Circular No. 06/ 2018-Customs Dated 16/03/2018
Refund of IGST un Export-EGM Error related cases-reg.-
IGST Refund module for exports is operational in ICES from 10.10.2017. The
module has an inbuilt procedure to automatically grant refund after validating
the Shipping Hill data available with Customs against the GST Returns data
available with GSTN. The procedure also returns error/response codes in case
there is any discrepancy. A number of representations have been received from
the stakeholders seeking resolution of various problems encountered in sanction
of refund of IGST paid on exports of goods. To address the problems related to
IGST refund. CBEC has already issued Circular No. 42/2017-Customs dated
07-11-2017 which highlighted the common error, and combination of errors that
hindered the sanction and disbursal of refund of IGS1 paid against exports. Vide
circular No. 5/2018-Customs dated 23.2.2018. an officer interface in case of
invoice mis-match errors, which accounted for the largest proportion of errors,
was introduced. The other main category of errors holding up the refunds in
Inland Container Depots (ICDs) is related to either non-filing of Export General
Manifest at the gateway port or information mis-match between local and gateway
2. As per Rule 96 of the CGST Rules 2017. the shipping hill filed by an exporter
shall be deemed to be an application for refund of integrated lax paid on the
goods exported out of India, once both the Export General Manifest (EGM) and
valid return in Form GSTR-3 or Form GSTR- 3B. as the ease may be. has been
filed. In other words, filing of EGM. apart from filing of shipping bill and
GSTR 3B is a mandatory requirement for processing refund claim, the Shipping
lines agents have been filing EGM electronically tor exports originating from
gateway ports. However, for cargo originating from ICDs. the Shipping
lines/agents were filing EGM in manual mode. Absence of electronic EGMs and
(heir integration with local EGMs has been ihc major obstacle in processing of
refund claims in the case of exports from ICDs.
3. In order to overcome this issue, the Shipping lines have been mandated to
include (he shipping bills originating from ICDs while filing the electronic
EGMs at the gateway ports. In cases where ihc EGMs have not incorporated the
shipping hills pertaining to ICDs. the Shipping line/agents have been asked to
file supplementary EGMs. While the Shipping line have been largely cooperative
in filing regular or supplementary EGMs for cargo originating from ICDs, there
are still many instances where no EGMs have been filed or EGMs have been filed
with errors. This is causing avoidable delay in processing of refund claims. The
jurisdictional officers at the gateway port may initiate swift penal action
against Shipping lines / agents who fail to file either regular or supplementary
EGMs electronically for the cargo originating from ICDs.
4. In order to ensure a hassle free processing of refund claims, the following
steps may be ensured by the jurisdictional officers in ICDs: (a) filing of local
EGM i.e train or truck summary, as the case may he. immediately alter cargo
leaves the port. (b) liaising with jurisdictional officers at gateway port, for
incorporation of Shipping Bills pertaining to the cargo originating in ICDs. in
the EGMs filed at gateway port by the Shipping line/agents (c) rectification of
errors in local and gateway EGM. wherever necessary.
5. The jurisdictional officers at the gatewa> port should strictly monitor the
EGM pendency and error reports available in ICES. The officers at the gateway
port have to resolve the EGM errors in an expeditious manner by asking the
Shipping lincs/agents to file requisite amendments and approving those
amendments on ICES. In cases, where there are errors cither in the shipping bill
or in the local EGM (i.e. truck or train summary), the remedial action has to be
taken by jurisdictional officer in ICD.
6. It has been observed that mis-match of information provided in local and
gateway EGM mainly occurs because of (i) incorrect gateway port code in local
EGM (error M). (ii) change in container for LCL cargo or mistakes committed
while entering container number (error C) (iii) incorrect count of containers
(error N). (iv) mistakes in entering the nature of cargo - LCL or FCL (error T),
(v) the let export order is given in ICES after sailing dale of the vessel
(error L). ICES has provision to correct all aforementioned errors. The
procedure to be followed for each type of error has been clearly delineated in
the step by step guide issued by the Directorate of Systems for dealing with the
errors. In case of specific difficulties, the same may be taken up with
Directorate of Systems.
7. There is a shared responsibility between officers working at ICDs and gateway
ports in ensuring an error free filing and integration of local and gateway EGMs.
The officers at both locations should also ensure swift rectification of errors
and effective coordination between the domestic carriers, who tile local EGMs,
and Shipping lines/agents, who file gateway EGMs. The error free tiling and
integration of EGMs is a pre-requisite for smooth processing of refunds.
Recognizing this necessary outreach ma> be done to sensitize domestic carriers
as well as Shipping lines agents with regard to due diligence that is required
in filing of EGMs and its critical importance in hassle free processing of IGST
8. Difficulties if any should be brought to the notice of the Bond.
9. Hindi version follows.
Yours faithfully
(Zubair Riaz)
Director (Customs)