Notification No. 104/95-Cus Dated 30-05-95
Exemption on items imported under Pass Book issued under Export and Import Policy.-
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the
Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962), the Central Government, being satisfied that it
is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby exempts goods imported into
India from
(i) the whole or the duty of Customs leviable thereon which is specified in the
First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975) and
(ii) the whole of the additional duty leviable thereon 1[under sub-sections (1), (3) and (5) of section 3]
OLD[under section 3] of the
said Customs Tariff Act where specifically claimed by the importer, subject to
the following conditions, namely :-
(1) That the importer has been issued a Pass Book by the designated
authority under paragraph 54 of the Export and Import Policy (hereinafter
referred to as the said Pass Book).
(2) The importer has been permitted credit entries of the amounts equal to
basic /customs duties on the inputs used in the products exported by the
importer as verified by an Assistant Commissioner of Customs or Deputy
Commissioner of Customs;
Provided that credit shall not be allowed by the designated authority
in respect of goods exported under a claim or drawback or in discharge of
export obligation against a licence issued under Duty Exemption Scheme
contained in chapter VII of the Export and Import Policy or where export was
from a port or airport or Inland container Depot at Bombay, Nhava Sheva,
Calcutta (including the Land Customs Station at Petrapole), Madras or Delhi.
Provided further that such credit -
(i) shall be admissible only in respect of the import items (hereinafter
referred to as the inputs) which are specified with quantity restrictions
in the standard input-output norms published in the Handbook of
Procedures, Vol. II, by the Government of India in the Ministry of
Commerce Vide Public Notice No. 121(PN)/92-97, dated the 31st March, 1992,
as amended from time to time (hereinafter referred to as the said norms),
and which inputs are declared by the exporter to have been actually used
in the product exported;
(ii) shall be admissible only where the export product is declared and if
necessary proved to the satisfaction of the Assistant Commissioner of
Customs or Deputy Commissioner of Customs to have been manufactured out of
inputs of prime quality, except where the said norms allow import of scrap
or waste;
(iii) shall be allowed,-
(a) at the rate of customs duties chargeable under the First Schedule to
the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975) read with notifications, if
any, issued under section 25 of the said Customs Act on the inputs as if
the inputs were imported on the date on which the order permitting the
clearance and loading the Export product was made by the proper officer
of the Customs under section 51 of the said Customs Act;
(b) where duties of customs are chargeable on any input by reference to
its value, such value shall be determined by proceeding sequentially
through the following methods, namely : -
(I) the value shall be deemed to be the price at which the same or
similar inputs, known to be usable in the export product were Imported
at the place of exportation of such export product within 90 days
prior to such export, or
(II) the price at which inputs of like kind were imported anywhere in
India within 180 days prior to the export by the pass book holder
himself or by any other person, or
(III) the price at which such inputs were exported from India within
90 days prior to the date of exports; or
(IV) the price published in a contemporary reputed journal which
regularly publishes international prices of such inputs; or
(V) the price arrived at by following any other reasonable method
which the Assistant Commissioner of Customs or Deputy Commissioner of
Customs may deem fit.
(iv) shall not be allowed in case the total value of inputs in respect of
which credit is claimed exceeds 75% of the F.O.B. value of the products
exported, unless otherwise permitted by a general or special order by the
Director General of Foreign Trade, in the Ministry of Commerce, or any
other officer authorised by him.
(3) The said Pass Book is produced before the designated authority for debit
of the duties leviable on the goods but for exemption contained herein.
Provided that exemption from duty shall not be admissible if there is
insufficient credit in the said Pass Book for debiting the duty leviable on
the goods but for this exemption
(4) The said Pass Book shall be valid for credits by the designated
authority for two years from the date of issue thereof and any credit in the
said Pass Book if not utilised within three years from the date of this
issue shall lapse.
Provided that where the export has been effected upto and including,
31st March, 1997, and credit in the pass-book has not been granted, the
pass-book shall be valid for credit upto and including 31st March, 1999.
(5) The said Pass Book or the credit allowed therein shall not be
transferable to any other person.
(6) Where the importer does not claim exemption from the additional duty of
customs leviable 1[under sub-sections (1), (3) and (5) of section 3]
OLD[under section 3] of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of
1975), he shall be deemed not to have availed the exemption from the duty
specified in the First Schedule to the said Customs Tariff Act for the
purpose of calculation of the said additional duty of customs.
Explanation : "Export and Import Policy" means the Export and
Import Policy 1 April 1992 - 31 March 1997 (Revised Edition : March 1995)
published vide notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of
Commerce No. 1 (RE-95)/92-97 dated the 31st March, 1995.
1. Substituted Vide: Notification
No. 26/2017-Cus Dated 29/06/2017
as amended by Notification Nos. 155/95-Cus dt 27-10-1995, 33/96-Cus dt 19-6-1996, 81/96-Cus dt 23-10-1996, 24/97-Cus dt 6-3-1997 and 12/99-Cus dt 1-2-1999.