CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004


10. Transfer of CENVAT credit.- 

(1) If a manufacturer of the final products shifts his factory to another site or the factory is transferred on account of change in ownership or on account of sale, merger, amalgamation, lease or transfer of the factory to a joint venture with the specific provision for transfer of liabilities of such factory, then, the manufacturer shall be allowed to transfer the CENVAT credit lying unutilized in his accounts to such transferred, sold, merged, leased or amalgamated factory.

(2) If a provider of output service shifts or transfers his business on account of change in ownership or on account of sale, merger, amalgamation, lease or transfer of the business to a joint venture with the specific provision for transfer of liabilities of such business, then, the provider of output service shall be allowed to transfer the CENVAT credit lying unutilized in his accounts to such transferred, sold, merged, leased or amalgamated business.

(3) The transfer of the CENVAT credit under sub-rules (1) and (2) shall be allowed only if the stock of inputs as such or in process, or the capital goods is also transferred along with the factory or business premises to the new site or ownership and the inputs, or capital goods, on which credit has been availed of are duly accounted for to the satisfaction of the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise or, as the case may be, the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise.

1[(4) Subject to the provisions contained in sub-rule (3), the transfer of the CENVAT Credit shall be allowed within a period of three months from the date of receipt of application by the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise or Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise, as the case may be: 

Provided that the period specified in this sub-rule may, on sufficient cause being shown and reasons to be recorded in writing, be extended by the Principal Commissioner of Central Excise or Commissioner of Central Excise, as the case may be, for a further period not exceeding six months.]

1 Inserted Vide Notification No. 4/2017- Central Excise (N.T.) Dated 02/02/2017


