(64) Praziquantel

(65) Pralidoxime

(66) Prazosin

(67) Protamine

(68) Quinidine

(69) Sodium Cromoglycate spincaps and cartridges

(70) Sodium Hyalauronate sterile 1% and 1.4% solution

(71) Somatostatin

(72) Somatropin

(73) Streptokinase and Streptodomase preparations

(74) Strontium Chloride (85 Sr.)

(75) Thioguanine

(76) Tobramycin

(77) Tissue Plasminogen Activator

(78) Tetanus Immunoglobin

(79) Typhoid Vaccines :

  1. VI Antigen of Salmonella Typhi, and

  2. (ii) Ty 2la cells and attenuated non-pathogenic strains of S. Typhi

(80) Tretinoin

(81) Tribavirin/Ribavirin

(82) Urokinase

(83) Ursodeoxycholic Acid

(84) Vancomycin

(85) Vasopressin

(86) Vecuronium Bromide

(87) Zidovudine

(88) 5-Fluorouracil

(89) Pegulated Liposomal Doxorubicin Hydrochloride injection

(90) Ketoanalogue preparation of essential amino acids

(91) Recombinant human Erythropoietin

(92) Pergolide

(93) Kit for bedside assay of Troponin-T

(94) University of Wisconsin Solution for storing, transporting, flushing donor organs for transplant

(95) Lopinavir plus Ritonavir (co-formulation of Lopinavir and Ritonavir)

(96) Miltefosine

(97) Milrinone Lactate

(98) Methoxy Isobutile Isonitrile (MIBI)

(99) Haemophilus Influenzae Type b Vaccine

(100) Mycophenolate Sdium

(101) Verteporfin.

(102) Capecitabine
(103) Daclizumab
(104) Ganciclovir

(105) Infliximab
(106) Drotrecogin alfa (activated)
(107) Eptacog alfa activated recombinant coagulation factor VIIa
(108) Muromonab CD3
(109) Japanese encephalitis vaccine
(110) Interluekin-2
(111) Valgancyclovir
(112) Low molecular weight heparinî;

113. Didanosine;

114. Efavirenz;

****115. Indinavir;

****116. Nelfinavir;

****117. Nevirapine;

****118. Stavudine;

****119. Abacavir Sulphate;

****120. Lopinavir;

****121. Tenofovir Disoproxil;

****122. Emtricitabine;

****123. Azathioprine ;

****124. Antinomycin D;

****125. Cisplatin;

****126. Cytosine Arabinoside (Cytarabine);

****127. Danazol;

****128. Doxorubicin;

****129. Etoposide;

****130. Flutamide;

****131. Ondansetron;;

****132. Paclitaxel;

****133. Tamoxifen Citrate;

****134. Vinblastine Sulphate;

****135. Vincristine;

****136. Eurocollins Solution;

# New [137. Everolimus tablets/dispersible tablets]

Old [****137. Everolinus tablets/dispersible tablets;]

****138. Poractant alfa;

****139. Exemestane;

****140. Recombinant Human Interferon beta 1-a;

****141. Troponin-I whole blood test kit;

****142. Blower/mister kit for beating heart surgery;

****143. Fluoro Enzyme Immunoassay Diagnostic kits.”;

64[(144) Tablet Telbivudine

(145) Injection Exenatide

(146) DTaP-IPV-Hib or PRP-T combined Vaccine

(147) Pneumococcal-7 Valent Conjugate Vaccine (Diphtheria CRM197 Protein)

(148) Injection Thyrotropin Alfa

(149) Injection Omalizumab.]

99[(150) Abatacept

(151) Daptomycin

(152) Entacevir

(153) Fondaparinux Sodium

(154) Influenza Vaccine

(155) Ixabepilone

(156) Lapatinib

(157) Pegaptanib Sodium injection

(158) Suntinib Malate

(159) Tocilizumab]

123[(160) Agalsidase Beta

(161) Anidulafungin

(162) Capsofungin acetate

(163) Desflurane USP

(164) Heamostatic Matrix with Gelatin and human Thrombin

(165) Imiglucerase

(166) Maraviroc

(167) Radiographic contrast media (Sodium and Meglumine ioxitalamate, Iobitridol and Sodium and meglumine ioxaglate)

(168) Sorafenib tosylate

(169) Varenciline tartrate

(170) 90Yttrium]

136[(171) Rasburicase

(172) Nilotinib

(173) Pneumococcal sacchride Conjugate Vaccine adsorbed 13- valent suspension for injection

(174) Micafungin sodium for injection;]

old138[(175) Bevacizumab.]

141[(175) Bevacizumab]

*this items has been amended by notification no. 160/2003 dated 24-10-2003.

**this items has been inserted by notification no. 7/2004 dated 8-1-2004.

***this items has been inserted by notification no. 24/2004 dated 21-1-2004.

**** Inserted vide Notification No. 11/2006-Cus., dtd 1/3/2006.

# Substituted vide Corrigendum to budgetary changes



List 4 (See S. No. 83 and 403 of the Table)


(1) Abciximab

(2) Aurothiomalate Sodium

(3) Asparaginase

(4) Agglutinating Sera

(5) Anti-Diphtheria Normal Human Immunoglobulin

(6) Anti-Haeomophilic Factor concentrate (VIII and IX)

(7) Anti-human lymophocyte immunoglobulin IV

(8) Anti-human thymocyte immunoglobulin IV

(9) Anti-Pertussis Normal Human Immunoglobulin

(10) Anti-Plague serum

(11) Anti-Pseudomonas Normal Human Immunoglobulin

(12) Anti-Rabies Normal Human Immunoglobulin

(13) Anti -D Immunoglobulin

(14) Basiliximab

(15) Beractant Intra-tracheal Suspension

(16) Blood group sera

(17) Botulinum Toxin Type ‘A’

(18) Burn therapy dressing soaked in gel

(19) Bovine Thrombin for in vitro test for diagnosis in Haemorrhagic disorders

(20) Bovine Albumin

(21) Bretyleum Tossylate

(22) Calcium Disodium Edetate

(23) Carmustine

(24) Cesium Tubes

(25) Calcium folinate

(26) Cholestyramine

(27) Christmas Factor Concentrate (Coagulation factor IX prothrombin complex concentrate)

(28) Cobalt-60

(29) Corticotrophin

(30) Cyanamide

(31) Diagnostic Agent for Detection of Hepatitis B Antigen

(32) Diagnostic kits for detection of HIV antibodies

(33) Diphtheria Antitoxin sera

(34) Diazoxide

(35) Edrophonium

(36) Enzyme linked Immunoabsorbent Assay kits [ELISA KITS]

(37) Epirubicin

(38) Fibrinogen

(39) Floxuridine

(40) Follicle Stimulating Hormone [FSH]

(41) Flucytosin

(42) Filgrastim /Molgramostim (G- CSF/GM-CSF)

(43) Flecainide

(44) Fludarabine Phosphate

(45) Foetal Bovine Serum (FBS)

(46) Gadolinium DTPA Dimeglumine

(47) Gallium Citrate

(48) Gasgangrene Anti-Toxin Serum

(49) Goserlin Acetate

(50) Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin

(51) Hexamethylmelamine

(52) Hydralazine

(53) Idarubicine

(54) Idoxuridine

(55) Imatinib Mesilate

(56) Irinotecan

(57) Immunoassay kit for blood Fibrinogen degradation product for direct estimation for diagnostic test in D.I.C.

(58) Inactivated rabies vaccine [Human diploid cell]

(59) Inactivated rabies vaccine [Vero-cell]

(60) Intravenous amino acids

(61) Intravenous Fat Emulsion

(62) Iopamidol

(63) Iohexol

(64) (a) Indium (III) in bleomycin (b) Indium 113 Sterile generator and elution accessories (c) Indium 113 in brain scanning kit (d) Indium 113 in liver scanning kit

(65) Iscador, CLIA diagnostic kits

(66) Levodopa with benserazine

(67) Lenograstim

(68) Meningococcoal A and C combined vaccine with diluant solvent

(69) Methicillin

(70) Metrizamide Inj with diluant

(71) Monocomponent insulins

(72) Mycophenolate Mofetil

(73) Nalorphine

(74) Normal Human plasma

(75) Normal Human immunoglobulin

(76) Nuclear magnetic resonance contrast agent

(77) Normal Human serum Albumin

(78) Penicillamine

(79) Pentamidine

(80) Penicillinase

(81) Poliomyelitis vaccine (inactivated and live)

(82) Potassium Aminobenzoate

(83) Porcine Insulin Zinc Suspension

(84) Prednimustine

(85) Porcine and Bovine insulin

(86) Procarbazine

(87) Purified Chick Embryo Cell Rabies Vaccine

(88) Pyridostigmine

(89) Pneumocystis carinii IF kits

(90) Prostaglandin E 1 (PGE1)

(91) Radio-immunoassay kit for hormones (T3, T4, TSH Insulin, Glucogen, Growth Hormone, Cortisol, L.H., FSH and Digoxin)

(92) Radioisotope TI 201

(93) (a) Rabbit brains thromboplastin for PT test

(b) Reagent for PT tests

(c) Human Thrombin for TT tests

(94) Rabies immunoglobulin of equine origin

(95) Ritonavir

(96) Rivastigmine

(97) Rituximab

(98) Sevoflurane

(99) Saquinavir

(100) Recuronium Bromide

(101) Septopal beads and chains

(102) Sodium Arsenate

(103) Freeze Dried Form of Human Follicle Stimulating and Luteinising Hormones

(104) Solution of Nucleotides and Nucliosides

(105) Specific Desensitizing Vaccine

(106) Sterile Absorbable Haemostat for control of surgical vessel bleeding

(107) Strontium SR-89 Chloride

(108) Suxamethonium Chloride

(109) Selenium-75

(110) Teicoplanin

(111) Technitium-99M

(112) Tetrofosmin

(113) Ticarcillin

(114) Tranexamic Acid

(115) Tocainide

(116) Tri-iodothyronine

(117) Triethylene Tetramine

(118) Trastuzumab

(119) Thrombokinase

(120) Teniposide

(121) Trans-1- diamino

cyclohexane Oxalatoplatinum

(122) Ticarcillin Disodium and Potassium Clavulanate


(123) Vindesin Sulphate

(124) X-ray diagnostic agents, the following :-

  1. Propylidone

  2. Ethyl iodophenylun decylate

  3. Iodipammide methyl glucamine

  4. Lipidoll utra fluid

  5. Patent blue

(125) Zalcitabine

(126) Zoledronic Acid


"List 5 (See S.No.84 of the Table)

(1) Chlorine

(2) Helium

(3) Silicon tetra chloride

(4) Germanium tetra chloride

(5) Phosphorous oxychloride

(6) Sulphur hexa flouride oxygen

(7) Olige-poly iso cyanate

ethyl-acetate solution

(8) Colouring ink for fibre

(9) Binder of polyurethane

or vinyl chloride-vinyl  acetate copolymer

12 [(10) UV resin 1 & 2/Ribbon matrix]

Old [(10) [UV resin-142/ Ribbon matrix]

(11) Nylon-12/Ether Ester Elastome

(12) Coloured Nylon 12/

Nylon l1/Ether Ester Elastomer

(13) Elongated polyethylene tape

(14) Polyester tape/Water

blocking tape

(15) Nylon thread/water swell able yarn

(16) Polyethylene cord

(17) Biaxily oriented nylon tape

(18) Silica: tube / rod, other than preform

(19) Aramid Yarn

(20) Impregnated Glass fibre

reinforcement (Glass rovings)

(21) Rip Cord

(22) Nylon II

(23)Co-polymer coated MS Tape / Stainless steel tape

(24) Low smoke zero Halogen compound for sheathing

(25) Glass yarn/ Rovings

(26) Complex high molecular weight resin in  acrylate solution

(27) Acrylated monomers

(28) Photoinitiater

29) Tert Butyl perbenzoate

(30) Zinc soap of long fatty acid mixture

(31) Modified polypropylene.

(32) Ethylene acrylic acid

(EAA)/Vinyl ester";




"List 6.

(See S.No.84 of the Table)

(1) Glass yarn / Rovings

(2) UV resin

(3) Complex high molecular weight resin in acrylate solution

(4) Acrylated monomers

(5) Photoinitiater

(6) Tert Butyl perbenzoate

(7) Zinc soap of long fatty acid mixture

(8) Modified polypropylene

(9) Ethylene acrylic acid (EAA)/Vinyl ester";

List 7 (See S. No. 85 of the Table)


(1) (a) Laser rods - Neodymium: YAG, Neodymium : Glass, Ruby, Erbium : YAG, TI : A1203, Alexandrite, HO : YAG

(b) Helium- Neon Laser Tubes

(c) Semi-conductor visible lasers

(d) Dielectric coated mirrors for visible , near IR & 10.6 micrometer region

(e) Hard dielectric coated optics including thin film polarisers, calcite polarisers and Beam splitters

(f) ZnSe mirrors, ZnSe lenses and ZnSe windows

(g) Gratings and prisms

(h) Dye cells and laser dyes

(i) Thin film polarisers for visible, near IR region

(j) Electro- optic switches for visible, near IR and 10.6 micrometer region

(k) Flash lamps (Xenon, Krypton)

(l) Arc lamps (Krypton)

(m) Second harmonic generation crystals

(2) Energy storage capacitors


(4) Photodetectors and photomultipliers

(5) Metering needle valves and pressure indicators

(6) Spectroscopic grade pure gases viz., Xenon, Krypton, Fluorine, Argon

(7) Vaccum pumps of capacity upto 20 litres per minute

(8) Quartz and Special glasses

(9) Non linear crystals

(10) Electro- optic and Acousto-optic switches

(11) Special materials, namely, High purity gases, Kovar, Alumina and Zirconia fibres, Recrystallised Alumina Tubes, Optical polishing materials, Optical cleaning material, Dyes and Pitch for optical polishing

(12) Optical filters

List 8 (See S. No. 94 of the Table)


(List 8 has been omitted vide notification no. 11/2005 dated 1-3-2005)

List 9(A) (See S.No. 174 of the Table)


(1) Leather, plastic, rubber coco board, masonite board or plastic board, heels with or without rubber/PVC top lift

(2) Toe caps and counters for leather footwear

(3) Insoles or midsoles and sheets therefor

(4) Welts made from leather or plastic

(5) Shoes eyelets

(6) Felt sleeves

(7) Heel tips

(8) Unit soles with or without heels

(9) Stamping wheels

(10) Patterns for leather footwear

(11) Plastic or nylon tipped hammers

(12) Plastic, PVC or nylon lasts with or without steel hinges

(13) Clicking boards for leather machinery

(14) Harness needles for hand sewing pre-punched cards

(15) Pre-punched cards

(16) Leather designers kit, namely, designers knife, shoe measuring tape, designers tape and satra vaccum former

(17) Industrial sewing machine needles with leather point

(18) Bell skiving knives

(19) Band knife for splitting machines

(20) Cutting and clicking dies

(21) Aluminium shoe forms with or without heating elements

(22) Silver marking pencils or pens and refills thereof

(23) Polyurethane films and polyurethane foils of thickness 0.3 mm. and above but not above 0.7 mm., for finishing leather

(24) Non-woven material coated with thermoplastic for the manufacture of toe-counters

(25) Cellulose board insole sheets

(26) Leather board made from leather scrap for the manufacture of counters and stiffeners

(27) Masonite or coco board

(28) Sole leather bends

(29) Styrene butadiene styrene oilbound copolymer for the manufacture of soles

(30) Rubber, resin rubber, EVA or crepe sheets for soles and heels

(31) Felt, all types

(32) Sulphonated / sulphated / oxidised / chlorinated cod oil or sulphonated / sulphated / oxidised / chlorinated neats foot oil or sulphonated / oxidised / chlorinated fish oil or mixtures thereof

(33) Pigment finishes for leather

(34) Aluminium tanning agents, oil tanning agents, zirconium tanning agents, basic chrome sulphate

(35) Polishes, creams and similar preparations for footwear or leather

(36) Casein, resin (other than acrylic resin) and polyurethane binders

(37) Slip agents of heading 32.08

(38) Lacquer and lacquer emulsion of heading 32.08

(39) Preservatives of heading 29.42

(40) Synthetic fat liquors (with or without hydrocarbons), non-ionic fat liquors, and mixtures thereof

(41) Fatty oil or pull up oil

(42) Syntans

(43) Solvent soluble dye Mordant Brown of Hue No.79

(44) Solvent soluble dye Acid Brown of Hue Nos. 75, 76, 97, 98, 126, 127, 144, 159, 160, 161, 162, 165, 188, 191, 194, 196, 214, 237, 256, 265, 268, 270, 282, 290, 298, 303, 310, 321, 322, 349, 355, 358, 359, 360, 362, 365, 373, 387, 396, 402, 422, 425, 432, 433, 434 or 447

(45) Solvent soluble dye Acid Black of Hue Nos. 50, 52, 71, 76, 82, 83, 84, 85, 115, 132, 169, 172, 194, 209, 210, 213, 215, 221 or 234

(46) Solvent soluble dye Acid Blue of Hue Nos. 115, 133, 134, 193, 254, 260, 312 or 349

(47) Solvent soluble dye Direct Blue of Hue No. 59 or 78

(48) Solvent soluble dye Acid Red of Hue No. 97, 119, 120, 167, 231, 234, 248, 283, 324, 362, 399, 404, 407 or 423

(49) Solvent soluble dye Direct Red of Hue No. 23, 99, 111 or 239

(50)Solvent soluble dye Acid Green of Hue No. 20, 26, 68 or 111

(51) Solvent soluble dye Acid Orange of Hue Nos. 51, 66, 78, 80, 95, 162, 168 or 170

(52) Solvent soluble dye Acid Violet of Hue No. 54, 80 or 90

(53) Solvent soluble dye Acid yellow of Hue No. 96, 99, 194, 204, 220 or 243

(54) Solvent soluble dye Direct Orange of Hue No. 61

(55) Solvent soluble dye Direct Brown of Hue No. 94 or 209

(56) Solvent soluble dye Direct Violet of Hue No. 46

(57) Solvent soluble dye Direct Black of Hue No. 120 or 155

(58) Solvent soluble dye Direct Green of Hue No. 66.

List 9(B) (See S. No. 174 of the Table)


(XXIII) Itaconic Acid

(XXIV) 1-Methoxy Propanol-2

(XXV) Ethyl Acetate

(XXVI) Butyl Acetate

(XXVII) 2 Ethyl Hexyl Acetate

(XXVIII) Emulsifiers

(XXIX) Ethyl Glycol

(XXX) Butyl Glycol

List 10 (See S. No.190 of the Table)


(List 10 has been omitted vide notification no. 11/2005 dated 1-3-2005)


List 11( See S.No 207 of Table)



List 12 (See S. No. 214, 216 and 217 of the Table)

(1). Land Seismic Survey Equipment and accessories, requisite vehicles including those for carrying the equipment, seismic survey vessels, global positioning system and accessories, and other materials required for seismic work or other types of Geophysical and Geochemical surveys for onshore and offshore activities


(2) All types of Drilling rigs, jackup rigs, submersible rigs, semi submersible rigs, drill ships, drilling barges, shot-hole drilling rigs, mobile rigs, workover rigs consisting of various equipment and other drilling equipment required for drilling operations, snubbing units, hydraulic workover units, self elevating workover platforms, Remote Operated Vessel(ROV)


(3)Helicopters including assemblies/parts


(4) All types of Marine vessels to support petroleum operations including work boats, barges, crew boats, tugs, anchor handling vessels, lay barges and supply boats, Marine ship equipment including water Maker, DP system and Diving system


(5) All types of Equipment/units for specialised services like diving, cementing, logging, casing repair, production testing, simulation and mud services, oil field related lab equipment, reservoir engineering, geological equipment, directional drilling,Stimulation, Coil Tubing units, drill stem testing (DST), data acquisition and processing, solids control, fishing(as related to downhole retrieval in oil field operations), well control, blowout prevention(BOP),pipe inspection including Non

Destructive Testing, coring, gravel pack, well completion and workover for oil/gas wells including wireline and downhole equipment


(6) All types of casing pipes, drill pipes, production tubing, pup joints, connections, coupling, kelly, cross overs and swages, Drive Pipes


(7) All types of drilling bits, including nozzles, breakers and related tools


(8) All types of oil field chemicals including synthetic products used in petroleum operations, oil well cement and cement additives, required for drilling, production and transportation of oil or gas


(9) Process, production and well platforms for oil, gas and water injection including items forming part of the platforms and equipment required like process equipment, turbines, pumps, generators, compressors, primemovers, water makers, filters and filtering equipment, Telemetery, Telecommunication, Tele-Control and other material required for platforms


(10) Line pipes for flow lines and trunk pipelines including weight-coating and wrapping


(11) Derrick barges, Mobile and stationary cranes, trenchers, pipelay barges, cargo barges and the like required in the construction/installation of platforms and laying of pipelines


(12) Single buoy mooring systems, mooring ropes, fittings like chains, shackles, couplings marine hoses and oil tankers to be used for oil storage and

connected equipment, Tanks used for storage of oil, condensate, water, mud, chemicals and related materials


(13) All types of fully equipped vessels and other units/equipment required for pollution control, fire prevention, fire fighting, safety items like Survival Craft, Life Raft, fire and gas detection equipment, including H2S monitoring equipment.


(14) Mobile and skid mounted pipe laying, pipe testing and pipe inspection equipment


(15) All types of valves including high pressure valves


(16) Communication equipment required for Petroleum operations including synthesized VHF Aero and VHF Marine multi channel sets


(17) Non-directional radio beacons, intrinsically safe walkie-talkies, directional finders, EPIRV, electronic individual security devices including electronic access control system


(18) Specialized antenna system, simplex telex over radio terminals, channel micro wave systems, test and measurement equipment


(19) X-band radar transponders, area surveillance system


(20) Common depth point (CDP) cable, logging cable, connectors, geo-phone strings, perforation equipment and explosives





(21) Wellhead and christmas trees, including valves, chokes, heads spools, hangers and actuators, flexible connections like chicksons and high pressure hoses, shut down panels

(22) Cathodic Protection Systems including anodes


(23) Technical drawings, maps, literature, Data tapes, Operational and Maintenance Manuals required for petroleum operations

(24) Sub-assemblies, tools, accessories, stores, spares, materials, supplies, consumables for running, repairing or maintenance of the goods specified in this List

List 13 (See S. No. 218 of the Table)


Land Seismic Survey Equipment and accessories, seismic survey vesels, global positioninig system and accessories, and other materials required for seismic work or other types of Geophysical and Geochemical surveys for on-shore activities


All types of Drilling rigs, shot-hole drilling rigs. Mobile rigs, workover rigs consisting of various equipment and other drilling equipment required for drilling operations, snubbing units, hydraulic workover units, self-elevating workover platforms


All types of Equipments / units for specialized services like, cementing, logging, casing repair, Production testing, simulation and mud services, reservoir engineering, geological equipment, directional drilling, Stimulation, Coil Tubing units, drill stem testing (DST), data acquisition and processing, solids control, fishing (as related to downhole retrieval in coal bed methane operations), well control, blowout prevention (BOP), pipe inspection including Non Destructive Testing, coring, gravel pack, well completion and workover for CBM wells including wireline and downhole equipment


All types of casing pipes, drill pipes, production tubing, pup joints, connections, coupling, Kelly, cross overs and swages, Drive Pipes


All types of drilling bits, including nozzles, breakers and related tools


All types of coal bed methane chemicals including synthetic products used in coal bed methane operations, required for drilling, production and transportations of gas


Process, production and well installation for CBM and water injection including items forming part of the installation and equipment required like process equipment, turbines, pumps, generators, compressors, primemovers, water makers, filters and filtering equipment, Telemetery, Telecommunication, Tele-Control and other material required for installations


Line pipes for flow lines and trunk pipelines including weight-coating and wrapping


Tanks used for storage of coal bed methane, water, mud, chemicals and related materials


All types of fully equipped units/equipment required for pollution control, fire prevention, fire fighting, safety items like fire and gas detection equipment, including H2 S monitoring equipment


Mobile and skid mounted pipe laying, pipe testing and pipe inspection equipment


All types of valves including high pressure valves


Communication equipment required for operations including synthesized VHF Aero and VHF multi channel sets, Non-directional radio beacons, intrinsically safe walkie-talkies, directional finders, EPIRV, electronic individual security devices including electronic access control system


Specialized antenna system, simplex telex over radio terminals, channel micro wave systems, test and measurement equipment


Area surveillance system


Common depth point (CDP) cable, logging cable, connectors, geo-phone strings, perforation equipment and explosives


Wellhead and Christmas trees, including valves, chokes, heads spools, hangers and actuators, flexible connections like chicksons and high pressure hoses, shut down panels , Cathodic Protection Systems including anodes


Technical drawings, maps literature, Data tapes, Operational and Maintenance Manuals required for coal bed methane operations


Sub-assemblies, tools, accessories, stores, spares, materials, supplies, consumables for running, repairing or maintenance of the goods specified in this List

37omitted [List 14 (See S. No 219 of the Table)]

(i) Brick press with accessories like moulds, pallets, stackers, clamping devices or the like for fly ash sand-lime brick capacity 3000-5000 bricks/hr. up and down stroke pressure 300-400 kgs. / sq.m.

(ii) Flyash block making machine of capacity 1000 - 2000 block/hr. with vibrators, mixer and accessories like moulds, pallets, stackers, clamping devices or the like

(iii) Mixer with bottom valve and outlet pipes for cellular concrete

(iv) Moulding equipment, cross cutting plant and longitudinal cutting plant, for cellular concrete

(v) Centering bridge for moulds

(vi) Moving grate sintering strand for light weight flyash cellular concrete

(vii) Purification plant including diaphragm, pump, vaccum filter, gas scrubber, for phosphogypsum

(viii) Flash calciner

(ix) centrifuge for calcination equipment


(x) Partition panel plant

(xi) Moulds for phosphogypsum

(xii) Drier-cum-calciner

(xiii) Edge Runner Mill (for crushing and kneading of Clay and Flyash Mixture output 15 to 40 tons per hour depending on the perforation of the grinding plates)

(xiv) Pan Mixer (output 25 tons per hour)

(xv) Double Shaft Mixer (for mixing of the material consisting of Clay and Flyash)

(xvi) Vaccum Worm Press Extrusion machine (capacity of the press up to 36 tons of material per hour)

(xvii) Mouth piece (for the above vaccum Worm Press with dimensions corresponding to the required type of Bricks or Blocks which will be produced)

(xviii) Automatic Equipment (for cutting and handling of Bricks between the pressing shop and dryers)

(xix) Plant and Machinery required for making hollow-core roofing/flooring units

(xx) Large-size plants for manufacturing of hollow and solid concrete blocks for walling

(xxi) Mechanised hydraulically operated Tunnel Form of Wall forms, Slabforms, Column forms

(xxii) Large-size vibrating-beds with integrated curing and wire-tensioning arrangements

(xxiii) Vibrating-distributors for speedy production of prefab building parts

(xxiv) Hydraulic presses for manufacturing pavement blocks

(xxv) Hydraulic heavy duty press for making Hollow and Solid Concrete Blocks

(xxvi) Foam Generating Equipment, spiral pumps and Foaming compound for light weight cellular concrete

(xxvii) Densified Wood Fibre Plates ( Moulded door skins/ door facings) for door shutters

List 15 (See S. No. 222 of the Table)


(List 15 has been omitted vide notification no. 11/2005 dated 1-3-2005)


List 16 (See S. No. 227 of the Table)




List 17 (See S.No. 228 of the Table)

1. All types of Refinery Process Units including distillation (CDU, VDU, Condensate Fractionator), thermal cracking (Delayed Coker, Visbreaker, Flexicoker), catalytic cracking (FCC, Hydrocracker), lube processing (Deasphalting, Dewaxing, Solvent Extraction), hydro-desulphurisation/hydrotreating (Naphtha, Diesel, VGO, ARDS, LC Fining, H. Oil), alkylation, isomerisation, catalytic reforming, treating (Merox, Amine), recovery (Propylene, Ethylene, Butane), synthesis (MTBE, TAME), gas concentration plant, bitumen blowing, sour water stripping and extraction (Pentane, Hexane, BTX).

2. All types of Hydrogen Generation, Recovery and Purification Plants, Sulphur Recovery Plants including Tail Gas Treatment Units, with associated components and equipments, including reactors (like shift, Claus, hydrotreater, CBA, desulphurizer), furnaces, steam reformers, waste heat boilers, condensers, Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) systems, incinerators, vessels, boilers, pumps, compressors, drivers, alongwith associated instrumentation and control systems and auxiliaries (skidded or otherwise).

3. All types of Utility Systems, including Nitrogen Systems comprising of generation, storage and vaporization plants, Flare Systems comprising of flare tips, stacks, seal drums, knockout drums and pumps, Refrigeration Systems comprising of compressors, refrigerant storage and heat exchangers, Emergency Power Systems comprising of generators, UPS and batteries, with component equipments and all systems auxiliaries, instrumentation and control systems.

4. All types of Process Subsystems, including Continuous Catalyst Regeneration Systems for Reformer, Recovery Plus Systems for Reformer, Power Recovery Train Systems for FCC, Feed Nozzles for FCC, Vapour Recovery Systems, Cryogenic Systems for LPG either supplied separately or as a whole, with component equipments, drivers, instrumentation and control systems, and auxiliaries.

5. All types of Water Handling and Treatment Systems, including sea water intake systems comprising of sea water band screens, Desilting systems for still basin, Sea Water filtration/Chlorination Systems, Desalination plants, Cooling Water Towers, Demineralization plants, Condensate Polishing Systems, Deaerators and Potable Water Systems, and all component equipments, vessels, pumps, vapourisers, condensers, filters, eductors, heat exchangers, drivers, screens, framing structures, gates, instrumentation and control systems, activated carbons, ion exchange resins, resin traps, additive injection systems and auxiliaries (skidded or otherwise)

6. All types of Effluent Solids/Liquids/Gaseous Processing, Handling, Control, Abatement and Disposal Systems, including plate interceptors, dissolved air floatation devices, skimmers, hydrocyclones, clarifiers, chemical dosing systems, acid treatment and biological treatment systems, Spent Caustic Neutralisation Systems and Sewage Filtration/Treatment Systems, with component equipments, instrumentation and control systems.

7. All types of Air Handling Systems and Equipments, including plant/instrument air compressors, FD/ID fans, blowers, dehumidifiers, pneumatic systems, mixers, dryers, intake filters, vents, silencers, cyclones, stacks, manifolds, ducts, with drivers, auxiliary seal/lube/control oil systems, instrumentation and control systems.

8. All types of Fired Heaters and Boilers, with radiant coils and sections, transfer line assemblies, convection coils and sections, cross over/jump over pipes, fittings, tube sheets, tube supports, refractory materials, structural steel supports, casings, stacks, dampers, soot blowers, ducting systems, gas/oil/dual burner assemblies, burner tiles, waste heat boilers (WHB), steam generators, economizers, air/fuel preheat systems, FD/ID fans, fuel gas/oil skids, and including LPG vaporizers, steam superheaters, heat recovery steam generators, electric heaters, FCC flue gas coolers, steam reformers, CO boilers, circulating fluidised bed boiler, auxiliary boilers, process interheaters, thermal reactors, thermal incinerators, coke feeders, limestone feeders, ESP/baghouse filters, alongwith associated instrumentation & control systems, including burner lighting, flame detection and burner management systems.

9. All types of Compressors, including axial, centrifugal, diaphragm, reciprocating, rotary screw and sliding vane type compressors, for gas, air, hydrocarbon and all special services including FCC Power Recovery Trains (PRT), LPG vapour return blowers, with drivers of motor or steam turbine or expansion turbine or engine or gas turbine or hydraulic turbine types, speed governor systems, seal/lube/control oil systems (skidded or otherwise), gear assembly, bearings, barring gears, clutch, couplings, intercoolers, after coolers, suction filters, instrumentation & control systems including vibration monitoring anti surge control, inlet guide vane control, sequencer control, control panel and machine condition monitoring systems.

10. All types of Heat Exchangers, including shell and tube, double pipe, kettle, plate welded plate, high pressure (breech lock), Armstrong and brazed types, with plain or fin or High Flux or U tubes for cooling intercooling, trim cooling, chilling, condensing, crystallizing, heating, vaporizing or reboiling services, with tubes, tube sheets, head assemblies, shells, flanges, bolts and nuts, gaskets, baffles, tie rods, instrumentation and control systems.

11. All types of Air Cooled Exchangers, for cooling, intercooling, trim cooling, chilling and condensing services, with plain/finned tubes, of carbon steel, admiralty brass, alloy steel, stainless steel, monel or titanium or other materials, with fans, fan drivers, structural steel support frameworks, instrumentation and control systems, anti vibration systems.

12. All types of Agitators and Mixers, including static, jet, dilution types, motor drivers, aeration systems, with instrumentation and control systems.

13. All types of Filters, Screens and Strainers, including backwash, bucket, carbon, cartridge, duplex, pressure / mechanical, rotary, drum, sand, sock/bag, vaccum types, and special FCC net bottoms catalyst filters, screens, strainers, demisters and sea water clarifiers, with instrumentation and control systems.

14. All types of Vaccum Producing Equipments, including ejectors, educators, venturies, with instrumentation and control systems.

15. All types of Materials Separation systems, including cyclones, centrifuges, coalescers, dust collectors, electrostatic precipitators, oily water separators, flocculators, and specialized systems of Crude Oil Desalters, Reactor Cyclones and Regenrator Cyclones for FCC, third Stage Separators and Fourth Stage Cyclone Separators for FCC, with vessel internals, grids, distributors, supports, instrumentation and control systems.

16. All types of Materials Transporting Equipments, including loading and unloading arms and racks, gantries, dispatch tanks, loading / transfer pumps, hydraulic systems, weigh bridges, Diesel shunters, feed or injection or spray nozzles, skimmers, soot blowers, with instrumentation and control systems, including load cells and metering stations.

17. All types of Electrical Equipments including switchyard equipments, transmitters, relays, solar power systems, including solar panels, batteries and charger, phase shift monitors, motor or steam turbine generators, protection relays for generators, auxiliary seal/lube/control oil systems, actuators, annunciators, lighting masts, lighting fittings, panels, batteries and battery chargers, bus ducts, all types of cables including power/instrument/compensating/fibre optic/coaxial/control cables, cable joints, capacitors, distribution boards, fittings, substations, grounding/neutral resistors, heat tracing systems including insulation, microprocessor based process controllers, local control stations, motor control centres, power control centres, HT/LT motors, shock eliminators, HT/LT switch gears, transducers, HT/LT transformers, UPS and variable speed drivers over current protection devices, instrumentation and control systems including load distribution and management systems and auxiliaries, (skidded or otherwise).

18. All types of Materials Handling Equipments including belt or pneumatic conveyors, ducts, hoists, bucket or jib cranes, (with or without gangways), pipe and hoses, funnels, hoppers, disengaging lock hoppers, catalyst addition pots, valves and sampler devices, bagging, weighing and bag stitching systems, weigh bridges, buoy systems for crude oil receipt, pipeline and manifolds with valves, fenders, mooring aids, laser docking systems, product tanker loading facilities, with associated equipments, instrumentation and control systems, and auxiliaries.

19. All types of coke handling and storage equipments, including coke crushers, coke cutting systems, coke drum unheading devices, coke drum switching systems, coke conveyors, stackers and reclaimers, silos/hoppers, dust abatement systems, belt weighers, Sulfur Handling and Storage Equipments and Sulphur Granulation or Flaking or Prilling Systems with associated equipments, instrumentation and control systems and auxiliaries.

20. All types of Product Filling Systems, including LPG bottles filling machines and bitumen drum filling machines, and associated equipments, instrumentation and control systems and auxiliaries.

21. All types of injections and Dosing Packages, for Injection or metering or dosing of chemicals, additives, inhibitors, odourisers, oxygen scavengers, blocides, chlorine, polymers, caustic, acids, emulsifiers, antifoams or antifoulants, with their component equipments, like drums, tanks, pumps, instrumentation and control systems, auxiliaries (skidded or otherwise).

22. All types of Pumps, including API or non-API, centrifugal , diaphragm, in-line, jockey, vertical, booster, barrel, gear, Sundyne, screw, ram, reciprocating or submersible types, single stage or multistage types, for petroleum crude or intermediate products or petroleum products and byproducts, water including sea water and boiler feed water, chemicals, slops or sludge services, liquid booster for LPG (cryogenic), with motor or steam turbine or hydraulic turbine or diesel engine drivers, and instrumentation and control systems, auxiliaries, including seals flushes, gear boxes, water cooling harnesses and lube oil consoles.

23. All types of Tanks and Storages, including plate materials, flanges, fasteners, nozzles, fittings and other components for assembly/construction/erection at site, and instrumentations, including relief, breather, and rim vent values, nitrogen blanketing systems, roof drain pipings, rim seals, flame arrestors and automatic tank gauging systems, for oil, hydrocarbon (petroleum crude, products, byproducts, intermediate and blend components), water, chemicals, slops, sludge storage in either cone, fixed, floating, dome or internal floating roof configurations, solids storage in silos, bins or hoppers and LPG/propylene/ethylene/propane/butane storage in spheres, bullets or cryogenic tanks, and instrumentation and control systems.

24. All types of Columns, either supplied separately or together, comprising of grids, screens, distributors, nozzles and their supports/fasteners and accessories, for services like absorption, desorption, stripping, fractionation, distillation, splitting, stabilization, extraction, washing or scrubbing services, and column internals comprising of trays either bubble, jet, multi downcorner (MD), sieve or valve trays, or either random or structured type packings, and their appurtenances, instrumentation and auxiliaries.

25. All types of Vessels and Drums, either supplied separately or together, comprising of shells, heads, internals, grids, screens, demisters, coalescers, boots, distributors, packing and their supports/fasteners and accessories, for storage, separation, reaction, mixing, decoking, degassing, flashing, draining, blow down, desuperheating, drying, sealing, receiving, surge and interface controlling services, and their appurtenances, instrumentation, insulation and auxiliaries.

26. All types of Reactors, either supplied separately or together, comprising of shells, heads, catalysts, support materials, grids, screens, demisters, coalescers, distributors, packings and supports/fasteners and accessories, for carrying out cracking (FCC Reactor and Spent Catalyst Stripper), coking (Coke Drums), visbreaking, hydrotreating, hydro desulphurization, hydrocracking, catalytic reforming (Platformer), shift, sulphur (Claus), adsorption (CBA, PSA), oxidizing, treating (Merox), regenerating (FCC Regenerator/Combustor), desulphurising reactions, spray and mixing nozzles and their appurtenances, instrumentation and auxiliaries.

27. All types of Instrumentations, including various types of level/pressure/density/temperature/flow instruments, detectors, level/pressure/draft/temperature gauges, capacitance/level/limit, proximity switches, transmitters, annunciators, controllers, converters, transducers, temperature sensor assemblies, load cells, orifice assemblies, rotameters, pitot tubes, venturies, meter runs, control/metering panels, pneumatic/motorised/hydraulic/piston actuators, recorders, solenoid operated valves, transmitters, thermocouples, temperature elements, sight glasses, amplifiers, annubars, barriers / isolators, all types of flow meters, custody transfer meters, meter provers, density meters, electromechanical/magnetic/nuclear/radar/ultrasonic level indicators, weighing and bagging systems and test equipments for testing and calibration of above instruments.

28. All types of Transmitters and Monitors, including electronic transmitters for measurement of level, pressure, flow speed, temperature and weight, and monitoring systems for ambient air, fugitive emissions, pipelines, speed, stack emissions and vibration.

29. All types of Control Equipments, including ball/butterfly/gate/globe/needle/plug/bellow sealed type control valves, shutdown valves, self actuating, solenoid, on/off, fast acting quarter turn, pressure regulating, breather and pressure/vaccum relief valves, pilot operated safety valves, and valves for specialised services, such as catalyst addition systems and lock hopper control systems.

30. All types of Control Hardware and Software Systems, including Distributed Control Systems (DCS), Emergency Shutdown Systems (ESD), Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Security and Access Systems, Terminal Automation Systems, Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems with Real Time Optimizer (RTO), Supervisory Control and Date Acquisition (SCADA) Systems, and Refinery Information Management System (RIMS) with operator panels, computers, date loggers, interfaces, relay cabinets, engineering controls, large display screens, microwave transmission and receiver equipments, logic multipoint recorder/multiplexers, and their hardware and software

31. All types of Fire and Gas Detection Systems, consisting of LEL/fire/smoke/UV/gas/IR/toxic detectors, panels, cables, weather protection housing, junction boxes, detector cards, cabinets, calibration equipments, beacons and lights, and their hardware and software.

32. All types of Pipes, Tubes and Hoses, including cladded, coated, lined, made of carbon steel, low temperature carbon steel, alloy steel, stainless steel, GRP, copper, aluminium HDPE, PP, fibre glass, monel incolloy, titanium or any other materials, and other in seamless or welded construction, for all applications fields joint coating materials, with instrumentation and control systems like pipeline surge relief systems, auxiliaries, painting and insulation.

33. All types of Pipe Fittings, including elbows, connectors, tees, pipe fabrication accessories, spargers, nozzles, plugs, packing glands, rings, flanges, gaskets, supports, pads, manifolds, siphons, shock absorbers, struts, fasteners, mitre/long radius/short radius bends, sockolets, weldolets, spray nozzles, graylock fittings, swagelock/compression fittings, insulating kits, special steam traps, liquid float traps, bellows, flexible hoses, couplings, vent silencers, and speciality items like Teflon sliders, standpipe expansion joints, spring supports/hangers, scraper tees, pipeline and manifolds with valves, cleaning/scraping/monitoring pigs, pig launcher, pig receiver and pig detection system, cathodic protection system with sacrificial anodes and CP monitoring system, with instrumentation and auxiliaries.

34. All types of valves, including ball, butterfly, check, diaphragm, gate, double disc or knife gate,, globe bellow sealed globe, jacketed, plug, through conduit type valves, with manual/gear/motor/hydraulic operations, for oil, water, steam, hydrocarbon, chemical, cryogenic, subsea, nitrogen blanketing and thermic fluid services, and specialised services valves, like FCC butterfly valves, Cooker switch valves, standpipe slide valves, flue gas divertor valves, pressure reducing station systems, pipeleine and manifolds and riser tie-in manifolds.

35. All types of Gaskets and fasteners, including anchor/foundation/structural bolts, flanges, studs, nuts, washers, and metallic/soft/spiral wound gaskets and O-rings.

36. all types of Structural Steels, Materials and Plates including carbon steel/LT carbon steel/alloy steel/stainless steel plates, bars, rolled sections, tubular sections, HYSD bars, dampers, prefabricated tresties, pipe bridges with pre-installed pipes, loading platforms, steel A frames, blast proof doors, steel tubulars, seamless and welded, special steel piles, dolphins, low, medium and high strength steel, fasteners, and special application refractory/copalite/sulphide resistant quick setting cements.

37. All types of ferrous or non-ferrous pre-fabricated/semi-fabricated, Plant Structures, including pipe racks, supporting frames, trestles, pipe bridges with pipes pre-installed and pre-insulated.

38. All types of Analyzers, either on-line or off line, for measurement of H2S, Oxygen, NOX, SOX, CO2, CO, hydrocarbon, dew point, density, conductivity, pH, combustible gases, oil in water, vapour pressure, silica, sodium, distillation, flash point, moisture, viscosity and smoke point, and analyzer sampling systems/cubicles, analyzer houses with sample conditioning systems, sample probes/sensors, tubings, HAVC systems, calibration gases cylinders and Drager tubes.

39. All types of Laboratory Equipments, including sampling, quality control and analytical equipments for testing and measurement of various petroleum crude/products/by products quality parameters, and including sample collection equipments, gas/ion chromatograph, CFR engines for octane and cetana number, pulse NMR, spectrophotometers of different types, distillation equipment systems, analyzer management systems and laboratory information management systems, with instrumentation, auxiliaries, hardware and software.

40. All types of Safety and Fire Fighting Equipments, for safety of personnel and plant and machinery including fire suits, fire monitors, Q.B. bulbs, spray nozzles, ambient air monitors, heat and flame resistant clothings, portable extinguishers, deluge skid systems, explosimeters, rupture discs, fire fighting systems, fire tenders, foam systems with foam storage and monitor, transport and booms, snorkels, sprinkler systems, breathing air apparatus, fire proofing materials for passive fire protection of steel structures and oil spill protection booms, with auxiliaries.

41. All types of Communication Equipments, including cables, bone mikes, frequency synthesizers, meteorological instruments, microwave transmission and receiving equipments, public address systems, intrinsically safe walkie-talkies, UHF/VHF multi-channel communication systems, radio telemetry systems, with remote telemetry units, portable units and PC based master telemetry units and antenna systems.

42. Initial charge of all types of catalysts, deslocants, zeolites, activated carbons, clay molecular sleves, used in refining and processing of petroleum crude, petroleum products and by-products.

43. Software Support Systems, including training simulation systems, electronic documentation systems, CAD stations, date tapes, operation/maintenance/safety manuals, scanners, plotters, printers, software including licenses, specifications, drawings, technical literature, and their hardware and software.

44. Special Maintenance Systems, including hydro-jetting tools, pneumatic torque wrenches, EOT/mobile cranes, hoists, grinders, high pressure cleaning systems, induction bending machines, auto welding machines, various welding equipments like girth welding, vertical flux cord, bottom saw, four-side edge preparation, angle rolls, rolling and levelling machines, sky climbers, hot tapping machines, bolt tensioners, high pressure test pumps, tube bundles pullers, tube nippers, ultrasonic leak detectors, machine condition monitoring systems and associated sub-assemblies, vibration analysers and computerized alignments systems.

45. Sub-assemblies, tools, accessories, protective coating/paint materials, stores, spares, materials, supplies, consumables for running, repairing or maintenance of the goods specified in this List.

List 18 (See S. No. 230 of the Table)

(1) Hot mix plant batch type with electronic controls and bag type filter arrangements more than 120 T/hour capacity

(2) Electronic paver finisher (with sensor device) for laying bituminous pavement 7 m size and above

(3) Slip form/fixed form paverfinisher for laying concrete pavement

(4) Surface dressing equipment (self propelled) (chips spreader)

(5) Slurry seal machine for filling up cracks in roads

(6) Kerb laying machine

(7) Mobile bridge inspection unit

(8) Mechanical broom with blower

(9) Toll collection and traffic control equipment

(10) Electronic Total station instrument for topographic survey

(11) Global Positioning System (GPS) Instrument

(12) Stone crushing (cone type) plants

(13) Concrete Batching plants 50 cum/hr or more

(14) Hydraulically operated self propelled piling rig with accessories

(15) Hydraulically operated rough terrain self propelled 100 tons crane with telescopic boom

(16) Hydraulically operated self propelled soil boring equipment with casing pipes for deep earth anchor

(17) Mobile concrete pump placer of 90/120 cu m/hr capacity

(18) Automatic asphalt extraction equipment

(19) Fully automatic, hydraulically operated, pre-cast segment moulds

(20) Hydraulic gantry crane of 100 tonnes capacity for launching truss

(21) Skid steer loaders

136[22) Tunnel boring machines and parts and components thereof for use in the assembly of tunnel boring machines.]

37Omitted[ List 19 (See S. No. 231 of the Table) ]

(1)Rail Mounted Quay Crane(RMQC) including Post Panamax RMQC

(2) Rubber Tyred Gantry Crane

(3) Rail Mounted Gantry Crane

(4) Marine loading/unloading arms

(5) Single Point Mooring and Single Buoy Mooring including pipelines

(6) Generator Engine with Alternator of 500 KVA and above

(7) Self-Priming centrifugal pumps of 1000 cu.m. and above

(8) Vessel Traffic Management System

(9) Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger

(10) Fire fighting system (water type and foam type)

(11) Davit, Work-Boat and Life Raft

(12) Navigational equipment

(13) Radio communication equipment

(14) Buoy light

37Omitted[ List 19A (See S. No. 231A of the Table)]

(1) Marine Gear Box;

(2) Electro-Hydraulic Steering Gear;

(3) Communication System-VHF-RT;

(4) Navigation Aids-GPS< Gyro, Radar and Navigational Lights;

(5) Echo-sounder;

(6) Oily Water Separator; and

(7) Steerable Rudder/Propeller

37Omitted[ List 20 (See S. No. 232 of the Table) ]

(1) Navigational/ Communication Aids

(2) Airfield Crash Fire Tenders and other fire fighting vehicles

(3) X-Ray machines and other equipments needed for airport security systems

(4) Passenger Boarding Bridges (Aerobridges) along with associated Visual Guidance Docking Systems

(5) Elevated Transport Vehicles

(6) Baggage Conveyor System

(7) AC Plant of capacity more than 200 TR

(8) Escalators

(9) T-5 Triphosfor Tube

(10) Flight Inspection System (Ground and Air)

(11) Runway Marking and Pavement Testing Machines

List 21 (See S. No. 234 of the Table)




List 22 (See S. No. 239 of the Table)

(1) Telephonic or telegraphic apparatus of the following description:

(a) Switching apparatus for cellular mobile telephone service

(b) Base station controllers

(c) ATM Switches

(d) Frame Relay Switches

(e) Ethernet Switches

(2) Apparatus for Carrier Current Line System or Digital Line System of the following description:-

  1. HDSL System

  2. Dense Wave Division Multiplexing(DWDM) System

  3. Routers

(3) Radio communication equipment including VHF, UHF and

microwave communication equipment of the following description:-

  1. Base Transreceivers stations (BTS)

  2. Satellite communication equipment; the following customer premises equipment, namely:-

  1. Radio with LNA,up converters and down converters

  2. Satellite modems

  1. BTS ancillary equipment of the following description,-

  1. Cellular repeaters

  2. Amplifiers

  3. Wave Guides

(4) Network management stations

(5) Computers for billing and customer services

(6) Short message service hardware

(7) Automatic call distribution system

(8) Transcoders

(9) Test equipment

Note:- Goods specified against item 1(a) is to be imported only by Cellular Mobile Telephone Service Licencees and Universal Access Service Providers.

List 23 (See S. No. 240 of the Table)

(1) Paging control terminal

(2) Transmitter controller

(3) Paging transmitter

(4) Link transmitter/link repeater, monitor receiver

(5) Link receiver

(6) N+1 Arbitrators for the above, hot standby panel

(7) Combiners

(8) Automatic monitoring system

(9) Network management & control system

(10) Integrated ACD/OAP system

(11) Isolators

(12) Cavity filters

(13) Multicouplers

(14) Directional power sensors

(15) Communication analysers

(16) Radio communication test set up, spectrum analyser, field strength meter

(17) POCSAG or FLEX encoders

(18) Global positioning system

(19) Simul cast controller

(20) Automatic call distribution equipment/system

List 24 ( See S.No 241 of Table)

  1. Controller (Dispatch) of the following description:-

    1. Network Controller, Master Controller

    2. Line Conditioner for controller

    3. Computer for Network Management and Control System, System Watch

    4. Processor Controller Frame, Shelves

    5. Network Interface Module

    6. Voice Tone Module

    7. Dispatch Application Processor

    8. Metro Packet Switch

    9. Digital Cross Connect Switch

    10. Advance Packet Duplicator

    11. Building Integration Timing System

(2) Telephonic or telegraphic apparatus of the following description, namely;-

Base Station Controllers

(3) Radio Communication equipment including VHF,UHF and Microwave communication equipment of the following description, namely:-

Base Transreceivers Stations(BTS)

(4) Trunked Repeaters (multiple repeaters required operations)-

  1. Repeaters,350/400/800Mh,20-100 Watts

  2. Line Interface Module

  3. Repeater Programming kit and cable

  4. Extender Card, extender cable

  5. Repeater Module Packing kit

(5) Antenna System equipment

  1. Tower top pre-amplifier

  2. Bi-directional amplifier

(6) Voting Equipment

  1. Voter Cable

  2. Audio Revert Option Kit

  3. Receiver decoder module

  4. SMC main site RDM

  5. Receiver Voter Module

  6. Remote Multiplexer Module

  7. Voter Diagnostic Module

  8. RDM Test Cable

  9. Satellite Power Supply

(j) Central demix Module

(k) Voter Shell Assembly

(7) Field Programming kit-

  1. Radio Interface Box(RIB)

  2. RIB to Repeater Cable

(8) Computer for billing and customer services

(9) Short Message Service Hardware

(10) Automatic Call Distribution System

(11) Transcoders

(12) Test equipment

(13) Mobile, switching office (MSO).

List 25 (See S. No. 243 of the Table)

(1) Micromanipulators

(2) Molecular beam expitaxy system (MBE system)

(3) Chemical vapour deposition (CVD) system - Low pressure CVD (LP CVD) - Metal organic CVD (MO CVD)

(4) High pressure oxidation systems

(5) Lithography systems

(6) Direct step on wafers / steppers

(7) X-ray lithography systems

  1. E-Beam mask making system

(9) E-Beam direct write system

(10) Mask aligners

(11) Mask inspection systems (comparators)

(12) Wafer scriber or Wafer slicer or Wafer sawing machine or Wafer fractures or any combination thereof

(13) Die bonders or wire bonders or combination thereof

(14) Wafer sawing machine

(15) Leak detection system

(16) Clean room air showers

(17) Particle monitor / counter both air and liquid borne

(18) Automatic encapsulation system, Automatic marking / branding machine

(19) Clean room laminar flow air handling system

(20) Ultra clean room equipment

(21) Ultra high purity demineralised water treatment plant

(22) PVDF welding and orbital welding machines

(23) Ultra high pure (UHP) gas distribution system

(24) Toxic gas distribution / monitoring system

(25)Fourier Transform Infra-red (FTIR) Spectrophotometer for measuring Epitaxy Thickness, Boron and Phosphorus weight percentage

(26) Parts of FTIR instrument

(27) Interferometer and nano-scan meter for measuring deposited metal or oxide thickness

(28) Ellipsometer for measurement of refractive thickness, thickness of layers deposited on semi-conductor wafer

(29) De-Oxo purifiers and puridriers and Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Argon gases

(30) Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen gas generators and accessories for producing high purity process gases for semiconductor wafer/device manufacture

(31)Automatic lead frame loaders for semiconductor devices

(32) Mercury probing apparatus and accessories for measuring oxide purity and carrier concentration of semiconductor wafers

(33) Parts of mercury probing apparatus

(34) Fume scrubbers for toxic process gases used in semiconductor industry

(35)Apparatus for profiling and measurement of the surface including topography of semiconductor wafers and /or any layers deposited on it.

(36) Mass Flow Controllers (MFC) and Source Vaporiser for various process gases used in semiconductor wafer processing

(37) RF Generator for Epitaxial Reactors heating

(38) Parts of RF Generator

(39) Equipment used for quality control namely Burn-in Systems, moisture monitors and parts thereof

(40)Tools for Moulding, Cutting, Trimming operations used in the semiconductors manufacture

(41) Apparatus for the measurement of dynamic electrical parameters of Semiconductor wafer devices

(42) Apparatus for measuring physical parameters of junction in semiconductor wafter

(43) Automatic trim and form/die equipment for semiconductor devices

(44) Electro polished SS pipes, Swagelok fittings, nupro bellows valves, manual shut-off valves, non-return valves, high purity gas and chemical filters

(45) Optical pyrometer for measuring infra-red radiated temperature

(46) Gas Chromatograph/Analyzer for analysing purity of process gases

(47) Toxic gas monitors and Alarms

(48) Milli-Volt generator for temperature profiling of diffusion furnace used in semiconductor industry

(49) Curve Tracer for measurement of dynamic electrical parameters of semiconductor wafers/devices

(50) Apparatus for measurement of life time carriers/Switching time for semiconductor devices

(51) Contact Printer for photomask

(52) Die sheer Tester

(53) XRP Tester for inspection of the Moulded / Encapsulated devices for finding out the defects.

(54) Trace Moisture Analyzer / Dew point analyser for measuring moisture contents in PPMS

(55) UV light intensity measurement apparatus in semiconductor manufacture

(56) Critical Dimension measurement system for Mask making

List 26 (See S. No. 244 of the Table)

(1) Omitted

(2) Ferrite parts including memory cores and ferrite magnets

(3) Switches with contact rating less than 5 amperes at voltage not exceeding 250 Volts AC or DC

(4) Connectors

(5) Magnetic -Heads (all types)



(7) Ceramic / Magnetic cartridges and stylus

(8) Omitted

(9) Microphones /Microphone cartridges

(10) Omitted

(11) Antennas

(12) Relays of contact rating upto 7 amperes

(13) EHT cables

(14) Level meters/level indicators/ tuning indicators/ peak level meters/ battery meter/ VC meters / Tape counters

(15) Tone arms

(16) Microwave passive parts

(17) (i) Saw filters (ii) Ceramic filter/trap (iii) Delay lines (iv) CRT socket (v) Spark gap 

(18) Fibre optics and other optoelectronic parts and devices namely, Couplers, Attenuators, Connectors, Splicers, Multiplexers and Demultiplexers

(19) Passive optical parts, namely, Microlens and splitters, Micropositioners, Optical filters and gratings and Phase plates

(20) Special purpose optical fibres, namely, polarisation holding fibres, plastic fibres and large core fibres

(21) Electron guns

(22) Omitted

(23) Omitted

In List 26 in item (17), sub-item (vi) has been omitted vide notification no. 37/2005 dated 2-5-2005.

S.No. 1, 6, 8, 22 and 23 has been omitted vide notification no. 11/2005 dated 1-3-2005.

37Omitted[ List 26A ( See S.No. 244A of the Table) ]


I Deflection parts, namely:- (i) EHT/LOT/FBT transformers (ii) Line driver transformers (iii) Deflection coil/yoke (iv) Linearity coil (v) Width coil

2 Air cored and ferrite cored transformers

3 RF/IF coils, inductance coils, peaking coils, tuning coils

4 Loud speakers (cone type)

5 Degaussing coil

Item no. 5 in List 26A has been inserted vide Notification No. 37/2005-Cus, dated 2-5-05

(list 26A has been inserted vide notification no. 11/2005 dated 1-3-2005)



37Omitted[ List 27 (See S. No. 245 of the Table) ]

(1) Television cameras with portable field video recorders (professional grade)

(2) Audio recording equipment

(3) Table top post production video editing machines

(4) Four source editing controllers to control editing machines

(5) 8-channel video mixer/switches

(6) Special effect generators for fading and superimposing of text and graphics

(7) Time base correctors / Frame synchronisers

(8) Broadcast standard 3-D computer graphic systems

(9) Professional grade colour video monitors

(10) Portable lighting equipment with lamps for shooting in low light situation

(11) Professional grade photographic cameras of all formats

(12) Dark room equipment including enlargers

(13) Computer control editing machines

(14) Spares and accessories of above mentioned equipment as permitted by the Deputy Principal Information Officer in the Press Information Bureau in the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting


List 27A ( See S.No. 248 of the Table)

I. Cell cultivation devices, namely, roller bottle systems and spinner flasks

2. CO2 incubator

3. DNNOligonucleotides Synthesizers

4. Electrophoresis system - (Protein & DNA; 2D)

5. ELISA Reader

6. ELISA Washer

7. Fluorimeters

8. Low Temperature Freezers (minus 70 degrees and less)

9. Spectrophotometers (including Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometers

37[10. Cartridges and membranes for ultra-filtration, micro-filtration, reverse osmosis, sterile filtration and viral removal

(11) Cell cultivation devices like roller bottle systems, spinner flasks etc

(12) Centrifuges-tubular, explosion proof, disk stack  

(13) DNA/Oligonucleotides Synthesizers and DNA Analysers

(14) Electrophoresis system (protein and DNA; 2D)

(15) ELISA washer

(16) Fluorimeter

(17) LC-MS machines  

(18) Low temperature freezers (minus 70 degree centigrade and less)    

(19) Micro-array equipment including scanners, micro-fluidics station, arrayers, bio-analysers, micro-array chips and Bio-chips

(20) Proteomic Analysers and proteomic lab Systems  

(21) Flow Cytometer/FACs  

(22) Protein Purification System  

(23) Gel Documentation System  

(24) Enzyme linked immuno SPOT (Elispot) Reader System.]



(list 27A has been inserted vide notification no. 11/2005 dated 1-3-2005)


List 28 (See S. No. 248 of the Table)


(1)UV/Visible spectrophotometer, either with PDA and/or kinetics measurement and low bandwidth,

(2) Preparative chromatographic system,

(3) Chiral columns and other HPLC columns for specific application,

(4) X-ray diffraction equipment,

(5) Capillary electrophoresis,

(6) Robotic sample processing system,

(7) Particle size analysers, laser diffraction, lights scattering and photocorrelation spectroscopy types,

(8) Atomic absorption Spectrophotometer,

(9) Tensiometer,

(10) Moisture balance,

(11) Elemental analyser,

(12) High Precision Auto titrator, (13) TOC Analyser,

(14) Ion Chromatograph, (15)Spectrofluorimeter.Luminescence meter,

(16) Parenteral particle counting system,

(17) Particle shape analyser,

(18) FT-NIR Spectrophotometer, (19)FT-Raman Spectrophotometer, (20) Spectropolarimeter,

(21) Adsorption gas apparatus,

(22) Freezing point apparatus,

(23) Hot stage microscope,

(24) Osmometer,

(25) Porosity analyser,

(26) Sample preparation instrument, (27) Automated sampling devices, (28) Surface area analyser, (29)Multiple organic synthesizer (30) Focussed Microwave oven for ortoanic synthesis,

(31) Immersion cooling probe for 100 oc,

(32) High Pressure hydrogenator, (33) Gas generators,

(34) Automated dissolution test apparatus, including robotics,

(35) Stability chambers conforming to ICH guidelines,

(36) Rotational visco meter and Rheometer,

(37) Assembly for lontophoresis studies,


(38) Ultra filteration equipment,

(39) Diffusion cell apparatus,

(40) Densitometer,

(41) Sustained release apparatus, (42) Suppository testing device,

(43) Zeta potential analyser,

(44) Ultracentrifuge,

(45) Inverted microscope with fluorescence microscopy and photographic attachments,

(46) Transilluminator,

(47) Moodular protein electrophoresis apparatus (1D/2D), (48) Nucleic acid sequencer,

(49) Imaging densitometer,

(50) Fast-protein Liquid Chromatography,

(51) U.V. Crosslinker,

(52) Probe Sonicator

(53) Sintillation counters (Y and B), (54) CO2 incubator,

(55) Incubator shakedr for bacterial culture,

(56) Polymerase chain reaction machine,

(57) Cell harvestor,

(58) Speed Vac,

(59) Hybridizing oven,

(60) Protein sequencer, (61)Confocal microscope,

(62) Capillary electrophoresis,

(63) Electroporator,

(64) Scanning electron microscope, (65) Amino acid analyser, (66)Peptide synthesizer,

(67) Phosphor imager, (68)Fluorescence activated cell sorter,

(69)ELISA reader

(70) Fermenter,

(71) Spray drier,


(72) Protein purification set up, (73)Stimulator,

(74)Two channel organ bath (with two channel recorder accessories) (a) Isotonic transducer (b) Isometric transducer (c) Pressure transducer, (75) Plethymsometer,

(76) Blood pressure monitor,

(77) Blood pressure manual scanner, (78) Auto analyser,

(79) Biofuge,

(80) Passive avoidance apparatus with controller,

(81) Auto stainer,

(82) Microtome,

(83) Cell harvester,

(84) Tissue embedding machine, (85) 4 channel auto track system, (86) Blood cell counter,

(87) Blood flow meter,


(89) Microdialysis (pull-push counter),

(90) Radiotelemetric monitoring system, (91) High speed refrigerated research centrifuge,

(92) pH meter (3 decimal reading), (93) Microscope phase contrast,

(94) Microscope polarizing,

(95) Vacuum rotary evaporators with digital display and control, different sizes,

(96) Freeze drier (Lyophilizer),

(97) Precision pipetting devises, (98) Refrigerated bath,

(99) Low temperature circulatory bath (-33oC),

(100) Magnetic stirrer with precision temperature control and digital display,

(101) Thermostatic blocks (Dry bath) with or without magnetic stirring facility."



*List 28 has been amended by notification no. 21(corg)/2004 dated 12-1-2004.

LIST 28A (SEE S.NO. 248A of the Table)

1. Aminoacid Analyser
2. Analytical Balances
3. Anemometers
4. Anesthesia Equipment
5. Atomic Absorption spectrophotometer
6. Atomiser
7. Attrition Measurement Equipment
8. Auto Analyserclinical chemistry.
9. Auto lgnition test apparatus.
10. Auto radiography equipment
11. Auto titrator.
12. Automatic cover slipper.
13. Automatic slide stainer.
14. Automatic tissue processor.
15. Ball tube distillation apparatus.
16. Basic Glove Boxes.
17. Basic Orbital and Horizontal Shakers.
18. Biolistic (Gene gun).
19. Biological Oxidiser.
20. Biopsy punches.
21. Blood Cell Counter.
22. Blood flow Meter.
23. Blood sampling equipments.
24. Body composition analysis equipment.
25. Bottom Top Dispenser.
26. Brookfield viscometer.
27. Butane fuel microtorches.
28. Cardiac monitors.
29. Cell lines.
30. Centrifuges and Ultra Centrufuge.
31. Chilling incubators.
32. Coating Apparatus
33. Crusher (tissue).
34. Crystal/freezing microtone and Ultramicrotone.
35. Densitometer.
36. Differential Scanning Calorimeter.
37. Digital Boiling point/melting point/Freezing point apparatus.
38. Digital Cameras.
39. Digital pH meter.
40. Digital Stroboscope.
41. Digital Temperature.
42. Controllers.
43. Digital theremometer for recording body temperature of experimental animals.
44. Direct insertion probe.
45. Disintegration Test Machine.
46. Dissolved oxygen Meter.
47. Dry ice makers
48. Dust generator and measurement apparatus.
49. Dyno Mill.
50. Electronic Top Loading Balance.
51. Electrophoresis unit.
52. Electroporator.
53. Elemental analyser.
54. Elisa reader Monoclonal antibody production equipment.
55. Encapsulation equipment.
56. Flame photometer.
57. Flash point apparatus.
58. Flask Chromatographic system.
59. Fluid Bed Drier lab model.
60. focused Microwave oven for organic synthesis.
61. Freeze drier.
62. Freezing point apparatus.
63. Freezing rack for metabolic cages.
64. Gas Detectors with masks, cartridges gas monitors.
65. Gel Dryer and Gel documentation and analysis system.
66. Granulator-laboratory granulator.
67. Plant Growth chambers.
68. Health monitoring equipment.
69. Heart monitors for dogs and higher animals.
70. High vacuum pumps.
71. High pressure autoclave.
72. High pressure hydrogenerator.
73. High pressure reactor-Autoclave.
74. High speed refrigerated research centrifuge.
75. High throughput organic synthesizer, High throughput biological screening equipment.
76. Hybridizing oven
77. Image Analyzer and Imaging Densitometer.
78. Implantable Plant.
79. Incubators.
80. Inductive coupling plasma equipment
81. Infrared temperature sectors.
82. Inhalation chambers with accessories.
83. Laser particle size analyzer. Particle shape analyzer, Surface area analyzer.
84. Liquid scintillation counter.
85. Low Temperature Circulation Bath.
86. Micro and Micro soxhlet extractors
87. Microscope and Microtome blades disposable.
88. Reaction colorimeter.
89. Octoscopes.
90. Peristaltic pumps.
91. Phototachometer.
92. Polorimeter
93. Porometer and Porosity analyzer
94. Potentiometer.
95. Precision vacuum contractor.
96. Probe sonicator.
97. Protein purification machine.
98. Radiodetector, radioimmunoassy equipment, Gamma counter for hormonal assay.
99. Refractometer and Rotary evaporators.
100. Rheometer.
101. Rotary microtomes, Rotary evaporators.
102. Silverson homogeniser.
103. Spectrofluorimeter Luminescence meter.
104. Spheriodizer
105. Spinning band distillation apparatus.
106. Spray drier
107. Submersible Magnetic Stirrer.
108. Super critical fluid chromatography systems.
109. Sustained release apparatus.
110. Syringes.
111. Tattooing instrument.
112. Tintometer.
113. Tissue embedder.
114. Transilluminator
115. Zeta poteltial analyzer
116. Ultrasonic cleaners.
117. Oscilloscope.
118. Ultrafilaration equipment




List 29 (See S. No 249 of Table)



List 30 (See S. No. 250 of the Table)

(1) Singeing machine

(2) Fabric reversing machine

(3) Yarn drying machine

(4) Volumetric/Gravimetric measurement liquid chemical station

(5) Lab dye preparation machine

(6) Lab infra Red Drying Machine

(7) Continuous weight reduction machinery through microwave technique

(8) Kier decatising/continous decatising machine

(9) Solvent scouring machine

(10) Blanket Fringing Machine

(11) Raising/Brushing Machine

(12) Circular Knitting Machine

100Omitted[(13)Industrial Sewing machine]

(14)Single needle bed drop feed lockstitch machine

(15) Single needle lockstitch flat bed machine

(16) Single needle flat bed drop feed lockstitch machine with speed more than 3500 stitches per minute

(17) High speed twin needle feed lockstitch machine

(18) High speed two needle lockstitch machine

(19) Computerised multineedle lockstitch/chainstitch machine

(20) Single needle lockstitch machine with built in trimmer

(21) Blind stitch machine of various models

(22) Single needle drop feed chainstitch machine


(23) Two needle chainstitch or lockstitch machine

(24) Chainstitch overedging machine

(25) Two or three needle chainstitch machine

(26) Two thread chainstitch for high speed seaming and banding operation with gear driven pulled feed/compount feed of speed 3500 stitches per minute and above.

(27) Safety stitch machine.

(28) Power driven flat bed knitting machine

(29)Computerised flat bed knitting machine

(30) Power operated flat lock/overlock machine

(31) Linking machine

(32) Loop making machine

(33) Power driven socks knitting/gloves knitting machine.

(34) Whole garment making machine (knitted)

(35) Plain stitching machine with more than 3500 stitches per minute

(36) Computerised plain stitching machine with more than 3500 stitches per minute

(37) High speed needle feed two needle flat bed industrial sewing machine.

(38) Sewing machine zig-zag flat bed

(39) High speed multiple needle sewing machine

(40) Class feed of the arm industrial sewing machine.

(41) Button hole sewing machine

(42) Button stitch sewing machine.

(43) Elastic inserting machine (on a variety of garments)

(44)Belt attaching machine

(45) Zip attaching machine

(46) Bar tacking machine

(47) Hemstitch machine

(48) Smoking machine

(49) Power driven cloth cutting machine.

(50) Band knife cutting machine

(51)Collar turning and blocking machine and cuff turning and blocking machine.

(52) Cuff press

(53) New automatic collar turning machine

(54) Automatic pocket weld sewing machine

(55) Pocket creasing machine

(56) Embroidery machine with 10 heads and above

(57) Computerised embroidery machine

(58) Printing and curing machine

(59) Quilting machine

(60) Snap fasterns fixing machine and/or siwa thereof

(61)Thread cleaning machine

(62) Steam Press

(63)Portable boiler for steam press

(64) Steam Cabinet


(65) Vaccum table

(66) Fusing press

(67) Dry to Dry cleaning machine

(68) Stain/spot removing machine/gun

(69) Automatic 25-needle shirring/smoking machine

(70) Shirt folding machine

(71) Form finisher

(72) Collar contour trimmer

(73) Spreading machine

(74) Shoulder pad attaching machine.

(75) Shrinkage controlling machines for knitting fabrics

(76) Loopdrivers for tubular knitted fabrics

(77) Mercerising machines for tubular knitted fabrics

(78) Singeing machines for tubular fabrics.

(79) Pile cutting machines for knitted fabrics

(80) Rotating edging machine for fabric rolls

(81) Conveyors for garments

(82) Garment Calendering machine

(83) Tie making machines

(84) Labelling machines

(85) Laying and cutting machines

(86) Button and Rivet fixing machine and/or dies thereof

(87) Weft straightening and calendering machine

(88) Slit Opening Machine

(89) Lab Yarn dyeing machine

(90) Lab dyeing machine

(91) Lab pressing machine

(92) Automatic cone winding machine with yarn splicer and auto doffing system

(93) Drawing in machine

(94) Computer aided design system

(95) Fully automatic grey fabric inspection machines with roll to roll winding having microprocessor recorder

(96) Colour matching computer

(97) High speed Intersecting Rotary/Chain/Pin Drawing Sets/Gill Boxes

(98) Rectilinear Combs

(99) Draw Frame/Roving Frame/Automatic Rubbing Frame/Bobbiners/Finishers, for use in woollen textile industry

(100) Ring frames from 60 MM Ring Dia and above, for use in woollen textile industry

(101) Ring Frames with Siro Sp-inning attachment / Auto Doffers having maximum 75 MM Ring Dia, for use in woollen textile industry

(102) Shearing, polishing and cropping machines

(103) Step cleaner

(104)Flax hackling machine

(105) Drawing machine for Flax

(106)Roving machine for Flax

(107) Wet ring frame for Flax

(108) Auto winding machine for Flax

(109) Continuous spinning machines for Viscose Filament Yarn.

(110)Digital electronic frequency inverters for spinning machines including control boards

(111) Finishing oil metering pumps with relevant feed system

(112) Metering gear pumps for Viscose

(113) Portable systems for injection of pigments for viscose dope complete with stirred vessel, metering pumps, instruments and control panel

(114) Precious metal spinnerettes including distribution plates (pre-spinnerette)

(115) Spin bath degassinag plant by flash evaporation

(116) Spin bath backwash filtration system with candle filters

(117) Continuous dissolving and homogenisisng system for viscose preparation

(118) Contidisk filters for viscose

(119) Spinbath heat exchanger in graphite



List 31 (See S.No. 251 of the Table)

(1)Effluent treatment unit with biopaq reactor, activate sludge process, activated carbon, ultrafiltration ozonisation facilities

(2)Combined contipress/decatising machine

(3) Effluent treatment unit with automatic sensing devices, automatic controlled chemical dosing, dissolved

air floatation (DAF), reverse osmosis, sludge dewatering, decanters, ultrafilters, vacuum filters to deliver water for reuse.

(4)Hydraulic Flat Paper Press/continuous Hydraulic Flat paper Press/Rotary Press

(5)Fully fashioned high speed knitting machine

(6)Computerised Pattern maker/ Pattern grading/marker

(7) Computerised embroidery pattern-making machine with plotter

(8) High Speed Warping machine with yarn tensioning, pneumatic suction devices and accessories

(9)Shuttleless loom (air jet, water jet, rapier and projectile and narrow width high speed needle)

(10) Beam knotting machine

(11) Auto control type humidification plant

(12) Carding Sets, for use in woollen textile industry.

(13) Yarn/ Fabric mercerising machine

(14) Continuous bleaching plant

(15) Omitted

(16) Wet fabric spreading and squeezing machine

(17) Relax drum/conveyer drying machine

(i) Drying range

(ii) Float dryer

(iii) Loop dryer

(iv) Drum dryer

(v) Jet dryer

(vi) Rapid dryer

(18) Compacting Machine

(19) Computer controlled HTHP yarn dyeing machine.

(20) Soft package winders (dye package winders)

(21) Automatic dye weighing and dispensing system.

(22) Open width Tubular inspection machine

(23) Fastness testing equipment

(24) Shrinkage testing equipment

(25) Indigo dyeing range with/without sizing plant

(26) Computer colour matching equipment

(27) High speed computer control padding mangle

(28) Powder dot coating machine

(29) Laser engraver

(30) Pre-shrinking range for flat and Knitted goods

(31) Knit-tubular mercerising or bleaching-cum-mercerising machine

(32) Auto flame controlled, width controlled singeing machine for flat and Knitted fabrics

(33) Milling and scouring machine

(34) Shearing and Polishing machine

(35) Kier Decatising/Decatising machine

(36) Combined Contripress / Decatising machine

(37) Auto fabric detwister

(38) Rotary/Flat bed screen printing machine

(39) Curing/Polymerising machine

(40) Continuous rope/open width washing machine

(41) Open width continuous dyeing range

(42) Soft flow dyeing machine

(43) Jet dyeing machine.

List 32 ( see S. No 252 of Table)

(1) Automatic reeling machinery for reeling of silk consisting of continuous hot air drier(conveyer type), continuous cocoon boiling machine(conveyer type) and automatic reeling machine with re-reeling

(2) Silk weaving and twisting machines consisting of hank-to-bobbin cone winders, silk doubling machine, and Electronic jacquard weft knitting machine

(3) Arm dyeing machine for hank degumming dyeing

(4) Hank dryers (continuous type)

(5) Silk felt calender

(6) Clip stenter

(7) Silk calender

(8) Silk decasting machine

(9) Overflow machine for silk fabric dyeing

(10) Cone-chees degumming and dyeing machine

(11) Beam dyeing machine for silk fabric

(12) Semi-automatic screen printing machine

(13) Loop agers

(14) Design studio equipment

(15) Colour kitchen equipment

(16) Colour matching computer

List 32A

(See S.No. 252A of the Table)

(1) Machinery for coffee plantation sector, namely:-

    (i) Coffee grinder intended for industrial use, falling under tariff item 8479 82 00
    (ii) Coffee roasting machine intended for industrial use, falling under tariff item 8516 79 90
    (iii) Power weeding machine, falling under tariff item 8433 11 90
    (iv) Coffee processing machine (pulping, cleaning, sorting & grading), falling under sub-heading 8433 60
    (v) Sprayer, falling under tariff item 8424 81 00 ;

    (vi) Coffee packaging machine falling under tariff item 8422 30 00

    (vii) Coffee bagging machine falling under tariff item 8422 30 00

    99[(viii) Mechanical harvester falling under tariff item 8433 59 00]


    (item (1), against S.No (i), for the figures "8509 40 90", the figures "8479 82 00" shall be substituted vide notification no. 11/2005 dated 1-3-2005)

(2) Machinery for tea plantation sector, namely:-

    (i) Tea bagging machine, falling under tariff item 8422 30 00
    (ii) Tea packaging machine, falling under tariff item 8422 30 00
    (iii) Color sorting machine, falling under sub-heading 8433 60
    (iv) Tea leaf cutting-rolling machine, falling under tariff item 8438 80 40
    (v) Mechanical harvester, falling under tariff item 8433 59 00
    (vi) Tea pruning machine, falling under tariff item 8201 60 00
    (vii) Mist blower, falling under tariff item 8414 59 20
    (viii) Sprayer, falling under tariff item 8424 81 00;

    (ix) Rotary shifter falling under sub-heading 8433 60

    (x) Lateral cyclon winnower falling under sub-heading 8433 60

    (xi) Dividing bypass falling under sub-heading 8438 80


(3) Machinery for rubber plantation sector, namely:-

    (i) 29[Slab cutter, falling under tariff item 8477 80 90 or 8486 20 00]

    Old[Slab cutter, falling under tariff item 8477 80 90]
    29[Shredder, falling under tariff item 8477 80 90 or 8486 20 00]

    Old[ Shredder, falling under tariff item 8477 80 90]
    (iii) Solid pump vibrating screen, falling under tariff item 8413 70 96
    29[Plastimeter/PRI ageing oven, falling under tariff item 8486 10 00, 8486 20 00 or 8514 10 00]

    Old[Plastimeter/PRI ageing oven, falling under tariff item 8514 10 00]
    (v) Mooney viscometer, falling under tariff item 9027 80 10
    (vi) Latex centrifuge, falling under tariff item 8421 11 00
    (vii) Mechanical stability time apparatus, falling under tariff item 9024 80 99".

( (i), (ii) and (vi) has been substituted vide notification no. 11/2005 dated 1-3-2005)



$ Omitted [List 33 (See S. No. 255 of the Table)

(1) Connecting rod assembly

(2) Crank 1,2 and 3

(3) Piston ring set

(4) Coil ignition

(5) Ignition coil assembly

(6) Pin piston


(7) Rod connecting

(8) Pin crank

(9) Gear adjustment

(10) Lever tilt 2

(11) Handle gear shift

(12) Carburettor assembly

(13) Pinion

(14) Shift can assembly

(15) Lower casing assembly

(16) Propeller assembly

(17) Reed valve assembly

(18) Crank shaft assembly

(19) Fuel pump assembly

(20) Cowling bottom]

List 34 (See S.No.257 of the Table)

(1) Air blast dust removing machine

(2) All types of staking machines except slocum (slow combing process)

(3) Automatic Drying machine

(4) Automatic Lacing machine

(5) Automatic Leather Perforating and/or Punching machine

(6) Automatic Lock-Stitching Cylinder Bed Bartacker

(7) Automatic machine to control, to slant and to glue leather straps

(8) Automatic Milling machine

(9) Automatic Milling-Boring Machine

(10) Automatic or semi-automatic hydraulic press (750 tonnes or more)

(11) Automatic Padding machine

(12) Automatic Spraying machine

(13) Automatic Tacks - Reinforce machine

(14) Automatic Work Unit for assembling the complete Insole

(15) Back Part Moulding machine

(16) Band-saw with or without Flier

(17) Bandknife Splitting machine

(18) Belt Punching and cutting machine

(19) Bobbin machine with counter

(20) Boot leg ironing machine

(21) Bottom Leather Grain Crack Tester

(22) Bottom roughing and/or scouring machine

(23) Box Stamping machine

(24) Buckle Stappling machine


(25) Button Hole (Eyelets end) machine

(26) Button Sewing machine

(27) Button stitch / Sewing machine

(28) Cementing machine

(29) Cementing machine and cementing gun

(30) Chain Slotting machine

(31) Channel Closing machine

(32) Channelling and Grooving machine

98[(33) Clicking Board levelling/ Planing Machine]

Old[(33) Clicking Board levelling machine

98[(34) Clicking machine/cutting press]

Old[(34) Clicking machine]

(35) Clicking Machine Hydraulic (Bottom)

(36) Coloriemeter

(37) Column Boring machine

(38) Computerised Sewing Machine

(39) Computerised Skiving machine

98[(40) Conveyor System; including conveyors for heat setting, cold setting, with or without vacuum]

Old[(40) Conveyor system]

(41) Counter Cementing Machine

(42) Counter Moulding machine

(43) Counter Tightening machine

(44) Coupling and edge pre-trimming machine

(45) Crimping machine

(46) Crumpling and embossing machine

(47) Curtain coating machine

(48) Cylinder Bed Sewing machine

(49) Die Bending machine

(50) Double Band Cleaning machine

(51) Dust removing machine-pneumatic/hydraulic

(52) Dyeing machine

(53) Edge buffing machine

(54) Edge Inking machine

(55) Edge Pre-Trimming machine

(56) Edge Setting machine

(57) Edge Trimming machine

(58) Elastic inserting machine on variety of garments

(59) Electrical machine for cutting and slanting straps

(60) Electro pneumatic weaving machine for leather

(61) Electronic skin assessor

(62) Embossing Plates for Press for leather printing

(63) Engraved rollers for Press for leather printing

(64) Evening and Roughing machine for Soles and Insolses

(65) Fibre Board Flexing machine

(66) Fine Turn machines for Lasts

(67) Finish Sheet Resistance Tester

(68) Finishing Machine for Lasts

(69) Fixed Head/Travailing Head Clicking Cutting machine

(70) Flat Bed Double Needle Sewing machine

(71) Flat Bed Single Needle Industrial Sewing machine with or without trimer

(72) Folding machine for brief cases and other leather products

(73) Folding machine for sides for Brief Case

(74) Forepart conditioning machine

(75) Frame Fixing/Frame Folding machine

(76) Fusing presses

98[(77) Halogen and adhesive/film application machine]

Old[(77) Halogen and Adhesive Application machine]

(78) Hand Operated Press for Inserting Perforation Tubes and Prickers

(79) Heat Setting plant

(80) Heat transfer press

(81) Heel and Sole Brushing machine

(82) Heel and Sole Buffing machine

(83) Heel Attaching machine

(84) Heel Breast Cementing machine

(85) Heel breast roughing machine

(86) Heel Breasting machine

(87) Heel Building machine

(88) Heel Covering machine

(89) Heel Molder Flanger

(90) Heel Nailing machine

(91) Heel profiling machine

(92) Heel seat and side lasting machines

(93) Heel Seat Cement Lasting machine

(94) Heel Trimming / pretrimming / Cupping or combined machine

(95) High Speed Corner Stitching machine

(96) Hole punching machine

(97) Hot Melt Applicators

(98) Humidifier for Uppers

(99) Hydraulic / Pneumatic sammying and /or setting machine

(100) Hydraulic automatic plating ironing machine

(101) Hydraulic Bending machine

(102) Hydraulic Fleshing machine

(103) Hydraulic Ironing and Embossing Press

(104) Hydraulic Scudding machine

(105) Hydraulic Setting machine

(106) Hydraulic Shaving machine

(107) Hydraulic Shearing machine

(108) Hydraulic Splitting machine

(109) Hydraulic Sulphide applicator

98[(110) Injection moulding of PVC/TPR/EVA soles, inserts and half soles]

Old[(110) Injection Moulding of PVC/TPR Soles, Inserts and Half Soles]

(111) Injection Moulding press to produce Plastic shoe Lasts

(112) Insole Attaching machine

(113) Insole Backpart Stiffener Tester

(114) Insole Bevelling machine

(115) Insole Covering machine

(116) Insole moulding machine

98[(117) Ironing and conditioning machine including chill setter machine]

Old[(117) Ironing and Conditioning machine]

(118) Kamborian Lasting machine

(119) Knife Grinding machine

(120) Knife making equipment for cold steel and forged steel

(121) Label stitching machine

(122) Last Turning machine

(123) Lastometer

(124) Leather buffing machine

(125) Leather cover cutting machine for Heels

(126) Leather Polishing machine

(127) Leather rolling machine

(128) Lining roughing machine

(129) Lining Trimming machine

(130) Loop closing machine

(131) Loose / Nailing machine



(132) Manual loop cutter

(133) Mckay Stitching machine

(134) Milling machine for shoe Uppers

(135) Moccasin Lining Trimming machine

98[(136) Moccasin performing machine]

Old[(136) Moccasin Performing machine]

(137) Motorised hides and skins stamping machine

(138) Moulds for rubber sole direct vulcanising press and PVC direct injection soling machine

(139) Multiple Row Upper Chain Stitching machine i.e. 3 Rows and above

(140) Three Needles for Small Arm Cylinder machine for Multiple Row Stitching

(141) Outsole Stitching machine

(142) Paste drying unit

(143) Pattern binding machine

(144) Pattern corner cuting and binding machine

(145) Pattern Grading machine

(146) Pattern making machine

(147) Pattern Perforator

(148) Pattern Plan

(149) Pattern scanner

(150) Pattern Scanning machine

98[(151) Piping making machine with trimming and embellishment fixing machines]

Old[(151) Piping machine for trimming and embelishment fixing machine]

(152) Plan Computer Controlled Nesting System

(153) Pneumatic Broaching machine

(154) Pneumatic control moulder machine for buckles

(155) Pneumatic fusing machine for ironing fusible interlining

(156) Polishing machine

(157) Polyshanking machine

98[(158) Polyurethane/PVC/TPR and EVA sole, insole, midsole, heel, heel tip injection moulding machine (single or multiple station)]

Old[(158) Polyurethane / PVC / TPR Sole, Insole, Heel, Heel Tip Injection Moulding machine (single or multiple station)]

98[(159) Fore part lasting machine]

Old[(159) Pore part lasting machine]

(160) Post Bed Double Needle Sewing machine

(161) Post Bed Single Needle Sewing machine

(162) Post Bed Single Needle under Edge Trimming

(163) Pounding or beating or ironing machine or combination of such machines

(164) Pre-lasting conditioner

(165) Preparing and polishing machine

(166) Pulling Over and Cement Lasting machine

(167) Pulling Over Machine

(168) Punches for model room

(169) Punches of all varieties

(170) Punching and / or eyeletting machine

98[(171) PVC/PU/EVA direct injection soling machine (DIP construction)]

Old[(171) PVC / PU direct injection soling machine (DIP construction)]

(172) Quilting machine

(173) Raised Cord Sewing machine

(174) Reactivating Plant for Shoe and Soles

(175) Recessing and Roughing Soles machine

(176) Recessing Welt machine

(177) Rotary Collection Unit

(178) Rotary Pigment Coating machine

(179) Rotary Printing machine

(180) Rough Turn machine for lasts

(181) Roughing machine for Plastic Blocks

(182) Roughing machinery for upper or soles or insoles

(183) Rubber sole direct vulcanising press (DVP construction)

(184) Satra Plan and Knife search

98[(185) Scissors type and nibbling type machines for plates]

Old[(185) Scissors Cutting machine for plate]

(186) Scouring and Blending machine

(187) Screwing machine

(188) Seam Ironing machine

(189) Sectioning machine

(190) Sewing machine Cylinder Bed

(191) Sewing Machine for Ruffled Work and Genuine Mocassin

(192) Sewing Machine Zig Zag Flat Bed

(193) Shank / Sole / Counter reducing machine

(194) Shank Rivetting machine

(195) Shears for cutting pattern

(196) Shears for Iron Bars

(197) Side Lasting machine

(198) Sidewall Roughing machine

(199) Skiving machine

(200) Slike Fastener Fatigue Tester

(201) Snap fasteners fixing machine with or without dies therefor

(202) Sole / Heel / Seat Roughing machine

(203) Sole Edge Recessing / Shapping machine

(204) Sole Levelling machine

(205) Sole Stamping / Embossing machine

(206) Soling Material Abrasion machine

(207) Spiral Cutting machine/ Cutting Press


(208) Spray Booths

(209) Stamping machine for Upper / Lining / Socks

(210) Steam Toe Press

(211) Stich Marking machine

(212) Strap / Strip Cutting machine

(213) Strap Folding machine

(214) Stretching and drying machine with or without conveyor and toggles

(215) String Lasting machine

(216) Strobel type stitching machine

(217) Studs Attaching machine

(218) Suit Case Stitching machine

(219) Tack heel seat lasting machine

(220) Tack Lasting machine

(221) Tack Side lasting machine

(222) Tanning and colouring drums

98[(223) Taping and seam rubbing machine]

Old[(223) Tapping and seam rubbing machine]

(224) Testing Equipments, namely :- Flexometer / Upper material flexing machine, Tensometer / Lastometer, Permeometer / Upper leather water proofness tester, Penetrometer / Bottom Leather water penetration machine, Finish rub fastness tester, Upper leather abrasion resistance machine, Dome plasticity apparatus, Finish fleat resistance tester, Adhesion of finish tester, Leather shrinkage temperature determination apparatus, Wrinklometer, Bottom Leather grain crack tester, Electronic moisture meter, Dyeing and fumbling machine for laboratory, fibre board flexing machine, State of cure apparatus, Ross Flexing machines, Soling materials abrasion machine, Heel fatigue tester, Heel impact tester, Centilever tensiometer, Viewing box for assessing visible damage, Slide fastener fatigue tester, Insole backparts stiffness tester, shoe flexing machine, Break / pipness scale, Sole Adhesion tester, Safety Footwear impact tester, Rapid tear tester, Needle holding jig, Shoe lace adhesion machine

(225) Thermo cementing and folding machine

(226) Toe Cap Applicator Thermoplastic

(227) Top Lift Slugging machine (228) Transfer Arm

(229) Trimming/milling machine with or without polishing device

(230) Twin Needle, needle feedlock stitch sewing machine

(231) Twin Sole Attaching machine

(232) Two Needle Lock Stitching machine

(233) Unlasting machine

(234) Upper Cementing machine

(235) Upper Edge Inking machine

(236) Upper Embossing machine

(237) Upper Folding machine

(238) Upper Forming machine

(239) Upper Perforating machine

(240) Upper Reinforcing machine

(241) Upper Seam Rubbing / Beating machine

(242) Vaccum Drying machine

(243) Vaccum forming machine for last with vaccum pump

(244) Vice for holding pattern

(245) Vision Lasting System for Toe Lasting machine

(246) Vulcanizing Press

(247) Welt (Rand) Attaching machine

(248) Aquamix for use in Tanning industry

(249) Prodomix for use in Tanning industry

(250) Microtan / Computan for use in Tanning industry

(251) Pneumatic press for engraving and marking

(252) Pneumatic staple gun for stapling insoles, heels and uppers

98[(253) Stapling machine for bows to uppers of leather shoes]

Old[(253) Stapling machine for lows to upper on leather shoes]

(254) Lighting assessment cabinet (for checking colour under different light conditions)

(255) CAD/CAM equipment for shoe desgining and pattern engineering including software

98[(256) Bias tape cutting machine]

Old[(256) Bistep cutting machine]

(257) Spiking machine

(258) Airhood with grinder

(259) Sock liner press

(260) Box folding machine

(261) Outsole plates

98[(262) Dust collector and exhaust systems]

Old[(262) Dust collector systems]

(263) Shoe box making machine

(264) Splitting machine (fitted with electronic and computer devices, etc.)

(265) Moulds for footwear

"(266) Colouring/painting machines for soles and heels

(267) High frequency welding/cutting machines for uppers and insoles

(268) Degreasing/ cleaning machine for polyurethane soles (269) Strap fitting machine

(270) R P box strapping machine (271) Dies for canvas shoes

(272) Dies for soles and straps for footwear

S.No. 265 has been substituted and S.No. 266 to  272 has been inserted vide notification no. 11/2005 dated 1-3-2005.

List 35 (See S. No.283 of the Table)

(A) Wireless Apparatus and accessories -

(1) HF, VHF, or UHF transreceiver (combination of transmitter and receiver) meant for amateur frequencies with accessories in assembled or kit form

(2) VHF/VHF or VHF/UHF Repeater (combination of transmitter and receiver) meant for amateur frequencies with accessories in assembled or kit form

(3) Transvertor for amateur frequencies in assembled or kit form

(4) Grid Dip Oscillator, Radio Frequency Interference Filter, Balun Transformer, SWR bridge or reflectometer, Morse reader or Noise bridge

(5) Antenna with or without feeders/Antenna rotators for amateur frequencies

(6) Digital Frequency counter (upto 600 MHz) with accessories

(B) Parts -

(1) Transistors, diodes, integrated circuits/ chips, thermionic valves or vaccum tubes

(2) Toroidal cores, quartz crystals, relays, rotatory switches, ferrite beads

(3) Variable condensers, air-dielectric type

(4) Precision capacitors (fixed type) value (s) between 1pF to 5000 pF

(5) Spare nicad cells or pack, as required or used with thermionic valves or vaccum tubes or toroidal cores (in the case of hand held transreceiver)

(6) Slow motion tuning mechanism with or without dials.

List 36(See S. No 359 of the Table)




115Omitted[List 37 (See S. No. 363 of the Table)

(1) Australia Antigen RIA kit

# New “[(2) Cardiac catheters with guidewires]

Old [(2) Cardiac catheters with guidewires; Coronary Stents and coronary stent systems for use with cardiac catheters]

(3) Clips for aneurysms and clips applying forceps in Neuro-Surgery

(4) Cardio vascular sutures, including sternum steel sutures

(5) Cardiovascular special instruments, namely:- (i) Coronary perfusion cannulae (ii) Electrical or gas operated sternal cutter (iii) High pressure stop cocks and connectors for pressure recording (iv) Vascular bull-dog clamps (v) Vascular clamps (vi) Vascular needle holders (vii) Vascular scissors straight or angled (viii) Vascular tissue forceps

(6) Compressed air breathing apparatus complete

(7) D.C. Defibrillators for internal use and pace makers

(8) Laryngeal Mask / Endotracheal Tube

(9) Haemodialysors

(10) Heart lung machine

(11) Heart valve prothesis including valve frames

(12) Nebulized humidifier

(13) Hydrocephalus shunts

(14) Hyper-baric oxygen chamber

(15) Fogarty and embolectomy catheters

(16) Implantable cardiac pacemakers

(17) Intra-arterial catheters and guidewires and material for intervention radiology

(18) Intra-cardiac patches

(19) Nebulizers (excluding ultrasonic nebulizers and heat nebulizers)

(20) Omayya reservoirs for intraventicular investigation / therapy

(21) Operating sets for Percutaneous Nephrostomy and Percutaneous removal of kidney stones with continuous irrigation and suction with ultrasonic Lithotrite, etc.

(22) Ostomy products (Appliances) for managing Colostomy, Illcostomy, Ureterostomy, Illeal Conduit Urostomy Stoma cases such as bags, belts, adhesives seals or discs or rolls adhesive remover, skin barriers micropore surgical tapes, bag closing clamps karaya seals paste or powder, irrigation sets, plastic or rubber faceplates, flanges, male or female urinary incontinency sets, skin gels, in parts or sets

(23) Oxygenator

(24) Plastic disposable 3-way connectors

(25) Portable intermittent positive, pressure breathing apparatus

(26) Pulmoflator

(27) Respirators including ventimeters

(28) Sengstaken tubes

(29) Tracheostomy tubes

(30) Ventilator used with anaesthesia apparatus

(31) Vascular grafts

(32) Tracheostomy tube of plain PVC, Low pressure PVC, Red Rubber Plain, and Red Rubber cuffed

(33) Various types of Cardiac Catheters including balloon tipped, double Lumen and PTCA catheters, balloon dilatation catheters and Endomyocardial biopsy forceps

(34) Disposable and non-disposable cannula for aorta, vena cavae and similar veins and blood vessels and cannula for intra-corporal spaces

(35) Programmer for pacemaker

(36) Ancillaries for blood component therapy required for the treatment of cancer, namely, Y type blood solution recipient set, Transfer pack 1000 ml. and 300 ml., disposable pherasis bowl 225 ml. and 373 ml., wasting harness with bypass, and waste bags

(37) AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) test kits, Enhanced luminescene analysers for AIDS, Hepatitis and other Analyses

(38) Iridium wire

(39) Anti-HLA sera (AB-CDR)

(40) T.P.H.A. Kits and AIDS diagnostic kits

(41) Gamma knife

(42) Bone Marrow Transplant Equipment including silastic long standing intravenous catheters for Chemotherapy

(43) Cell Separator

(44) Pressure Transducer and Pressure Amplifier

(45) Cell Saver

(46) Craniotome (Pneumatic and Electric Equipment) and Drills

(47) Binocular Loupes

(48) Intra Aortic Balloon Pump

(49) Remote After Loading Brachy Therapy Equipment

(51) Dosimetry System

(52) Cell Saver Equipment

(53) Cell Washer

(54) Thawer Equipment for Blood Warming

(55) Mammography Unit

(56) O2 Concentrator

(57) Ventricular Assist Device

(58) Pace Maker

(59) Activated Clot Time Machine

(60) Cobalt Therapy Unit

(61) Colour Doppler Ultrasound Scanner

(62) SPECT Gamma Camera

(63) Deep Therapy Unit

(64) Cardiac and Vascular Angiography System including Digital substraction Angiography

(65) Pulse Oximeter

(66) Blood Gas Analyser (including cartridges, if any), Sodium Potassium Analyser, Auto Analyser for enzymes, drug levels and bio-chemical investigations, or a combination of two or more of the aforesaid

(67) Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator

(68) Intra Cranial Pressure Monitoring Equipment

(69) Radio Therapy Simulator

(70) Treatment Planning System

(71) Angiography Contrast Agent

(72) Image Intensifier

(73) Magnetic Resonance Imaging System

(74) Surgical Laser

(75) Electro Hydraulic Operating Table for Cardio Throacic and Neuro Surgery

(76) Implants for pain relief and bladder control

(77) Artificial electronics larynx instruments

(78) Ventilators other than those used with anaesthesia

(79) Digital Video EEG System

(80) Omitted

(81) Small portable pumps used for giving slow infusion of anti-cancer drugs or thalassaemic drugs

(82) Fibre optic endoscopes including , Paediatric resectoscope / audit resectoscope, Peritoneoscopes, Arthoscope, Microlaryngoscope, Fibreoptic Flexible Nasal Pharyngo Bronchoscope, Fibreoptic Flexible Laryngo Brochoscope , Video Laryngo Brochoscope and Video Oesophago Gastroscope, Stroboscope, Fibreoptic Flexible Oesophago Gastroscope.

(84) Fully Implantable and programmable Infusion Pump

(85) Neuro Stimulation Systems for pain management

(86) Devices and accessories for beating heart surgery (Tissue stabilizer and heart positioner)

(87) Micro-Electrode Recording System for deep brain stimulation surgery

(88) Cardiac Ablation System including Radio frequency ablation system

(89) Ruthenium-106 Ophthalmic Applicator

(90) Neuro Stimulator and theraphy controller for tremor control therapy

(91) Image Guidance System for neurosurgery (during operation)

*(92) Helical/Spiral C.T. Scanner with or without Laser Cameraî;

(93) Centrifugal Pump for extra corporeal system

(94) Automated blood culture/bacteriological identification and susceptibility systems (including that for mycobacterium tuberculosis)

(95) Peripheral Stents (flexible bridge stents including iliac stent, renal stent, aortic stent)

(96) Activated Clotting time Cartridges

(97) Insulin Pump

(98) Intra Coronary Shunts.

*(99) Positron emission tomography (PET)
*(100) PEC-CT combined
*(101) Medical cyclotron
*(102) Urine chemistry analyzer
*(103) Radio frequency lesion generator (Neurogenerator) for stereotactic brain lesioning for functional neurosurgery
*(104) Teletherapy (Radiotherapy) simulator machine
*(105) Automated PCR analyzer system for detection and monitoring of HIV viral load (PCR Kits)
*(106) Flow cytometer hematology analyzer for CD4 count
*(107) I. V. Line Filters
(108) Multi-slice/EBT CT scan
*(109) Leucocyte and platelets depletion filters for thalassaemia patients
*(110) Rapid diagnostic kit for detecting infection with malarial parasite
*(111) Linear acceleratorî;

# Substituted vide Notification No. 28/2006-Cus., dt. 20/3/2006


*this items has been amended and inserted by notification no. 7(3)/2004 dated 8-1-2004.


List 38 (See S. No. 367 of the Table)

Ophthalmic equipment, namely :-

(1) Ophthalmoscope-Direct/Indirect (2) Ophthalmic/Xenon Arc

(3) Flurescein Angiography Equipment including Fundus Camera (4) Ultrasonic Equipment (A scan/ Pacchy meter) (5) Microsurgical needles, cannulas, blades, trephine blades, membrane peelers, diathermy probes, vitreous cutters, atraumatic needles and sutures, intraocular scissors and forceps (6) Tonometer (Schiotz/ Applanation / Pneumo) (7) Retinoscope streak/ spot (8) Operating glasses (2X, 4X, 6X)/ Binomag (9) Gonioscope, 3 mirror lens, special lenses for laser delivery, special diagnostic lenses (14D, 20D, 90D), Endo lens

(10) Sterilisers (high speed / ethylene) (11) Specular microscope with monitor and recorder

(12) Intraocular lenses/ Keratoprosthesis / orbital implants (13) Diathermy equipment (14) Synoptophore (15) Silicone Sponges/ rubber / bands, for Retinal Detachment Surgery (16) Vitrectomy equipment (17) Phaco-emulsification system (18) Visual field recording equipment (19) Ocular electro physiological testing equipment [Electroretinography / Electroculography / Visually evoked response equipment (ERG/EOG and VER)]

(20) Keratometer / Automatic Keratometer (21) Prism bars (22) Laser Interferometer (23) Pacchymeter - optical / electronic (24) Aspiration - irrigation equipment

(25) Automatic refractometer or lensometer / projection lensometer or a combination of the aforesaid (26) Complete refraction unit with phoropter / projection - chart (27) Ophthalmic hydraulic chair (28) Low visual aids and sets (telescopic glasses) (29) Colour vision testing equipment (30) Photoelectric keratoscope and thermokeratoscope (31) Pseudo-isochromatic chart book / Ishiare

(32) Slit lamp biomicroscope / photo slit lamp (33) Surgical operating zoom microscope with closed circuit TV camera (34) Surgical operating microscope manual (35) Argon / krypton laser (36) Yag laser, excimer laser or diode laser

(37) Ultrasonic bi-microscope
*(38) Confocal microscope
(39) AB scan
*(40) Corneal topographic machine
*(41) Perimeter automated
*(42) Non contact tonometer
*(43) Nerve fibre layer analyzer
*(44) Fundus fluorescein angiography machine (digital with videography)
*(45) Optical coherence tomography machine
*(46) Photo dynamic therapy-laser
*(47) Transpupillary thermo therapy laserî;


*this items has been inserted by notification no. 7(3)/2004 dated 8-1-2004.


List 39 (See S. No.368 of the Table)

ENT equipment, namely :-

(1) Otoscope

(2) Impedance Audiometer

(3) BERA (Brain Evoked Response Audiometry)

(4) Speech Audiometer

(5) Surgical Operating Microscope

(6) Fresnel’s glasses

(7) Magnifying Operating Glasses (Magnifying Loupes)

(8) Microsurgical instruments for all Ear surgeries

(9) Sialistic sheet used for Tympanoplasty operations


(10) Sinoscopes 00 , 300 , 700 , 1200 (2.6 mm and 4 mm diameter)

(11) Instruments for Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

(12) CCD Camera, Monitor, VCR to fit with Sinoscopes

(13) Cochlear Implants and equipment for performing Cochlear

(14) Voice Prostheses

(15) Blom Singer Voice Prostheses

(16) Electronic Larynx

(17) Sigel’s Speculum

(18) Microlaryngeal instruments

(19) Video Processor

(20) Video Cassette Recorders used along with the Video Endoscope

(21) ENT Burrs

List 40 (See S. No. 369 of the Table)]

(1) 12 (+/- 1) mm Laparoscope (Single incision)

(2) Falope Ring - applicator single incision (for two rings) and procedure instruction manual, kit containing guide and loader and cleaning brush

(3) 12 (+/- 1) mm Trocar (including piston type) with spare washers for sleeve and canulae and cleaning brush

(4) Fibre Optic Light Cable

(5) Bulbs, fuse lamps, Adapter for Fibre Optic Light Cable/Laparoscope

(6) Carbondioxide (CO2) cylinder with pneumoperitoneum apparatus

(7) Light Source

(8) Machine for Gas Insufflator with Gas Tubing Spare Carbondioxide (CO2) Hose Pipe and a Gauge

(9) Dual incision applicator Two rings

(10) Trocal and Cannula 6-8 mm with valves gas stopcock

(11) Probe 34-37 cm

(12) Verres Needle (4" and 51/2")

(13) Minilight source with accessories consisting of :-

(a) 6 volts rechargeable battery

(b) AC battery charger

(c) AC power supplier 220 volts

(d) Inter-connection assembly

(e) Convertor

(14) Falope Rings

(15) 6-8 mm Laparoscope (double puncture)

(16) Scissors 34-37 cm

(17) Suction Cannula 34-37 cm



(A) Item Nos.(6), (7) and (8) may be imported separately or in combinations as dual control assembly.

(B) Item Nos. (1) and (2) may be separate or in combination, when in combination, it is called Laparocator.


List 41 (See S. No. 370 of the Table)

(A) (1) Braille writers and braille writing instruments

(2) Hand writing equipment Braille Frames, Slates, Writing Guides, Script Writing Guides, Styli, Braille Erasers

(3) Canes, Electronic aids like the Sonic Guide

(4) Optical, Environmental Sensors

(5) Arithmetic aids like the Taylor Frame (arithmetic and algebra types), Cubarythm, Speaking or Braille calculator

(6) Geometrical aids like combined Graph and Mathematical Demonstration Board, Braille Protractors, Scales, Compasses and Spar Wheels


(7) Electronic measuring equipment, such as calipers, micrometers, comparators, gauges, gauge blocks Levels, Rules, Rulers and Yardsticks

(8) Drafting, Drawing aids, tactile displays

(9) Specially adapted clocks and watches

(B) (1) Orthopaedic appliances falling under heading No.90.21 of the First Schedule

(2) Wheel chairs falling under heading No. 87.13 of the First Schedule

(C) Artificial electronic larynx and spares thereof

(D) Artificial electronic ear (Cochlear implant)

(E)  (1) Talking books (in the form of cassettes, discs or other sound reproductions) and large-print books, braille embossers, talking calculators, talking thermometers

(2) Equipment for the mechanical or the computerized production of braille and recorded material such as braille computer terminals and displays, electronic braille, transfer and pressing machines and stereo typing machines

(3) Braille paper for the production of braille books

(4) All tangible appliances including articles, instruments, apparatus, specially designed for use by the blind

(5) Aids for improving mobility of the blind such as electronic orientation and obstacle detection appliance and white canes

(6) Technical aids for education, rehabilitation, vocational training and employment of the blind such as braille typewriters, braille watches, teaching and learning aids, games and other instruments and vocational aids specifically adapted for use of the blind

(7) Assistive listening devices, audiometers

(8) External catheters, special jelly cushions to prevent bed sores, stair lift, urine collection bags

(9) Instruments and implants for severely physically handicapped patients and joints replacement and spinal instruments and implants including bone cement;

List 42 (See S. No. 400 of the Table)




List 43 (See S. No. 401 of the Table)

  1. Tarapur Atomic Power Plants –3 and 4 (Maharashtra) – 1000 MW

  2. Kudankulam (Tamil Nadu) – 2000 MW

  3. Kaiga – 3 and 4 (Karnataka) – 440 MW

  4. 109[(4) Rajasthan Atomic Power Project- Units 5 and 6 (Rawatbhata) - 440 MW, Units -7 and 8 (Rawatbhata) of 1400MWe] Old[Rajasthan Atomic Power Project - Units 5 and 6 (Rawatbhata) - 440 MW]

  5. Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (Kalpakkam) - 500 MW.

  6. 110[Kakrapar Atomic Power Project-Units 3 and 4 (Kakrapar) of 1400 MWe.]

List 44 (See S. No. 424 of the Table)

1. 765 KV Transformers;
2. 765 KV Reactor;
3. 765 KV Circuit Breaker;
4. 765 KV Isolators;
5. 765 KV Current Transformer;
6. 765 KV Capacity Voltage Transformer;
7. 765 KV Surge Arrestors;
8. INVAR/ACSS Conductor for high temperature application;
63[(9) 765 KV Polymer Long Rod Insulators.]

Old[9. Polymer Long Rod Insulators;]
10. Emergency Restoration System (ERS) for extra-high voltage transmission Line;
11. Overhead Optical Ground Wire (OPGW), including hardware and accessories such as Vibration Damper, Joint Box, Suspension and tenslon clamps;
12. High Voltage DC Divider and CT;
13. High Voltage DC Reactor;
14. High TRV Circuit Breaker for High Voltage DC application;
15. Protective Spark Gap and Damping Equipment for Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC)/ Fixed Series Compensator (FSC);
16. Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC)/ Fixed Series Compensator (FSC) MOV for Series Compensation;
17. Optical Current Transformer;
18. 400 KV Extra High Voltage Cables;
19. Gas Insulated Switchgear equipment for 220 KV and above;
20. Thermo Vision Camera;
21. On-line Puncture insulator detector;
22. Hot line Kits and Tools for transmission line live maintenance;
23. Hot line washing equipment for insulators.


List  45  (See S. No. 425 of the Table)


Textile machinery for man-made fibre and yarn industry:-

(1) Machinery for continuous polymerization plant:

(a) Polymerizing equipment, including esterification reactor, vapor separator, pre-polymerization reactor, polymerization reactor, static mixers, polymer pumps and automatic chipping system; pre-­polyester pumps, spray condensers, probe assemblies, vacuum pumps, vacuum equipment such as ejectors, jacketed valves and jacketed control valves, pre-poly filters, mechanical seals and cooling system of polymerization reactors.

(b) Slurry and additive preparation system, such as high shear agitators, mill feed pumps, filters and injection systems for additive and slurry pumps

(c) HTM (Heat Transfer Medium) and heating system HTM pumps;

(d) PTA conveying system, including container unloading platform and rotary feeders;

(e) Polymer transfer line equipment, including polymer coolers and jacketed polymer pumps; tandem drives on-line master batch and additive injection system;

(f) Solid state polymerization equipment, including pre-crystalliser, crystalliser and  rotary feeders;

(g) Process control equipment, including viscosity measuring equipment (Viscometer) and, Distributed control system;

(h) Atomic absorption spectrometer, X-ray fluorescence spectrometer;

(i) Extraction tower with accessories like centrifugal dehydrator and blower;

(j) Chip conveying system and accessories like blowers, filters and rotary and screw feeders;

(k) Solid State polymerization system including blowers and nitrogen plant;

(l) Crushing and melting system for caprolactum;

(m) V.K. Tube;

(n) Screw Feeder;

(o) Centrifugal dehydrator;

(p) Drying Tower;

(q) Circulating Blower;

(r) Fuel Oil Bowler;

(2) Machinery for synthetic fibre plant :

(a) Spinning equipment, including manifold spinning beams, pre-heating ovens and finish applicators;

(b) Polymer transfer line, including extruder, color blender and continuous polymer filter (CPF) polymer valves;

(c ) Draw-off equipment, including take-up equipment, thread cutters and aspirators, spin defect detectors, draw off unit, tow guide equipment, lace-up or suction gun and tow suction unit traversing unit;

(d) Draw line (Fibre line), including creel, tow guide stand, draw frames, drawing bath, heat set calender/thermosetting/annealer unit, tow assembler, draw-off unit, tensiometer roll, steam box, crimping machine, spray box, tow guide system, cable dryer, tow cutter and grinding machine and tow cutter reels;

(e) Hydraulic baling press, strapping machine, dock levelers and automatic bale handling equipment;

(f) Process control equipment, including precision anemometer, thermo-hygrograph, aspiration psychrometer, ultrasonic cleaning unit, spinneret inspection system, infrared pyrometer, optical temperature measuring instrument pack cleaning equipment with hydrolysis and vacuum pryolysism and pack press;

(g) Textile laboratory equipment for fibre testing, including favimat, fafegraph HR, coring machine, stereo microscope, crimper tester, fibre shrinkage tester, refractometer, conductivity meter;

(3) Machinery for synthetic filament yarn plant :

(a) Spinning equipment, including manifold, spinning beams and pre-heating ovens;

(b) Polymer transfer line, including extruder, color blender and continuous polymer filter (CPF);

(c) Take-up equipment, including take-up frames, oil application unit, godet rollers, yarn guides, thread cutters and aspirators, lace-up/suction gun, take-up and draw winders;

(d) Packing and automation equipment, including automatic doffers, automatic bobbin storage and handling system;

(e) Draw texturising machine, including creel, intermingling jets, ceramic guides, doffers;

(f) Textile laboratory equipment for yarn testing, including automatic tensile tester, projection microscope, denier skein reel, entanglement tester, denier auto count, dynafil, uster tester, online finish checking instrument.

(4) Other capital goods  for synthetic fibre/yarn industry:

(a) Spin draw winding machine;

(b) Spindles;

(c) Yarn guides;

(d) PSM Rings;

(e) Ballon Control Rings;

(f) Travellers;

(g) Extruders;

(h) Extruder barrel;

(i) Online filamentation detector;

(5) Machinery for Regular/HWM Viscose Staple Fibre Plant:

(a) Sintered Filer Media;

(b) Automatic High Speed centrifugal separator;

(c) Fibre production lines;

(d) Fibre Cutter;

(e) Fibre Dryer;

(f) Pneumatic Fiber Fidders;

(g) Baling Press;

(h) Plate Heat exchanger;

(i) Graphite heat exchanger;

(j) Neno filtration plant;

(6) Machinery for Lyocell Fiber Plant:

(a) High viscosity handling equipment including pulper;

(b) Reactor for cellulose dissolution;

(c) Thin film evaporator with accessories;

(d) Spinning module;

(e) Air quenching systems and associated control systems;

(f) Fiber washing and treatment machines;

(g) Baling Press;

(7) Process and quality control equipment for artificial man-made cellulosic fibre/yarn industry:

(a) Robotic Fiber sampler;

(b) Spectrophotometers for fiber color evaluation;

(c) Automatic absorption spectrophotometer;

(d) X-ray phloroscence spectrometer;

(e) Automated oil pick up analyzer;

(f) Automated titrator;

(g) Textile laboratory equipment for testing of fiber properties such as denier, tenacity, elongaton, spinning fault, UV value and microscope with fibre imaging system;

(8) Omitted

(9) Omitted

(10) Machinery for Viscose Rayon Filament Yarn/ Rayon Tyre Yarn:

(a) Twin rolls press;

(b) Ageing Drum Hopper;

(c) Blowers and Fans for Alkali Cellulose Transport system;

(d) Slorry Pumps including VFDs;

(e) Automatic Pulp handling system;

(f) Simplex/Churn;

(g) Plate and Frame Filter Press;

(h) Viscose Pumps (Gear/Screw Pumps including VFDs);

(i) Evaporator;

(j) Heat Exchager- Hastalloy Plate  and Frame Type;

(k) Crystallizer;

(l) Vacuum System - Ejectors, Boosters, Vacuum Pump and Vacuum Filter;

(m) Auto bagging and weighing system;

(n) Sand Filters;

(o) Centrifugal Pumps including VFDs;

(p) Pot Spinning Machine;

(q) Spinning Pots and Pot Motors;

(r) Metering Gear Pumps for Viscose;

(s) Automatic cake wrapping system;

(t) Air Splicer for Knotting Yarn;

(u) Automation for Cone Weighing and Cone Doffing;

(v) Auto Cone Packing and Palletizing;

(w) Environment Monitoring like Gas Monitors for Carbon-di-Sulfide (CS2), Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Sulfur Dioxide (SO2);

(x) BOD and COD Monitors;

(y) Textile Laboratory Equipment for Yarn testing namely, Universal Computerised automatic Tensile Tester and Denier Tester;

(z) Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometer.

(11) Other machinery for man made fibre and yarn industry:


(i) Pulp slurry with automatic slurry control systems

(ii) Alkali CelIulose Cooler-Fluidized with automatic temperature control

(iii) Press Lye Filter

(iv) Xanthator with automation

(v) Rough and Fine Grinders for Viscose

(vi) Viscose Filters

(vii) Viscose deaerators

(viii) Color slurry injection pumps

(ix) Slurry homogeniser system       .

(x) After treatment line for washing fibre, conveying of fibre and chemical treatment

(xi) After treatment chemicals filtration system

(xii) Pneumatic fibre squeezing system

(xiii) Wet fibre opener

(xiv) Dry fibre opener

(xv) Online fibre contamination and removal system

(xvi) Automatic bale handling system

(xvii) Bale inspection system

(xviii) Automatic candle filters for spin bath filtration

(xix) Dry condensing system for low pressure vapour removal in evaporators, crystallisers and viscose deaerators

(xx) Low temperature multi effect distilIation (LT-MED) system and mechanical vapour compression for effluent treatment by water desalination process

(xxi) Electrical protecting devices and relays falIing under tariff item 8536 49 00

(xxii) Flame proof motors falling under tariff item 8536 90 90

(xxiii) Process monitoring and control equipment falling under tariff item 8538 10 10

(xxiv) Distributed control system falIing under tariff item 8537 10 10

(xxv) Precision gear pumps for highly viscous polymers

(xxvi) Hydraulic screen changing type continuous filters for viscous polymers

(xxvii) Static mixers for high viscosity polymers

(xxviii) High pressure stainless steel micro spinnerettes (less than 80 micron hole size) for high viscosity polymers

(xxix) High efficiency fibre dryer for lyocell fibres

(xxx) High capacity fibre openers suited for lyocell fibres

(xxxi) Solvent purification system including ion exchange and membrane based systems

falling under tariff item 8445 19 30

(xxxii) Energy efficient multi staged evaporators/distillation columns for solvent recovery

falling under tariff item 8445 19 30

(xxxiii) Open end spinning machine

(xxxiv) Autoconer

(xxxv) Uster Tensorapid

(xxxvi) Positive rapier loom

(xxxvii) Jacquard


List 46 (See S. No. 426 of the Table)


(A) Sewing machines with in-bllilt motors, falling under tariff item 84522900

(B) Machinery for garment sector, namely:-

(1) Garment sand blasting or brushing machine;

(2) Hook and bar ma- chine;

(3) Hydro-extractor machine;

(4) Garment washing machine falling under tariff item 8450 20 00;

(5) Waistband attaching machine;

(6) Label or tag inserting machine;

(7) Profile cutting machine;

8) End cutter with cloth press track;

(9) Collar point trimmer/gear knotcher machine;

(10) Laser colour fading/marking/drawing machine;

(11) Laser operated colour spraying machine for garments;

(12) Needle detector machine;

(13) Fusing machine;

(14) Fabric laying machine;

(15) Computerised cutting machine

(C) Machinery for manufacture of technical textiles, namely:-

(1) Precision coating heads (2) Turret winder and unwinders (3) Coating equipment for scrim fabrics (4) Multi-colour roto gravure printing machine for coated fabrics (5) Printing equipment for sineage for coated or laminated fabrics (6) Grommet fixing machine (7) Ultra sonic, hot air and wedge RF /laser poly- metric sealing machine (8) Weatherometer (9) Automatic thickness gauze

(10) Puncture resistance.

(11) Twisting Machines

 (12) Material Handling system for Twisting Machines

 (13) Data capture system for Twisting Machines

 (14) Balancing Equipment for Cable Corder Spindle Motors

 (15) Shuttle-less looms

 (16) Reeds for weaving machines

 (17) Warp defects detection system

 (18)  Parts for Airjet weaving machines

 (19)  Parts for projectile weaving machines

 (20)  Parts for Rapier weaving machines

 (21) Warp knotting system

 (22) Take up system for weaving machine

 (23) Creels for weaving machines

 (24) Package change system for creels

 (25) Process control equipment namely, Tension meters, On-line denier checking system, On-line twist checking system, On-line EDS monitoring system, Filamentation detector, Fluff Detector, Automatic Fabric Inspection System, Tacho-meters

 (26) Storage and Transport systems namely, Automated fabric transport system and Automated fabric packing system

 (27) Finishing Machines namely, Dipping Machine for Tyre Cord/industrial Fabrics, Coating Machines, Dipping Machine for beting duck, Stenter for Technical Textiles, Embossing Rollers, Parts and Accessories for Dip and coating units, Hydraulic Control for Accumulator, Dynamic Braking for Pull Rolls System, De-webber system, Burners with Controllers

 (28) Testing equipment, namely, Tensile Tester, Thermal Shrinkage Tester, Twist Tester, Fatigue Tester

(D) Woollen machinery items, namely:-

(1)  Automatic Hopper Feeder

(2)  Greasy Wool Opener

(3)  Tow-to-Top Converter

(4)  Automatic/Semi-Automatic Pump Press

(5)  Ring frame with 50 mm Ring or below PLC/Computer controlled

(6)  PLC/ Computer Controller Assembly Winding machine

(7)  PLC/ Computer controlled Two- for Twister/Three-for-one Twister

(8)  Twisting /covering machine for Lycra Yarn

(9)  Automatic cleaning machine for Heald, Reeds and drop wires.

(10) Electric/ Electronic/ motorized beam trolley with Harness lifting arrangement.

(11) Open Width scouring machine/Rope scouring machine

(12) Damping unit for fabric conditioning

(13) Automatic Weft straightener

(14) Shearing machine

(15) Continuous crabbing machine

(16) Wollen  ring frame

(17) Fibre/Yarn/Fabric testing equipment namely, Fineness meter, Evenness Tester, Light Fastness Tester, Strength Tester, Length Measurement Tester, Crease Recovery Tester, Projection Microscope, Pilling and Abrasion Tester, Colour Comparator for instant observation of matched shades, Yarn friction and Hairiness meter and Seam Slippage Tester.

(18) Rag tearing machine

(19) Fibre opening and blending machine

(20) Self Acting spinning frame

(21) Raising machine

(E) Machinery for use with shuttleless looms, namely, electronic dobby and jacquard.

(F) Machinery for manufacture of denim fabrics, namely:-

    (1) Sand blasting or brushing machine

    (2) Washing machine falling under tariff item 8450 20 00

(G) Machinery for manufacture of non-wovens textiles, namely:- 

    (1) Complete production lines for the production of following non-wovens, up to rolled goods preparation and packing, namely:

      (a) Needle punched non-wovens

      (b) Chemically bonded non-wovens

      (c) Thermally bonded non-wovens

      (d) Stitch bond non-wovens

      (e) Spun laced (hydro entangled) non-wovens

      (f) Spun bonded non-wovens

      (g) Melt blown non-wovens

      (h) Spun bond melt blown (SMS) non-wovens

    (2) Machinery for finishing of all non-wovens

    (3) Machinery for converting non-wovens into made-ups

(H) Other machinery for use in textiles industry, namely:-

    (1)Spandex/elastane yarn attachment on ring frame for manufacturing core spun yarn

    (2) Single end warping machine

    (3) Single end sizing machine

    (4) Reaching-in machine

    (5) Humidification plant

 [Notification No. 21/2002-Cus" dated 1-3-2002 as amended by Notifications No, 36/2002-Cus., dated 3-4-2002; No. 37/2002-Cus., dated 11-4-2002; No. 48/2002-Cus., dated 22-4-2002; No. 52/2002-Cus., dated 13-5-2002; No. 54/2002-Cus., dated 22-5-2002; No. 63/2002- Cus., dated 18-6-2002; No. 67/2002-Cus., dated 3-7-2002; No. 72/2002-Cus" dated 23-7-2002; No. 83/2002-Cus., dated 14-8-2002; No. 84/2002-Cus., dated 19-8-2002; No. 93/2002-Cus., dated 6-9- 2002; No.114/2002-Cus., dated 16-10-2002; No. 115/2002-Cus" dated 17-10-2002; No. 130/2002-Cus., dated 20-11-2002; No. 131/2002-Cus., dated 28-11-2002; No. 136/2002-Cus" dated 9-12-2002; No. 140/2002-Cus" dated 23-12-2002; 144/2002-Cus., dated 31-12-2002; 4/2003-Cus.; dated 3-1-2003; No. 15/2003-Cus., dated 21-1-2003, No. 26/2003-Cus., dated 1-3-2003, No. 58/2003 dated 1.4.2003, No. 62/2003 dated 1.4.2003, No. 67/2003 dated 30-4-03, No. 110/2003 dated 17-07-2003, No. 175/2003 dated 10-12-2003.]

List 47 ( See S.No.439 of the Table)


1.                   Scramblers

2.                   Descramblers

3.                   Encoders

4.                   Decoders

5.                   Jammers

6.                   Network firewalls

7.                   Network sniffers, scanners and monitoring systems

8.                   Probes for data monitoring

9.                   SMS and MMS monitoring systemsî.

*List 47 has been inserted by notification no. 7(3)/2004 dated 8-1-2004.

Note : This notification has been amended vide notification no. 66/2004 dated 9-7-2004.

37Omitted[ List 48 (See S.No. 504 of the Table) ]

I. DC motors [maximum power kW /rpm-5.8 kW (S2 rating/3900)];

2. DC series motor of capacity 5.46 kW;

3. Separately excited DC traction motor of capacity 20 HP;

4. Electronic MOSFET sepex controller;

5. DC brushless battery fan;

6. Contactor (battery voltage to electronic chopper controller)

$ [OmittedList 49 (See S.No 499 of the Table)

I. Ginning and Pressing Machinery


Sawings or double roller gins with auto feeder.




Lint cleaner


Mechanical/pneumatic conveyer system for carrying Kapas


Mechanical/Pneumatic conveyer system for carrying lint


Bale press


Conveyor system for seeds




Fire fighting system


HVI for cotton testing


Spinning Preparatory and Spinning Machinery


High speed combers capable of running upto 400 nips per minute


High speed lap formers ( comber preparatory machine) capable of running upto 100 MPM with/without automatic grain adjuster and parts and accessories therof.


High production draw-frame with delievery speed upto 800 meters/minute with autoleveller


Speed frame with less than 1500 r.p.m with inbuilt stretch control


Blow room line for processing man made fibres and cotton with automatic bale Plucker with production capacity of 1500 to 2000 Kg per hour.


Weaving Preparatory and Weaving Machinery


Plain loom and automatic loom with shuttle insertion


Rapier shuttleless loom with insertion rate upto 700 meter per minute


Garmenting machinery


 Industrial sewing machines with less than 3000 stitches per minute


 General washing machines




Hydro Extractors


Steam iron tables


Fabric inspection machine”,]

$ Omitted vide Notification 11/2006-Cus., dtd. 1/3/2006. (List no. 48 and 49 has been inserted vide notification no. 11/2005 dated 1-3-2005.) 

List 50 (See Sr.No.509 of the Table)
    1. Breadcrumbs
    2. Batter
    3. Flavouring Oil
    4. Food Colours
    5. Monosodium Glutamate
    6. Flavouring extracts, and sauces
    7. Pre-formed HIPS Containers
    8. Polyurethane and Polystyrene containers meeting buyers’ requirements
    9. Printed Plastic Pouches for Packing buyers brand
    10. Food grade Phosphates
    11. Food tenderizers
    12. Food enzymes

    Food marinates > 


    Starch (Wheat/non-wheat)/Pre-gelatinized Starch




    Sodium Chloride


    Seasoning Salts/acids such as sodium carbonate, potassium
    hydrogen tartrate


    Oleoresins/spice extract


    Natural Edible gum


    Anti-oxidants, BHT/EDTA/Sod, or Pot.Metabisulphite


    Soya protein


    Citric Acid




    Seasoning Oil


    Gel Ice (for air freighting chilled fish)


    Fats/Hydrogenated oils


    Milk Protein


    Reducing Sugars, such as lactose


    Lecithin (emulsifier)




    Pre-formed Crystallised Polyethylene Terephthalate (CPET) containers


    Ascorbic Acid


    Sodium Citrate


    Acid Sodium Carbonate (Sodium bicarbonate)


    Sodium Sulfite


    Active Oxygen]

(Listno. 50 has been inserted vide notification no. 47/2005 dated 17-5-2005.) 

1 Refer Notification No. 11/2006-Cus. dated 1/3/2006

2 Refer Notification No. 26/2003-Cus. dated 1/3/2003

3 Refer Notification No. 66/2004-Cus. dated 9/7/2004

4 Substituted vide Notification No. 42/2006-Cus Dated 5-05-2006

5 Inserted vide Notification No. 42/2006-Cus Dated 5-05-2006

6 Inserted vide Notification No. 47/2006 Cus. Dated. 24/05/2006

7 Substituted vide Notification No. 49/2006 Cus. Dated. 26/5/2006

8 Inserted vide Notification No. 53/2006 Cus., Dated 31/5/2006

9. Substituted vide Notification No. 55/2006 Dated 6/6/2006

10. Inserted vide Notification No. 57/2006-Cus Dated 6/8/2006

11. Inserted vide Notification No. 59/2006 Dated 14/6/2006

12. Amended vide Notification No. 60/2006-Cus Dated 15/6/2006

13. Amended vide Notification No. 62/2006-Cus Dated 20/6/2006

14. Inserted vide Notification No. 63/2006-Cus, Dated 23/6/2006

15. Inserted vide Notification No. 66/2006-Cus Dated 28/6/2006

16. Inserted vide Notification No. 71/2006-Cus Dated 6/7/2006

17. Inserted vide Notification No. 76/2006-Cus Dated 20/7/2006

18  Substituted vide Notification No. 80/2006-Cus Dated 11/8/2006

21 Substituted vide Notification No. 83/2006-Cus Dated 28/8/2006

19 Inserted vide Notification No. 92/2006-Cus Dated 6/9/2006

20 Amended  vide Notification No. 97/2006-Cus Dated 9/9/2006

22. Inserted vide  Notification No. 104/2006-Cus Dated 5/10/2006

23. Substituted vide Notification No. 111/2006-Cus. Dated 23/10/2006

24. Inserted vide Notification No. 114/2006-Cus Dated 28/11/2006

25. Substituted vide Notification No. 115/2006-Cus Dated 4/12/2006

26. Substituted vide Notification No. 116/2006-Cus Dated 14/12/2006

27. Substituted vide Notification No. 119/2006-Cus Dated 21/12/2006

28. Omitted vide Notification No. 120/2006 Dated 22/12/2006

29. Substituted vide Notification No. 129/2006-Cus Dated 30/12/2006

30. Inserted vide Notification No. 129/2006-Cus Dated 30/12/2006

31. Inserted vide Notification No. 6/2007-Cus Dated 22/1/2007

32. Substituted vide Notification No. 6/2007-Cus Dated 22/1/2007

33. Omitted vide Notification No. 6/2007-Cus Dated 22/1/2007

34. Substituted vide Notification No. 8/2007-Cus Dated 24/1/2007

35. Inserted vide Notification No. 8/2007-Cus Dated 24/1/2007

36. Substituted vide Notification No. 9/2007-Cus Dated 25/1/2007

37. Amended vide Notification No. 20/2007-Cus Dated 1/3/2007

38. Substituted vide Notification No. 36/2007-Cus Dated 2/3/2007

39. Inserted vide Notification No. 36/2007-Cus Dated 2/3/2007

40. Substituted vide Notification No. 37/2007-Cus Dated 7/3/2007

41. Substituted vide Notification No. 42/2007-Cus Dated 20/3/2007

42. Omitted vide Notification No. 52/2007-Cus Dated 30/3/2007

43. Inserted vide Notification No. 52/2007-Cus Dated 30/3/2007

44. Substituted vide Notification No. 53/2007-Cus Dated 3/4/2007

45. Substituted vide Notification No. 58/2007-Cus Dated 13/4/2007

46. Inserted vide Notification No. 54/2007-Cus Dated 11/4/2007

47. Substituted vide Notification No. 54/2007-Cus Dated 11/4/2007

48. Substituted vide Notification No. 61/2007-Cus Dated 3/5/2007

49. Inserted vide Notification No. 61/2007-Cus Dated 3/5/2007

50. Substituted vide Notification No. 71/2007-Cus Dated 14/5/2007

51. Inserted vide Notification No. 73/2007-Cus Dated 21/5/2007

52. Substituted vide Notification No. 73/2007-Cus Dated 21/5/2007

53. Inserted vide Notification No. 87/2007-Cus Dated 23/7/2007

54. Vide Corrigendum Dated 25/7/2007 to Notification No. 87/2007-Cus

55. Substituted vide Notification No. 91/2007-Cus Dated 2/8/2007

56. Substituted vide Notification No. 93/2007-Cus Dated 8/8/2007

57. Substituted vide Notification No. 115/2007-Cus Dated 29/11/2007

58. Inserted vide Notification No. 115/2007-Cus Dated 29/11/2007

59. Inserted vide Notification No. 122/2007-Cus Dated 26/12/2007

60. Omitted vide Notification No. 123/2007-Cus Dated 31/12/2007

61. Substituted vide Notification No. 13/2008-Cus Dated 24/1/2008

62. Inserted vide Notification No. 13/2008-Cus Dated 24/1/2008

63. Substituted vide Notification No. 21/2008-Cus Dated 1/3/2008

64. Inserted vide Notification No. 21/2008-Cus Dated 1/3/2008

65. Omitted vide Notification No. 21/2008-Cus Dated 1/3/2008

66. Re-numbered vide Notification No. 21/2008-Cus Dated 1/3/2008

67. Inserted vide Notification No. 37/2008-Cus Dated 20/3/2008 w.e.f. 21/3/2008

68. Substituted vide Notification No. 37/2008-Cus Dated 20/3/2008 w.e.f. 21/3/2008

69.  Inserted vide Notification No. 42/2008-Cus Dated 1/4/2008

70. Substituted vide Notification No. 42/2008-Cus Dated 1/4/2008

71. Substituted vide Notification No. 56/2008-Cus Dated 28/4/2008

72. Inserted vide Notification No. 56/2008-Cus Dated 28/4/2008

73. Inserted vide Notification No. 62/2008-Cus Dated 6/5/2008

74. Inserted vide Notification No. 71/2008-Cus Dated 26/5/2008

75. Omitted vide Notification No. 74/2008-Cus Dated 4/6/2008

76. Inserted vide Notification No. 74/2008-Cus Dated 4/6/2008

77. Substituted vide Notification No. 74/2008-Cus Dated 4/6/2008

78. Substituted vide Notification No. 95/2008-Cus Dated 4/8/2008

79. Inserted vide Notification No. 110/2008-Cus Dated 22/10/2008

80. Substituted vide Notification No. 110/2008-Cus Dated 22/10/2008

81. Inserted vide Notification No. 119/2008-Cus Dated 31/10/2008

82. Substituted vide Notification No. 119/2008-Cus Dated 31/10/2008

83. Inserted vide Notification No. 120/2008-Cus Dated 4/11/2008

84. Inserted vide Notification No. 84/2008-Cus Dated 8/7/2008

85. Substituted vide Notification No. 122/2008-Cus Dated 18/11/2008

86. Inserted vide Notification No. 128/2008-Cus Dated 7/12/2008

87. Substituted vide Notification No. 128/2008-Cus Dated 7/12/2008

88. Substituted vide Notification No. 2/2009-Cus Dated 2/1/2009

89. Omitted vide Notification No. 2/2009-Cus Dated 2/1/2009

90. Substituted vide Notification No. 11/2009-Cus (NT) Dated 3/2/2009

91. Substituted vide Notification No. 12/2009-Cus Dated 10/2/2009

92. Substituted vide Notification No. 13/2009-Cus Dated 11/2/2009

93. Omitted vide Notification No. 20/2009-Cus Dated 24/2/2009

94. Substituted vide Notification No. 20/2009-Cus Dated 24/2/2009

95. Substituted vide Notification No. 27/2009-Cus Dated 24/3/2009

96. Substituted vide Notification No. 28/2009-Cus Dated 26/3/2009

97. Inserted vide Notification No. 36/2009-Cus Dated 17/4/2009

98. Substituted vide Notification No. 77/2009-Cus Dated 7/7/2009

99. Inserted vide Notification No. 77/2009-Cus Dated 7/7/2009

100. Omitted vide Notification No. 77/2009-Cus Dated 7/7/2009

101. Substituted vide Notification No. 84/2009-Cus Dated 15/07/2009

102. Inserted vide Notification No. 84/2009-Cus Dated 15/07/2009

103. Omitted vide Notification No. 84/2009-Cus Dated 15/07/2009

104. Inserted vide Notification No. 118/2009-Cus Dated 14/10/2009

105. Substituted vide Notification No. 125/2009-Cus Dated 11/11/2009

106. Substituted vide Notification No. 126/2009-Cus Dated 27/11/2009

107. Substituted vide Notification No. 137/2009-Cus Dated 11/12/2009

108. Inserted vide Notification No. 137/2009-Cus Dated 11/12/2009

109. Substituted vide Notification No. 3/2010-Cus Dated 13/1/2010

110. Inserted vide Notification No. 3/2010-Cus Dated 13/1/2010

111. Substituted vide Notification No. 8/2010-Cus Dated 8/2/2010

112. Inserted vide Notification No. 9/2010-Cus Dated 11/2/2010

113. Substituted vide Second Schedule Finance Bill 2010

114. Inserted vide Notification No. 21/2010-Cus Dated 27/2/2010

115. Omitted vide Notification No. 21/2010-Cus Dated 27/2/2010

116. Substituted vide Notification No. 21/2010-Cus Dated 27/2/2010

117. Substituted vide Notification No. 33/2010-Cus Dated 12/3/2010

118. Inserted vide Notification No. 33/2010-Cus Dated 12/3/2010

119. Substituted vide Notification No. 40/2010-Cus Dated 31/3/2010

120. Inserted vide Notification No. 40/2010-Cus Dated 31/3/2010

121. Substituted vide Notification No. 41/2010-Cus Dated 1/4/2010

122. Substituted vide Notification No. 54/2010-Cus Dated 29/04/2010

123.  Inserted vide Notification No. 54/2010-Cus Dated 29/04/2010

124. Substituted vide Notification No. 69/2010-Cus Dated 23/6/2010

125. Inserted vide Notification No. 80/2010-Cus Dated 10/8/2010

126. Corrected vide Corrigendum to Notification No. 80/2010-Cus

127. Substituted vide Notification No. 89/2010-Cus Dated 01/09/2010

128. Substituted vide Notification No. 91/2010-Cus Dated 06/09/2010

129. Substituted vide Notification No. 102/2010-Cus Dated 1/10/2010

130. Substituted vide Notification No. 127/2010-Cus Dated 21/12/2010

131. Inserted vide Notification No. 127/2010-Cus Dated 21/12/2010

132. Inserted Vide Notification No. 128/2010-Cus Dated 22/12/2010

133. Inserted Vide Notification No. 2/2011-Cus Dated 8/1/2011

134. Substituted Vide Notification No. 4/2011-Cus Dated 27/1/2011

135. Substituted Vide Notification No. 21/2011-Cus Dated 1/3/2011

136. Inserted Vide Notification No. 21/2011-Cus Dated 1/3/2011

137. Omitted vide Notification No. 21/2011-Cus Dated 1/3/2011

138. Inserted vide Notification No. 31/2011-Cus Dated 24/03/2011

139. Substituted vide Notification No. 31/2011-Cus Dated 24/03/2011

140. Inserted vide Notification No. 34/2011-Cus Dated 15/04/2011

141. Inserted vide Notification No. 39/2011-Cus Dated 10/05/2011

142. Inserted vide Notification No. 52/2011-Cus Dated 25/06/2011

143. Substituted vide Notification No. 52/2011-Cus Dated 25/06/2011

144. Inserted vide Notification No. 54/2011-Cus Dated 01/07/2011

145. Inserted vide Notification No. 55/2011-Cus Dated 05/07/2011

146. Substituted vide Notification No. 59/2011-Cus Dated 13/07/2011

147. Substituted vide Notification No. 63/2011-Cus Dated 19/07/2011

148. Inserted vide Notification No. 65/2011-Cus Dated 21/07/2011

149. Omitted vide Notification No. 77/2011-Cus Dated 17/08/2011

150. Substituted vide Notification No. 77/2011-Cus Dated 17/08/2011

151. Substituted vide Notification No. 78/2011-Cus Dated 19/08/2011

152. Substituted vide Notification No. 84/2011-Cus Dated 01/09/2011

153. Inserted vide Notification No. 97/2011-Cus Dated 13/10/2011

154. Substituted vide Notification No. 101/2011-Cus Dated 17/11/2011

155. Substituted vide Notification No. 120/2011-Cus Dated 30/12/2011

156. Substituted vide Notification No. 1/2012-Cus Dated 16/01/2012

157. Inserted vide Notification No. 4/2012-Cus Dated 17/01/2012


as amended by [Notification Nos. 36/2002-Cus. dated 3-4-2002; 37/2002-Cus., dated 11-4-2002; 48/2002-Cus., dated 22-4-2002; 52/2002-Cus., dated 13-5-2002; 54/2002-Cus., dated 22-5-2002; 63/2002-Cus., dated 18-6-2002; 67/2002-Cus., dated 3-7-2002; 72/2002-Cus., dated 23-7-2002; 83/2002-Cus., 14-8-2002; 84/2002-Cus., dated 19-8-2002; 93/2002-Cus., dated 6-9-2002; 114/2002-Cus., dated 16-10-2002; 115/2002-Cus., dated 17-10-2002; 130/2002-Cus., dated 20-11-2002; 131/2002-Cus., dated 28-11-2002; 136/2002-Cus., dated 9-12-2002; 140/2002-Cus., dated 23-12-2002; 144/2002-Cus., dated 31-12-2002; 4/2003-Cus., dated 3-1-2003; 15/2003-Cus., dated 21-1-2003; 26/2003-Cus., dated 1-3-2003; 58/2003-Cus., dated 1-4-2003; 62/2003-Cus., dated 1-4-2003; 66/2003-Cus., dated 4-4-2003;  67/2003-Cus., dated 30-4-2003; 86/2003-Cus., dated 28-5-2003; 95/2003-Cus., dated 24-6-2003; 110/2003-Cus., dated 17-7-2003, 111/2003-Cus., dated 17-7-2003; 118/2003-Cus., dated 29-7-2003; 120/2003-Cus., dated 1-8-2003; 135/2003-Cus.,  dated 28-8-2003; 138/2003-Cus., dated 5-9-2003; 154/2003-Cus., dated 20-10-2003; 155/2003-Cus., dated 20-10-2003; 160/2003-Cus., dated 24-10-2003; 161/2003-Cus., dated 4-11-2003; 164/2003-Cus., dated 11-11-2003; 174/2003-Cus., dated 4-12-2003; 175/2003-Cus., dated 10-12-2003; 3/2004-Cus., dated 7-1-2004; 7/2004-Cus., dated 8-1-2004, 18/2004-Cus., dated 12-1-2004; 20/2004-Cus., dated 16-1-2004; 24/2004-Cus., dated 21-1-2004; 26/2004-Cus., dated 22-1-2004; 28/2004-Cus., dated 23-1-2004; 29/2004-Cus., dated 28-1-2004; 32/2004-Cus., dated 30-1-2004; 38/2004-Cus., dated 24-2-2004; 39/2004-Cus., dated 26-2-2004; 44/2004-Cus., dated 28-2-2004; 66/2004-Cus., dated 9-7-2004; 77/2004-Cus., dated 26-7-2004; 88/2004-Cus., dated 18-8-2004; 83/2004-Cus., dated 20-8-2004; 86/2004-Cus., dated 3-9-2004; 89/2004-Cus., dated 8-9-2004; 103/2004-Cus., 30-9-2004; 112/2004-Cus., dated 19-11-2004; 119/2004-Cus., dated 31-12-2004; 7/2005-Cus., dated 4-2-2005; 9/2005-Cus., dated 15-2-2005; 11/2005-Cus., dated 1-3-2005; 26/2005-Cus., dated 2-3-2005; 29/2005-Cus., dated 11-3-2005; 37/2005-Cus., dated 2-5-2005; 47/2005-Cus., dated 17-5-2005; 65/2005-Cus., dated 12-7-2005; 71/2005-Cus., dated 20-7-2005; 88/2005-Cus., dated 30-9-2005; 11/2006-Cus., dated 1-3-2006, 21/2006-Cus., dated 28-2-2006, 28/2006-Cus. dated 20-3-2006, 34/2006-Cus., dated 17-4-2006, 42/2006-Cus dated 5-5-2006, 47/2006-Cus. dated 24-5-06, 49/2006-Cus. dated 26-5-2006, 53/2006-Cus. dated 31-5-2006, 55/2006 Dated 6/6/2006 , 57/2006 Dated 8/6/2006, 59/2006 Dated 14/6/2006,  60/2006 dated 15/06/2006, 60/2006 Dated 20/6/2006, 63/2006-Cus dated 23/06/2006, 66/2006-Cus Dated 28/6/2006, 71/2006-Cus Dt. 6/7/2006, 76/2006/-Cus Dt. 20/7/2006, 80/2006-Cus Dt. 11/8/2006, 83/2006-Cus Dt 28/8/2006, 92/2006-Cus Dt 6/9/2006, 97/2006-Cus Dt 9/9/2006, 104/2006-Cus Dt 5/10/2006, 111/2006-Cus Dt 23/10/2006, 114/2006-Cus Dated 28/11/2006, 115/2006-Cus Dated 4/12/2006, 116/2006-Cus Dated 14/12/2006, 119/2006-Cus, Dt. 21/12/2006, 120/2006-Cus Dt. 22/12/2006, 129/2006-Cus Dt. 30/12/2006, 6/2007-Cus Dt. 22/1/2007, 8/2007-Cus dt. 24/1/2007,  9/2007-Cus dt. 25/1/2007, 20/2007-Cus dt. 1/3/2007, 36/2007-Cus dt 2/3/2007, 37/2007-Cus dt 7/3/2007, 42/2007-Cus dt 20/3/2007, 52/2007-Cus dt 30/3/2007, 53/2007-Cus dt 3/4/2007, 54/2007-Cus dt 11/4/2007, 58/2007-Cus dt. 13/4/2007, 61/2007-Cus dt 3/5/2007, 71/2007-Cus Dt 14/5/2007, 73/2007-Cus dt 21/5/2007, 87/2007-Cus dt. 23/7/2007, 91/2007-Cus dt. 2/8/2007, 93/2007-Cus dt. 8/8/2007, 115/2007-Cus Dated 29/11/2007, 122/2007-Cus dt. 26/12/2007, 123/2007-Cus dt. 31/12/2007 13/2008-Cus dt. 24/1/08, 21/2008-Cus dt. 1/3/2008, 37/2008-Cus dt 20/3/2008, 56/2008-Cus dt. 28/4/2008, 71/2008-Cus dt 26/5/2008, 74/2008-Cus dt 4/6/2008, 84/2007-Cus dt 8/7/2008, 95/2008-Cus dt 4/8/2008, 110/2008-Cus dt. 22/10/2008, 119/2008-Cus dt. 31/10/2008, 120/2008-Cus dt 4/11/2008 , 122/2008-Cus dt.18/11/2008 ,128/2008-Cus dt. 7/12/2008 ,2/2009-Cus dt. 2/1/2009 ,11/2009-Cus (NT) dt. 3/2/2009 ,12/2009-Cus dt.10/2/2009 ,13/2009-Cus dt. 11/2/2009 ,20/2009-Cus dt. 24/2/2009 ,27/2009-Cus dt. 24/3/2009 ,28/2009-Cus dt. 26/3/2009 ,36/2009-Cus dt.17/4/2009 ,84/2009-Cus dt. 15/7/2009, 118/2009-Cus dt. 14/10/2009 125/2009-Cus dt. 11/11/2009, 126/2009-Cus dt. 27/11/2009, 137/2009-Cus dt. 11/12/2009,  8/2010-Cus Dt. 8/2/2010,  9/2010-Cus Dt. 11/2/2010, 21/2010-Cus Dt. 27/3/2010,  33/2010-Cus Dt. 12/3/2010 , 40/2010-Cus Dt. 31/3/2010 , 41/2010-Cus Dt. 1/4/2010 ,54/2010-Cus Dt. 29/04/2010 ,69/2010-Cus dt. 23/6/2010,  80/2010-Cus Dt. 10/8/2010 ,89/2010-Cus Dt. 01/09/2010,  91/2010-Cus Dt. 06/09/2010, 102/2010-Cus Dt. 1/10/2010, 127/2010-Cus Dt. 21/12/2010, 128/2010-Cus Dt. 22/12/2010, 2/2011-Cus Dt. 8/1/2011, 4/2011-Cus Dt. 27/1/2011, 21/2011-Cus Dt. 1/3/2011, 31/2011-Cus Dt. 24/03/2011, 34/2011-Cus Dt. 15/04/2011, 39/2011-Cus Dt. 10/05/2011, 52/2011-Cus Dt. 25/6/2011, 54/2011-Cus Dt. 1/7/2011, 55/2011-Cus Dt. 5/7/2011, 59/2011-Cus dt. 13/7/2011, 63/2011-Cus dt. 19/7/2011, 65/2011-Cus Dt. 21/7/2011, 78/2011-Cus dt. 19/8/2011, 84/2011-Cus dt. 1/9/2011, 97/2011-Cus Dt. 13/10/2011, 101/2011-Cus dt. 17/11/2011, 120/2011-Cus Dt. 30/12/2011, 1/2012-Cus dt. 16/1/2012 and 4/2012-Cus Dt. 17/01/2012.]