Instruction No.06/2022-Customs Dated 17/05/2022

Amendment in Export Policy of Wheat-

Kind attention is invited to Instruction No.05/2022-Customs dated 16.05.2022 on above subject, whereby it was requested to bring the contents of DGFT Notification No.06 No. 06/2015-2020 dated 13.05.2022 and the DGFT Trade Notice No.06/2022-2023 dated 14.05.2022, to the attention of all concerned for implementation.

2. The DGFT has further conveyed on 17.05.2022 as follows:

Please refer to the Notification No.06/2015-2020 dated 13th May, 2022 amending export policy of wheat from 'Free' to 'Prohibited'. In this regard, it has been decided that wherever wheat consignments have been handed over to Customs for examination and have been registered into their Systems on or prior to 13.5.2022, such consignments may also be allowed to be exported, as provided in Para 9.12 (B) of the Handbook of Procedure, 2015- 2020.

3. The field formations are advised to take the foregoing into account during implementation.

OSD (Customs IV)

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